#883 – Relationships & Travel/
- October 15, 2020
We chat about Mr. 97’s and Grace’s six-month anniversary, learnings from relationships, what happened when Josh tried to buy coffee, learning a language and where the best places are to live as a digital nomad.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Mr. 97’s and Grace’s six-month anniversary
- RSS feed compilers
- Ordering coffee
- Relationship learnings
- Relationship lifehacks
- Traffic
- Recommendations
- Nomad List
- Learning a language
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
Episode Tags
Josh Janssen: [00:00:00] Yeah, it's the daily talk show episode, 883.
Mason Lauder: [00:00:08] What's happening guys. What's going
Josh Janssen: [00:00:09] on mr. 97. Welcome to, uh, the, uh, Tommy jackets. Hosting seat. How are you today?
Mason Lauder: [00:00:19] Good. It's it's actually really nice to have something to say, as soon as you come on the podcast, like just, just something that you can say every single day.
It's great.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:28] And so, uh, TJ has some annual leave. And so you were filling in, what do you have planned? What can the grumps look forward to in the next half an hour?
Mason Lauder: [00:00:37] Ah, I mean maybe, maybe just a little. Update on, on, uh, me and
Josh Janssen: [00:00:46] the client
Mason Lauder: [00:00:50] but no great grace and I celebrated our six months over the weekend, um,
Josh Janssen: [00:00:56] in congrats.
Mason Lauder: [00:00:57] So that was, that was pretty cute. Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:01:00] Let me tell you if it's cute or not. Okay. It's cute. Um, what did you what'd you do
Mason Lauder: [00:01:06] well? So we, we, we spent the day, well, so the funny thing is, so our anniversary of the six, like yeah, so we.
On the 10th is the day that we decided to become girlfriend and boyfriend or enter into a relationship. It was a 10th and Perth and the 11th in Melbourne. So we sort of split it. So the 10th is the, I guess, official day. And so that's when we ordered a Italian and we hung out during the day and then
Josh Janssen: [00:01:39] nothing.
This is what you just did. This is what you did on the. When you started dating or is this for your six month?
Mason Lauder: [00:01:45] No, this is the six months.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:46] Okay. What did you do? Can you go it cast your mind back to six months prior? Yeah. Six months ago. Okay. What was the day like where you decided that you'd become boyfriend and girlfriend?
Mason Lauder: [00:01:59] Uh, what would have been late? Um, cause it was passing over midnight, but I think, I think we just, we just had a. A conversation about what, what a relationship looks like in, you know, what we are. And so, and then it was sort of just from there we say, yeah. Okay. Well, like this is a relationship that's great.
And we're both excited. It wasn't like a normal, it wasn't, it wasn't that sort of like, you know, will you be my girlfriend?
Josh Janssen: [00:02:27] I don't know if that happens after the age of 12. Um, and so, yeah, so it's like, are we, are we dating now?
Mason Lauder: [00:02:36] Yeah. Yeah. There's a bit of that. Like what, what, what are we, so, yeah, that was cute.
That was very cute. Yeah. Okay. Adam, sorry. Our six months on the weekend, Saturday, um, we didn't do much. We got, we got our food delivered in the morning, so it would have been like nine o'clock. And the truck rocks up outside with our food and we ended up getting Italian. So there was like a, um, like a spaghetti with, to be honest, it was a bit like, um, Paul and I's a real, a real good bolonaise.
And then
Josh Janssen: [00:03:11] I was like ready meal type of thing. Like it's like a light and easy for your six months.
Mason Lauder: [00:03:15] Nah, it was, it was not, we had to prepare it ourselves. It was Providore online.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:21] Well, I think that might've been, they've got a bunch of different restaurants on there.
Mason Lauder: [00:03:25] Yeah. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah. And so anyway, so they, they delivered that along with some trout and, uh, we got tiramisu as well, so that came and then we didn't do anything super special throughout the day.
We just sort of hung out and then. And then for dinner, we set up a little picnic rug and the Casella is also date night. We set up a picnic rug in the room, got the computer, started watching a movie, set some candles out in front, so it wouldn't knock them over and burned down my bedroom. And then, and then had dinner.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:00] Yeah. Do you feel like you've got any romantic tools left in your toolbox?
Mason Lauder: [00:04:07] Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:04:09] Well, it feels like the same thing. Every single weekend. You order food. You turn on a movie sometimes you'll put candles on. Yeah. How was, how was the six month experience different to like, not criticizing you, but how was it different?
Mason Lauder: [00:04:29] We got dressed up.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:30] Oh, that's nice. Yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:04:32] What did you mean. Jeans and a shirt.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:37] I go too crazy.
Mason Lauder: [00:04:39] Well, I thought wearing a suit was probably a bit overboard,
Josh Janssen: [00:04:42] like a button, like a, like a, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:04:45] Buttoned up shirt and then just the rolled up sleeves.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:49] Oh yeah. Yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:04:50] It was nice. And so, yeah, so we got dressed up, um,
Josh Janssen: [00:04:55] Yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:04:55] I mean, it was just nice. Yeah, that was just about it. I think the candles, the candles don't visually do a lot, but I think it's the thought.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:05] Sure. I know that grace loves like one of the things I was asking and he said like, what do you miss? What's the, what, what do you love? And she was talking about getting coffee.
Coffee is super important to him. Have you ever gone to a cafe and got her coffee?
Mason Lauder: [00:05:21] No. So the, the problem is the coffee shops around there. Aren't many great ones around where I am within like five walking distance. Like I can't just pop, like there are a few down the road, but they're not like I wouldn't go to them for a coffee.
Plus we also like this morning, for example, I made her a coffee, so.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:43] Okay. Do you make one for yourself? Cause you're you have typically not being a coffee guy. Do you think that's going to change?
Mason Lauder: [00:05:51] Nastel not a coffee guy. I just, I like my warm milk though. Just the leftover from a
Josh Janssen: [00:05:56] boiling milk. China was what you're describing.
Yeah, for sure.
Mason Lauder: [00:06:01] And just did a little cup and I have that, so.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:04] Okay. Alright. Any other, any, any other content that you've got today? Um, so normally TJ would have a. And will she update or
Mason Lauder: [00:06:16] no, I don't have any dates. I do have. Yeah. I mean, what's that, it's along what we, similar to what we spoke about on hump day and I messaged you over the weekend about it and I've, I've downloaded this app called Feedly.
And it's, it's a RSS compiler. So for every, every news website has, uh, an RSS feed, which is a way that you can bring in the information from the website into an Excel app. And so this means that I can bring in all my different news sources. Into one application. So I can have like the verge, the age, you know, a science website,
Josh Janssen: [00:06:56] um, Cal podcasts work, you subscribe to an RSS feed and it delivers you audio.
Whenever there's a new one, it's just a, a mechanism for subscribing. So question the age, which is behind a pay wall. They have an RSS.
Mason Lauder: [00:07:13] What's up? This is, this is the, I didn't get any, I didn't get any of the ones behind the paywall. Can you do that though?
Josh Janssen: [00:07:20] So if I was, if I had a, a subscription that's behind a pay wall that I pay for, can I get the RSS feed and put it into an app?
Mason Lauder: [00:07:30] I reckon you would be able to. Yeah. From just without a subscription. No, I don't know. Without a subscription. I did say on a couple of them, they just give you a preview so you can still get all the stories and the headlines.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:43] So you just become the headline guy at this point because you can click through it.
If you click through. It will say no, no, you can't see, see this
Mason Lauder: [00:07:54] on a subscription only. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, I consume free stuff anyway, so,
Josh Janssen: [00:07:59] and so what are your gotos what's like what, what have you got on the RSS?
Mason Lauder: [00:08:03] Well, so I've got, I've brought in tweets. I'm sorry. Cause I don't, I don't like Twitter.
Twitter's too much of a rabbit hole, but I've got tweets brought in from Rhonda, Patrick and Mike Cannon Brookes from Atlassian. Um, and then under business, I've just got Seth Golden's blog and then science, I've got a publication called science news and science daily, which just, you know, publishing like stuff that appears in journals and stuff.
And then, uh, the verge.
Josh Janssen: [00:08:35] Okay. And so how often are you looking at it? Is it the first thing in the morning experience over a warm milk?
Mason Lauder: [00:08:44] That would be nice. Yeah. Having a little baby Chino it's it's replaced the verge. I don't go to the verge anymore. I go to Feedly
Josh Janssen: [00:08:51] so, yeah. Yeah. So I was using, um, Reeder, R E D E R I think is what it's called.
Good at good solid app a bit. Then that is you then need a service like Feedly to plug into it. So it's like. Radar is the, I'm almost like an email client or an RSS client. And then you have the service where you hold them all. Sure. So that could be something you could look at. Reader is very nice, nice sort of design, nice wiping across.
Do you swipe? So like you archiving, so you're actually consuming and then archiving.
Mason Lauder: [00:09:25] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The swiping, the swiping is great. Real good functionality. I like it.
Josh Janssen: [00:09:30] Okay. All right. Good one. Uh, I actually went for a walk this morning with, uh, Jess had a bit of a really walking meeting. Yeah. And it was really nice.
It was great. Uh, good weather outside. But I did have an issue with, uh, ordering coffee and it, it made me realize how long it's been since I've actually done it. Or like, you know, had to speak to a cafe because it was at the, uh, near the getting closer to the end of the walk. And there was a good coffee shop and I said, Oh, I'll get it.
It's all good. I'll get it. And I just had my phone and I Apple paid and I realized that I have an act activated my bank, my bank card. And it like finished in August and like it, but because Brie gets the coffee, like I haven't had to use Apple pay or anything for months. And so I was like, nah, okay.
That's all good. And I, you know, did the thing, and then I just declined. I was like, fuck. That's the thing is when something declines, the first response is I look like I'm broke. Like I've got no man. Like, this is very, very sad. And so then it becomes this whole thing of like, okay, well, I've, don't have it connective.
I can't contact the bank now. And activate it's too hard. Don't have the actual physical card. And so then you end up, like, what would you do in that situation? Not that you've ever bought a coffee before in your life?
Mason Lauder: [00:11:08] Well, I'm the guy to rock one card in Apple, in Apple wallet. Like, I feel like you'd be the person to have multiple cards in there.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:16] Definitely. Well, so I will have it, like, all I had was my velocity frequent flyer, which wasn't kind of helped me. Yeah. And so what would you, uh, what would you do in that moment?
Mason Lauder: [00:11:26] Mmm.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:29] So it's decline. The interesting thing is the guy's gone to make it, and I just realized her, hang on. I wonder if it is okay.
And I looked over and it said declined and the guy was just handing over the coffee's like, everything was fine. Yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:11:44] Was like
Josh Janssen: [00:11:45] small business. Like we can't, we can't be doing this in 20 it's like, uh, it's it's it's it's not great. Um, being white, I felt, this is what I thought was funny about it. I felt the need to log into my bank account and at least show that I had some cash in the account.
So I need it. But there's also cash in there. Sorry. That was like, look, you're going to there's something funny. Yeah. About being like, no, no, no, no, I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. And it's like, Do you mind getting it? Actually it's a little, um, you could,
Mason Lauder: [00:12:18] you could have done the BSP, the classic BSB to the barista.
Josh Janssen: [00:12:21] Oh yeah. Yeah. That could be a thing. I mean, what have you learned about money when it comes to being in a relationship? How do you, what's the deal with Gracie? You, you keep in tabs. If you've got a spreadsheet, how does it all work?
Mason Lauder: [00:12:36] No, no spreadsheet. We're still, we're still waiting for our. Bank app, like the app that we use up to, to have joint or shared accounts.
Um, and then we can, we can look at that, but yeah, I think
Josh Janssen: [00:12:50] you just,
Mason Lauder: [00:12:51] just having more experiences with, with Grice, just like going out, getting dinner or, you know yeah. Going to the supermarket and buying stuff, like when we went for a picnic or whatever, like getting,
Josh Janssen: [00:13:03] did you just want one for one? Is that how it works?
Mason Lauder: [00:13:06] Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. So yeah, we'll just, we'll just split, split things like you do this one and then I'll do the next one. So. Okay. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:13:14] Anything else that you've learned? Like what's been the biggest sort of a change for you now, living with someone for the first time outside of your family? And having a girlfriend what's been the biggest, biggest change
Mason Lauder: [00:13:29] being more considered, I think just, just because like, when, when you, by yourself, you can do. Whatever you want or whenever you want.
Josh Janssen: [00:13:39] So
Mason Lauder: [00:13:42] no, but when you can do, yeah. So like, if I've got like a piece of work or whatever, or something pops up, like there needs to be another thought and another consideration for how that impacts grace and what she wants to do. And so it's. It's it's getting used to things like that, because I've just previously, like, I haven't had anyone that I've had to think about like that.
And so I've, I would just usually go ahead and do it without a second thought. And so just a bit, yeah, a few more things like that. That is just,
Josh Janssen: [00:14:13] yeah, what's the book. What's the biggest one. Any, any blind spots for you where you're like, ah, shit. I didn't realize I did that.
Mason Lauder: [00:14:19] Um, Probably, I always, I always thought I was pretty good when it came to communicating and now I just, now I just realized that it's like, I'm okay, but not like, there's still like lots of times where I'm just not communicating, like what I'm doing or how I'm feeling and that sort of thing.
That's probably been the biggest one. Like I just, I thought it was pretty good,
Josh Janssen: [00:14:42] but, well, what's the answer to that? Cause I remember watching, like there was this like venture capitalist who had a, um, A scorecard system with his wife. And so they both did it. And so it would be like, you'd have to do an one to 10 and then as long as you're getting a score across the board, that's okay.
You're both all good. I
Mason Lauder: [00:15:03] brought an idea based on
Josh Janssen: [00:15:05] it's based on everything it's like. Uh, am I, uh, feeling like supported and might like everything from like finance to, um, to respect to sex all of those things. So it's one to 10, as long as it's you getting it. Across the board it's spread out as long as like, you can feel like you really respect and have no sex and that's okay.
But you can't like, you gotta make sure you can't, you can't have no respect and no sex and bad find that like that's bad.
Mason Lauder: [00:15:35] Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:36] Yeah. I brought this, the, the idea of a school card. Like, um, to Bray, which I get the pushback, like, it seems it would be a great use for the index cards. But have you, have you thought about any of those, those types of things?
Mason Lauder: [00:15:56] no. I mean the probably, yeah. W w Jessen, what, what Jess has brought up on, on too much Italian also what Bernay Brown talks about? Like the. The sort of percentage feeling I had, I think we don't know do the percentages, but it's just like, yeah, like I'm feeling, was it today? Or just getting that ahead of time.
So you just, you know, you have more understanding for each other. I think that's probably been the biggest. Like a system or thing that we have in place.
Josh Janssen: [00:16:26] Yeah. Yeah. Um, there was, um, they, they even spoke about this VC. I think he may have headed up like Google, like a section of Google for awhile. I can't remember his name, but, um, uh, they would have human.
His wife would have meetings where that was the time. To bring up any concerns, bitch batching. Yeah. Bitch patching. Exactly. It looks like putting it all together where it's like, you say what I need to improve on. So that then it's not this just constant where I'm like, Oh, I'm really annoyed about this or that.
Or can you do this or do that? Like, it's all. At one specific time, I feel like you're a regimented guy, fairly organized. Are there any of those things, if you put sort of your life hack club before did or life hack club couples? what are some life? What are some life hacks? For being in a relationship. Um,
Mason Lauder: [00:17:25] I mean, we, we did, we did do this thing maybe a couple of weeks ago, but it was just like all the things that make us uncomfortable at the moment.
And so it was just like things that either like, you know, induced anxiety or. Or even just make you feel a little bit uncomfortable.
Josh Janssen: [00:17:43] One thing that won't make you uncomfortable is a sleep Republic mattress go to sleep, public.com to that. You don't get a mattress at brilliant Dawn. They have very good.
Mason Lauder: [00:17:56] Yeah. So we, we both put together lists and then came to each other. And so it was just, it was just like little things where we had to make little changes, like. You know, Mondays and Tuesdays are busier days for me. And so it's just like, okay, like what can we do for breakfast and lunch on both those days?
So it's, doesn't become a thing of where just ask her, what are we having? And it becomes this whole thing. So I think little, little things like that, bringing a list and then just. Being able to be like, okay, like here's what we can do to try fix that. And then at least you're both aware of what what's happening.
Josh Janssen: [00:18:33] Shared calendars. Are you doing a shared calendar or anything like that?
Mason Lauder: [00:18:37] Uh, no, we do. There are a couple like, so. If, if grace has got like a psych appointment or whatever, or something con she'll put it in the calendar and add me into it. And so I'll actually see it in my calendar. So I'm aware, but not sharing the full calendar, like what you do with, um, with mine.
Josh Janssen: [00:18:55] Yeah. There's a lot, it's, it's getting overwhelming to be honest, because I get, for some reason I need to. Work out my notifications, but I get notifications when anyone's doing anything. That's very annoying.
Mason Lauder: [00:19:07] Didn't leave you, you accepted a calendar invite on my behalf.
Josh Janssen: [00:19:10] I sent you a calendar invite and then I accepted it for you.
It's very annoying. Yeah,
Mason Lauder: [00:19:16] yeah. Yeah. I didn't even say come through it. I just got. I just saw it and said, yes, I was fine.
Josh Janssen: [00:19:23] Um, okay. And so what are you, uh, looking ahead, ISO finishing up at some point what's on the list. What's the five things that sales is going to do when he can leave the house in a proper way.
Mason Lauder: [00:19:39] Um, beach is the first one. Um, we haven't had. And grace has brought this up in the past couple of days. We haven't had a great burger in the past couple of weeks. Like awesome, great burger. So
Josh Janssen: [00:19:56] the last couple of weeks, I mean, he's been going for a long time, but it's
Mason Lauder: [00:20:04] like food deliveries, like where I am, the food delivery is like everything arrives cold.
And so like something like a great burger that's. Warm
Josh Janssen: [00:20:14] hot.
Mason Lauder: [00:20:16] Yeah. Chips that aren't soggy. It would be nice. Um, yeah. What else? I dunno, just, we haven't weaving a road trip somewhere. Like if I'm going away for a weekend or something like that, we haven't been able to do so. Yeah. That'd be fun.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:33] Yeah. What about,
Mason Lauder: [00:20:34] what are you going to do with Bri?
Josh Janssen: [00:20:36] Uh, yeah. What are we going to do? What are we going to do? Uh, I think we'll, uh, grow like the great ocean roads. A good one. I think we'll definitely take you guys on the great ocean road. I think that will be fun. Uh, what else it'd be when we can travel domestically? That will be nice. Being able to like Tazzy.
I think Tazzy is high on the list, but I think that I'm starting to get. Realizing, like it's only, now that I'm realizing, I was like, man, we actually can't leave the country. Isn't it crazy?
Mason Lauder: [00:21:13] Yeah. It's I, the thing is, I think, I think I'd get around that. Just looking like, just like just looking and planning and scheming, what you're going to do.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:23] Perfect time for that. Right? Like some of the best parts of a holiday is planning and the anticipation. So if we all just got into anticipation mode, but what I wonder is, is it just can be this crazy influx. So my mate Nissan lives in Queensland. He reckons every second person he bumps into has, they've just moved to Queensland really far
Mason Lauder: [00:21:50] out.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:50] And so I do wonder I'm not a CRA the contradiction or the issue with what I like. I love cafes that are quiet. They're not great businesses. You know what I mean? Yeah. I like, I like Airbnb. Like I like hotels where there's not heaps of other people staying there, not great for business, not a good hotel.
And so I wonder, do you think that there will be an influx of travel? What do you think is going to happen when, when borders open? As an epidemiologist, what are you and the traveling? What do you think?
Mason Lauder: [00:22:28] Yeah, well, I mean, it depends, it depends on like, they're not going to open them till cases are down, but I think, I think there'll be a lot of.
Probably driving and less flying. Like I think there's like, you're going to be like driving down to places or doing things like that. That as opposed to flying, I feel like
Josh Janssen: [00:22:47] traffic has been traffic has been crazy. So really, uh, I met Jess at six 30. She was six minutes, light traffic. That's what she said.
It was funny. It was just like, ah, so annoying. Like she, she really sort of had to felt hurt, know that's what I'm thinking. And I was like, Oh, this is just the classic thing of you liked something. And then like, you've just got to obsess over the track. Like, Oh, it was just crazy. You know, the cars, trucks, buses all there, but, um, but then we walked down a huddle straight.
And it was chockers. There were so many cars. And then I was thinking about like, we don't have, um, I could guess with all the curfew stuff, I actually saw a car on Smith street this month, 2:00 AM. I woke up to the sound of a, like a loud, like an engine. And there was a car, like a white sedan zooming up.
Smith's straight Smiths rates. I dunno what Smith's rate 50 kilometers an hour 66 one. Let me, um, That we're going probably a hundred and they had their hazard lights on just zooming up Smith
Mason Lauder: [00:23:55] far out.
Josh Janssen: [00:23:56] What do you think? What if you saw that? Because Brie and I both woke up and I'm like, Oh, what am I wonder what it was?
Where does your mind go? Seeing a car speeding. Unmarked. Like it's not a it's it doesn't look like an emergency service vehicle. They're just using hazards story.
Mason Lauder: [00:24:12] We he's not a repair technician.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:15] Yeah, sure. Why do you say they're not a repair technician? Well,
Mason Lauder: [00:24:23] I don't know. I just, I feel like as in, you're not going to be in that you're not going to be in a rush to be honest,
Josh Janssen: [00:24:28] like pay a technician based on their essential workers.
Is that why you bring them up?
Mason Lauder: [00:24:33] Nah, just based on like a white van with hazard lights on.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:37] Sure. It was a sedan. It was a sedan, which is like a yeah,
Mason Lauder: [00:24:41] yeah, yeah. A lot. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:43] It's like a car. Yeah. I got a bit fancy.
Mason Lauder: [00:24:50] Yeah, no, definitely some excess going on.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:52] Hmm. Yeah. Well, I thought like maybe it's someone running away from, or maybe that like, uh, uh, they're about to give birth.
Oh, yeah. And there's zooming along. But I think I saw them go through a red light. I feel like if you are in labor, you don't go through red lights as a rule.
Mason Lauder: [00:25:12] Yeah. That's a good point. But also it is early in the morning. How many people are going to be driving?
Josh Janssen: [00:25:17] Takes one car to T-bone you? It doesn't have.
Mason Lauder: [00:25:18] That's true. Yeah. That's very true. Look. Yeah, no.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:24] Can't think of anything?
Mason Lauder: [00:25:25] No, that's, that's a V that's a great story. I've short. Like I wouldn't, what, what direction were they going?
Josh Janssen: [00:25:31] They're going towards the city.
Mason Lauder: [00:25:32] Okay. Well then it could have been the hospital. I feel like if it's going the other way away from the city, then it's definitely a sus thing that's happening.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And then going, if, if, if they go in towards the city, that pregnancy is a great,
Josh Janssen: [00:25:47] okay. Yeah, that's good. I'm glad I asked. Um, In regards to, uh, movies, TV shows, Netflix recommendations, the classic. What are you watching? What are you listening to? What are you reading?
Mason Lauder: [00:26:00] I would love an Amazon prime recommendation.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:03] Jack Ryan, Jack Ryan.
Mason Lauder: [00:26:05] Yeah. Jasper, I can't give it like we have, I have actually seen Jack Ryan before TJ brought up it's it is a great series. Um, and I would recommend it. Um, What if we're saying, Oh, we we've watched, um, we watched the David Attenborough documentary. That's good. It's great. Yeah. Real great.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:25] It's how can you, like, he's a, he's an absolute legend. Like if you think
Mason Lauder: [00:26:30] he's amazing. I just, I love, I love the, um, it was so great though. Just think like pulling from the archives and all that throughout the show, like I thought that was very cool. The fact that they've done all these documentaries and they've just.
Been able to pull on all that and create this cool little
Josh Janssen: [00:26:47] stuff. Okay. So you'll have your Netflix doco, it'll be less sort of,
Mason Lauder: [00:26:53] and you're a cheap dive out of it. So
Josh Janssen: [00:26:56] I will have an orchestra. No, the whole thing, you
Mason Lauder: [00:27:00] know, I did think about when it was at
Josh Janssen: [00:27:03] can't be good. I guess at that point he's like made him 93 have had a good life.
Yeah. Don't you think,
Mason Lauder: [00:27:10] but is it worth it? Like, is it worth being in there? Like surely he could have, like,
Josh Janssen: [00:27:15] I worry about having the microwave on yeah. At home. Yeah.
Mason Lauder: [00:27:21] UVA as well. Like, Ugh. Then you just think about like,
Josh Janssen: [00:27:24] Eva doesn't bother me. Well, have you seen how much I'm like, uh, pilots and stuff? You have to be careful with the amount of UV you're getting as a pilot.
Arguably it's the equivalent of an X Ray or something.
Mason Lauder: [00:27:40] Real every time you fly.
Josh Janssen: [00:27:42] Yeah. I dunno if that's a fact, can you look that up?
Mason Lauder: [00:27:45] Well, I know that going through, going through the scanners and stuff also, Gracie sent me a clarification. He wasn't actionable. I think he was near Shinobi.
Josh Janssen: [00:27:53] Oh, really? I grain that they had it.
Well, they had all the, um, the shots of the schools and things like that.
Mason Lauder: [00:28:00] Oh yeah. Um, okay. Hang on.
Josh Janssen: [00:28:04] So x-ray.
Mason Lauder: [00:28:06] X, why are we doing the X Ray machine? And,
Josh Janssen: [00:28:09] Oh, no. So I want to know you're flying, uh, of the amount of radiation.
Mason Lauder: [00:28:16] Yeah. I mean, you could imagine, like, if they even say, when you go through the scanner, that's just like the equivalent of, I don't know what the equivalent is, but apparently it's not
Josh Janssen: [00:28:26] the, um, well, whilst you do that, uh, you've been looking at nomad list.
Which was like my favorite website. About three years ago, before brain, I went traveling. We used it to work out. It gives you a rating on the best cities in the world, based on like livability, like the safety, how much it costs for a coffee. Um, all of that sort of stuff. Internet speeds. You've been on nomad least.
Yep. Um, what, uh, what are you thinking? Where do you want to live? What's your travel plans?
Mason Lauder: [00:29:03] Um, so we, we looked at, um, the first, I mean, it was like within the top five, but it was like Tenerife. It's an Island, uh, off Italy, maybe. I can't, I can't remember, but, um, Canary islands, grace has just sent that through, but that's, that was one of the things that was, um, often Morocco, I think, um, that's that was one of the places, but then.
It's sort of, it's an Island and there was all this stuff around people not being super, super friendly. And it's almost like a GoTo for digital nomads. Like really so many people there.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:49] It's a bit, very much like that. Like a lot of those like digital nomads can go either way. You can just like, yeah. But the, uh, so I'm just having a look.
The top one at the moment. Lisbon,
Mason Lauder: [00:30:01] Portugal, Portugal
Josh Janssen: [00:30:03] never, uh, never been there. Wanted to go there. Couldn't get cheap flights when we're traveling. Beautiful. It feels like 19 degrees Celsius right now.
Mason Lauder: [00:30:15] Good internet as well. Great internet.
Josh Janssen: [00:30:17] A good air quality. Yeah. Hospitals are bad though. That's the other thing nightlife life is okay.
Mason Lauder: [00:30:25] Well, that's like not lost, not, I mean,
Josh Janssen: [00:30:27] LGBTQ plus friendly. Great. So it says
Mason Lauder: [00:30:31] the thing is like London. Um, London is another place that we both want to go to, so it'll, we'll have to figure out cause it's very expensive and it's just like, wait, where do you live? If you're gonna live there for three months?
Josh Janssen: [00:30:47] Yeah. So the thing that like brain in, I found a great Airbnb in London and ended up being really inexpensive, like given it was like the most, like one of the most expensive places we ended up. Like, it was one of those examples where we were, um, we didn't have the whole apartment, like the host lived there, but, um, yeah, it's interesting.
So if you look at the cost of living on different things, so. Uh, the, the price for Lisbon Portugal is 20. So 2070 $4 a month. That's us. And so if you have a look at cost of living it, um, it sort of breaks it down. So a one bedroom studio rent in the center is 764 a month, which is that's great. And this a D dinner would cost you $7.
And 5 cents for a beer for a 500, for 500 mils for a, for a 0.5 liter. How much,
Mason Lauder: [00:31:51] how much is a pint?
Josh Janssen: [00:31:52] I'm sure you're asking the wrong guy.
Mason Lauder: [00:31:55] It is 473 milliliters. So that's probably, yeah, yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:31:59] exactly. Like it is nomad list.com. It is good fun. Just sort of exploring. So Melbourne is a number 17 on the list currently.
Hm. So if you have a look at internet speeds, Lisbon, the average speeds, 29 megabits per second. Uh Melbourne's at 14 megabits per second. Average the, for people playing at home, the cost of living of Melbourne, they've put down at 2,978. Uh, have a look at it from a scores perspective. Uh, it's got pretty good scores on everything except air quality.
The annual is just good. Humidity is comfy. I think we've got pretty good humidity, but what they say is bad is free. Wifi in city is not as bad.
Mason Lauder: [00:32:54] Yeah, it is. No, it's real bad. At least there is wifi, I guess. I mean, most people are rocking 4g anyway, so
Josh Janssen: [00:33:01] yeah, but it's a wireless carrier they've got as hello, mobile.
I've never even heard of them.
Mason Lauder: [00:33:07] Never heard of them either. Surely Telstra.
Josh Janssen: [00:33:09] Hello. What's
Mason Lauder: [00:33:10] what's crazy is like those European countries, like I'm hungry. And, uh, when was that? Romania? They're like getting outrageous internet.
Josh Janssen: [00:33:21] Yeah. So, I mean, uh, yeah, Eastern Europe. I like, I love Eastern Europe, like, um, uh, Budapest in Hungary.
Is awesome. And that like, it's really, really beautiful, inexpensive really call that creative people. Uh, yeah, I think like Hungary would be a cool place. Like Romania is great as well. Yeah. Night share would be nice. So you can, you can search. So if I go overall score, so then you could go, um, overall score, nomad score, family score.
So yeah, if you're a family wanting to move temporarily, it'd be interesting to see where it all lands with Kobe.
Mason Lauder: [00:34:06] Yeah. Yeah. Shaw. I wonder if that impacts the safety of it. Surely.
Josh Janssen: [00:34:12] Yeah. So you can search by all of the different things as well. So it's like the freedom of speech is important to you. You can S you can solve by that
Mason Lauder: [00:34:19] find a good one.
You did your round of world round, round the world trip, like yeah. Traveling across Europe and stuff. Like where, where did, where did you, where did you love the most? Where would you recommend?
Josh Janssen: [00:34:31] I, so favorite place that I went to, which I like w brain. So when brain brain, I went on our trip, I think Krakow in Poland was just a surprise.
Me the most. Okay. It was like Epic food, inexpensive, awesome. Airbnb. That was essentially like a hotel, but it's an Airbnb. Cost us 80 bucks a night for the two of us. That's awesome. They have, um, things called like milk bars. So if you look it up, Poland, milk bars. It's like subsidized like food, but it's legit.
Like it's really, really good.
Mason Lauder: [00:35:16] Yeah, who are they subsidizing it
Josh Janssen: [00:35:18] for? The government subsidizes it for like everyone just as it, like, I guess as a way of increasing living standard and also like, um, yeah. Uh, what to expect from your first visit to a Polish meal, but yeah, delicious food. It's really, really good.
Um, it's called, uh, a bar McClain, ski, McClain listening closely. I think that's, what is that, what it is? I've just finally found something.
Mason Lauder: [00:35:44] How did you know to go there?
Josh Janssen: [00:35:46] It's just, you know, like the, the, um, the travel books and things like that show they're like the best coffee, I think as well, like it was on, 'em like not to be obnoxious, but it was at Melbourne quality and I loved it.
So anyway. Yeah, I think so Krakow is awesome for. If, if there was ever like a world conference, wherever, like, ah, yeah, we're going to bring all creators together or so crack out would be a great, like, it's a great, um, great city for walking as well. And so, yeah, I think that that was one, but outside of that Serrano, In Italy, which, um, it's like a medieval town and, uh, Brie and I stayed there.
And, uh, the guy that we stayed with was awesome. Like, he's like a dude from the U S who'd been there for 30 years, a writer in a like, uh, like did sculptures and shit. Great. Um, and, uh, yeah, that was, that was really, really cool. We spent a bunch of time in, in Italy. I started listening to, um, Pimsleur again.
So I, I paid all this money for Pimsleur, which is like a, um, what got me across the line is it's what the FBI uses to learn new languages.
Mason Lauder: [00:37:05] Ah, yes.
Josh Janssen: [00:37:07] So like duo lingo, unless the FBI using it, I'm not interested. And so
Mason Lauder: [00:37:12] it's like that book that the FBI bloke had a influenced revenue or something. Yeah. How did you ever lose an eye or something like that?
And it's just like
Josh Janssen: [00:37:23] a terrorist
Mason Lauder: [00:37:25] that got me. I bought the book, so
Josh Janssen: [00:37:26] yeah. I mean the, and so I, um, Yeah, the Pimms, I think I ended up downloading the app is not great, but downloaded their app. And I have it. And I started doing, uh, uh, the Italian, the Italian a couple of nights ago where just have it on. It goes to the, you know, 25 minutes and you learn a bunch of, you know, uh, like a PCA link, lazy.
Uh, your Norco is Scalia Italiana. You know,
Mason Lauder: [00:37:54] what's what is it? Just, you just play it or are you repeating things back
Josh Janssen: [00:37:57] to them? It's like, um, and then you say it back. Okay, great. Yeah. How do you know, what language do you want to learn?
Mason Lauder: [00:38:05] Ah, Spanish.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:06] Okay. Definitely
Mason Lauder: [00:38:07] Spanish.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:09] What's the effect. What's cause I've definitely been there.
And one, not saying that it's like a phase, but I've, I've wanted to learn Spanish before. Uh, what's the appeal of Spanish?
Mason Lauder: [00:38:19] Well, I mean, I feel, I feel like it's. The, I feel like it's a pretty versatile language across Europe. Like if, if you've got Spanish as your base, you're going to be able to at least pick out words in other languages and potentially string together sentences.
And the other one as well. Like if you're in South America, you could also be helpful
Josh Janssen: [00:38:40] when chocolates Kelly anti-pop of all, which is one hot chocolate paper, please, which is something. Yeah. But interestingly, they don't speak Spanish. In, uh, Barcelona, they speak, uh, what's it called? Uh, cattle.
Mason Lauder: [00:38:57] Cattle.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:58] Yeah. Kind of liked it. So it's in the city. The state is, uh, anyway, I'm going to send an ignorant. I mean, Catalina is the, um, is the, I think an accurate Catalan. Yeah. But anyway, my mate, who's from Venezuela. When we were in Barcelona, we were on a train. And my mate was Eby was teaching me Spanish.
And, um, the guy cracked it on the train. It's like, we don't speak Spanish here. Why Spanish? Yeah. That's why I don't go and try it. Um, I actually loved her. I actually would traveling. I've said this before trains or that sort of thing when traveling love it when I'm at home, not into it. Like when I go on the tram, like the few times I go on the tram always turn a brain.
Like, I feel like I'm overseas.
Mason Lauder: [00:39:51] What's this complete different experience though. Yeah. Cause like when overseas they're so much faster, trams are just a bit shit compared to
Josh Janssen: [00:39:58] yeah, I do like the idea of doing, maybe we could do a big, um, train trip somewhere. Yeah. That'd be fun.
Mason Lauder: [00:40:06] Just in the, just in the train as in, just stay in the train or you actually do
Josh Janssen: [00:40:12] yeah.
Different locations like transsiberian railway.
Mason Lauder: [00:40:16] Would you, would you love a cruise?
Josh Janssen: [00:40:18] No.
Mason Lauder: [00:40:19] Okay. Would you say sick? I
Josh Janssen: [00:40:21] forgot. Yeah. I just don't want it. I feel sick the whole time. No, definitely.
Mason Lauder: [00:40:25] Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:40:25] Yeah. Um, I think a train is fun. Being able to get off the train, um, you know, going through mountainous areas, that type of thing would be cool.
I just feel like I've done a lot of road trips. Especially like in the U S but I haven't done crazy amounts of trains.
Mason Lauder: [00:40:44] Train trips. Yeah. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:40:46] Okay. Right now you get it. Alright. Uh, you do get it. Thank you for, for joining us serves that's. How do you feel as, as a, as the cohost today? Did it feel different?
Mason Lauder: [00:40:58] Uh, no, it felt, yeah, it did feel different. I feel there's probably like a different. Yeah, there's, there's a different thing. Just switching between all the different podcasts and like the, what you're bringing to each of them. And so it's like, yeah, it does. You bring, you bring a different energy. So
Josh Janssen: [00:41:15] I could, it was this high energy or what was this for you?
Mason Lauder: [00:41:17] I think it's, it's definitely higher energy.
Josh Janssen: [00:41:20] Yeah. Grab a one trick Tony's out today. Yep. That was a good episode. Yeah. And you're in that as well. I noticed that you, in one moment you said we referring to you and her like as in your show.
Mason Lauder: [00:41:36] Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:41:38] I'm tiny, quickly corrected that it's her show and that you're just working on it for it.
Yeah. But go check out one trick, Tony. Otherwise, thank you serves, uh, everyone else enjoy the rest of your day. Not usurps. You've got shit to do. Uh, and we'll, uh, see tomorrow, catch up.