#920 – A Dead Car Battery/
- November 21, 2020
We chat about Mr. 97 being back at the gym, Jess’ Christmas plans, bringing an iMac as carry-on, Tommy’s dead car battery, hoarders and a Rick Steves Travel Night.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Mr. 97’s gym session
- Christmas plans
- A carry on iMac
- Tommy’s dead car battery
- Hoarders
- Travel nights
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
Episode Tags
Josh Janssen: [00:00:00] Yes, the daily talk show episode 920
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:08] happy weekend. Banta everybody.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:11] Jessica Lucas is joining us from Bendigo Jessica. How are you?
Jess Lucas: [00:00:16] Good. Thank you. Like got rid of the noise, which is good.
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:20] Oh, that's great. You had some, uh, construction work going on. You went out and told them, um, had they received the
Jess Lucas: [00:00:27] news that say he can speak quiet.
You get paid by the hour. And my dad's probably paying for him an extra one.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:37] Yeah. Have we worked out what this podcast is costing him today? I'm not sure how many tradies are on site.
Jess Lucas: [00:00:45] Just one,
Josh Janssen: [00:00:46] just one second, the
Jess Lucas: [00:00:46] one, but he's walking away now and he said that dad's coming home. So that'll be good. He'll probably walk in on us too, so,
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:53] okay.
Anyway, we got mr. 97 here too, as always, they save diesel. What's happening.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:59] Um,
Mason Lauder: [00:01:00] I'm with, I'm pretty fired up, went to the gym this morning.
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:02] Oh. Um, What was the vibe? Did you have to book in?
Mason Lauder: [00:01:07] Yeah, yeah. Booking, um, my membership is still broken, so I had to go there physically and ask them to lock me in for these sessions.
But if that, so, okay. Booking only maximum of 10 people in the gym, there were maybe five people in there this morning.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:23] Oh, really?
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:23] Is that, do you think because they couldn't or the five people that booked on top of the other five just didn't show?
Mason Lauder: [00:01:30] No, I reckon that they're saying that they've got almost no one booking in.
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:34] Oh, Wally
Josh Janssen: [00:01:35] waiting for 2021. Yeah,
Mason Lauder: [00:01:37] well, I, we went six 45 this morning and it was busier than when we went on. Uh, I think it was Wednesday at 6:45 PM. So we were, there were four people in our session on, at six 45 after work on Wednesday.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:53] And so the after work session, that was an accident. Wasn't it? You're trying to book the morning and you accident.
Mason Lauder: [00:01:57] Yeah, I say, could we book him for the six 45 session and they. They just booked it in the PM. I forgot to say I am.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:04] Okay. And so what's, what's your preference? The, the evening or the morning? Uh,
Mason Lauder: [00:02:09] look, you feel, you don't feel great going to the 6:45 AM session, but you feel great afterwards.
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:15] Yeah. But then you don't feel great going to the 6:45 PM session and then you feel fired up after it, but then you're meant to be going to bed.
I used to do. Kickboxing Muay tie and you'd absolutely thump it at IPM. And you know, the boxing, Jess, you heart rates just through the roof and you're just sweating. You come out feeling euphoric and tingling, and then you can't get to sleep. And so it's, I mean, can't, we all just try and at 10:00 AM live a life of luxury.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:45] Do you think 10:00 AM is the ultimate time
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:48] and just like feeds off kids, kids all for you. You can go for a morning. Coffee, read the paper you make, you made it sort of nine 40. I have a little chin wag. Talk about your session. Get started at 10 shower by 11, 15 out the door at 1130 and then. How did I, you've got the rest of the cheap, cheap.
This is not so
Josh Janssen: [00:03:11] really? Yeah. Yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:03:12] So there's on-peak and there's off peak and off-peak is when everyone's at work.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:16] Oh, surely I should have paid an Apple just to do that. I mean, I was on no peak. Surely I should be paid. How am I paying full back in the day and not using it at all? So surely there should be a special discount.
Actually. Here's an idea. You know, they, they just keep charging your membership. Surely there's a version, which is like, No plan on ever coming back fee. So it's like, Oh, you know, rather than paying the $80 a month or whatever it is, if you actually never go to the gym, you can pay 20 bucks a month.
Mason Lauder: [00:03:47] Well, surely you just pay your out clause.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:50] no. Cause the out clause is the equivalent is just. 80 bucks times the remaining aren't really?
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:56] Yes. The PR the problem is that it's the model isn't low. They can't be seen to be like, look, we're good. We know that a lot of people don't hang around, but we're going to charge you less money for not. And so that's a reward system you're saying be rewarded.
I know it's a great idea for the guy that's pulled out. Yeah. And, and doesn't go anymore, like in that moment, but when you started, you had all intentions of using that membership. And so that's where you don't want to start the intention being that you, you were going to get a cheaper membership. What about
Josh Janssen: [00:04:28] credit at the canteen?
Yeah. Surely it's like you get, if you're spending 80 bucks, 40 bucks can be used.
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:36] Well, the merge. It's some kind of murder,
Josh Janssen: [00:04:41] the guy who had the, um, Virgin active duffle bag, who just felt like too much of a thought to ever actually use it. Um, I don't need more Virgin active fitness first. I don't need any more of that merge
Jess Lucas: [00:04:54] students that do meals.
That'd be handy.
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:56] Yes.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:57] Uh, look, to be honest, you didn't have to
Jess Lucas: [00:04:59] call, call. You didn't have to buy Uber eats.
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:01] Let's go there.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:02] So, and I are struggling at the moment. I won't mention the brand, but we did spend a little bit of money on another one of those, which I mentioned, I think last week, cause you're talking TJ about your $4 meals or whatever.
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:14] Oh dude. Back up so annoying. They're trying to say that on special two for 15 bucks. So I paid $4 50 for one. Why would I think that two for 15 is a special.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:25] Yeah. And so anyway, the, yeah, the chicken stuff that we've got at the moment from these like ready-made meals. Just, uh, just not good,
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:34] Jess. We were talking about that this way guy.
There's some reason, and I should take it as compliment any time I get on a, uh, some kind of Google hangout or zoom with Jess. Work-related she's eating. I'm just like, man, you fuck. Oh, it's may isn't it. Maybe you feel comfortable to eat around me. I don't.
Jess Lucas: [00:05:54] I mean, I'm just killing two birds with one stone, you know, like when the meeting's not with clients,
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:59] Yeah.
Why so aggressive? Why do I need to be killed? And what does the food need to be killed? Two birds.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:06] Oh, right.
Jess Lucas: [00:06:08] What do you mean? I won't kill you. I do you feel comfortable eating in front of you, Tommy. Um, but I'm also saving time.
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:16] Okay. No, that's fine. That's fine. But we were talking about how the pre-made meals solve one thing, which is like, you get some time, you don't have to think about it, but it doesn't actually solve like the thought about the thing about meal prepping.
And it's like, the Vella says about he, you know, he's two day rule is, um, you can't, it's what it does to you. So if you are training, you end up. Wanting to eat different types of food than normal. When you are cooking, like cooking a pastor three times a day is not sustainable. You feel sick by the end of
Josh Janssen: [00:06:53] it.
This is the all or nothing thing actually works for most people because it's like, when you're all in. Yeah. It's, it's a lot easier to be like, if you're doing the exercise, it's way easier. To then eat healthy
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:06] a hundred percent. Oh, I'll tell you about it. After
Josh Janssen: [00:07:10] a full story, there is a guy in high vis with the mask tapping on TJ is a window.
We'll find out more. Uh, very soon, uh, Jess, what's the, uh, what's the plans for Christmas. I saw you are hanging out with your family last night. It looked lovely. Uh, what's the, what's the plans for the 20, 20 Christmas
Jess Lucas: [00:07:29] Christmas is here. So we'll set up a nice gorgeous table here, um, with decorations. I'm not sure what the theme is going to be this year
Josh Janssen: [00:07:38] dismissed.
Is that a fair thing?
Jess Lucas: [00:07:41] What are the things we're going to be using running brain
Josh Janssen: [00:07:44] surely?
Jess Lucas: [00:07:46] No gold or
Josh Janssen: [00:07:47] silver. Okay. Sure. Okay.
Mason Lauder: [00:07:49] That's a bit more Primo, isn't it.
Jess Lucas: [00:07:51] And with, you know, hints of red and green and stuff. Um, but yeah, Chris, my sister Patty
Mason Lauder: [00:07:58] is that changing year to year that color scheme or.
Jess Lucas: [00:08:01] We change.
Um, yeah, it does, but we change houses every second year. Uh, this year two of my cousins on that side of the family, aren't going to be here. And then my sister, who's a nurse. Didn't get the day off. So she's working. So it's just me and my other sister, her boyfriend and my parents and my grandparents.
Josh Janssen: [00:08:20] Oh, that's nice.
Rose gold. Would you ever consider it Rose gold?
Jess Lucas: [00:08:25] Yeah. I mean, it could be cute. What I really want to do. I've been thinking about this for years, right. And I haven't done it. And I think this year could be the year I want to go to office works and get a 3d printed me and then make me the angel for the Christmas tree
Tommy Jackett: [00:08:42] and
Jess Lucas: [00:08:42] give it to my mom for as a present.
Josh Janssen: [00:08:45] Yeah. Quiet. How do you get the 3d image of you?
Jess Lucas: [00:08:51] Will you go down to office, works on Burke street and that yeah, you sat in this room and it like scans your body. So I'd have to go in wearing a. I don't know, like a dress. What do you think is angels usually wear dress and I'll have the halo and that kind of thing.
Josh Janssen: [00:09:07] Would you do a too much tally, one that you give away on the show? So you IntelliJ go in and get the three to it. And so it's both of you and someone do people actually
Jess Lucas: [00:09:17] want to have us though? I don't think so.
Josh Janssen: [00:09:19] It's pretty funny. I don't
Jess Lucas: [00:09:22] know if telly would find that funny though. I mean, I'm not sure, but I'll ask it.
I'll run it by her.
Mason Lauder: [00:09:29] up to 30 centimeters.
Josh Janssen: [00:09:31] Yeah,
Jess Lucas: [00:09:31] that'd be huge. I'd get the, I wasn't the biggest one, but I think they're quite expensive
Josh Janssen: [00:09:35] concepts though, of measurement though, because yesterday he was he's, um, spending some time in, in WWI and he was doing some measuring around. He wants to bring his iMac, uh, my laptop.
Well, that's what we're talking about. And so anyway, uh, masons said I can actually carry on. The iron man. And I'm like, uh, mate, I don't think you can know what's up. What I got.
Mason Lauder: [00:10:03] I got the tape measure out and this tape measure annoyingly it's in inches, which is the stupidest design ever, like who, who makes them in inches.
And so anyway, so I, it turns out I measured,
Josh Janssen: [00:10:16] I measured
Mason Lauder: [00:10:17] 30, 30 inches instead of 30 centimeters. And so it was
Josh Janssen: [00:10:21] about, yeah,
Mason Lauder: [00:10:23] it wasn't.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:24] Yeah. And so you'd gone on to, um, Virgin's website and done all the measurements, but you just switched between centimeters and inches, which meant that you were completely off.
Mason Lauder: [00:10:34] Yeah, yeah.
Jess Lucas: [00:10:35] Yeah. So what you would is actually thinking you'd carry your computer onto the plane.
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:40] Yeah. I've carried a whole solar
Jess Lucas: [00:10:41] panel onto a plane before.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:45] Yeah.
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:46] How big was it
Jess Lucas: [00:10:46] had to go up to? I'm sorry, I keep talking about it
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:49] on Sony for origin
Jess Lucas: [00:10:51] and I had to carry this stupid solar panel.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:54] Okay, great.
What's the most fragile thing that you've all, what's the weirdest thing that you've ever checked or, or I guess that's pretty weird from a carry on perspective, but if you had to had any, if you had any sort of experiences where you've, um, had to take a lot of luggage or anything like that. Yes.
Jess Lucas: [00:11:11] Um, no, only when I was coming back from London and I had to wear all of my stuff because I didn't want to pay for like each coming back and I already was over and had to call so much staff.
I'd already wrapped it in everything, you know, the glad wrap that they have for you bags. And so I'd already gone.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:30] Who does that? Why why'd you do that? And
Jess Lucas: [00:11:33] at that point in time, this is 28. This is 2020. Uh, no, what was it? 2010. Um, It was when everyone was doing it, you know, it was a thing
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:43] or you just did it cause everyone else was,
Jess Lucas: [00:11:45] I don't mean it's Chappelle call.
We'd just gone to buddy Bali prison. Like you just don't know what's going to happen.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:51] I feel like she went in like, Six or something most key look at when that that's, when everyone
Jess Lucas: [00:11:57] was like freaking out, you know,
Josh Janssen: [00:11:58] I just always feel like you would see
Tommy Jackett: [00:12:00] where trafficking marijuana at that stage. So it was on your mind.
Jess Lucas: [00:12:03] Yeah, it was. I just didn't want people to get into it.
Tommy Jackett: [00:12:06] You know, it protects us. And, um, I was thinking this way, actually, I went to remember when I went to Singapore last year. Um, but I just go on to the days I want to be trying to be sneaky with how much laggy jumped taking, you know, you're always doing it to save money or it's like, It's such a bad feeling to attach to what he's already can be very stressful, which is travel.
Josh Janssen: [00:12:34] I just like when I, um, there's been so many times where, because my carry on my big bag, it's within the size limit, but the weight is completely over. So the amount of weight that my bag that I went around the world, we did 34 flights in three months, and I had a bag that weighed 20 kilos that I was carrying on.
And there was not one issue, except when we're in Germany, in Germany that they're onto this shit. And I think we're in Munich airport and it was just a connecting flight. They saw my bag and they said, Oh, can we Wyatt? And I just sit on, like, I've already whited. I'm on like, uh, I'm on a connecting flight and they let me go.
But it was so lucky because, well, so what we do the, the weird, the weird thing is. That, what you do in that case, with it from a camera perspective is when they go to Wyatt, you take out all of your equipment and you hold it and then you give them the bag. Like it's quite, it's a weed sort of thing, but yeah, cause you can do that, right?
Like if you, if you have some items that you like carrying. That's cool. And so the thing is like, Oh, look, I'll just hold the camera where the reality is. As soon as you get it back and you get it under seven kilos, you put all the camera gear back into the bag,
Jess Lucas: [00:13:55] had to put your laptop on. Now, like from my perspective, like a laptop is all I really take.
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:00] What do you mean
Jess Lucas: [00:14:01] had to include it
Josh Janssen: [00:14:01] all? No, sir,
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:03] as the white, as the white can have a it's like, it's like you see the people who've just done some shopping and they've got a bag that's full of a bunch of shit that they just hold it. So you get your backpack is carry on and then you get some sort of hands handy
Josh Janssen: [00:14:18] cake or like a personal item or whatever.
But the, um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:22] yeah, but you shouldn't be in this all stressful, like yeah. Rich people aren't conniving. And this is painful. Where is that gorgeous?
Josh Janssen: [00:14:31] You can't so carry on. This is the crazy thing. So you're in a bit of a pickle because with batteries, you can't check them. They don't, they don't want, uh, batteries in the storage area.
Um, and so you have to, you have to bring it with you. And so that's part of the thing is it's like, hang on. And then the other issue is that if they don't know the. The laws, if you have sort of decent sized batteries, they all question you want it. And so a lot of filmmakers will just use print out the battery stuff.
So you have the information, you tape up, the little sort of, um, uh, the connector bit, and then it's all good. Yeah. Yeah. Even tape though. Do you remember? I think TJ one world travel. Once I had gaffer tape, they took the gap tape.
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:19] No, no, not on carry on. Cause there was up. Somebody
Josh Janssen: [00:15:23] can use, I think we actually got some through TJ because it was the, um, what's known is like camera tape, which is a way sort of like a lighter, like really terrible.
So they'll literally tearing it. And then made the call that yeah, it was okay.
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:36] You can put your tongue through it if it was wrapped around your mouth. Yeah. It's all pretty crazy.
Jess Lucas: [00:15:42] The other day about Dan Lakey,
Josh Janssen: [00:15:45] who is Dan liking
Jess Lucas: [00:15:47] radio presents.
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:50] Danny likey. Yeah.
Jess Lucas: [00:15:52] Yeah. He was on a plane and someone died.
Mason Lauder: [00:15:57] That's not ideal
Josh Janssen: [00:16:00] that happening. Someone died. You're a bit smiley there. And so w what happens in the case? Like, I know that they actually, but they also, um, in the stage,
Mason Lauder: [00:16:12] yeah. They keep him in the site. Well works.
Josh Janssen: [00:16:14] I think so, yeah, so they normally keep a room where if someone gets sick or if someone dies that they can put them.
Like lay them down.
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:25] Um, you know that on some international flights they have like the there's a cabin area that sucks. That's not a part of the, the main seating area. Um, my brother went on a work trip with this guy to China and. He was, they got separated. They're in different areas. And then he heard someone say like, it's a medical assistance, you know, over the loud speaker, it's like, what's going on.
Anyway, he T it turns out his mate had a, had been smashing red balls and he reckons it. It had something to do with it that he got some sort of like, Uh, kidney stone. Oh. From just like lack of, lack of nutrition, dehydration, just one of those people that sort of live on the live on the retreat. And then he was at the back, but they put him into yet.
They put him into a cabin area to have a lie down. Oh, that was like a bit that was like the cat, the people's area is in the stewardesses area. Anyway. The best bit out of it. When he got off the flight, he's like, where is this fucking guy? And then he sees him on a buggy,
Josh Janssen: [00:17:32] medical buggy.
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:33] And so Jack, I got to jump on the mega medical buggy and Hoon through the airport.
Josh Janssen: [00:17:37] Oh, that's good. Fun. It's nearly as good as first class.
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:41] Yeah, it paid, it paid Devore sick mate. On the light
Josh Janssen: [00:17:44] TJ, we just saw our, a guy in high vis knocking on your window. What's what's going on.
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:49] Do those detective Andrews. Um, he woke up this morning and there's nothing worse. I wanted to quickly get a cough, a little baby Chino in a chai latte because I'm not drinking coffee at the moment.
Um, with Bodhi while am he was just doing it, you know, having a shower and stuff and go out the car, won't start completely dead. Not even like a rent. Right, right. It's just turn
Jess Lucas: [00:18:17] the light on.
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:18] The thing is you can't leave lights on the Mica. It's a. It. Well, as soon as you lock it, or even if you don't the lights turn off,
Josh Janssen: [00:18:26] I never liked that feature though.
Like I always just turned them off because I might make surely there's a little, yeah, love, love manual, you know, with the order that just, you know, you can flick it in just at the lights. I can go, well, just let the car do its thing right now. I want to control when it gets of first.
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:50] So anyway, I, I had to get Amy sisters jumpstart kit.
This is an investment that if you are someone that owns a car, I'd never thought about having, I don't even own jumper leads. Jumper leads are cheap. But jumper leads are pain in the ass because they require another car. You can attach them and all that bullshit. Imagine like on a highway, turn it back up, you know, someone's car turn around on a fucking highway.
How do you even do that? You're in trouble. Anyway, this thing is
Josh Janssen: [00:19:23] why is the battery going flat on the highway
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:27] tonight could have died. What if, what if this, so, okay
Josh Janssen: [00:19:32] now he's is that actually happening? Right? What you're going to say? You might like, because
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:36] no. So I jumped started the car. So this is, I ran the gauntlet.
I use this box that has you charge it via USB? Well, you can charge it via, there's a plug that goes in anyway. These two little cords, he put it on the, uh, the battery Bay, plugged them in, press this button at do-do. Uh, stock caught within 30 seconds, fuck know on. So I run a ranch on turns on
Josh Janssen: [00:20:01] because that goes a long, long time.
You wouldn't have to run.
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:04] I was panicked though, you know, as soon as you said, it's like Tom cruise, diffusing a bomb, you can
Josh Janssen: [00:20:09] slowly. Yeah, that's me with the slight problem. That's me having the next to next to the system. You don't have to run.
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:21] Yeah. Yeah. I saw I read and, um, I got it on and then I unhooked it, but I worked out that if I turn the car off, it's done.
It won't turn back on. So usually if you're you, you're a Gronk and you've got a fully working battery and you leave your lights on, it drains the battery. If you get a jumpstart again, it will recharge the battery
Josh Janssen: [00:20:44] all tonight. You need to keep the house for long enough. So
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:47] I did, I went for a coffee. I left the car on how to drive Ks, H Y plus leaving the car.
Like I was just leaving it on.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:56] Cause that's the whole thing. When you're traveling, if someone's minding your car, they'll go and take it out for a drive, you know, a 20 minute drive or whatever.
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:05] Yeah. You got to helps the cow of recharge. Anyway, got back. Turn the car off. Wouldn't start again. Had to jump it, but full circle.
My point, I ran the golden lion because I drove Amy and Bodie this morning and drop them off. But if I had turned the car off at any stage, I would have been in trouble, wouldn't have turned back on. So what if I was the Gronk that somehow my car had a little stall or something,
Josh Janssen: [00:21:34] and then you're on the highway.
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:36] Say, if you're on the highway, you've somehow managed to store your car it's turned off or you summed up
Josh Janssen: [00:21:43] yourself to the likely engines what's probably happened. Yes. Engine problem. Yeah. So something else has happened, maybe Bodhi needs to piss.
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:52] And what about other wrote about this? What about this? Uh, needed my tires.
Gone have to pull over.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:58] Sure.
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:59] But I, and then I turned it off and then I'm like, Oh no, but my battery. And then you've got a Tyree tire and a battery conundrum you're in trouble.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:07] Yeah. I mean the likelihood, I mean, it does remind me of the RAC V guy actually applauded me. Many years ago when I was 19, because I've ran out of petrol, outside my house and he's like, I've never had to fill up someone's petrol outside their house.
I rolled, I rolled into it just outside our driveway. It was perfect.
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:29] Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:30] Well, the thing is you get free, you get like, you know, free ratio or whatever. Yeah. So I'm like, well, look, if I'm paying my RA CV membership, they give you a few liters every year. It's what you never right advantage of that petrol.
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:44] Yes. I called roadside assistance, which I have a part of my deal. With buying the car. And so I reckon it's probably only an extra 20 bucks that you're saving, sorry, 20 bucks saving if you took it into the dealership to get the new battery. So I had a guy that guy that was just here, came out, dropped off a new battery, installed it,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:07] checked it all.
Did you take the old one?
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:09] Yeah. I asked him where he taken it. He said he throws it off the pier and I said, it takes you back to the factory where they made and they do something with them. He didn't sound that
Josh Janssen: [00:23:24] sound started to put them in there. I can tell what, and so the, um, I wonder if he's making cat like.
Is that a, is that a classic thing? I guess it's easier for you, but like what are those batteries? No, they always
Mason Lauder: [00:23:36] take them.
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:37] Sure. You don't want to. I kept mine
Jess Lucas: [00:23:41] cause I got mine redone at the side of the year as well. Same thing happened. My battery literally just died. Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:47] where were you when it happened?
Jess Lucas: [00:23:50] house.
Josh Janssen: [00:23:53] I
Jess Lucas: [00:23:54] left my light on though. Okay. And then it just literally wouldn't start. So, um, yeah, we had to change it. He said it was a dying battery, so I should do it anyway. Um, and yeah, I took it home because dad wanted it.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:06] And what do you do with it?
Jess Lucas: [00:24:08] I have no idea. He's just got old batteries sitting out with the battery acid
Mason Lauder: [00:24:12] all over the, um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:16] And what was he doing at work? When you have property you'd store shit. Have you guys cars on your property? Like
Josh Janssen: [00:24:23] dollars?
Jess Lucas: [00:24:25] Nah, we've got cars at work. We've got dad's old red one, which is three on the tree. I was telling you about it. Joshua. Isn't it?
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:32] Three on the tree. Meaning like a stick. So the gate stops up
Jess Lucas: [00:24:36] in the steering wheel.
So you pull it down for one, up for two and then up and down again for three
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:43] or
Jess Lucas: [00:24:44] three days.
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:45] What year is this job?
Jess Lucas: [00:24:47] Probably like 60 years old. No, it will be 60 years old. It'd be like 50 or something. You should say, I'll send you a photo because it's funny as it's
Josh Janssen: [00:24:56] quiet, no air bags, or it's probably got those airbags that when it, you want it lets off it fucking shoots in their head,
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:05] across the front bench seat.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:06] Yeah. Bench seats are great
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:09] for whiplash. Great for whiplash.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:11] I mean, do you think that older people, like my dad is a bit of a hoarder that not sort of like a medical grade Hort, like not sort of like, you know, going to be on hoarders type of thing, but he's got a lot of stuff that it's very hard for him to Chuck out.
Does your dad have that Jess? Because the amount of LLC the day screens, when you wanted an, a new computer monitor at his work, there would have been 20 strains that you had, you got to pick from.
Jess Lucas: [00:25:39] Yeah, maybe I think he is a bit of a hoarder at work. Cause her dad works. He's an engineer and works with steel and things like that.
He'll keep all of the off cuts and stuff because they do come in handy for like jobs and whatnot. Um, but you should see the back of his factory. It's disgraceful.
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:56] Hang on. Sorry. The, the, the, um, The sentence that hoard probably used most is this will come in handy later. Like that's, that is how your problem starts.
This will come in handy later. Next minute, you have a backyard full of.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:13] Junk. Oh, batteries.
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:15] I
Jess Lucas: [00:26:15] think I'm a hoarder, but I'm a tidy hoarder. Cause I can't have stuff anywhere. Like everything has a place, but it needs to be in my cupboards and things like that. Like I need to keep it.
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:27] No, you're not, you're not a hoarder. Like you don't have that much stuff. I mean, you have a small apartment, but it's still.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:35] The jackets,
Jess Lucas: [00:26:37] sorry, much stuff here as well. Mom's like, you need to take this home. Like I can't, I've got no space at the back of my cars. Get
Josh Janssen: [00:26:44] rid of it. Like, the thing is like, when you went, when you were living in the UK, didn't you just like when brain I traveled for even just four months, that was like our perfect time to get rid of everything.
We ended up like a two by two meter, like cannot storage in Dandenong because it was the cheapest place. And we literally had. Our, uh, w what's mattress, uh, a coffee table. There was nothing, and it felt great coming back, not having to deal with that much stuff. Like didn't you get rid of stuff when you, when you moved overseas.
Jess Lucas: [00:27:19] Cause I moved straight out of high school. I, all my stuff was here anywhere, so I didn't have to touch anything or leave anything. Sure. We have a shipping container. We have a shipping container for all of our old stuff, proper baby stuff. Um, Uh, like bare old beds out childhood single beds, um, chest of drawers, like all of our toys, that kind of
Josh Janssen: [00:27:40] stuff.
What are you planning? Are you planning some sort of film when you become famous, whether you're going to recreate your childhood
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:50] Kardashians, 40th birthday, it was like different stages of her
Josh Janssen: [00:27:54] life. Like what's the a museum. I mean, I think it may be as a regional trait too. You have, you've got land. So you've got to what I was saying.
Like, we don't have space. Like I don't have enough space for the shit that I actually use. Let alone just the, the, um, you know, having all the other shit.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:13] One other thing is your parents have, how long has they had that property? That house for this one?
Jess Lucas: [00:28:18] Um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:19] at least that you've lived there for
Jess Lucas: [00:28:22] 11 years now, but we've had fair ages.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:26] Okay. But is that where you grew up in that, in that, not the house that you're in now, but that property, no, we grew up, well, the thing is 11 years ago. How old were you? 1970 ID. Yeah. And so you're the eldest. So the point being is if your parents move a bunch. In the time that you're out, like it confronts you, you're confronted by the shit that you have.
Like mum and dad have moved a couple of times and each time they're like, do you want this? And so if you've got a place that you're staying in, like Mason, Your parents, if they don't move you, I mean, you don't have that much stuff either though.
Mason Lauder: [00:29:03] Nah, dad loves throwing shit out. He loves just anything
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:08] labs.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:10] He also likes buying stuff. So it's a
Mason Lauder: [00:29:12] good
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:14] in with one another.
Mason Lauder: [00:29:15] Yeah. It's perfect for selling stuff on Gumtree.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:18] I think I'm the same, but just the us selling the old bike, just a pain in the ass. Seriously. If anyone wants the bike. Send me an email, josh@thedailytalkshow.com mates, mates, rates. We're selling it for 150.
We bought it for, I think it was three 90 or six. Me.
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:36] I mean, you've put it in the selling of it,
Josh Janssen: [00:29:38] I guess. Cause I said that it was, I mean, the thing is I'm comparing a bike that I'm getting, you're going to start pulling the bond dollars.
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:46] You actually have to call it a spin bike. Because I'm sure people will literally think they're going to get a bike.
They can ride.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:51] Okay. Yeah. So this is a spinning fitness. Um, you can go online and look it up. It's a gym, it's a spin bike yet. It's got like a bike resistance thing. It's a
Jess Lucas: [00:30:03] rain
Josh Janssen: [00:30:05] two, uh, two people reach out about it. Uh,
Mason Lauder: [00:30:10] do you want to do
Josh Janssen: [00:30:11] an Instastory, a best place? Kickers? Um, well we had one where it's like someone from Cranbourne and they said, um, they were, they were coming and it was all good.
And then they say, can we meet halfway? And it's just like, if we don't have physically, we're not meeting halfway and we just can't do it. Can I justify,
Tommy Jackett: [00:30:26] commit to coming all the way.
Josh Janssen: [00:30:29] Uh, it is on, I believe Bree on Gumtree
Mason Lauder: [00:30:34] is great as well.
Jess Lucas: [00:30:35] I would recommend marketplace.
Josh Janssen: [00:30:36] Okay. Yeah.
Jess Lucas: [00:30:38] Do you know what I've done?
Uh I've I've done it a couple of times. Now, the Camberwell market,
Josh Janssen: [00:30:43] I'm not setting up a stall at the Camberwell Mark for heart failure. Does everyone with their racks of stuff. And I've just got my book. Get up at fucking four 30, set up with my one buyer who wants I'd have to sell it for about a grand to make it worthwhile.
I'm not going to Camberwell market.
Jess Lucas: [00:31:01] Take those books behind you.
Josh Janssen: [00:31:02] These books, these books are the only things that I have that I'm like, this is. The
Mason Lauder: [00:31:07] books you have to buy to
Josh Janssen: [00:31:08] store. Yeah. The books are very important to me and I want to keep building the thing is the books to me reflect the, the house. It will one day have, but no, no, no, no, but intellectually, no, it's just options.
The thing, the thing that I'm excited about is one day having a house we've spoken about it in depth on previous episodes where I have the wine cellar, which I'm not necessarily sold on the wine cellar. I'm not sure on any more. I think that I could do with just like a wine sort of. Well, it's a fridge sort of thing rather than spending too much on the real estate of Hmm.
The seller.
Mason Lauder: [00:31:43] Well, if you've got a temperature controlled space, you might as well put your books in there instead.
Josh Janssen: [00:31:48] Well, no, no. Well, I liked it. So I've mentioned it before Chelsea handler the comedian. She has books. If you watch her on any interviews that she's done, she was on an architect's digest, but also just in the background, you'll see her on shows like.
Howard stern and things like that. She's just got piles and piles of books everywhere. I love that. I love just being able to, you know, um, last night we had our very first, uh, what, what are we calling it? The, um, the travel travel night that I pitched to the whole group that you guys weren't interested in.
And with Rick Steves, the documentary,
Jess Lucas: [00:32:24] I remember this
Josh Janssen: [00:32:25] on, uh, on weekend.
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:27] Cut-through you would've been there. It was
Josh Janssen: [00:32:30] definitely the idea. The idea was it was going to be themed. And I was going to say, okay, it's going to be Germany. And we're all going to wear leather housing or whatever. And we eat German food and things like that.
And it was poo-pooed by the broader group. And so I decided to bring it to a grace and service or a grade. And so last night we did Italian themed and I had books. I had the Atlas out with Italy. I had a, um, a travel book on Italy. I had, it was great. Wasn't it? Yes,
Jess Lucas: [00:33:01] TJ, this is not right. We want to create it for the Christmas party.
Not for
Tommy Jackett: [00:33:08] having to watch a documentary that you'd chosen.
Josh Janssen: [00:33:11] Yeah. So we did watch, we watched Rick Steves. We, what did we watch? or
Mason Lauder: [00:33:18] Tara,
Josh Janssen: [00:33:19] um, Kim walking around there and then we watched 20 minutes of Rick stay. He was bloopers. It's very funny. Just like this travel guy. Who's like really nice. He's sort of, I think he's American, but he's got like Canadian vibes, maybe he's I don't know.
He said, Oh, it's Rick Steves here. Uh, sort of vibe. It's very funny and he's got it Scottish. No, he's not. But he also even, uh, when he walks. He's always got the fornia bond. He's always got his hands in his pockets with these thumbs exposed. That's what you do. And the great thing is that, um, we laugh about it.
And then in the bloopers, they have bits of him readjusting his hands in his
Tommy Jackett: [00:34:03] pockets.
Josh Janssen: [00:34:06] So he does a bit, um, but I didn't ask Jess to do. A, an accent and aim, uh, and text it, which I appreciate Jessie. You did. You sent a great video. Can you do the accent on the show? You just doing some American speaking.
Jess Lucas: [00:34:23] I'll just do the same sentence. You had to do it over and over again to get one that actually sounded American. Hey, there it's Jess Lucas, the American here. Happy Thanksgiving.
Josh Janssen: [00:34:34] It's very good as a
Tommy Jackett: [00:34:37] California
Josh Janssen: [00:34:37] girl. And so I'm happy to open it, that
Jess Lucas: [00:34:40] the Oz.
Josh Janssen: [00:34:41] And so if you, um, if you were open to adjust, maybe you weren't in the conversation, I'm happy to broaden it out.
We can do, but you've got to get into Rick Steves because so much it's going to go over it because the last like hour of the night was asked, just pissing ourselves at Rick Steves. And I could imagine it being extremely obnoxious. Anyone who doesn't like Rick Steves.
Jess Lucas: [00:35:03] Yeah. I don't even know who he is.
Josh Janssen: [00:35:06] Yeah. He's, he's sort of, his whole vibe is, uh, older people wanting sort of a younger experience from a traveling perspective. So Rick Steves, it's like very popular books. It's very funny,
Tommy Jackett: [00:35:19] but he's a teacher presenter is,
Josh Janssen: [00:35:21] is it TV? Yeah. So he's, he's got like, so you can go to Europe and do the Rick Steves travel experience type of thing.
Um, and he, uh, Yeah, he's just daggy dad, but he's so much for the shirts and stuff. He's just like, uh, Rick Steves here. Uh, you know, and he's just like walking out, like it just sort of walking on like Rocky bits and like, it's very, it's funny. It's very,
Mason Lauder: [00:35:46] he's a real quick. He's great.
Josh Janssen: [00:35:47] And they're all on YouTube.
So they're like 25 minutes long. Isn't that amazing? I think it must be like commute, not community TV, but maybe like an equivalent of like, yeah. I think it must be like SBS or something. I'm sure. Um, but it's, uh, it's, it's awesome. So I would highly recommend, and he goes to all different parts of Europe.
Tommy Jackett: [00:36:07] Well, if you've got nothing planned for the weekend, uh, strap in for some Rick kind of Paris this weekend.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:14] Yeah. That would be nice. I'm not a fan of French food in a big way. I'm in Jalong. Anyway. Thanks for the invite.
Tommy Jackett: [00:36:22] Absolutely shit faced diverse steak.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:25] Well, we were, we actually the Italian, um, it was very nice.
Uh, there's a Jamie Oliver's restaurant. In Collingwood
Tommy Jackett: [00:36:34] is that what's
Josh Janssen: [00:36:36] let Dawn minutes. Not yet. No, it's Jamie. All of his, uh, it must be just licensed or whatever, but, um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:36:44] JPL, a whole lot of these restaurants went up.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:47] Yeah. Yeah. This is some sort of, um, I think deliver might be sort of. Spearheading it, but it's on, um, Uber rates as well.
And it's really good pizza. Really good. Aaron Cheney balls. Really good
Mason Lauder: [00:37:01] ship ships.
Josh Janssen: [00:37:02] Aioli was great. You put a little bit of cheese on top and so, um, yeah, but it was hard working out what country we were going to do. Cause Bree initially said let's do New Zealand and get fish and chips. So you sort of, you starting to design the.
Experience based on what do you want to eat? What do you want to drink? But the, um, the problem is that Rick Steves doesn't do like he does a Europe, Europe, CS thing. Um, we nearly did England, but just,
Tommy Jackett: [00:37:31] it's just that pie floater,
Josh Janssen: [00:37:34] but we need to also, yeah, not, not great, but the other thing too is the bit that hasn't taken effect yet, but I think 20, 21 will happen is actually getting dressed up the specific clouds.
So yeah, like we were just wearing active wear, but the idea is that we should be wearing. You know, an Italian themed, like I should have been wearing like a formula one
Jess Lucas: [00:37:59] polo taco Tuesdays
Josh Janssen: [00:38:04] cheap hat. Yeah. Just keep it up. Where do you go to what's the Mexican place in Bendigo. Oh,
Jess Lucas: [00:38:10] sorry. No, we don't go out with friends and stuff.
It's in like taco Tuesdays around each other's house.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:17] So juice one. That's the one where then we sort of almost, we did ban it. Didn't we most, we said no, Mexican
Mason Lauder: [00:38:23] just
Jess Lucas: [00:38:23] don't have the Michigan the best
Josh Janssen: [00:38:25] cuisine in the end. It is. But the thing is
Tommy Jackett: [00:38:27] you went the second, most easiest to Mexican, which is getting a pizza
Josh Janssen: [00:38:33] Cheney bowls. I feel like really set it out. Right. It wasn't just like a. And so Bray was even talking about, we could have gotten shore cross, which is sort of a more New York style pizza because where I was like, I just feel that I like being a good host. Like I pride myself on it, but I just, I don't have everything.
I need to be the perfect host. Like I don't know how to sort of like sphere. Um, what's it called? Uh, what, what's the story?
Mason Lauder: [00:38:57] Josh wants physical
Josh Janssen: [00:38:58] ice. Yeah. I want like an ice. That's like a ball and things like that are those molds,
Mason Lauder: [00:39:02] so you can, yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:39:03] But even, yeah, you get two halves and you put it together with the water, but the, but the thing is
Jess Lucas: [00:39:09] you do like a rebel one where they like it.
Josh Janssen: [00:39:11] exactly. Like a Silicon thing. Um, but the, I was freaking out before,
Mason Lauder: [00:39:17] does that work?
Jess Lucas: [00:39:18] No, but you should do it. It should be a ball already and you ship it in, but then it's able to expand so you can pop a ball out rather than join to harvest.
Tommy Jackett: [00:39:27] It's just a circle ice mold.
Josh Janssen: [00:39:29] Like there's a, how do you seal it?
Jess Lucas: [00:39:34] Perfectly round.
Tommy Jackett: [00:39:36] So there's like ones that are, they have like a little hole at the top that you put the water into.
Mason Lauder: [00:39:40] Oh, that's fine. Yeah. That's a great idea. That's that's a much smarter idea
Josh Janssen: [00:39:44] thinking two hubs.
Tommy Jackett: [00:39:46] Nah, you're not doing too hard. Is there like a, a, um, you know, those cake tins that are like rubber.
They're not rubber, but that cause that would melt, but they're like a non melting sort of non-stick have you seen this cake? Tins? They're sick, but they're like, they're all just like, it feels like you're holding rabbit. That's the same vibe as EAs. They, um, yeah, they're good. Anyway. Yeah. Time to buy a few of those items.
Josh Janssen: [00:40:11] Yeah. And also I just need, yeah, I need to find, because with Italy, I didn't have many books and we had three, like I had to put, when you're pulling out the Atlas, you're in trouble point out where
Tommy Jackett: [00:40:21] I'll look at it to boot.
Josh Janssen: [00:40:24] So that was a bit of a worry, but you know, I think a New York would be great. We've got a bunch of USA stuff, but again, too easy, too easy.
If you've got any suggestions of where the cuisine should be next, we're thinking, uh, Korea doing sort of like Korean barbecue. Oh, yeah, that would be nice. Nepalese food. It's sort of like a little, um, we find that we get very gassy from lentils. That's the only consideration. Well, at least it's
Tommy Jackett: [00:40:52] a pretty liberal thing for everybody.
I don't even think. I think it's a lot of people will get,
Josh Janssen: [00:40:57] get that way when we did the eggplant and the, um, the lentil thing that was, uh, I thought that I was dying for a second.
Jess Lucas: [00:41:04] What about Israeli food?
Josh Janssen: [00:41:06] Yada, yada, that would be great. Well, the Persian. So I went to my mate's house and he called it's called Kubota, which is like, um, the Kaibab that's on like the real, like sort of thick, um, almost like a sword looking thing.
And they put, do it on coals. That was delicious. But the problem is you need a bit of a backyard. It would be actually perfect for Bendigo. Maybe we could do some sort of, maybe you do a multicultural day at your China. We can have different foods. I'll bring croquettes, Dutch.
Tommy Jackett: [00:41:37] I'll look after the spit. The lamb spit.
Josh Janssen: [00:41:40] No, you're bringing Lavington Hong Kong. Oh, hot pots on Coles.
Tommy Jackett: [00:41:45] Yeah, no, I want to do the, um, the what's the New Zealand in the ground.
Josh Janssen: [00:41:52] You,
Mason Lauder: [00:41:52] ah, the fish we
Tommy Jackett: [00:41:54] covered
it's like potatoes and, you know, have you seen the first episode of, um, That show that's got Ben Sheree from Attica. He does it. And it's like, it's called something, Mason, y'all from the motherland. That's your motherland. Why didn't you know that? But yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:42:14] Well, I don't, I've never cooked potatoes in the ground before,
Tommy Jackett: [00:42:19] you know, you can't fly the fish.
Mason Lauder: [00:42:23] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:42:24] Does he put them in the microwave first? I know exactly what you're talking about. TJ it's
Tommy Jackett: [00:42:29] honey, it's a honey. Hanging honey is a traditional New Zealand Maori method of cooking food. Using heated rocks buried in a pit oven called an EMU a you mow. It is still used for large groups on special occasions.
Umu. I got it at AMIA. Um, it looks phenomenal. Done. I could really get around that could say having slaves. Absolutely. We need Ben Shiri. Jack, can you account?
Josh Janssen: [00:42:57] Yeah, Michael, he gave me something. Have you got to that? Jess? We've got to go Bendigo. Yeah. Yeah. Try again. I think your dad would get around to try again
Jess Lucas: [00:43:07] potentially.
Josh Janssen: [00:43:08] How many, uh, how many burgers does it do?
Mason Lauder: [00:43:11] Serve 60. I think it's 64 or
Josh Janssen: [00:43:13] 62 patties. That's what we feed the whole family. You can use results. All right. So,
Tommy Jackett: [00:43:22] uh, we'll see you in Bendigo pretty soon, Jess, we're coming up. We're all jumping in the
Josh Janssen: [00:43:26] County, right? It's a, the daily talk show. Enjoy your Saturday and we'll see you tomorrow.
Guys. Have a good one. See