#031 – Queer eye nostalgia alert/
- February 27, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Tuesday Feb 27 (Ep 31) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett.
Grooming, shaving your pubes and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is back.
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067 Email: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Josh’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/joshjanssen
Tommy’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/tommyjackett
Episode Tags
It's the daily talk show TJ these again yeah but it's day 31. yeah boy What is
that? 31 was I think my basketball number for a while 31 you You are a basketball guy Yep.
played for warriors all not all saints just signed a good advantage in you. I remember like saying kids guide I never play basketball wasn't my thing. Okay but I saw I can play it but I'm just yeah
40 guy I played
42 okay
I can't remember if I might send 50 games
love to Bena I love it achievements that you're pulling on as a 27 year old from when you were a child is
one like best on ground one he understands why the reason why why because it was like a round robin type of deal and they were all on I got my first goal ever yeah and it was just because because it was round robin they'll playing on small overall so I could actually run and I get to the end whereas I could move if I can run an entire overall and actually kick you go I played fully is a quick funny story before I get into something I want to talk a chat a I had a big hit and I kind of went down like a sec shit yeah
and my best man at the time he's dead with the runner and he ran a hat in fucking just to check those rides Tommy Tommy your manager knows it Mr it said
Where do you live I said was where do you leave says well what do you mean you know where I live he was trying to check if I was just announced he was a decade for asking
my we're playing a fucking game I'll tell you dad knows go ask him that that's my dad was a runner for my footy club and devils footy club and and he wasn't like a really fit guy he really got into it he wants swore at the Empire while he was playing around I got had to go to the tribunal.
td Yeah, it's one of those
and when I'm doing apparently like they know when I ended up rocking up to the tribunals so far. But regional? Oh, yeah. Exactly. 40. But that's funny. So many of those is
we pull on stuff from our childhood stories in the snow. Yeah. Well, that's the reality of it. Right? Because you you just your memories from the past. Yeah, that make up where you are today. But it's like, I feel there is a point where I want to move on. Yeah,
no, but I mean, like, literally had a friend say to me, she's like, I've never heard about what she's like, how do you might 27 just like, I've never heard of someone speak so much about their past. Like they, you know, that was a she was like, Yeah, she was like, I would assume that you were in school like a year ago.
Maybe because I feel like I'm well past the school stuff. And I feel like I've been I feel like I remember is the most like, affect me. Gotcha evolving. I like I feel like I came out of there. And I've moved into this this new space an adult and I almost feel nostalgic now, but I'm like, I don't that past stuff isn't makers. I think like you're when you're 18 when you leave school
and you've only been out of school for less than 10 years. Yeah. Which is such a small amount of time This came alive like you in school more than you are fucking you've been out of school and I was just such an outrageous kid to your brain. You're a big fan keyed now. Yeah.
I am a bit. Mia do you think? I think that's, like, conducive to creativity and just being a bit sort of, I can playful and I was hearing about creativity. It I think was Jordan Peterson was saying that. Like you're all about this Jordan Pederson guy, you describe him. He's like, as
a clinical psychologist, but he's a pioneer of free speech. And he's he for me, just makes a lot of logical sense approaching very serious topics. But he also as educated me on things require lie in discussions. So big topics that are talked about in headline media. Yeah, very, I guess polarizing. They spark people's
thoughts in a specific way that's driven by their agenda, or driven by what they think will do best for them. And so Jordan, he's very intelligent. So we unpacked things amazingly. Right. So any, any, make sure that you understand that there's layers to this conversation you hate when I talk in layers, though, don't you? Like, I hate when you I, you
know, I ladies are fine. But if you're you need to identify and not just run through layers, like because, you know, I do lie is constantly right. So, you know, we're talking about this,
so he's very intelligent. And I almost I mean to Georgia, not me. Yeah, I'm into listening to intelligent people. It's like, sort of a statement like, it makes me feel good, even though I don't fucking get it. Right. It's like, Have you listened to Sam Harris? Yeah.
Do you think Albert Einstein would have had a podcast? Yes, he definitely would have who would have been the Gary van der Chuck of like, could you just imagine fracking I can't even think of anyone
not you
know, great. He's Steve Jobs having a podcast, the startup show or he wants to talk him out. I bought a someone who actually knows what was I talking about? Why did I bring up Jordan pace? And before you took us on the creativity? Oh, yeah. And so you're saying that like you can pre determine someone's political stance left or right based on personality test. So creative people tend to lean towards the right really for it. Yeah, for specific fact I might be butchering that but either way it's because creative people any saying that
it might be the opposite it's not the point of what I'm trying to say it is a big point now it's no I was saying it's like it just your your personality tests can turn it to turn
life it because if you think about it, North sides pretty fucking creative and shit like that. Most people left sort of
okay it's not my point though. Okay, what I'm leading to is creativity and the struggles that people have and it's like money making money out of your creativity definitely left yeah and so it's like a fact I've lost it
guy you fucking confused me too much because I wasn't even going to try and specifically say which one that was even may being good like I was really being attentive and listening yeah
then there was an opening which I felt like was a good yeah time to talk but it clearly day right? Oh, do you get better at it? I guess I'm talking thing
off cancer
this time I code you can't do this podcast that's another first time it's amazing
how you can do fracking so rattle that you forget everything you're saying in the moment what right it was you do you think
ah in life. Like if you're on a job if you're doing a client job What did I have to say or do or what happens for you to be retold? I think if you were told that you doing the wrong thing or it's like it's not working yeah because then you start going into overdrive of fracking panicking
or a client that are something that's a very very technical but something that only like we should know can sometime we were you struggling if you actually try and talk about something as if you know it yeah
and my vision like shit that yeah when you
early days would have been new right like when you're fucking getting started on all the confidence that you'd have now on understanding it yeah if they're asking about aperture and share that the early days when you're fucking rockin what the fact is white balance
like white balance right you guys don't
need to look green yes it's the look it's the lingo that color grading fixing empower I can't tell you Mike it is a it's a five to I'm trying to think if I've I think you everyone I don't know if I've actively faked I think there's people who are just fucking bullshit is and they take fake it till you make it to literally so they're like okay I'm gonna bullshit my way through versus stopping that fucking bit of your brain which you're saying you're useless account you can't sort of
will definitely put the explicit tag on you say to me Yeah What do you say to me the other day you like
it was almost around Gary vay it's like everyone is making it up to a certain degree. You know, a lot of stuff. But you're also making it up because you don't know what the future holds
the execution right. And I think that what can happen is there are people who are who likes if we listen to a podcast, it's a bit shoot, you get a bit fucking annoyed because you like these factors don't know what they're doing. And there's something really annoying about people who aren't at the level that you want them to be at. And they're doing something because it sort of makes you question like maybe I should be doing it yeah
when you see someone who's almost having a bit of success or they doing in your life it's super inspiring Nothing's more like you
know yellowish comedy night and someone's really shit you think my fact I think if this ago it's like it's the same there's
plenty of people who have that thought but they couldn't actually do are they in so many people that would
assume that they could do something and then they actually do it and they realized that it's so much harder because you just looking at it from like this real sort of you think about filmmaking people like arts I can eat like you tell me this this and this and they fuck up their shadow or they they focus is fact or they lose a card like so many
elements you don't have to be the best to win
Ross on the best that wins. Like I had this conversation with someone the other day where it's like you know talking about someone that we want to sort of build up and they're like, you know this so smart they're so intelligent they just need to do X Y and Zed of my yeah but they're not doing x y&z and and that's the difference like I'm a bit of a dummy like I was shit at school I was like I wasn't not necessarily saying that I'm fucking anything now but there's factors who are way smarter than me who were doing why less I think it's almost a curse I think having that pressure of being really smart yeah like I couldn't I couldn't understand your lead like I couldn't fucking read properly for so long. I think I talked about that it took like to grind through when I worked out our fact Josh can actually read he's just been making shit up
telling stories. Yeah, it's not
the bookstore Exactly. Just fucking refund is probably available. But even
best people in the world like you know best business people in the world. Richard Branson dyslexic lot of these people have these issues that then help them with success versus if it's if you're this fucking smart person like you end up just fucking it's so overwhelming I'm gonna pull it away from getting into you're talking about success we always fucking go there
we all judge people right? Yeah,
I pick it up on it sometimes we're like if brain I have traffic lights and there's like people walking paths and before you know it we've spoken about seven of them and what they're wearing today that it's like I look at this but are well look at what she's wearing. Oh man That guy is he gonna burn up like all that stuff?
I definitely have but so I guess this is the old May as a kid was probably one of those fucking like punks that an adult would look at I would look at and guys a little punk thinking that and so I used to think like have you ever met someone that has like a legit nose hair like I'm not talking about inside everyone's got his inside no I'm talking about off the side of the nose not like a long hair no never not an exact man I've seen his like can
get like a big eyebrows like oh sometimes brush them up with a really long i think that that's like my friends I met you gotta be fucking kidding me and pull it out
it's I used to look at people with really large like long EAS coming out like
have the fac Do you
not know you got all that coming at your ear you're gonna hear me knows I used to be Jaggi like that thinking how do you not know like you're not
looking nose hairs and shipment like I
don't have a nice here but I can definitely have a bit of a coming along and I've got to the point where I look in the mirror I'm like
what the fuck it but it's been there for a little while and I'm my arm the fracking I I was the person that I was judging back then. And now here I am with fucking he can karma um I was a shaving my face in the shower I have to shave in the shower so I didn't leave hair everywhere and I was just like maybe I'm gonna give them a pubes a trim
so he ended up like I started off just sort of like a little bit further away from that like I didn't have anything to control sort of the link so I started off there wasn't one is this like a specific beach I know yeah but it just had like the one thing but I'm like if I just shave from above it like sort of giving it a bit of length but you I fucked it ends up just like fully shy
the weed out ready yet bold and bought. The weirdness of it is is I'm not used to it so it constantly feels like my flies on done I just feels I've got skin sort of touching my shorts like walking around constantly like feeling my fly we'd fracking feeling I know it is back in the fields We Have you
always been like what you guys do you think most guys would be trimming their pubes you got to think and majority of men and Manny curing themselves to certain degrees like I go to the gym and I say dude who bring their seen a lot of COC
yeah because at the gym I mean you save big cock yeah go come on. In we thing that's fine. And so I say doing the truth it's a dude's bringing like what he's called like a
bathroom bag or I don't even know I'm not fucking like a it's a bag that how the trees back I told the trees back and say this is saying I don't fucking have any of this shit and I've never been one to bring to the GMO toiletries why also
at Why do it at the Jet like why
Good night you don't know Jim culture the dudes can't go
you haven't seen that change right
that's that's gonna be that promo but the word starting promos today
saying the COC I'd say so don't go to the gym they get that have they're trying to have a shower and then get ready for work like some guys are full getting back into getting into a suit and so there's guys that like will do the bead and put lotion on their face and they put lotion a bead blow dry their hair then I'll fucking jail they had a pretty fucking
special gym that everyone is like brief I can hide it going there because everyone's got like a full face of makeup and yeah
i mean he's a to be saying places but a lot of these guys and just going off to work but I see them and I go fuck. That's not me. Like I'm so far from that. I chuckled my sheet in the bag. And I probably stink. And I'm like, I kind of want to be a bit more like that. But I don't have it in me to do it in such it like, but I think so. They'd be guys that sort of gravitate to ward many curing themselves and shaving their pubes. I do it
so I don't do the other manicure. So you just like shut like what's the tactic? Is it sort of do you do like what's that like a fade
fade of nearly fucking chat ripped my nuts open once
I almost I have you
ever every every cat. Yeah,
I can blame I kept my nuts a little bit last time. But the funny thing was that I then got scared so I've got lucky so
it really pronounces the hairy balls when you've saved everything else
this is really where to stop it's like all of a sudden you're like oh that's what it touches my leg before you know it you're like a nice you think there's an expectation wasn't an expectation I think there's definitely women seem to be having less it I think there's a perception that women should be buried down there right
yeah. decided i think
i think there's a movement against it right? Sure. But my point is if if girls from probably think the same right? You don't want some guy who's out of control? Yeah,
well, maybe they do. What do you reckon? I don't know. Well, I hadn't thought about it I've trimmed probably previously but I was just like my shaver is really good the third give it just give it a crack like I haven't felt pressure from my partner oh it's never which is sort of hurtful isn't it's like you don't care
the shock when brace or it
was awesome I like
yeah it was I am I sort of did an unveiling just while I just tried it might not a big deal about it and just sort of but
you had a robe and you have you your film lights on us so filing Look at this. It's Yeah,
I don't know the US. How do you trim your your fingernails and stuff? I bought them but
like here's the thing. I am a biter to the the right length and then I don't bite them. I'm not nervous by that. Well that's true but is that fucking a bit piggish? It isn't? Well, I think people say that it weakens your nails. I could probably ask
the guys at the gym. Amen. Hey, buddy. Do I? What's the what length of you got there on you pubes? I'm trying to measure it with my hand. Yeah,
I mean, it's a I mean, there's the obvious benefits of it looks bigger. and stuff as well. Yeah. Yeah.
Who's the facts doing that? Unless you just maybe it's single dude. Who
if you're in secure, I guess like the more you can do to sort of enhance the handset. Push it out. Talking about securing though. Queer Eye for the straight guy. You watched it? I haven't watched the new one. I followed them on Instagram. But they're back on Netflix. Yeah, I don't know. Anything else in that? Yeah,
I told you last night. The interesting thing is, they're not just styling straight, dude. Yeah, they sign it's like a push. Now. It's like, not just it's not just straight men that need styling. It's also the guys because they're not all Carson on it. Do we know
he was doing he was sort of the go to celeb for Melbourne Cup for a while there. Yeah. It'd be fucking connected with Maya actually. That was like, feels like why after fucking queer. I was going to the races. I worked late last night. And I run it. Thanks, man. That's it.
They I am he was watching Queer Eye the whole time that I was gone. She was laughing of the new one yet and you need to get on it. So I pretty sure that's Roger. Tell. Tell me. Well, you mentioned earlier on this podcast. Like
when I was a kid I would watch out for the stride guy non stop it
What did you do with the shirts? Yeah,
so I would take all the feedback on really really so there's a few things I remember
they might talk about shaving and I tried shaving before I had any
facial hair yeah
and I did the opposite of what you meant to do I sort of fact up what you meant to do and rather than like pulling your face so it's like nice and taught I did the opposite and scrunched my chin up or not but I've written so that's like no idea. The other thing that I did is I would always talk about moisturizer yes i'd be putting some moisturizer on my face and because you're a kid you get in fact an acne so just like fucking looping up my face and getting all of this acne but then my The best thing I took from Queer Eye for the straight guy were the shirts they would talk about that always have these fat counts on like you know what we've we've got a style that's really you to make you feel confident and it's going to just make you look a little bit thinner and they would use vertical stripes and best unless had the best vertical striped shirt range and I'll just I can buy them all and so there was a good portion of my childhood I'm talking like only 1314 where you know people would be going out that would go to fracking JJ is or something like that and that have that sort of that Metro esque style like bright purples with grains and what's easy ready for boardroom meeting I literally look like a corporate who's finished up for the day just like because with the open house a bit of a fucking weird you know but loved Queer Eye for the straight guy yeah but it does it does bring up the whole like keeping old fucking manicured and looking after yourself.
I respect it if that's if I can wait you go with the head but it's in terms of the moisturizers and all that shit I can't I've just got no capacity my brain to think about that. I did try
when Zoe foster Blake brought out her go bro to skincare wrote I bought some of that. And that was that it was actually do you wash your face? What? What do you do when you get in the shower? Water? wash my face. Do you really like making thing where you wash your face? If I remember it's really not a thing. Like for me. It's like leather up sort of you do your bits back and give it a rings. Yeah,
I'm I'm Sarah with the bits. Yeah, that's it. That's all it's all bits and my underarms. You
reckon the times that I really wash my underarms every fucking time I forget that. I've done it. I go out I'm like what the fuck is
like salads? You get to watch
it so um, but we need help from queer I I'm really trying to code for the straight guy anymore. Queer I
of course yeah make sense? Yeah.
But how often do you wash your hair fact my every time I get a haircut
good though. Because I got into the habit of washing my hair heaps. Yeah, and now after two days it's fucking oily and I need to wash it again. Yeah, it's a good thing to do not washing your hair all the time. Is it yet because it's cheap from clear Yeah, well it's all the natural oils and shit like that. But Queer Eye they would talk about like I remember fact I remember being a kid This is pray queer I nostalgia gorilla in the being in prep. I had a teacher Mr. Dance and who I fucking loved he played guitar and have this slicked back hair and so I would I remember ruining mums brush because I would get like a chunk of wax I had no sense of like how much you would use like mom would always say we made a five cent pace but I would literally like grab it with my hands like have a whole chunk of it put it in my head and and let you be able to see the whack it was so much whack so just like half a job in one guy that's like it back and I couldn't play guitar but I borrow my brother's guitar bring it school just fucking strum
yeah man I was such a week later I racy little mother
yeah I would real fucking real Gracie and on that the you know soaking the other day about clubs and how'd fucking do the check people
you know to footy? What do we do that on the show now you just tell me
Yeah. So I would. I was obsessed with creating
right shape the spreadsheet like attendance lists. So if people wanted to play footy that have to put their name on it and then I'd go through like say their name and I just
wanted to be the gatekeeper that had a bit of control left shift john
you he isn't and the funny thing is I'll get them to write their names down on the date and then read it out but that just written them down so of course they were there was just a bit of a power play but finally the one I was the only kid in school in primary school that was allowed to use the PA system so I used to be able to walk through you could go through the principal's office to access and like oh hi mr. Well I'd be like sin too
Sorry for the interruption could all year five students that's all you five cents again please make their way to the gym nation Tim gymnasium did you
actually know it's pretty it's pretty on it but fact I loved the path I went and spoke to because you do I reckon you are the person in my life that talks most about his past yeah as a kid when the facts that gonna stop I don't know you got it
like when you're 40 you got to talk about when you like hundred days that's what I was talking about you before it's like the it's something about like looking at the past if I have this this it will eventually be the past and we'll look at the finale of like remember like us just getting the coffees and fucking worry for a or if I went talk to kids from your school like what how much these memories align What do you think that we do this how about on my Facebook Today I'll ask people hey if you went to school with me Can you please tell me what you remember me will you put that out yeah
I'll do that I'll actually right i think so I was a pretty fucking outrageous kid that's how you're going to talk about on the podcast and if it's fine if the funny of the better
yeah the more real the better I think that we are We definitely have a bunch of them did you ever do the
things that you put in a fucking you put in a tube and then they put it under great the time capsule Did you do that with your school now probably left before they even said I
think we're just show up as it because I was just looking any chance to get the fuck out of the life. Because life starts when you finish school. It's true. It's a it's a mess when you're there because you're just trying to fucking survive and be you may be a little human. This weird world. Yeah. And so you come out of it. You having real interactions, people a treating you like a real human. That's what I like. I love getting all that for many reasons. And I hated it. Also many reasons. But it's like, I love the responsibility of the ownership. You can take over your own fucking life. Because when you're a kid, there's no ownership there. No other than do your homework. Don't tell me what to do. It's like, but when you're all this, like you got no option because you won't survive. If you don't do the right thing. Or Bray was asking me if we had a kid what I would like what sort of school and send them to my I haven't even thought about that. Yeah, yeah.
No more Chinese tracking. Think past school. starting school. Yeah, cuz I'm like, I don't wanna I don't want the bullshit of the private school shit. I want them to have some sort of grunge to them. Well, they focus on music and focus on one like Korea. Yeah, and there's a whole new school just opening up in world Liam's town which is specifically around like startup culture so they learned back in Agile I wonder what those kids are because the developers within startups can be little fuckers like their pains in the ass like they pre pre Madonna or is that like a sexist even know what prima donna means D Why bring it up if you that will prevent that you know I just naturally was gonna say prima donnas how does that mean I'm guessing that Madonna was a anyway anyway fucking yeah startup culture I feel like has the negative side to which is just like
I don't know like your Steiner was a person probably well yeah well yeah and so I looked into going to a Steiner school yeah as a kid and having your baby sleep with AP blankets or like without so their arms a free is like a method of Steiner interesting. It's a. So there's a lot of different methods of this. It's the stoner approach.
I just like the idea of like, not being fully into a curriculum like learning shit. But what I think should have happened with school is they should have said, okay, you learning this language. And this is connected into economics. And what's going to happen is you're gonna learn Mandarin. And then you're actually going to go over there, and you're going to be talking about business and you're gonna go into fucking factories. And like, I just think that this sort like the school that I went to, the teachers were literally just babysitting. They just weren't making sure that people weren't getting into punch ons, and no one was trying to stab anyone. That was literally like the job. And there was nothing. There was no big thinking there was no nothing like that. And I loved a lot of my teachers. That was the case me I cringe talking about school. Well, maybe we'll find it like, let's, let's try and not talk. Let's think about other nostalgia. I think when you think about I think about it a lot. But it's a because I just feel like little stories, right? It's got semi little stories. You bring them out from your adulthood. I mean, a lot the squeegee. one episode was high school still. Yeah,
it was. It was my adult fucking story. My last week story. Well, okay, let's finish up by Tell me a story from last week. Fact. See, I can't fucking remember
my long term memory. Maybe I've got a fucking great long term memory, short term memory, but also short term stuff you feel. Lynette right. So me saying about something that happened? Like we're still in it. It's not really you can't look at it. And like fuck ups aren't funny, funny things out this funny thing. It's
easy to talk about stuff in the past. Because it's not you who you are now. Yeah, you did when you talk it. I've said let's talk about our businesses Nila. Maybe it's too revealing. For people that are listening.
I think everyone is going through this learning. And it's the people who are acting like, they fucking know. It'll all like, hey, I've got a shit together. This is this is how you do it. It's like realities. Everyone's just fumbling through life. And some are just more optimal in some areas. But I think that what happens to us within all this realm of authenticity that people are trying to push, I think there's this like fake,
not fake authenticity. But as talking about say, specifically new want stuff within our business people will then like, take that and then try and apply it to this stuff where it's like, it is so fucking there's so many elements to everything that makes up all of these things that in isolated for us to be able to really give context with inside your business and where you're at. I just worried that people are like, our Well, that's like our fact Tommy did it and it's like button we can you can easily get all of these other sheets that you were going through all the other stuff. So we still go super selective.
So yeah, I think that every it's like how or anything like that. It's like
we literally the razor missed it.
But it's like the your point around think it's overthinking what other people are gonna think about what you were saying. No, I
don't think everyone I don't think that. What did you pay in taxes last year? Fuck. I don't know. We'll see. The thing is that like, I don't, I think there are some things where it's like you actually like to tell you. But it's a quarterly payment that I can't remember what it was. So the thing is, so I think my point is that there are certain things where it's like, I've been really transparent with people with stuff. And then I see where it goes. And where it's like, becomes these headlines, right? So it's like, maybe had a really good month and for whatever reason, like you've spoken to a mate about that thing. And then they become
is obsessed with that number, right? So they're like our fact he made 100 k that month, and then all of a sudden, they think you're factoring a rich can and that the fact that yeah,
that's okay. It doesn't matter because it's the right he's a story that I was told recently. And it plays into the nosy people, people taking from information what they will, yeah, this guy sold the house bought a new one. And this dude message, this guy who sold the house and said, Hey, man, I was just wondering, um, he actually wasn't wondering anything who's basically email him to tell him that he'd gone back on the original sale price that he bought that first property for, and then looked at how much he sold it for, and then looked at the stamp duty he would have had to pay for selling that house and basically just told him so you only made 15 grand on that sale? Is that correct? This is some fucking can. who's gone out of his way to like, look into all this stuff. But it's like, that will happen. But this is my this
is my thing. So it's like, I respect people like everyone that's listening right now. I respect you and I'm telling like, I'll tell you I was I don't know who you are.
not restrict that. We respect the fact that you fucking interests are listening. I appreciate play CDs, though, that there is that like, what I've realized over these years is it's like, don't it? Oh, people. Shit. If I want to talk about stuff, I'll talk about it. But I don't need to get all uncomfortable and like, reveal. Or they said like, I think that that's my squeegee story. If I can have I put a squeegee up my
I don't care like that. And that's the thing. But you know what? Like, I think that that's the headline of it. We're doing soundbites today, Josh This is that. But I think that people can, you can take that to other things, too. There's nothing about this. Nothing about being transparent or not being honest. Or like, there are just and this is something that's already happening over time that I'm discovering is its boundaries. It he's actually boundaries, it's realizing that like,
people will let like, people love to apply things and to say things and to take things out of context. And so I'm always I always just think of like, Okay, well, well, what, how is that going to help them. And a lot of times the sound bites that we have, where it's like, it's like, Mike was talking to me about like, I've got a trust, right? I've got a company that's a trustee of a trust, and all these fucking shit, right? He starts asking all these questions about so why, like, what does that mean? How does that I'm like, Look, I can sort of explain it in this round about why it might not necessarily make all that amount of sense. And like, that's, that's the thing that I always wonder about is like this 50 ways to slice and dice different things. And I like to think about broad talking about broader things. But so many times, people can take out little bits of information, and they completely miss the point. And it's even stuff around health and fitness. It's around like, they take it, they be pedantic about it, and they don't get the same results. Because it's like, you might say, I make all my money through retainers or whatever. So then everyone starts going after that, and they forget that there's x, y, and Zed, that's actually or what they think he is, a retainer isn't really retainer. I don't know where I'm going with it. But I think it's just my
It's why I think that I don't talk about everything. And if you want me to like, and it's even that thing of picking your brain, I used to have that post it note which because I was going to make a video on it. No, you can't pick my brain. Like, what I'm saying. To realize is like, I'm very open to people, I'll give you my thoughts. But I won't like I don't like we don't know, people sheet. Right. And so like, and that's a very like, unglamorous thing to say it doesn't sound that appealing. But I will help people lots, I'll do all these sorts of things. I'm like one of the fucking most generous people in the sense of like, of information and helping people grow,
but I never I don't owe it to them. I just do it because I'm actually getting like, I'm being joy out of helping more people want does that make me sound like account? Or do you know both? My friend who's a coach, he says,
you know, he charges 300 whatever it is 400 bucks for a coaching session per hour. Yeah, and people contact him constantly saying, Can we catch up and the reality is these people just want to pay $3 at the price of a coffee your coaching session? Yeah, because what he does and what the conversation will be over a coffee is a 400 little conversation but he doesn't owe it to them to catch up. They think that it's and it's a similar thing you're saying it's a
it's a sometimes like I think when I was younger I felt like I missed out still Jolla. I used to seriously you still want everyone to be my friend. I wanted to I'm just a bit fucking I I've changed man. I've chatted like you're the reason that you and I are so close is actually because, like, of D prioritized like so many other people. Because like, unlike I used to think that everyone was my friend. I really do. I was like, when you had to have the me friend. Yeah. And that that was like the goal. Yeah, now I'm just like, I'm so fine with having people I like as acquaintances. I don't need to know everything about them. They don't need to know. And we catch up. We have a good time. That's all it is. Yeah, because I've even had like, people who have been really close with who you actually discover is like, you're a bit of a fuck wit. And it's really disheartening. But then if you realize that like I'm just controlling may may be applied putting up walls, but now i think i i've been the other is in I've been what you've become. Yeah,
earlier on. I actually not fucking how, you know, what do you mean? I've always just sort of categorized my friends. You know it like, oh, I've got a lot of acquaintances, but I don't like it. It's something that I don't trust them. But I don't allow myself to put this emphasis on it. That is going to end up in a really bad result.
You just don't own people. Like,
by expressing yourself. Like we are in the business of expressing ourselves to ourselves and doing things creatively which gives them a lot I think this is why it happens because we work with clients who pay us to, for us to express ourselves and to give us nothing. So when someone says hi, I've got a potential job can we have a meeting you'll naturally like in this mode of like, I'm going to express myself I'm going to show everything blah blah blah. treating everyone like a potential client but I just don't do that anymore unlike you pie and then I'm going to give you a bunch and I was like trying to help you if I can, but I just do it the changes I'm doing it on my terms. I think I'm just like if if I'm not via being with someone or I just don't have I won't my catch up with them. I'm just like, No, I'm busy. I could not think of anything worse than hanging out with someone
I don't want to hang out with. I used
to do it all the time.
So tonight Thanks everyone. The Daily talk show.com you can subscribe on iTunes. You can send us an email high at the daily talk show.com can even do snail mail which is p o box 400 Abbotsford Victoria 3067. And can I just say
what else reviews appreciated I very much so and subscriptions to YouTube yeah it's a cheat sheet an empty you know you might you don't have
retired been No, that's
going up. I'm very very happy with it.
Awesome. Thanks. Everyone. knew I bought content coming soon. Maybe potentially. Bye guys. Happy Tuesday.