#769 – Ants In The Kitchen/
- June 23, 2020
Quitting BuzzFeed and redundancies, killing ants in the office kitchen, the UberEats bag issue, the best and worst slogans, seeing multiple shooting stars in one night and much more!
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– BuzzFeed, VICE and culture-shifting
– UberEats bags and our ants problem
– Childhood experiences with bugs
– Slogans
– Shooting stars
– How far away is The Sun?
– The end of the World
– Ethical journalism and the headline
– A podcast recommendation
Watch and listen to this episode of The Daily Talk Show at https://bigmediacompany.com.au/thedailytalkshow/769
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 769. What's happening guys? What's going on Tommy jacket? Happy Tuesday. Are you smiling? I don't know. Just, I'm trying to embrace what it means to do a podcast with two people. Yeah, I'm, I'm thinking about what JJ would have done as in May Janssen. Hi, welcome what I would have done back in the day, and I feel like that's a bit of what I would have been more gear. I want to bring more gear to today's show, do
you I mean, back in the day, you had your solo show, I take my hat off to anyone who does a solo show because it's a different skill, right? to different sort of, I mean, especially with just talking to yourself, you end up asking yourself a question, asking yourself a lot of questions. Okay. I went down a rabbit hole last night just watching a whole bunch of
the best was buzz. I quit BuzzFeed reaction videos. There was so many I quit ya. BuzzFeed video is BuzzFeed Actually, I don't know if I spoke about this the other day, but is BuzzFeed actually in trouble?
I think they're done. Well just told me producer Jesse said that they they're done. I don't think they I mean,
I don't think they like having sushi on their site and it's still there.
I know it's still their YouTube channel still there. It's ginormous. 20 million people 20 million subscribers. But all that all the people already been done just for clarity.
Hang on.
This is not to say he's
so he's BuzzFeed. I'm pissed of sieves, which really takes too long BuzzFeed
dot save that comes up as fake quizzes.
Now you're fine.
While you while you work that out
both feet to close Australia's news opportunities strike.
Yeah, but that's also a very specific thing. The news section of BuzzFeed, I always found it weird that like there would be a press conference. Because it wasn't news about the latest hot dog
20 of the best hot dog Yeah. rated by
right by hipster. That's basically what it is BuzzFeed will no longer cover local Australian stories with staff to be told about standouts today, I think we started go hit before the staff knew what When was that? This was written in 2020. So this year, I mean, this
is article one it was 10 reasons why you losing your job.
I mean, they did they did shift culture in a big way. Like in terms of how we consume stuff like I remember when BuzzFeed first came out and then there was the
voice Yeah, it was such a try. My eyes are twitching so much lately. Too much coffee but this is my second sir. The no vice like had a specific style very flat footage. Yeah, it's like no one colour graded any of the footage. It was always just log. It was lazy. Yeah. features like audit log acknowledged, lazy.
Yes, advice was that but they I think vice, I mean, this is the thing, right? So as a company gets bigger, they you could it's a perceived view of them losing their values or their original approach, which is the challenge I've I not relate to it because I can't relate to making it that big bit second biggest Weight Loss Weight Loss that way, but you could say the shifting their attention or shifting their approach that's like content changes, people start calling it out, but it's like, well, we're a bigger operation, we can do more content now. So we have to change the approach to be able to even do 20 videos a week instead of two. And so I used to sit get sent around vise tacos, like, you know, there would be those great on the ground in the, in the sort of garage or torn suburbs of the states and even over in the Middle East like there was there was sick, and I mean, they maybe they have lost their way. I mean A lot of them come over to Australia to learn
about war torn in the States, but you'd like given sort of issues with gangs and stuff. I
mean, yeah, it would feel like you're in North America. Anyway, so they've closed down the Australian operation, which is what I referenced in a video the other day. But this is something I've been saying this week.
Kill the Queen kill the nest.
I've said it a bit and it's not about Gemma Watson.
Kill the Queen kill the junk. gronk gronk squad?
No, it's we had an ant problem. And I didn't actually not because I don't go in the kitchen. Well, why is the Why is your Uber Eats bag and then you're gonna bring up but it wasn't because you went in it needs to be recycled. And who's doing that? And so I'm like, the thing is that Uber Eats bad and don't get me started. Uber Eats bag he's been told off before. Think about it. Uber Eats bags and not dirty dishes.
Yeah, I've got no problem that
the other day Uber Eats bags downstairs. Please
Did I not?
Yeah, you did I think. I don't know like I just think like, I don't think there's anything offensive about an Uber Eats bag dirty fucking just all the shit that you put in there but hang on here this year like it's always got a tuner on it it's always I'll see if I can be in the fucking think
that's in the bin that saves Ross
Harry so fuckin like a like a like a like a basil leaf or something caught into that like some sort of official.
He does a lot of that shit. It's very clean this way. I think that's what we're gonna see. Anyway, digressing. The rule is put your Uber Eats bags down the stairs regardless of what's in it because otherwise
I end up doing it. Can I just say the reason why I had to break this is a fun tip if you're in Australia
is Australia.
Not to be confused with Australia listening.
If you use the promo code
twit support
No I you support local to be glad there's a there's a bunch of cafes and things like every I don't know where it's actually. brazier Can you text me?
Scalia has to be local business. So yesterday I got like
30% off a cafe. I got a butcher muesli for $13 delivered.
You really took an hour and a half. Wait, that is impressive. Well,
yeah, we're talking about it. There's certain foods that you can't rush. I've rushed to Berkshire before. Real hungry in the morning. Anyway. So yeah. But if you use the 30% off code, Josh gets 20%. Now you can use it then. Over the next week tonight. It's Mexican themed. That's all Mexican places a 30% off,
that's good. As long as the they're doing if they're just saying support local, and then they're taking the 30
because Uber Eats takes 30 so I'm guessing they take away their commission. Typically, I get the problem. Yeah. So
The thing with ants in some buildings is they they're in the walls, man.
We don't like you.
You don't know what you don't know, you can't see what you can't say. They're behind the fucking wall because all of a sudden, they've come out of a crack, and there's a million of them. And then you take away a piece of food, next minute, gone. And so like, I don't, I don't necessarily like to kill ants.
Like I don't, like, Can you just re relocate them?
I'd love to do that. But that, you know, micromanaging them is.
There's a lot of the menu actually, is there a library? Like? I think it's literally just
taking away the food and letting them go back and then trying to seal the gap.
And so you put some sort of and
look, I went Bodie when I say but like Bodie likes to squish bugs. Sammy doesn't like to go near but others he's jumping on and he's like, because he's a bit worried about them. He doesn't understand the whole situation. I'm worried that he's gonna want to get bit by a spider. Be Cause he knows you're a spider man got bitten I can became spider man.
You change it you need to change up the story I literally
was telling him a story last night about what about me I got bitten by whitetail as a kid got asthma.
That's not the that's not the Spider Man story. Spider man got a bunch of powers Josh got to have a villain because of a spider white tail. Yeah, apparently I went to the doctor. I was only like three or something. Yeah, and I was saying pie to bite me part of bite me and mom and dad found the white tie. Oh, and sorry they like an AI Yeah, man, they died right before you know what I'm having to I mentioned going to the Great Barrier Reef and when you snorkel if you have asked me You have to wear pink ribbon on the top of your snorkel. So they know spider were spider but it's pretty crazy to think that spider bites me and then I can fucking enjoy the Great Barrier race without being ostracised anyway, so How can you How can you teach him Ah, I don't know there's just
that period of time I think between like where he is now and then maybe four where he totally gets it he stays away from shooting these bits good anyway so I'm encouraged don't touch don't touch
hot items to the to the touch like
pens p he's actually quite good like he can feel the heat he knows hot and cold so he's getting that as he's gotten burned before not yet just on like his mouth on a few hot dishes so he does he gets you know he's blowing everything
up they're like not too dark on it but is there a method of doing like a very controlled burn we're not back burning Matt we're not just like it I know it may be like 90 degrees just so it gives him a fright but you
know that I I've told the story of my hand was in the bucket every weekend because I was playing with matches are out the back lighting fires and touching shit like I burnt myself non stop. And so I learned Just talking about 40 toxins. So unless I'm going to inflict Bodhi with burns more than five times or I can,
did you ever live on a rope, a friend of mine burned a rope, and it was melting and it landed on her leg? The melted plastic anyway. Sorry, I interrupted you. interrupted because of this coffee,
the life lessons that you have to learn. What's the hard way? It's that sort of the pain gives you the lesson. Anyway, I was I was apprehensive about sort of getting a bug spray because I know the boy who got bitten by a spider has a phobia of bug sprays. I don't know if that's the superpower that you're like now scared that you'll get sprayed now but you don't like aerosol cans. you talking about me? Yeah. Yeah. Except for debt. Oh, you seem to not have a problem with the spray that put into a pushes out
in a plane. So yeah, clean stuff.
Anyway, so I got these things, which when I moved into the rental property we've got at the moment. Yeah, I'm renting out 40 grand Yeah, I put it on though. We worked it out 40 grands about 30 755 90 times by
15 to depend up somebody they sold and sold
owners want to do a inspection this
this Thursday you've got your movie tickets yeah got the movie tickets got like when does
not open Windows XP now movies are open now I think but who's going that's another story anyway I got this I got this stuff Georgie boy and I went down to pulleys and we got ant read. It's a well known brand and they do a spray or a drop all these little plastic things that you stick onto the wall or onto the ground and so I thought it look less guilt in the thing that you just stick there and walk away versus at the bug like at the bag really. So I want sprayed a white tile the one that got you I think I got I was trying to get it back for you. It chased me. It was like aggressive they're known for being like real pricks. This is like an IED. Yeah this is
this is a you know you leave it there and wait for the answer to come down
and so the slogan on Android is kills the Queen destroys the nest, which we've been we've wasted a short net to kill the Queen kill the nest. And and we've been saying that in the office because George and I thought how fucking ridiculous that saying is, but it sticks man, it sticks in So anyway, I went down a rabbit hole of like brands and their sayings or brands and their slogans. And so I've got like
the 30 best
of all time and then the 30 worst of all time, which like which list Do you want us to pick from can give you a couple?
The the best bet there are any brands that I would know that you can ask me the brand and I'll say what I think the slogans are, they are a bit obscure.
So I could do that we can play a game so I will just say the slogan you just tell me if you know the bra. That's a good idea. Okay, great.
Okay, I'm just gonna I'm loving it McDonald's,
open happiness.
Disney, Coca Cola. Good one.
I can't say that one. Move fast and break things.
Added us Facebook.
Ah, okay the thing with that is you notice that's not an external john gets on the list here yeah so the Facebook one that is a internal sort of approach to doing things okay the choice of a new generation. The choice that Tick Tock
Pepsi, these are all
you love this company.
What can brown do for you?
Can brown do for you? Give me sanctuary. Think short shorts.
What can brown do for you? What does that mean love their outfits?
Oh, yeah ups.
Iconic uniform. This one the happiest place on earth Disney
Disneyland yep Disneyland yes yeah. Okay, what else we got
let me go to the top impossible is nothing impossible is nothing
would say that it's got the think differently sort of thing that Apple both
that's that's number seven on the list
so you know a bunch of these possible is nothing is that what yep impossible is nothing It sounds a little bit obnoxious it sounds like something Elon Musk would say yeah,
added f added us I can Yeah.
The funny thing is the grandiose nature of the the phrase versus what they're actually doing.
Oh, this is the thing I mean this it's all just words at some point and then it's direct and
they have the big sign up on the sweatshop. Well, impossible. What is it impossibilities? What is it impossible is nothing possible is nothing What does that make impossible? I
don't know what does it mean? belong anywhere that's a Bane base. But so I found some like this. These were the little list of the best is like front and centre on the internet. Whereas, like, you go to the 30 worst and it's like brands obviously, they're not wanting to lead with it. So it's all photos that people have taken on their phone of some sort as
opposed to them saying, Give me an example and then I'll guess the brand.
Okay? cheat on your girlfriend, not on your workout.
it's pretty obnoxious, like, cheat on your girlfriend not on your workout. Okay, yeah, go on.
So there's a bunch of us brands here that I'm just trying to avoid, because we wouldn't know that some of them are too visual, or this is very old school. You won't know this, but there's cielo
cellophane. Oh, yeah.
So cellophane i thought was a thing. I think it's a brand. The best things in life come in cellophane and then they had a like a dog bird holding a bag. of cellophane inside the bag was a baby
which is
kind of obnoxious
What about the one that stands out to me us
when you when you told to bring nothing yeah that's not to bring anything yeah
it's not to bring a thing like something about bringing a thing when you're told not to bring a thing but you want to bring a thing yeah
what is it can you Google it kabri favourites launches new ad campaign This is back in 2011 this was huge
weapon two roses only sorry roses they're still
around the chocolate yeah roses only a different yeah they flowers
bring okay. The knew what to bring when you're told not to bring a thing.
What what to bring when you're not when you're
taught many do not bring how many fat cats are sitting around a table aiding
favourite student not that but also the grumps that would just like I can imagine 97 getting caught up in that depend on what to bring what to bring what to bring to you. Hey, yeah,
I just had a look around the office and this. This is like the disgusting microwave
workout what you so you've got,
like a bunch of little things but this is like the burger that you ate that was so it wasn't an Akan was it? No, no, no they don't do that shit in Australia. This just says Australia made and owned.
I mean they're not
they're not sort of leading with anything I think they edition I guess the tagline but that is the tagline what is Australian might and on because it's not really a tagline. So
there was gonna be when you've given up
This is delicious plant based chicken clean and lean, clean, clean, clean and lean on that. This is like a tuner can save coal Can I guess? Yeah.
The thing that will stay in your cupboard for a very long time. Yeah, this is from three they deal last year so that's true, but it actually said about Don't
response when the when when the world goes to shit dooms I PrEP is COVID. ready yet responsibly fished. So this is a lady with it. I mean you you're sort of head of comms here at big media company and on our Instagram as much as I was upset yesterday that you changed my
change the more than a podcasting, you changed it I know it's actually really boring is a search engine optimization plan to Australian podcast. Okay, okay. Well, Craig Bruce, we had a meeting with him yet. I haven't gone through all that he wrote a bunch of notes. He's a big content guy in radio, and TV. He didn't like them more than a podcast said it didn't really say anything. But when
I think about, I mean, you have to land on something for any brand that you've got. And then people aren't gonna like it. People are gonna resonate with it. People aren't gonna even notice it.
What's another tagline that we could do?
Well, the deadly torture.
But yeah, I mean, this is the thing the more than a podcast People have said that to us about the show the brand and so we then got an email from Audio Technica that referenced more podcast. That's good. Jerry technica, that's another another brand. Another brand that we use starts with him into they are Yeah. And so they said specifically I love how you've I love how that you are more than a podcast and so at that point you go at where do you listen to it? This is the hard thing about advertising marketing you have it's like a room has to decide and then you can't be influenced by the external people. Unless it is cheating you girlfriend, not in your chat. I think you could probably do a bit of work there.
I am. You know, I was panicked yesterday about services autoresponder
or the lack of autoresponder. Yeah, okay. Yeah. What's wrong? I was just looking to see if we're actually pushing it. Here we go.
What's wrong? I think we're still on the home screen. of our live.
pushing out now.
Not so good. You say refresh. Yeah, refresh. Is it was it working or not working now? Okay. I think you just need to refresh it when it starts. No saves with the autoresponder thing is you set it up well, I think he did but the funny thing is I then had a second thought last night where I'm like, I reckon he hasn't even he didn't even email Audio Technica to say the video was done. I reckon he's put it out tagged them, but I was on the, on his computer. And I didn't see like an email saying, Hey, guys, we've done the videos he really didn't go through. I didn't go through I
promise I didn't.
It was because you know what, we just gotta get as many of these out the door before we have a topic
that didn't go through his email. We use a tool called Spark. Got it too much into the weeds I got. He got a
auto response. I just said I sent him a
test what's the autoresponder saying
hey, I'm coming On annual leave having a really nice time with my Miss. Oh, hi, I'm currently on any leave. If you need to get in contact get in touch with Jess by emailing.
There's just no,
I don't think yes yes it's a classic mode but I'm sure this is okay with it. I was
I was just reminded last night of something that happened I wanted to talk about Okay, I was on my phone the other night and
he sort of reacted the
way that saves react was like oh, well
before it's actually seemed like a trait of people that come into our world Harry Harry does it it has it.
It's sort of reacting big and then you sort of left going What the fuck? What are you reacting to? embrace you said
shooting star. Oh, that's sick.
And so we're sitting on the bed and I was on my phone.
And that's it. That's the one that's the one is ridiculous. So that's Locky. Yeah. And then
sat up, because I might this is this is crazy. But it turned out was the guy above us was having a ciggy and he's falling Emperor he thought it was a shooting star. It was the gronk upstairs
isn't outrageous. It's everybody. Yeah,
but isn't it like in that moment something so magical Ah, that's I'm thinking about shooting stars in general. So we have such a positive feeling towards shooting stars.
Yeah Do you think I mean who's done the brand new on that it's all it's the I don't even know where it comes next All I know is they rare Make a wish. It's your lucky meaning of I'll just throw I'll just look this up.
Because he that someone's branded. It's like damn Coca Cola was Santa. Someone created the shooting star? Well,
who created the hold your breath going past the cemetery? Who's the person that started that there's definitely a person that was like this is he put your finger in your belly button. So you Spirit doesn't come out or something like this stupid. Shooting Stars also known as fallen stars since streaks of light across the night sky before burning out into a point of inky blackness. Either way, the shooting star is said to possess a bit of magic, which means positive vibes. And good luck for anyone who happens to gaze upon one I've seen I was at the primary school across the road from where I grew up. And I was kicking the footy on the oval, and I kid you not 30 metres in the sky from where I was, if 13 it was sushi mages. So they can it can be that could be like a little comet that ends up
coming down. And so this is what this is what I was wondering, it's like we see shooting stars is this positive thing? Is that a branding thing that we've created? Because of how fucking scary it is like I understand that the stars way that stars the things that will then come and destroy the planet. I mean by knows what stars are. Are they asteroids?
No, they're burning burning light burning fuel. But we're seeing them.
They may have burned out already in real time, but where it by the time we're seeing it, it's still so there's a bit of a delay. It's I Georgie boy.
What? He's a bit of a delay.
What about the what exactly is a star a star is a luminous ball of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium, held together by its own gravity. Nuclear fusion reactions in its core support the star against gravity and produce photons and heat as well as small amounts of heavier elements. The sun is the closest star to Earth
how many kilometres away? Do you think we are from the sun? Oh, man. I couldn't tell you I heard it on the weekend and I want to see if I've remembered it.
Can I do that? How about you guys?
You know you guess and then you get a yes No,
because you're gonna look it up and then it's kilometres Yeah. Like a billion kilometres away, no, not the closer
it's closer yeah 143 million kilometres I believe.
And fairways the sun hundred and 50 250 back.
You got it not nearly as now would have been mill alone, Timmy Oh sure.
811 or nine 143 I said 143 how many isn't 150 to 152 everyone all gronk should remember that fact. One five to 152 million K's away. It's a long way. It's very far. But I mean,
so Okay. The star thing the magical nature of them saying shooting stars. Yeah, it's great. I mean, if you go deep into what could happen to this earth in a split second, I think about the fear that black holes when you learned about those as a kid that you know you could be sucked into another galaxy or like how you the earth could be sucked in like there's some serious shit that scare the pants off sound
like I was walking with scooter the other day. And he just sort of went into this space of like, you know, there's a lot of things we don't think about. Because if we thought about them would be fucking scared for a lot. That's what I mean.
But that's like, screwed up, man. I just want to go
How do we get here? It's like yeah, like, we don't think die to die about the world ending
Do we know and and we convince ourselves in every moment of the day some people probably less likely but less less so that we're okay and we're not going to die.
But it's like the reality of how easily we can die.
Well, the COVID stuff I feel like does a bit of that for me. Listen, like I'm listening to the New York Times or whatever on Audible. So much news about all of this stuff. I got
a bit dark this morning thinking but like the Victoria is the worst state at the moment in terms of going backwards.
Don't you Feel like we were great we had
I was like looking at New South Wales being like, Are You scumbag? sucked it up? Oh no, like you just I just imagined Sydney whenever I think of Sydney I just imagined like, just fordow hugging everyone Haifa is not giving a fuck,
but maybe they might hide it like so they got a lot of cases early, but then I guess then Sydney's the hub. Like, that's where most people are coming from overseas Sydney and Melbourne. Second, I think. But we're going backwards. And this morning I was thinking about this saying, you know, like, I know it's headline media. So it's like, you gotta take it with a grain of salt it but it's like another eight wait lockdown, but that would and that would destroy so many businesses.
But man, the headline thing though, is so problematic. Like there's been so many times where I've gone to send you an article where I've seen the headline, I thought it was interesting. This one he didn't read it though. Links are on LinkedIn. It's like something like all the facts a bit all around the truth behind barefoot investors connection with hosts plus
And so I see my comment on it. No. So I saw the article was off, like we've done work could perform disappointed in Scott and I would have thought of, and then he read the article. It's like 2012 he was doing stuff before he decided to get only in and do like, show.
Because that fucking pissed me off too. When I read I was like, Oh, no, no, I read it because I like Scott and, and that's an I've defended him so many times. Not that he's asked me to ever when people say he is linked to RNG he's looked at I'm like, No, he's absolutely fucking not. He's as transparent as they can. And then I read that and I was like, that is the most bullshit article I've ever fucking read. They've dug a hole and they trying to promote they've just dug a hole in the backyard. That's how pervasive it was. Because this is AFR A
natural resume
shows Juno's a questionable
The thing about scotties is he's been on the forefront of educating people, people that don't have the skills or just haven't had the opportunity in life to understand money in a simple way. And so his connection with hospice was helping people understand money. And so he was doing what he was doing now, but just to an audience of people that host plus had. And he's always said that Hospice is just what I've used and, and even even called them out, like, last year, or this year, I called them and some stuff which is,
but that's the thing is it's like, conflicts of interest is interesting, because if you're a business person, or if you believe in something, you're more likely to invest in that thing or go Harvard or like, get involved. But he was also what pissed me off was the headline way like, if I was to scroll by I nearly just sent it to you and just like went on. Why? I was like, I wonder what the actual I went the next step and then when you go the next step like this is complete bullshit because you can see how what they're saying is it's like everything it's I don't know, I can't remember the title. It was sort of like everything you need to know about Scott paper and host plus or whatever. But it was done in a way that implied that there was all of this crazy. Yeah, we went digging and found, you know, uncovered nothing.
Literally. I started writing a comment to the guy and I and then I was like, too many people have written too many great comments here. It's like, at the point of writing an article like that as a journalist fucking quotation marks as if he's a journalist doing that bullshit. He has to realise that. He is misfired. They're like, Well, I know you have so many people just saying there is nothing in that article. What have you brought that isn't known or what have you brought that Sheree isn't sort of promoted that he used to be with us. Plus,
he doesn't have to but didn't That part of it is that Mike My guess is you see someone in in the public eye. And so it was a joke you like want to keep them honest and transparent so he goes down this rabbit hole probably spends six weeks investigating this thing yeah finds very boring details but then has to do an article because he's got to like explain to his boss why he just spent so much time trying to research this thing, the bare truth about Scott pipes hose plus links.
Yeah, like I want to send that to somebody. Because if that states that, too all that states is that he has a link to host plus, which you can have linked host plus if you had an account with him, and he told you that host plus is good, I'm with them.
But then also look at the the financial institutions how it's all set up anyway,
I think the biggest one is like, where if the only way that could have been a article is if he was receiving Leaving a kickback from host plus for everyone that came there and mentioned that that's not the case. It's like I enjoy when a bank wasn't around when he was talking about Yeah, I when he was promoting up j i and j is a good option. And so now I got my I got my app card last night in the mail. Like they do a fucking great job running What's this? Like? Do
you know um,
yeah, me bank? Me bank yet? They're a good one because you can kind of access the cash. They're good for low. So
they've got they're doing an app sort of, like competing product. Yeah, but the funny thing is the marketing. I think he's like for dummies,
marketing for Dummies.
Like, their
approaches, like you know what, this generation of fucking idiots because they around the whole peach is like I got it on Instagram, the ad. And it's old.
Except for this.
One. No, they're young. They're like our we've made out Cards vertical and so what's like the card and they've just taken the square look it out and how vertical like type in me bank and so it's a all they've done is taken the chip and they've turned it on its side. Yeah and made it a little bit higher. Right yeah. What's it What's the fucking problem? I didn't know that there was a problem with this.
It's literally it's it's holding a rectangle up a different way that makes it vertical.
That's hilarious thing but it's like are they thinking people like oh you know what this is what I've been missing. I love tik tok, I love Instagram, they're all vertical. I only want to go with a bank that has vertical cards like that you might
be onto something there like the the and like the user experience of holding something vertically.
I'm actually gonna use a fucking Apple ID. I mean, the thing you know what annoyed me about it was if that was
even if that even if they had the best fees and all that special. They lost me at the marketing because it's not really clear their true selling points with vertical cards and different colours
or I mean can you promote a fearless account because everyone's doing that now like is that a selling point like I think our bank so their slogan is get wise with your money up your
banking game
I guess it's like
the tech the tech from a with him being able to do it on your phone is and and add new accounts and put little emojis like I set up, set up a little fun for bowtie in there. Set up a for a Barack haven't seen any money to it but
you don't have money today. That's what I've learned. In my time in the game. You need money for your accounts, so you don't have a 5050 bank accounts for different things at all.
Feels good.
organised it yes or no? I think maybe maybe banking needs to change that fucking marketing or maybe it's appealing for you Yeah, certain group
I think journalists need to fucking pull edit.
Yeah, I mean, what is it? So the thing is there's a there's a negative bit, which is that we need the press, we need journalists to keep politicians and leaders accountable. Yeah. And so there's a bunch of examples of that with all of the local newspapers closing down. They're talking about a lot of times those journals were the people keeping the local local reps and the the council Yeah, accountable. Yeah. But then you also have this bullshit, which is just like spinning start, like just creating stories for the sake of it. Or you look at the incentive of the AFR struggling.
I mean, the news paper, they were a newspaper first and probably aren't aren't they've gone online subscription model as well. But that's their incentive to get people looking at it. got us talking, which is the annoying bit. But
so he's he's he, what does it make you do though from a like as a consumer, like you've got like, I'm so critical of whatever I read now. So I look at it I
look at the I look at the individual who's written the article, and then I start getting back on them. But then I think the you know, because it's because so I could think that I'm not having a adverse view on the AFR, Australian Financial Review, and then looking at the individual, but then I think that is the brand problem for AFR is that people are looking at an individual level, which in the back of their mind, it's like it's all attached. It's a part of their brand. This is what they're resorting to. And so, I don't know, what are they offering. They're trying so local news outlets, so ship has the ship news, I don't know if they're still there anymore. Bendigo probably has something a version of it too. And so they all had local reporters living in the town. And I knew a lot of them that next door neighbours and people that came from Melbourne, great people, great young journalists who grew up thinking they want to be a journalist to share the information about what's happening in areas. And so they the intention of the journalists themselves is great, and they go to these regional towns to cut their teeth. You know, it's like the radio presented. The problem is that now in buying the papers, and they're gonna have to, they're pulling the local news source away from there. So these people don't have a job. And they're saying that they want to try and do things like tax deductible subscriptions, which to try and sort of implement these to be able to fund these local news people, which I think is good. Like, I think there has to be some local coverage. The problem is when they're struggling for cash, which they're all businesses, I totally relate. I totally empathise when it's like struggling and they're like, how do we stay afloat? We get bought by big Murdoch media and then we have to sort of,
well if we're funding Asha ginsburg sketch on the podcast through taxpaying money I feel like we should we should be able to support local news but then they say laying off people
left right and centre it's a dark time for media to desktop for business small business. That's a
fun note to finish. Yeah, love finishing that on I've decided Oh, I've spoken about before trying to improve my, the type of content that I consume. Yeah. I've been, like dying real scummy with some of the just fuckin to celebrity shit. Like just, that's fine. But I feel like I've I need to reshape when I'm listening to to be a bit more critical things like that. I saw rum. I've only read the headline that I saw on YouTube. I want to make a recommendation for an episode from a headline of a podcast from the headline. Great.
Do you know Eric Weinstein Yeah, Eric and Brett. So brothers I really wanted. I think Eric is
Peter TEALS right hand man. He's like, mentioned being a genius that Peter teal is very sort of cerebral. You know, he's fucking What is that? What do you mean? in his head just like, he's a superhuman thinker. And then he's got another guy. He's like, one's not enough. I need I need my right hand, man. I need Eric. And so Brett and Eric, two brothers. This is that nothing better than having like two brothers that sort of the academic elite or the intellectual elite of the world. You'd be you'd be pretty impressed. Like,
look at the Janssen
James Jackson, Joshua three.
Yeah, the
the Kardashians of Australia the case of the Jays of Australia.
No, sorry. Sorry. Jason Fox told me about this specific episode of the poor Which is Eric's podcast. And since I've been consuming a bunch of his content, I don't know where he sort of sits I can't work out his political political thinking I think he's
he's a he would probably say himself as a centrist. So there's people that you would think have right leaning views, then they're hyper progressive in other states. So in other areas, which is a contradictory and it's a mindfuck, but it's all under like they're thinking about so
teal is famously a massive supporter of Donald Trump and things like that really paid to also um,
you mean the apprentice? Maybe you just hate
it. He loved the show, and he was also the guy behind all of the Hulk Hogan, sex type stuff.
So he also invented PayPal and
eccentric billionaire. Yeah, he trying to think of the book he wrote. It's like below Anyway. But anyway, so the the episode that I saw the title of on youtube I thought was interesting. It was Sam Harris. Yeah, on Eric's podcast. And the YouTube title was like that narrative like, narrative media is talking about. I was just watching a bit of it last night around this sort of stuff, which is the storytelling and like, say, the point around Scotland what was said about what he was doing the need to create narrative, so I'm only going off the first 30 seconds I watch and the headline, so I could have butchered that. Yeah, I feel like it. Yeah. Interesting. Interesting topic to cover anyway,
so they recorded that podcast, and then didn't release the first one. I really and then they didn't record it again. Because it was like Eric's first, you know, who are into podcasting, who Robbie was going the other way. First, hello, Peter Till's book, zero to one. Yeah, that's it. zero to one interesting he's had like a bunch of different coloured cop talk. He said the light blue one light blue one is what I saw. And that's also zero to one.
But um, I feel like that was slightly boring me mentioning something I've haven't consumed yet don't know the exact contents of it. Not
not completely sure on the title,
but anything with Eric and Sam Harris Sam Harris is the guy that I listen to every day meditation to just very smart people that will be gives you that sort of academic chubby, you know, like you're listening to smart people you like don't really get it but a fucking it's impressive. That's where it goes sometimes because they're, they're almost too smart. Yeah. And so yeah, anyway, I've listened to a bit of it. It's worth
it's the daily talk show. It is anything else.
Look, to be honest, not.
We're doing pre roll and post roll at the moment to encourage You to do a social media post. Yep. With Sam's bang away. It would be great for the gronk to be posting stuff. So if you can do a story or something, that'd be great. That'd be awesome. All right. We'll see tomorrow guys have a good one. Let me go