#707 – Crystal Andrews On Debates, Conspiracies & Media Consumption/
- April 30, 2020
Crystal Andrews is back to chat about the Vegemite and PB butter debate, 5G conspiracies, pushing back on those in power and with knowledge, news consumption and The Daily Talk Show Buzzfeed quiz.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Gronk Tees
– A DHL update
– The Vegemite and PB butter debate
– 5G conspiracies
– COVIDSafe app privacy
– Pushing back on those in power and with knowledge
– Experiences with COVID19
– News consumption
– The Daily Talk Show Buzzfeed quiz
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 707 Welcome crystal Andrews a client right. So owner of a very special t shirt. What do you call him today?
crisp? That's amazing. That was weak. Quick shall Express very very quick it came probably 10 3010 o'clock this morning. I got the little buzz and I knew exactly what it was I knew exactly what it was so many things sorry just quickly Have you had any other people knock on the door like we'd Tom yet
we we live in an apartment building so there's not a lot of it's kind of back off the street to get to our the entrance to our block I suppose. So we don't get a lot of random knocks on the doors. It's only ever the mailman it's only a bit Australia Post with DHL. Sometimes Star Trek it's about
Do you ever when it comes to Uber Eats and stuff? Will you go outside of your like apartment to get it? Or do you allow them into the first stage to get to your door?
I think we always go out. But I mean, yeah, maybe it must. I feel like with Uber Eats and deliver and all of that they kind of service their same area. I feel like it's the same guys a lot of the time. So they probably know. I think when you order enough, they're like, yeah, we know where she lives. Yeah. Well, I was. I was just wondering, like, what what the, what you thought the protocol was good. I thought you're quite dialled in in regards.
Well, you blew up, didn't you? Because you didn't want to go down? Well, yeah, I just had one guy that won't come down, but just like our apartment blocks quite big. And so but I understand like, I had an empathy for the guy cuz I'm like, the thing that I don't I left him a bad review. I didn't leave him a bad review. I just gave him a thumbs down. I wasn't feeling good. But it was the only guy that had
delivered to the door. I guess it is. But you know, if I would be a terrible Uber Eats delivery person
we've got we've only got three floors and we're on the second floor. So it's not a lot of up and down. I feel like I'd probably agree with you if it was, you know, if we're on like seventh or eighth floor and you're going up and down all day. Well, you're normally just if we're not home and someone lets them someone else in the building lets them in. They just leave it at the bottom of the stairs. They don't bring it up to the doctor. That's right. Do you have just stairs in your stairs? Okay, I should walk stairs more coming today. I think we need to give a bit of an update because we've talked about the positivity of DHL and crystal Andrews bang, they're on the receiving end of the positivity but Sam's now shove a bit of shit in the middle and then we'll finish
what's been happening since Well, I mean so I was I was going through the all the receipts last on fulfilling all of the orders that we dispatched and there is what
One order
that we don't have a tracking number for, and I think there's been a mixup and they've put the same label or the same address on two different parcels. So I think so you had basically two receipts and they said jazz Nirvana you like, why do I have two receipts for jazz net? And why do I not have a receipt for Caitlin? Exactly. And so yeah, and so and so I reckon. I reckon they've stuck it on the wrong parcel so Jesse, you might be getting two.
Yeah, two deliveries about I've called I've called DHL and they calling that should they told me just before the show, but I just missed it. Crystal with answering phone calls. I mean, you're You're a grown woman. Let's see. I am Orion human woman. I don't answer numbers that I don't know. She said no. Caller ID. That's Yeah. Christo. What if you are a producer for the daily talk show
on Pay
Would you pretend?
Sorry, I feel like we might be expecting a call. I know you've been working with DHL. I probably I don't know. God, he also like he did the classic which was, should I answer it? should I answer it? should I answer I said to take out like watch. It's, it's gonna be too late. He's like, I missed him. It's like,
you had no intention of answering that phone.
But anyway, so of that. Maybe get another callback potentially.
Okay, yeah. Okay.
Can't you call them and so yeah, but Well, that's, that's what that's what I did initially. And so then it got like, passed on to other case managers, and so they're sorting it all out, which is good. And
crystal in terms of like I saw the last two months. I think it's been nearly two months that most people have been home.
And you being one of those, have you seen? Because I know you're across the stuff that's going on online? Do you think there's a heightened level of arguments and interaction that isn't? That hasn't been seen? I guess in previous times? Yeah, I think so. Everyone's on social media all day. So there's more opportunity to find things that you might find triggering and then no one's got anything else to do. So they just start getting stuck into it. Like even on influences that I follow. I'm seeing more like little arguments over nothing breakout in the comment section, like just over nothing.
Yeah, I've seen for I love you, you.
There was a main page, Which one is that? It's the batata. And in the comments, what is it like it was a there was a john Howard meme or whatever, which was very distasteful. It didn't really necessarily make that much sense, but had Kim Jong moon It was like that being brain dead or whatever. And I appreciate that.
1000 crystals crystals onto what you're you're comfortable with if you don't like a meme just being like that guy's shipment missed it missed the mark you've missed it that I think that was yeah a lot of people said yes a hit enemies
swinging at me It's so funny isn't it we're gonna miss it really hurts if I did a joke and someone said a swing and a miss it would it would really rattled Yeah, I feel like the good tutor advocate guys probably don't I probably doesn't hurt them too much. I think that would just laugh about that stuff and move on with their with their lives. Well putting stuff out into the world I guess when you're this they can't they're comedians right. And so they could imagine that they're going to have a few swings and a few misses. I'll tell you what, there's been a few swings on our the daily talk show private group and one swing in particular from wind Peters you across this crystal? No, because I need your help your book, how to win every argument. Well, we've got
An argument on our hands, and it has something to do with peanut butter. And so we were talking on episode 710. Yeah, about Yeah, you get a Glee across this. Yeah, you're gonna have
you're gonna have butter with peanut butter. And I think you're gonna have butter with veggie might. Otherwise you're a monster and whiner haters has said no butter required for both peanut butter and Vegemite. And boy, it's there's a shitstorm going on. So I need a I need help in how to build my argument. So it is credible because he said explain it. And I was like, wait, something's just kind of expired, but that's not a solid.
So what do you want me to help you build the argument? You don't want to know what I think? I What do you think? Yeah. What do you think? Vegemite and peanut butter are disgusting. Oh, do like a toast. I toast I mean, I don't like Vegemite, honey.
But uh
yeah. Your Guide is dialled in. We've we've pretty much done crystal Andrews and we can't talk anymore, which we want. We want. Josh, Will anybody tempted? No? Okay, let's just, I feel like you're good at sort of assuming the side to sort of build something then you could, you could do it for both sides, which is great here.
So what do you say? So you're saying that peanut butter and veggie, I both require butter on the toast, is that right?
Yes. Okay. I think you need to understand why.
Why you're wrong. Why should any of that at all know why he thinks that it doesn't need it? Because then that's the point you have to attack. There's no point just saying I think it because I think it gets very high, very high position for Tommy to base the YouTube comments right now. Oh, my gosh. So just quickly wine
Why is that righteous? He says then don't try peanut butter and Vegemite in the same sandwich. You Chris Yeah, that's outrageous. I can I can absolutely. I reckon I could get around that butter peanut butter and fishy I wouldn't be too bad that well it's the salt. So hang on site wine.
I've just sent you a link in the in the chat kasana if I came up with that will take you to another YouTube channel if you wanted to. You might not have to copy and paste. Yeah, I'm scared of the district stuff now that we have issues.
Now you've done well. And so now I think Yeah, what do you think crystal? Is there any sort of outside of just attacking wind? Personally, personally, outside of personally taking down line? Yeah, I think find out what the reason is like is it about the oil content that's already in the peanut butter is why he thinks that you don't need butter as well because then
Tonight, can we do an experiment? what's the what's the like content in butter versus the fat content in peanut butter? And what is the ideal ratio on the perfect piece of toast? Does peanut butter have enough?
That's how you that's how you go tell me.
Yeah, go teach. I just wanted to swear but I don't think that works
without him.
But I think that the it's a harder position that you're in TJ because adding something I think is actually the way to think to do being able to have these things straight in every regard is more an admirable thing in life like if you can have it in that sort of pure form.
Anyway, that's my opinion and I no one else but I think wines rock.
So What, really? Yeah, that wine is Josh. Hmm. What do you do? I just have Vegemite on the toast without any butter. That's it. That's how you can have it because the thing I actually don't know the difference, to be honest. It's
They also a question around volume like thickness of spread. Obviously this is all new to me because I don't know I use a lot of veggie I can use like for me it's about getting that sort of bitter salty, but it is dry like you saw me before the show just having a couple of those like Armand, what do they call like the cheese
fig? I just need something crunchy but absolute animal anyway, I mean Casey's case you saying she's a pro might go prime although i get i get around chromite is
great, but what's prime is like my my prime I see yellow one mama it's red.
It's it's Yeah, reliable. Yeah, not. Not that. I mean they taste slightly different. They're quite nice though. So what I'm hearing is that it took a bit of time to write your book in form these opinions and arguments side so we're not gonna get it through in the next two minutes, which I was hoping for because I'm about that speed any
workshop offer
I'll come back with a thesis. Yes. Did you ever do in school crystal? I think I did it at primary school, not in high school. I did it in primary school. But you know, that's just when you talk about really accessible things like it is, you know, one side's homework is essential for kids and the other side's like, we don't need homework. Yeah, I mean, that's kind of one would go hard. Like we did heaps of like we did.
Remember, should, should people over 70 be allowed to drive cars?
That was, that was a big one. I think I was on the
I was on Pro, what is affirmative and negative. So I was on the affirmative, that they shouldn't, they shouldn't be allowed to, I think it was. It's very interesting. You'd go there used to be this site that would basically have all of the debates it was sort of a bit of a cheat because you just go in and have the four and the against and you'd sort of copy and paste and put onto your cue card.
And then it was all about Yeah. bravado. You know, it's more like a presentation. Exact public speaking. Yeah. Rather than a Yeah, I mean when you're young you don't know that much right. I didn't know what was. I didn't understand the rules. So So have you been getting any in any blues? any arguments? Because I know you're not afraid of them.
I'm not afraid of them. No, I Not really. But I think that's just because at the moment, I'm only spending time with my boyfriend so he kind of stays well clear of any of that stuff obvious.
So as soon as I'm let out into the world again, maybe I'm gonna be on a rampage. Just tell me what. You're wrong. How are you in your relationship? Do you get into many sort of arguments?
Not we don't get into arguments we get into pretty good. Stand up debates, basically. Yeah, he's um, he is probably a little bit more centre right than I am. And maybe I'm a
Little centre left. So there are a few good ideological
conversations we get into but it's never it never gets into an argument
because he just knows when to walk away
the yeah really good tip just don't want to walk away.
You have you done any rabbit hole? Like you spend a lot of time in rabbit holes just researching shit. What have you read? Love a Reddit thread. I have been fascinated with all of the five j conspiracy theories that have been coming out at the moment on crime and they're everywhere. And also the fact that they were coming out now is super interesting. I don't know if you guys are
well versed on the 5g conspiracies. Wow, I did bring it up. But I was looking at a little bit about it. I'm not across it. What's the what is the the claim that the 5g
People are putting up all the people that are against 5g, what are they putting out? What's the argument? So the whole argument is basically because 5g is operating on
the next a higher frequency bandwidth. So all of the existing bandwidth that we have full basically. So to get faster speeds, better connections, we're going up to the next kind of level of bandwidth. So high frequency radio wave, basically.
So the argument that people who are against it are saying that because it's higher frequency, we don't know that it's not going to cause damage to our bodies that it's not going to alter our DNA. It's like living next to a microwave that's on 24 seven. That's kind of the general argument.
Which I can completely understand why people are scared, but it's kind of like everyone was scared of the same conversations came out around 2g and 3g and Wi Fi, and like, we end up using them anyway.
Yeah. And so what's the
like, what are they suggesting? what's the alternative? Which like they find the 5g people find with 4g?
This that's the funny thing, right? And it's like they're using to spread their message. They're like on their phones, or they're on their computer like running in the forums during a live stream for jail Wi Fi that's completely in their home. Yeah, making youtube documentaries. There's like a crazy YouTube documentary that it's just like it, it makes your brain explode. But they're, they're pushing back against the rock, like, puts your brain right in the microwave. They're pushing back against the rollout of the 5g towers, and they just want the government to stop rolling those out until we know for sure that they're safe. They want more tests. They want more studies, which I mean, I guess I can kind of understand that. It's not the most unreasonable position but it just struck me though. Like I thought I saw somewhere where like sheets, actually getting
vandalised or it could actually, like it's one thing to be a keyboard warrior, there's another thing to actually
cause issues around trying to get it installed.
Yeah, I think there's been some awesome attacks in the UK
on some of the towers, which is obviously just horrendous no matter what you believe like that is incredibly dangerous. And I think if you if the actual telecoms workers so the guys who are building the towers and working there have been abused, verbally abused and things like that. So it's that that's a small section of the general crazy. So if you sort of understand that, what is that, like if you can sort of understand their perspective, what's, what's the middle ground
that their perspective is fear based, which so many, so many of these conspiracy theories, almost all of them are just born out of fear so that I can kind of understand being a little bit different
Have something that's new, like human beings have been afraid of new stuff forever as long as we've been keto in existence, so I get it.
And it the reason why it's blowing up right now is because the trust in government is really, really low because of everything that's happening with Coronavirus. So those two things are kind of coming together to make it all just explode in this perfect storm. So I get that.
And is it so the time do you think is just timely with what's happening with Coronavirus or IDs? Do you think it's the reason though? Like is there a connection between people who think that Coronavirus isn't a thing or it was some kind of hoax and the connection to 5g people?
Yeah, so that the subset of the bigger five j conspiracy theory is that Coronavirus isn't real and it's just a hoax to force us all indoors so that the telecom companies and the government's can speed up the rollout of the
5g towers without us noticing.
Wow, yeah. And that's really like It's nuts because they explain away all the people who are sick and dying by saying these people would have died anyway, which is just not correct in any. There's no way you can cut that number and make it true. So do you write back on these things? Like is there any reason to actually enter into conversations around this? And what do you use? I just read it.
I just read, I don't comment on Reddit. It's true. I feel like I'd be drawn in really easily and then I would just, I would look awful because I'd spend all night on Reddit fighting with people who were not gonna
ever see the light or service had to actually leave a forum the other day because someone was side talking about the what wasn't safer. There were just spinny absolute bullshit about the app and it just pissed me off. So I just, I got I got I got so angry and just lift the group, you know, and then I just came instead of
to Josh, he also what did you What did you put the reason for leaving? Ah, like marked as offensive and misinformation?
got real Trigger Happy on the report. So yeah. What went on? Yeah. What are you on? Ah, it was just, it was just so it was all around like the privacy, the privacy around it all and you know, they were they were trying to combat the just the people saying the people pushing back against the app they just like they're worried about the daughter and stuff. And then I guess the rebuttal to that is we'll make your own Facebook and then they'll put you on a push back against the, you know, it doesn't matter that I'm on Facebook. And so yeah, it was just it was real annoying to be honest.
The interesting thing about that app is like on there's a fake account. I did a little poll like two weeks ago. So this was before once the app had been announced, but it wasn't available yet and there wasn't as many details just asking
The community there, I guess whether they were okay with it or whether they were suspicious about it. I think around 60% of the respondents said that they were suspicious. But then once it launched, that dropped right down, and almost 50% said that they had actually already downloaded it or intended to download it. Which is really, that's fascinating to me. Because it's like before it's here.
You're basically saying, Oh, I don't know, I'm not sure I'm going to download it that's feels like an invasion of my privacy. And then when it came, that like, actually thought about it, it's fine. So I guess the question is, it's like, what's the worst thing that could happen? So like, I'm Sean a gronk. In the UK. I saw him comment saying, if you want to get hacked, download the COVID.
app. And my thing is, I'm like, okay, what's the
what would a hack look like? And then you'd get like, even I just feel like I even even look
In the worst case scenario, I'd prefer to be in a position where I downloaded it supported everything that we're doing publicly. And then use this as a like, I don't feel like it at a time. Like this is the time to stand strong against stuff. Like let's enter into it. And if my phone gets hacked in my God, fuck my photos or someone's got my I gotta get a new iPhone. I'm really annoyed. I won't do that again. Like, what do you think the worst case scenario is crystal?
I think it's fine. I mean, personally, I don't have a problem with it. I think where the argument around
people who want to push back against I almost mandated requests like downloading an app is where on a global scale you see some of the
restrictions and laws being put into place specifically for COVID. Moving away from democratic forms of government and democratic
Kind of
restrictions and legalities. So I get why people are scared that once you start to let things go, it's hard to pull them back again, or will they ever be pulled back again? To be honest, I don't know that we need to worry about that in Australia, but I totally seen other countries how they might be scared of sacrificing freedoms and then never being able to get them back. Hmm. Yeah, I mean, on China, what do you think about like it? So with all the stuff with the Chinese government sort of slamming the Australian Government for saying we need to do some sort of independent thing like,
Yeah, what's your take on Australia's perspective on China? When can we push back and say, No, we need this versus when are we being?
You know, what's the difference between being racist versus Actually no, this is fair, like, like, there's a big difference between saying this is the Chinese virus that say Trump was doing and then
In Scott Morrison saying how we should have an independent, you know, investigation.
I think at that government level, it's more about would we say the same thing if it was any other country, which I think in this case is probably true, because as I, as I understood it, he was more talking about how quickly Australia would run out of certain essential things that we need. If we were cut off from the west rest of the world, like we kind of have been for the past couple of months. So if he would say the same thing about America about you know, the UK about Brazil about friends, then it's probably not really a racial conversation. I don't think there
will have the concern is that they have a stranglehold on the supply chain of goods that we need, and that's not a good that's not a good thing for any country to
have the power in something like China. And that's the problem like, I know this sort of initializer how are we getting up on a high horse at all, like having a go at China, there has been a bunch of stuff that hasn't been handled well, but then you get to have empathy for the whole situation at hand that isn't normal. And so it is really hard, but the who, the World Health Organisation, that same discussion of pointing the finger at them and saying, they need to be more accountable, they've missed a whole bunch of shit. Like they were saying masks don't do anything at one point. And, you know, they were saying you can't catch it through community transmission and like a whole bunch of this stuff, early days, which I did not it's, I don't know where it sort of lands and how they have such a ginormous responsibility. And if that's what the people are pointing the finger at, like, you can't have all this responsibility and not see it through or not be the people that we can lean on. And so when can I go critical crystal like when do we
Critical like the who knows a lot more about health than I do to be honest. And so, if you I feels rich, being critical of those organisations, when do you think as the general public, we can push back or be critical on these these types of organisations?
I think with this, it was tricky because it was brand new. So where would any pre existing very detailed information about how it would spread? Or what would be effective? Like, where would that have even come from? Before it was happening? You know what I mean? I did write a really interesting article the other day that was saying the who, you know, the who, like it's the band.
The World Health Organisation is only as good as the countries that are involved in it. And it's only as good as who's in it because it's not really, you know, they don't have power over individual countries. It's it's a
committee, you know what I mean? Like they're influencing and they're, they're providing advice and guidance. But at the end of the day, every single nation is responsible for its own people and how it interprets and implements that advice. So, I mean, in terms of like Trump pulling funding, and America looks like they're now not going to have anything to do with the World Health Organisation. Like I don't think that's a good thing, because you kind of need everyone to be involved. To get the best out of it. I don't know if that makes sense. But yeah, I thought was a good point.
Yeah, I wonder where saving face fits in with this. Like, it seems like
that's like an element where, say, for instance, with the US and you hear Trump talking or whatever, like he spends a bit of bullshit about how, how responsive he was and all that sort of thing. Is there any opportunity to allow leaders to say face or does that just not work in a
in this sort of scenario? I think in a crisis, people don't buy it and the only people who would
By the diehard supporters anyway, so it just depends who he wants to influence. Yeah. Yeah. Simon Scott Morrison is selected. It's his Hey, trying to convince that his his diehard supporters who would support you know, who'd be on his side regardless? Or is he trying to
convince some other people to come over to his side? In which case, I feel like the saving face is quite transparent, especially if you are like Donald Trump. And the the backpedalling is pretty amateur. Yeah, I mean, the America political space has its own base like have you heard who's, who's vying for president against Donald Trump? j rotten, Joe Biden. So Joe Biden has a me to scandal
that has been pushed down. Well, that's what people are saying. They're like, it's get Trump out at all costs, even if it means that Joe Biden's past doesn't come up. And, you know, this scandal about him doesn't get revealed.
Which then is a real problem because there's there's a conscious decision to prioritise one over another serious topic, which is the me to movement. And so, I mean, they have just the biggest fucking shitstorm going on right now from Trump with the Coronavirus to, you know, the political parties, Ronnie, it's Oh my god, it's almost it's my head. It's almost ironic because that was the big scandal with Trump was a bit of a major, you know, sexual harassment moment in itself. So it's like, it's, it's not to say that now the guy that they have, potentially contesting has the same allegations and questions like floating over his head. It's like, Oh, is this is it four years ago? Do you think that we like anything ever again, do you think that we share some of the anxiety that that the US has? So for instance, like I find like the Coronavirus
The US experience versus the Australian experience. I feel like at the beginning there was, it seemed like we were all in the same boat, or like it's all sort of happening to all of us. But over the past sort of,
sort of month, I feel like I've started to consume less US media, because it feels like they're in a completely different arena. Have you noticed sort of the separation and why do you think that's happening?
Yeah, absolutely. I only actually just started to go back to the news podcast that I normally listen to in the last week, because for the first like five weeks of working from home, I couldn't handle it. It's just way too much. It was giving me so much anxiety.
The US experience is totally different to our experience with Coronavirus for one reason, and it's because their healthcare system is a fact they can't
But the vast majority of people can't actually access basic health care. So that's why there's their whole conversation around it is totally different. And like, you guys would have seen the protesters in various states saying, like, we need to be able to open the economy back up, we need to go back to work, like
lift the restrictions. Now, the rest of the world and Australia in particular is looking at that and going, Wow, that seems crazy. You're gonna people are gonna die, you're putting so many people at risk. But because they're, they don't have a public health care system. It essentially means that if they can't work and make money,
they're going to die anyway, right? Or at least they
couldn't pay for the treatment anyway. They're going to end up in extreme poverty. Anyway, so that kind of makes it a completely different choice that they are facing than the one that Australians are facing. Because we know that if we got sick we can be taken care of through a public healthcare system. That's
Well, class in pretty solid. I mean, if you've been to the states use you can see it I remember thinking the first time I went there, it's like, you've got it's the extremes super rich and then there's majority of the rest of them are just holding on. And so really,
I mean, was the writing on the wall. It's such a bizarre thing, because then AI front is this super powerful country, which they are. But I mean, you're only as powerful as the people and if everyone's getting sick in that, you know, causes turns to shit the the footage of people with guns at those protests, like full semi automatic machine guns. What the hell, huh? Yeah, it feels like the. The other interesting thing is that sort of independent sort of enterprise. It's interesting hearing Trump talk about all the companies like I feel like in Australia, there's been a few like your Atlassian or whatever, helping with different apps, but in the US, like they've done like Trump will do like a list.
He's got he goes through basically every like Fast Food Company thank you to Popeyes is fighting chick fillet, you know, like it's, it is a very weed and then there's also the Do you understand crystal the deal with them? How they take it the government can take control over certain supply chains or whatever, like I saw that they're doing something with meat at the moment. So they're basically 400 that Yeah, so it's like that
got what it's called the exact term but it's like basically when you're in war, and you can control certain things. So you keep, you can make sure that the masks and stuff are
staying in the country, but they've just done that similar thing for meat because they reckon things like pork and chicken, all these things are starting to
be out of stock in different areas. But now it is I mean, on that media thing. Are you are you being selective
Now in what you're consuming, like, what what do you find triggers you at the moment?
I'm starting to Yeah, as I said, I'm starting to open it back up. I obviously have to be in a lot of news for work at my day job. So that's kind of, it's hard to avoid. But I mean, like, I've only started just really listening to the podcast that I would normally listen to just starting to do my like morning and evening check of news outside of work within the last two weeks. It was just way too much. I was freaking out. Yeah. I mean, you're someone who writes articles and he's good at it. I mean, I think about the people. You jump onto the New York Times or even news conda you here in Australia, and you see like, what I imagine is a rostered on journalists that has to cover a certain time period and they're pumping out this stuff. And I think about them going to bed at night. Definitely is weighing on their mind as well.
Someone who is a writer. I mean, what does that mean? Because I can't write for shit. Okay, I can hardly even talk crystal.
But um, no, but what is that sort of aftermath of delving in and writing this kind of stuff on a journalist? What do you think?
It's depending on what you're covering, it can take a really heavy toll. I mean, there's obviously people who have different different baits. So someone who is maybe more in the entertainment and pop culture space, might fare a little bit better than someone who covers like global news. But I think last year, there was actually a landmark
lawsuit brought against I forget which publisher so I won't say that a news publisher, one of their legal reporters, so court reporter actually sued them for the mental distress that she'd had to endure for the things that she had.
To hear and then write the stories based on as she was successful. And that was the first time that that has happened in Australia. She's basically saying that the employees distance programme and the sort of like the mental health support programmes were inadequate, and that they required her to keep going back and reporting on these really traumatic cases even after she had flagged that it was taking a toll on her so it absolutely can weigh you down depending on your bait. I mean, what are people consuming at the moment you have access to that sort of what articles or media Wait, what are you saying have some data I prepared for you Alia
saves his consumption because there's that could be it's actually just a lot of tech news out the top 10.
He loves this. I
like it. Mason's laugh like that. I think I could watch for days.
Robert Yeah, yeah, it's just
every time anyway, sorry, Crystal God, what are people can share me
since they middle of March to now to last week basically so maybe just over a month, you would think that would still be very heavily dominated by COVID-19 News. But it is not the case of the top 50 kind of trending, highest performing stories of the month at my news publisher. It was about 60% non COVID related topics, and the other topics were married at first sight. Kylie Jenner,
Harry and Megan
came up launched a new collection of low budget high
growth. Cadbury changed their logo. I must have missed this one. But apparently Cadbury changed their logo for the first time. It's very, it's just some typography stuff. It's very funny though. Just
As designers get right into it like that, it's stunning. You look at it side by side, I think he just changed the font didn't use. Beautiful. So the Ode to the brand. They've actually just changed the slant.
It's I think that
Photoshop and just gone through all the fonts. Yeah, that's so good. What about Kim Jong Hoon? Any love for North Korea?
Not so much that might have been maybe in the last week. So I don't have I don't have quite as fresh daughter on that. Yeah, but also the that really sad. Melbourne traffic accident. Yeah. With the placement That was awful. Yeah. And that was that was one of the topics it was this. That was a type of story that just like, you feel like you have to read. And you just feel yuck by the end of it. And like the guy like even even seeing Porsches. I mean, like there's there's already sort of the cliche about like Porsche owners already, but seeing that like there was
Just the whole thing I feel like really cements in your mind that the guy who was in the Porsche is like 300 metres like a 500 metres from our joint and drove past that the other day and the whole garage is all smashed in and stuff. But it was a it was an interesting one because it makes you show. It makes you see that even really wealthy people who look like they're successful, can be completely off there. What do you say off of their chops off? They're off. They're just Yeah, they're just absolutely insane.
I mean, now there's two media from Victoria like stories that break in Melbourne. Also. It's interesting to see the impact around the country and that was one that's around the country because I think it's connected to
police officers, which, you know, everyone has experience and they are looking after a lot of us right
So you see where it hit time for a lot of people. It's full on, but just doing their job, I think anyone doing their job that, you know, is killed or whatever. I think that that's like a, everyone can relate to just showing up at work. I think that's why those sort of Work Safe ads are so effective, because we've all gone to work and be like, Oh, yeah, just get on the ladder or whatever. Well, you don't this is shit that you don't think about. Right? It's like that could have happened. How has that not happened before, like, plenty of times. And it's, I think for that reason, too, is like, I drive down that exact road pass that exact spot every single day, twice, four times a day, if I'm dropping me off at work, and I see there's so many highway patrol cars, and, you know, tow trucks picking people up, and that's where I pulled over to change the tire. And it was on my mind then but now you just you sense that paper it's on people's mind. And then hearing about like the service workers at hospitals that are
Nurses passing away from this thing. It just like holy shit makes me feel like what I'm doing. has, you know the contribution? I mean, maybe I wonder if nurses were thinking this in the past like, or now it's a you know, a new thing you it's a new line of questioning they sign up for this like do you actually consider like so say if you're a flight attendant Do you ever actually consider that you're going to have to fucking run around and get people's face masks on and fucking jump out of the plane and go down that slide? No, that's like, you prepare for basically no, though in that, but, but it doesn't mean that you can't be a statistic. next door neighbour is a 40 year
flight attendant with Qantas. And I asked her Have you have you ever had like serious turbulence? That's such a good TJ question. I just wanted to know I wanted to say people flying to the ceiling. And one time what was it it just like? went like this. The plan is
Look at my hand just went like this. Well, she said that again. Yeah, it went sideways and back up again. And it was on a flight to New Zealand. And the plane just went completely sideways and back up again. And it was just a false Something happened but it took it took she's like I before I even realised what happened, it was back to normal. And, and that was it. But I mean, that's it in a 40 year career all that you can pull out. And so it is hard, because but I just wonder when it does become real for so many more. Do you start asking those questions before going in?
Yes, I think it depends on the type of personality you are as well like just listening to tell that story. Like I'm the person who doesn't matter how many flights I take every single time. I think about what I would do if the plane started going down. Yeah. Which is so morbid, but every single time and like if I'm walking on my own, I'll think about if someone tried
To crap they have the straight. This is what I'll do. Yeah, I'm a bit cagey due to the keys in the Petunia knuckles. Yeah.
Yeah. And I like if it's during the day I'll just have one. If I have my headphones on I'll like have one off and if it's at night absolutely won't have headphones on. I haven't noticed that like with in Collingwood. It gets a little bit sketchy at night and I had my like one dx or whatever big camera. I was doing like they're alone outside in the evenings that would get real sketchy, but it's such a hit like I was. I was thinking to myself, I had to you could just knock someone with the actual camera itself. But it is a full on. Yeah, like I have been thinking more about over the last couple of years about safety around, say like, where our offices in Abbotsford. There's like a lot of heroin and just like overdoses and stuff like that, and it's like, I reckon there's definitely a time where I'm like, I would like to live somewhere where I can go out and
side and even breaking go outside like Bray went out the other day and she's like had three different junkies or like she had to like cross the road three different times because people were losing their mind
it'd be nice to be able to walk down the street and not worry that there's going to be someone shooting I think you're just worrying anyway though. I mean, I like security I like having that's why I like apartments I love that like okay double check the locks or whatever and just because I know that so much crime is like opportunism like it's just people just checking doors and shit.
what's what's crazy though, is for the people that don't worry about it or don't think about it like we went and stayed at my wife's boss's house, holiday house and no locks on the whole entire house.
And I was like, and I felt at night I was like, oh fak because I'd gotten the pattern of checking the doors and
He calls me Homeland Security. And so I'm just like, but I'm not even that paranoid about it. Like I grew up in a house in a nice suburb. And we didn't lock up much and it never got robbed. And so I'm sure people in that same street have been robbed and didn't lock up. And my point being is the shit that happens at random to people wrong place wrong time gets murdered, you know, has a crashed, like the, like, I just wonder how much of this shit is preordained? I don't I don't, I don't think I put weight on that. It's like, it's in the stars. It's meant to be if it was, you know, but I also wonder the focus on it. How much attention does it bring it? It is the you know, put it out into the world. What do you think it's more likely you think that worrying about the security you're more likely to have something like that happen? You definitely more likely to notice any little thing. And so yeah, I'm trying to I don't have the answer. I'm trying to go having 40 million security cameras plus, being super vigilant.
Every single not does it stop the thing that was just going to happen out of you know, like circumstantially outside of your own place your own safety. like think about walking down the streets. All the fights I've been in have been ones that haven't. I've probably thought about happening. And I've been angry when I was young or something like that. But then there's a people friend of mine that just one night, these guys bashed him and put him in the in the back of a ute. And he had a fractured face and full on like, but he didn't, he was just walking along. It was just a dude walking along. And then that happened. And so what? Well, it's it like, do you say that unlucky or it was just like, wrong place wrong time. I don't know. It's It's so such a weird existence that we're in because stuff can happen at any time. But I guess I can, you can fix the odds by not hanging out with people. Yeah, that would do that. And
I think that that's probably part of it right? Like if you if you get into a crowd where you're doing criminal activity, you're probably likely to have something criminal happen to you. Surely that's how it all works. Definitely you're exposing yourself to these situations but
if you were to learn martial arts and have a sort of your focusing on combat, does that does that attract scenarios where you could eventually use that style? I don't know. I don't know. I'm just floating that sort of like what you know, you're thinking you're less likely to talk yourself out of being robbed. If you know martial arts like if I like, I would like to think that I would like my plan is to
act crazy if someone tries to rob me. I just act crazy them. So yeah, well, no, I just think it like Yeah.
Like, what do they like?
That's gonna freak them the fuck out right? Like you want them to get to a point where it's like stop it stop it.
You want them to get to the point where they are running away from you. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I started the fight and then they've running away. Yeah.
What about Chino? actually pretty basic tip interesting. These will be more positive. This is something I've been thinking about the past couple of days because I've been listening twice a day as much as I can for pretty much seven days away.
I think there should be a person like a BuzzFeed quiz. Yeah, you know which which Disney Princess are you?
But which daily talk show on gronk. So I like her because I you and Tommy. I know JJ are yourselves some ways to make that. I think that's right.
I mean, there's a lot. We maybe we need some sort of I just worry that it gets hurt.
form. So we just would need some form of person with some sort of psychological hurtful for who? I don't know it could be you I could imagine people you know, I want you to get one of the one of the questions could be if a friend offered you their holiday house, would you take it up? You know these kinds of Oh yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, exactly scenario, but you'd be the guy that asked someone how much that's worth? Yeah, if you're a grill. If you're a grilled. Are you likely to buy the chips for your mate or just take a couple of theirs? Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
This could be like so how do you do it? Like what so how did the I've never done a BuzzFeed quiz in my life? Is it
is it just the What do I need to get blog on to this to build the site? Yeah, I can get on bloggers case. Do we need this for tomorrow?
Yeah, there was a big there was a big scandal like a couple of years ago when BuzzFeed in the state, some
was, was like being bought out that we're going on to. And it turns out that like, they had this little community of radios and lots of very young like underwriting kids that were actually generating the quizzes, and generating like all of this traffic and revenue for BuzzFeed that they weren't really monetizing. That's it they were just like teenagers in their bedrooms like making which type of cheese are you? And that will go viral. That's
just get Sam's on tour. Yeah. Serves, I don't know, if he if he gets the de HL thing across the line. We can get it across to content. Or maybe you could do more low touch one of those like the main ones where it's all the different pictures and it just has the dot points and the name Yeah, I there's so many though. Would you answer a call? Will you make a call? Are you likely to are there's so many examples. Isn't there had case or handshake prehab coming this is the whole thing I was wondering about this.
like are we going to?
Like have we thought about hugging and kissing and handshakes and stuff? Like, are we going to be able to do this anytime soon? What's the protocol going to be? What's the gonna be the new crystal? Do you know what the new greeting could be? Because I feel like the elbow things a bit of a bit dumb. Elbow taps getting old. I'm just so excited to hug people again. I think as soon as we can, people will go back to it straightaway. Yeah.
We do crystal when we first met when you met us, what did we do? I can't remember. I can't I can't remember. Ah, maybe
it would either be in a handshake or a kiss on the cheek. I'm really big hug. Yeah, I don't actually know how to just wave.
thing. Hi.
Hi, just back here on behind the mixer. You know.
I appreciate that. As a woman, I'm meeting men. I have
have to take the lead and just show what it's like to be really forthright and show what I'm comfortable with because it can be uncomfortable for mentor. Well, that's my whole thing is like, hey, if I coming in and if we could just if we could do huggers across the board, I'd be happy with that my anxiety is in overstepping or
you know, like, but especially in that like, TJ this would be one of the personality things would you kiss a female on a work related greeting and TJ has definitely done that before. He did the City of Melbourne when we were doing the visit Vic stuff I remember that because you did one and then you tried to do it the second time and and Emily had a panic attack. I can't remember that. I mean, guys, I'm the guy that tried to kiss a Muslim woman and she stopped me in the tracks Nana Bergeron and everything. I should have read the room. I just didn't Yeah, it's a bit of a nightmare. That one and
the so the hope is a good just because it's like
I worry about like, makeup and transfer and stuff like that. Like if you've got your face of makeup and you're at a presentation night, I don't want, I don't give a fuck about like what I'm wearing, but I'm worried that all of a sudden you're gonna have a patch, because I've sort of shouldered you or something like that, you know? That's very considerate. Yeah, I mean, I'm more concerned about my white shirt. I don't think it's I've never seen the effect of it on their face when they've hugged me. Well, it's got to come I don't have it. It's not it's not a fucking centimetre thick layer. It's just a dusting of, you know, bronzer or something. What about eight kisses? Is that like that's a bit that's a bit of time isn't it? A kiss is not. What about the year so when we
were in the us? We caught we bumped into friends from Europe. And it was made you remember this TJ and like she's a double kisser, but it's what do we
That was on in was its Vanna where it was. We were walking with Dave Allen. That's right. Yeah, Venice, Venice. Yeah. And so I did do the double kit. Like I sort of had watched YouTube videos where she'd been in them and saying that she was a double kisser. And so I was able to execute on one of my first double kisses. But then it's just it's working out. Is that the left? Is that the right first is it it's, anyway, we don't need to get into it. It's I think it's more of a problem for the double kisses of the world to be honest. No, I think if you're in Europe, I think that I think that a single kiss is like what you sort of you did you get busy halfway through like it feel it's an unfinished it's like shaking someone's hand but then not putting enough pressure in I mean, the thing is this, right? gronk 70 great gronk that I want to just cuddle when I say them for the first time. But did we do that?
Slowly little hug station. I mean, that's the thing
that the
minimalist when I am filmed them, Josh and Ryan, they, they have a lot like I reckon that they had anxiety around it and so they have a line which is like a I'm a hugger. And so they go in for the hug it like and they everyone knows like it's gotten to the point where it's like, oh, you're a hug out like I'm here for my hug. And that's too much for me.
Yeah, I don't want to talk about it go in and you say I'm a hugger? You do you think that's too much? I'm a hugger. It feels Yeah, because it's also like
it's expressing because the issue isn't whether you're a hugger. It's whether they're a hugger, isn't it? Like that's the missing the point, I think. And also, if you're walking towards someone with open arms, what else could that possibly mean? Yeah, but the thing is, what is it like his service? Have you ever been rejected from a hug?
Not that I can remember. I feel like it. Definitely stand out. If I had I think I would
Remember if I it'd be Yeah, it wouldn't be great. I don't think he's someone to eat before. Yeah, I mean, you have that you have that? Because it's that's the whole one where it's like you go for the hug, but you think it's a hug and kiss and how loud that would have been for them? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my ears ringing. No, but they could be. I mean, the other option is, like crystal if you do the, you were talking about it was either handshake or kiss if you do the kiss. is should you be hugging at the same time? Like, I feel like the kiss without the hug is actually less personal, potentially.
Yeah, a kiss. Hug. Yes. It's quite intimate, isn't it?
But it feels like that, that that feels like it makes more sense. Just a kiss and then like moving away? I don't know. But it's we don't worry about it anymore. What are you gonna do with grace? Mr. 97? Because that's you. You've got more. Here we go. Yeah, here we go. You're gonna run the night.
Did it Yeah, we can run the
unit. And we ended the worst time. The first time I made grace it will be kiss. Of course. It's gonna be Kitt. What sort of is it like a French kiss at the airport? Is that too much the French kiss at the airport too much?
Yeah, potentially. I don't know. Nah, I don't know.
We'll see in a moment. You know, Russ will be fine with it.
You need a court date for 14 days. you first met that's gonna be great. Love that. I mean. Yeah, I think like it's Yeah, the grading thing. I feel like we should actually have some standards like
rollout. Yeah, gronk rules. Like if we could get some gronk rules, like we could actually fix all of these issues in society. Like let's just dial it all in. Let's have a protocol. You watsapp me if you're not comfortable with the hug beforehand.
Maybe in the VIP group. We'll put it in a table when the VIP
gronk in the window drop down. How does this handshake high five? And you just select which one all the way from their wives? Pretty fun. I mean, wives. Yeah. I mean, the one thing about this time is that everyone's on the same page. You don't have to do anything you just acknowledge each other get a and so when you say anyone, it's just standing back. It has taken any ambiguity out of it. So it has been nice in that respect. Yeah.
Any any other use crystal anything else happening in your your life?
I'm very excited as far I mean, you guys pumped? Yeah, I mean, so we need to still deliver we've got so we did 18 orders via DHL, and then we're doing 2020 and so then we're doing the rest via hand and so how many audit there was 29 additional orders I guess. But then there was a few that are just like local that like pray and stuff like that, that have already Rory and stuff. And so we've now got
too, we basically are getting hit by hand. Who was that? Sorry? Is that umbrella getting his buy? Oh yeah. Yes He will he will be yeah he Richmond Tommy will be dropping that off and when
picking up Amy from work, but then if you're in Brunswick TJ Is that okay can you get a Brunswick this for orders in Brunswick
it's a chunk will definitely get the brunt and then Berek Clyde North cramping and Wargo sibs and I are going to be doing that delivery straight after this. I won't I won't leave the car, but sibs will run in and drop it off. But I will wave wave from the outside. So Corona thing and then into spade.
Yeah, just spade, huh? It's just you're not draw Dr. Sasha nothing said just speed as into the eye. Well, the quick big question is though
Crystal Are we going to make today's episode at 4pm? Because if we're going to we're gonna wrap this up and get on the road Chris crystal you're gonna get involved so you're gonna be at Friday night drinks yes I am and if you guys need me to do something tomorrow just let me know a perfect well we're gonna do not running through commitment for probably too much for you if you're working on tomorrow because commitment chrome gonna do a WhatsApp now to everyone in the VIP grants commitment crypto crew will be in a zoom call. And the commitment crew stays on for 24 hours. We're going to play games there's going to be rewards all of that sort of stuff, but it means that we can cut to what anytime and we can have a bit of banter and all that sort of thing. So it could be it in the morning. It could be two in the morning, it could be middle of the day. And so get you around. You'll just need to have your computer or whatever set up on the slate with us.
surely that's kind of cute. But I think the other thing too, is what Gemma JJ does this thing every time he tells me I'm doing a special thing tells me I'm too odd. No, Jim, we're gonna have you on as well. No, Jim. It's all gronk squad. Then I found out on the show that it's actually for everyone. Now it's for the VIP groms. But
there's also the gronk cam. And so the gronk cam is if you have a good view, if you live doesn't matter where you are, you could be in suburbia, you could be in the city, you could be in a regional town anywhere in the world. We've got our mate Charles in Bathurst, who just has a birthday by the way you turn 17 today, happy birthday, Charles. Charles Charles Charles is going to be managing the gronk camps. So you basically can show your view if you've got a great view all you need is an iPhone or an Android. You plug it into power you
pointed out two out your window. And then we'll cross to Charles and say, Charles what's what's happening on the gronk cams? And we'll have different areas I thought, I also thought not limited to views. What about if you have a sick fish tank? And we just Yeah, that would be great. Yeah, I got something on the slow cooker. And we check in on where if you weren't very much, that'd be great. If you worked in a watch in an aquarium, they're all closed
in a dish Oh, yeah. It's a big rotten tanks. I think it's okay if you just work anywhere that where there's something going on? Yeah, we want it
was post facility. How great would that be? Yeah. Good. DHL dish. Yeah, yeah. That works as well. Yeah, maybe and see if I will see our orders. Yeah, yeah, we could get that. And so um, Thanks, everyone. We'll we'll be sending you messages before we go to your place as well. But and also
Crystal Casey is buying your book. She just listened to the last episode you're on and it was one of her favourites. So if you haven't already Hey,
thank you. I don't win every argument. Love it. Thank you, Crystal, thank you for being a top quality gronk and hopefully 24 hours we'll be okay and everything will be good. And yeah, it would be good to get you to jump on maybe it'd be good to do some form of trivia or maybe we could do some form of quiz. Maybe we could start working on this.
This gronk quiz I love. Yeah, I love the gronk quiz, because I've got a bunch of like, yeah, cuz we could do a bunch of yes or knows pretty quickly and build something out. So leave it with us. Thank you, Crystal. Thank you everyone in the chat. Happy Birthday again. Charles Croesus said Happy Birthday in the chat. Okay, we're off to do some deliveries. You can listen to us through the podcasts of obviously, but tomorrow 7am Friday to 7am Saturday.
I told you I've gotten really good not asking to service what he's laughing at, because it'll be done. Because I stumbled or something. Yeah. What was it? What was it? That was legit, he just did it. You just can't help myself.
Seven to seven. It's gonna be massive. We've got a bunch of amazing guests. And we'd love for you to be a part of it. And we'll be reading the chat and getting amongst and so we'll do that. We'll see you at 4pm. Otherwise, have a good one, guys. Thanks, Chris. We'll see you guys