#546 – First Times With Ash Williams/
- December 14, 2019
Ash Williams is back! We chat about firsts, Melbourne vs Sydney and Ash’s 2020 predictions.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Tommy’s traffic offense
– Melbourne vs Sydney
– Ash’s first time
– 2020 Predictions
– Firsts for 2020
– Ash’s Patreon
Ash on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashwilliams1
Ash on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AshWilliamsShow
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 546 and one of our most ungrateful guests is back ash Williams is my last time
I just kept you a coffee not drinking, but I will say yeah, the ungratefulness happened as soon as I walked out the door with a coffee What do you say to me? I had the coffee in
my hand I said might even give me a large
it's a monster a monster get someone alive without asking. I do it all the time, though. But so yeah, I don't think I don't think it should be the rule. I think the rule should be always if you haven't spoken about size, it should just be the basic
Yeah, I know I may we may be clearly done but I want a large of you like the milk now and then I've just come off the back of five large almond flat watts and I fucking need more strong almond flat whites. So if you were to just need one more
I don't want to say Too much was made by people who I don't respect.
The social enterprise
business model was not one that he follows.
Listen, if I'm paying for coffee or someone else is paying for coffee, I want it to be good. And the
baristas that have been trying on the training
I want everything. Have you ever worked at a cafe? No, no, I haven't really
done I'm going through my memory and No, I never worked at a cafe. Now I can't make coffee like the proper press coffee. espresso at home. No, no, she has instant that has this shot. We ran out of mokona number five this morning cuz I'm staying with mom. And she goes, Oh, we've still got mckernon number five in the cabinet and it was decaf. So I had my first decaf coffee this morning. Terrible, terrible. Baby sick, sick, you might be able to hear it. I think the decal
made me sick. We've actually got instant Catholic. What is the five stand for? classy?
In the middle, it's it's a classic roast. If you go to I and 10 and 12 it's just hardcore. It's like that's like you Sam book. Oh yeah, your monster mokona
and so with I just roasting it longer,
it's just garage petrol. And that's what it says on the logo. But now I know young guys drink 12 a lot of young comedians I know drink 12 and I just said yes, you gotta grow up. Then they call me old. It's pretty, pretty cool.
Awake, got some mail. They're they're really care for mail. I don't know what's coming. I don't really have anything attached to mail. It's all digital for me. So I did get one and sort of an unnamed, who wasn't like, whatever, open it. I tear it and I see the word offence. Maya Fuck yep you know what this is
offended by the podcast.
It was literally
a driving offence. Like in my heart sinks at that moment you know when you say that it's like it's
a fine so I've been I feel like it wasn't a fine based on Hey, you know? Fine fine What
did you do 430 something dollars of 400 something dollars for demerit points. It was a red light it was going through a red light and immediately so the cars under my name so it comes straight to me it's a contentious moment we like Who was it? Was it me or was it I and so we're trying to work out um, we did some serious investigation on this you can actually go at the bottom it says go to this place it finds like photos for slash photo you can log on with you absolutely.
Get the photo. Yeah.
I saw where it was going through Biddle from the back so some of these photos you can actually see your face. Yeah, so we couldn't had no other why we're here at and so what we both did was went through our location data. Who was in the car at that time, right? We both were and then we worked out where we're going also is the both of you. Well, it's almost like daddy wasn't me. Okay, it wasn't me. Which makes the Find a bit easier to swallow because it's like,
no it would make it harder to swallow if you're going to get a fine and pay for
it hurts too much when it's your own fine, but when you can sit and watch other demerits come off Amy. I told her Yeah, so then you have to nominate her
the echo I'm happy marriage.
Yeah. What's the what kind of find that you got in the mail?
First things first. You shouldn't once you saw a fence, you should have thrown that in. I'm not even joking. People think I'm joking. Throw it in the bag, but you have to open it because you're dead. And you're married. Yes. One being a being an adult is
not in the band. If you don't see it. Is there some sort of law around
now you can find more money? You'd have to come to the fuckin sheriff.
It's a different thing. The show has like a big database of your phones. Yeah, man. Why would anyone What about it? This is why so tell me just don't pay that shit. I've been getting an email from Australia Post saying this letter for you at your P o box for like a month and I know that's a fine is it? Yeah, definitely. Cuz I'm not expecting any mile and whenever I go down there cuz sometimes it's a package and like you know you bust you get to get down there you catch an Uber pool you like there's gonna be a gift for me there and then it's a fun, like fuck this. Throw it in the bin back to mom's
we got a Christmas card from Shannon gronk Shannon, I it's in the P o box. But I walk home, check the P o box and then I open it at home and then I forget to bring it in. So it's
not at home. So it's not at the P o box. It's at home.
Yeah, yeah, but it was sent to the parent box. So I just need to have a mechanism to bring them back. Check it on the
way to work on or you can take it on the way to work behind
I'd like to do it at the last thing, just in case you're getting what it was me in the mail that day.
Yeah, it's very anachronistic. There's the Word of the Day
means old fashioned these posts, they are, you know, why aren't you showing us what the mail is beforehand? You know, we're meant to be in a digital age. I'd love to know what the mail is. Would you pay for them to get it for you? No, no way, but just tell me what it is. That whenever mail comes to my mom's by No, it's fine. Yeah. My mom will say you've got a letter here from whatever city of Brenda. And I'm like, that is a fine and she's like, do you want me to open up? I said, definitely not because she stresses out. I said, save that for when I come back to Melbourne. And then I throw it in the bin. So
solutions I'm not to hell bent on the physical nature of the mail we get, but I'm, but I want to see what we get a photo. It's actually so funny. Because then I'm like, What if we got a digital maybe I didn't take it. Friday
night and I you know what's funny about the the Fonz and the red lots and stuff and getting the photo when I was living in LA in 2012 I borrowed my my Mack truck this this, this massive truck that he painted black
and Lawson's to drive and i have i've
got an Australian lessons so you can still like attract laughs wasn't really listening to anything and going for a job. There was three hours away. And I remember I was like I was faking it and then I I saw a flash it was during the daytime so you're not sure whether it was a flash or not. And then my my guys may there's a fine, it's 200 bucks. I think it was you. I was like definitely. And then he sent me the photo and I'm like loving it. I think I was grinning as I went through the raid, and I had this big mob of blonde hair look like Margaret Palmer ends up that movie show. Kraushaar, I'll try and find the photo. It's one of the old times
That's what I was hoping we could have got like a real clear on that would have
made it worth it for like an Instagram post yeah
you an asthmatic no I yes I am I am but retired and I've recently come out of retirement because in Sydney there's lots of smoke
I to tell us about it
there's so much to tell this just smoky bad for us medics
Are you actually saying
yes yeah definitely. What's could be a Melbourne it's it's easy to breathe and that's not a joke.
Like the the toxic level the level is as bad as like some of these it was the worst Yeah,
the other day was the worst the Sydney was the most polluted city in the world. Yeah, the end.
Yeah, far out.
And what what how do you feel about Sydney compared to Melbourne? In what way living?
pretty broad question. Do you think Tony?
Sydney very
a lot of time you spend a lot of time I'm in Melbourne, it seems like for a guy who lives in Sydney, why the fuck you here so often? The work
the work I come down for work. so busy.
Is it your holiday house in Boston? I
know my holiday house is my mom's house. Yeah. So it works out better for me to have my place in bhandar. And then I can come down and stay at mom's rent free, which I do appreciate mom. And, and then I go back to Sydney. It's kind of like,
Yeah, what sort of work What are you actually doing?
Fucking none of your business.
Last night, I hosted a launch for a whiskey company. So I had to come down for that.
Yeah, like you like me. free booze. How much just a bottle of Ned.
Show this who else was a Mitch Catledge calendar?
Yeah, so um, and then last week I was in town I was filming a thing for a suit company which is a big that'll be a big campaign coming at January of next year. So that and then I was doing some other stuff last week. So this usually something In It For Me to come back to Melbourne. I'm not going to come back for a date, per se. Come back for date if I've flown to Queensland for today. Yeah. That was interesting. How did the guy or she do me a girl I'd never met and said, Hey, would you ever come to Queensland for a diet? And I was like, Sure, why not? You know, I've got nothing on this year. So I just
and pick you up from the airport. No, no, she met me at my hotel. Actually.
It was an offline.
It was an overload. overload. Yeah.
overload overload, which is what
we told you.
And then yeah, that was pretty good. Not pretty good.
Hanging out with giants. And it's at the hotel. It's very simple. Jeff Steve to yeah but the date goes down in the foot so it's
a tasteful area when for a few drinks at the valley if you know the valley it's like fucking basically a prison yard. Like you know the valley fortitude Valley. It's like the mecca of one punches like it's where you go, but there's also cool places cool back here. Yeah, but mainly known for fights and stuff. So did you take the happy hour like did you use the whole happy hour? Yes, sure. did. He get like what is it one hour two hours? Yeah, it was and drink some beer anyway. Good. Not good. Not we we ended up drinking fybel at a pole I hole in Brisbane fucking massive not haven't drunk five or since and I wouldn't recommend it. You need to be under 30 if you're gonna drink five. Oh, yeah.
I actually said when we were recently in LA. I was asking
for a little bit of you. Spain saying that non stop nice
see it first time. Oh really? I said that recently and I haven't I don't think I have
when Josh, I'm sure you reference it every day.
Not every day. Not every day. There's other things I reference every day but not that shepherd and
he talks about that he was in radio and shopping in La Jolla.
That was actually talking about that more than also
scripted Derek reckons that we mentioned shooting pants most episodes Do you shoot your pants?
Tell the story done once
it by boat on a boat.
Yeah is bad because bad.
Yeah. And it's never good.
What was I saying? Before I was rudely interrupted by firewall I saw the moment fireball they don't want it. They don't have it that no one has it. It was a PLP and I asked the person but you guys still doing fireball fireball. So it's like it's been gone. But maybe the ceiling in
the valley who led lights delicious. That's
dangerous. Spirit and short of all time because it's just so yummy. Yeah, well it tastes like you're cold. The adults
seen a mini water Yeah, it's like
I'm thinking you cold
is cooked it nice fucking room. But it's yummy. It's yummy.
Where's the court reference?
I was just saying it's the same size and it's it leaves you with a nice math fill
it so it's he got sat in one was the opposite of that.
So you went lecture lecturing Mr. 97 about sort of getting out there getting amongst amongst it. And yes, you're starting to talk about that you're a bit of a late bloomer.
I would you so before we started the episode, we're talking about Mr. 97. Who's still a virgin if you're planning on at home. Yeah, 97
we could grant a montage of him just asking you that he's only
a part of you doesn't know what What could have happened?
I feel like you're about to pop. Yeah.
What is it? What? Are you masturbating a bit? 97? You must you need to let it out? Yeah. Yeah, well,
four times a week. Now Seriously? How often? Yeah. For Yeah.
These days like depends depends if you've got a girlfriend or something but maybe once or twice a day, once or twice a week, maybe. It's I don't say a mouse at the moments really hard.
To find that have you went Have you ever thought that you potentially could have a sex addiction or no,
no, no.
No, a lot of my mates do.
But where do you think the line is?
When nothing is just an easy Get out of jail free card when you're having lots of sex and you might be cheating on your partner or wife. And then you're like, Oh no, I've got a sex addiction like that's just a fucking call Pat show the Route Route. Yeah, just like a route
does that mean? So if you were how much how many times a day would you have to be masturbating before you think that you potentially have a problem?
I think it's about
the helmet goes on for so if you're doing it for like a month and you're doing like three or four a day for a month it depends on your age too. There's a lot of variables 97 you can go for a good 10 years at you do for Dayana guys who get by on for a day people think I always think they're joking. You know, guys like I had for lunch this morning and I'm like, I don't think he was joking. Like some people that just No, no, probably. I don't know. Baby was like six or something.
But like,
it's not as fun Do you find There's a time of like a season like it's winter.
I'm out and I'd like again I'm not. I'm not big on it these days but what what I wanted to say to 97 is that like, I think he just does in terms of when you lose your virginity, or you romanticising what it might be like
Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. Don't do that. Just just need to like
without being too
sensitive. Yeah and military about this. Just pardon the pun. You just need to get it done. And I know someone
gay someone. You're a good looking right God would do.
And it's time to lose the blonde.
Yeah, I'm getting a haircut. Good
because he handsome. You gotta grab Jolla and that's going to keep developing because you're on the 20 that can develop up to you know, 25
his jaw line something people are really looking at when it comes to sexual partners.
I don't know. It's always been something
I've drawn to all I've got I am we see
how we see ourselves.
I know that you can tell a good jolin and
my mom used to be obsessed with the jaw lines and we were like in school and he's like made I've got to get a better jaw line because he had the most pathetic jaw line. What makes it pathetic Josh just like straight down was like fucking parallel. And then it just drifted away into nothingness. Good I Marcus if you listen, and he goes on chewing gum, like you know, five times a day, and apparently my jaw is gonna be massive. And then I thought that was true too. I was like, boy, he's chewing gum. I better chew gum to say ahead. So we just joined GM for fucking two years did nothing
laxative champagne. We're
all right. So chewing gum. Yeah, I don't know. I think I think chewing gum it depends on the person if you chew enough gum, you build a tolerance and you won't shut up. But, but no, losing my virginity, Mr. 97 I was kind of the last virgins in a group of friends me and my buddy ident so it's pretty light and then it was kind of a thing made my my Dan and you know we were like we were just gonna be like virgins
forever Why do you think that was your thing?
Oh, should we might have cool because we had to others it was too sad, you know?
Like, yeah, yeah, fuck having sex. That's what loses all I absolutely. Join and play 64 again, yeah, I do actually.
This is authentic.
And then one day it was
I remember I was it moms again, obviously. And my my dad told me Tuesday night and I could just tell by his voice toward the landline He goes, I've got something to tell you. And I said he didn't. Yes, I did. And I was like, fuck. Now I've got to do it. Now I've got to do it. So like, he's like, Yeah, man happened last night with a girl called Nicole. And I was like, geez, you're such a bitch. vergence forever. What about that handshake? He's like, Yeah, no, I'm sorry. Like, so then I went out with this and not silvus you know, so
actually never went. It's gone. It's
Yeah, yeah, classic joint. And I remember I was wearing a green Hurley t shirt, and it was sick with a orange. You know, it's chunky Bates. We used to like shell beds. And I was like, I had like two tubs of gel in my head, new wife. And I'm like to astronaut and then this girl called Aaron came up to me and kind of just let said like, You're cute. Let's go home. And I was like, this is it.
Elysees any preparation before forehand, like before you do the javelin or something like, was there anything else that you felt that you had to do to prepare?
Not just mentally it was, you know, on the cards for me, you know, you go out with you have a shower. Well, you just think it's your chance, you know, you thinking be a pitcher 97 you know, hitting a home run, you know, rather than just second third nice. Let's go over the bleaches right. Packing condoms. No, no impact on the arms. And then she came back to my mom's and luckily mom was out. And we didn't actually make up make love that not we made love the Saturday night. Right? So this was on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and she at your mom's house to play soccer. And I often will pass that place. I think in that room. Is is where I went down. Have you seen us inhale Thomas here at petrol station. She's always like around the area. She's got Chico Yeah, yeah. But she looked at me like she tried to black me like about a year ago. I mean, like, Damn Shel Silverstein she looked at me, they look down. I'm like, excuse me, and then I was like, Aaron, it's me. She's like, Oh, hi. She's like, yo, yo, yo, I'm Ash bullshit, you know? And I was like, I'd say, and then she walked off.
So what was that first experience? Like?
It was fantastic. But what I'm saying is sometimes you need urgency. So I wouldn't have done that if my mate didn't, you know, kind of instil some urgency in me. You know, I'm not saying you need to get it done this year. 97, but I think in the next 12 months,
and so how do we create that urgency? Just
be open to hitting it over the bleachers. What does that mean? I run baseball reference be willing to, instead of just going for a little boundary, but what
even gone to first base,
second, second, second band to second base.
That second base is what is it? boob filling isn't I want to get in trouble.
No second base is just like filling up, isn't it?
Exactly. Anyway, Look, man, I'm sure you paint a second. physical contact hands your breasts. Yes. There you go. There you go.
So he needs to have a book. He doesn't have he doesn't have friends who are women?
Yeah. Yeah.
That's not gonna help him. I'll make just because a friend doesn't mean you can feel the boot.
No, you get in trouble for that.
That sort of level of intimacy.
Yeah, no, it's a
different time. I remember as a day day to do that. Okay.
Like that was just That was back in high school days like No bro and so it is a different it is a different time though is there a sensitivity back of the time was a kids playing you know dare at school like touch my boob show my penis no no you didn't see any even outside of your friendship circle now different time keys JC
mo shittin so so does he need to do you think that it's
looking at you might sticks? Well
that's a big part of growing up.
Did you not say Jake say that?
Definitely so
occasionally, but it's not like a like a comment. It's like you just whip them out. How does
changing and yeah, it's like it's showing each other No, but you haven't look showers you might
not. ISIS that was hot.
Not recently. No, no Well you know up until about 1112 I was guy until about 10 million I want to have sex with all nights that's it not even a joke. I used to chase him around the bedroom and he was fully note guy come in and I was fully right not even a joke. Now
you get that I get that. I just want because I had
trying to hold it all Why do you get it?
Do you find men attractive? He said, You know you're not a gay man anymore. I wish I did.
Maybe I definitely had the my cousin one guy growing up. And so my line when someone would say your guy and say I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is
that's a good one from doing
Jerry Springer. Maybe Yeah, but no. So I definitely very
spring said Oh, no someone someone else
but I
wasn't Steve,
baby, he actually went on to host your own show, so I can imagine that weird. So yeah, anyway, I think there's definitely times where everyone's saying it and you've into theatre and all that. So you everything's pointing that direction. Yeah. But then now you sort of work it all out. And this sounds like a bit later in life if you're doing theatre and stuff. I think like, by the time by the time I was 13, I knew that I was straight straight. Yeah.
I honestly I did think I might have been gay when I was about 15. And my mate at school said might have got a porno. It was an old school, paper magazine, you know, tangible. You're looking at it and we're looking at it. Right new the school chapel, which is quite old, tasteful old porn magazine. The price were there to have a look.
And my mate showed me and he goes, has this
and it's the first time I ever saw like a full vagina. kind of open wide and I was like, I don't think that's for me. And I remember going home thinking, Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna come into the club.
But then I kind of came every little bit Well, yeah, I came around. And so Aaron after having sex with Aaron, did you keep or did you feel like you need to keep a friendship or relationship? No man I was seven
as I don't like we but yeah, caught up a few more times. I should have caught up with her more because she was so beautiful like fire
which is a nice person as well.
Yeah, I think so.
He's one for you. This is fantastic. Before we made love, she made love to Puff Daddy. No joke so when
she was like seven eight, Puff Daddy can get in trouble. puff puff daddy
Netflix one yeah, no Kelly,
runner Yes, I'm copywriting. But the designer I remember I was telling my mate, and I go, yeah, I caught up with Aaron. And then he's like, not Aaron from such and such school and I go, yeah. Oh, the one who had sex with Puff Daddy. Like, so. They're like, yeah, yeah, she spent the night with Puff Daddy. You guys do babe. She might have to pack and paid this really want to say
allegedly? Yeah just just into
a quite often and server.
Yeah No no, she's cool.
I'd like it. She's good. You know, when you're young, you don't know. You probably don't in relationships as well as you should have
100% Yeah, because you don't want to talk about it. They had conversations you tell someone look, it's not really. For me.
Guys are young until I think they're 30
What's the communication? Like, first time having sex? Especially if it's not sort of your girlfriend? What do you like it on the Thursday night? We like you know you're making out getting to second base. Yeah.
You just, you know, I had a feeling it was on the table and then she said no, let's not. She literally said no, let's don't have sex tonight. Let's have sex on Saturday. No, she said that she said that and I was like, holy shit. He pulls out his diary.
The calendar
pumped up so pumped and set
pressure was good like the Friday and Saturday I'm not doing
any jogging Qt data skinny don't drink see days with some nights and that was just blowing up my phone all night because you told everyone I said I think
tonight and that's why you couldn't ever go on The Bachelor because you can't keep a fucking say no,
I can't get so good. But
what's the best secret you've kept?
Can you stop hitting the table? Is that bad for the audio? Yeah.
Well, I've got tonnes and tonnes of some things that people say don't tell anyone that and only tell a few people.
So what do you like you've made what do they know us? Either the dude that can keep a secret or
can you ask him? I guess? There's not many people like me. So I guess they
know me as ash.
Actually, I have a friend who has a friend that is very close to the last Bachelorette. And that friend told them then that
so Angie,
yeah. close friend of Angie's Hmm. And my mates friend told them who was going to win the bachelorette. Like, when is that what it's called? Yes, Laura. Yeah. And so anyway, he went to sports blood. Good. So he did. On a bit of cash Yeah, he told his family and all that sort of idiot and anyway was watching TV the friend had made up and it was it was fucking wrong and bad made it up and so he lost all of his cash
fuck is what a friend that is. Was he making it up?
I know it's very upsetting isn't it but I just thought that was it and he he was convinced that it was true based on how close Angie and this person was it today right well I mean fuck
you don't want friends like that but if you might do that the
killing and literally fucking Shelley go to jail. What's been your best?
What's been your best win on a betting on a very much but
really not to be better?
I feel like you'd bet on the horses. Nah. You read the races.
Are you into coffee when one of these Yes.
day but I get paid to go Yes. That was an awesome guy that most times that the rice is it's Terrible because you can't get a drink. And there's lots of people that you don't want to talk to. But like, this was like, it wasn't too busy and everyone there was cool. And I caught up with one of my very old mates from LA the guy whose car I stole.
With the truck, he came and
never had a fucking Reba, and 2020 there's a lot of articles online like people are doing their predictions, predictions in the poker, poker space movie space, any predictions? Williams 2020 predictions for what? Anything, whatever, people are doing it on anything. Yeah,
but I've been saying this is like a name is
Sydney question this time of year.
People are saying 2020 gonna be the last year. Yeah. Predictions in the ad the ad advertising space. What's the predictions in the entertainment space for this stuff? You know, cuz you'd love
Gary Vee. Gary Vee always does this and he's doing it at the moment where he's showing his old predictions. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So this
is a chance Tick tock,
tick tock.
You in Tick Tock sharing 2022 for us to look back like you'd like to. Yeah, yeah, cuz I got tagged in your tweet. Yeah, if you're over 30 and you're on Tick Tock united be on the watch.
You are on Tick Tock. I am and I'm also on a watch list.
It's true. It's it's proper, like, adolescent porn. It's it's pretty hot. No.
I actually think it's a government sting designed to catch purse.
stoned, but troopers in a second.
Anything All right. 2020.
But no, I just think
I'm, what do I say it's all my podcast. This week. I came up with an idea that this is not really 2020 but like, you know, we've got pipelines and aeroplanes. Yeah. Why don't we have old people plights? They're terrible job. They're more dangerous than apply this So you got Oh,
all I want to say for all can
see in front of you, you can watch out for
at least pull back or if you see someone driving wild, and this makes sense,
or day drunk or something like that, but I think obviously to I mean, what digital I think, you know
digital platforms no
it's not they don't mind is I'm just kind of with with things of saying but and also really obvious things but I think I came up with the idea for home delivery. I didn't come up with it, but I think it was the first in Australia for home delivery petrol. And I pitched this idea three years ago.
I've been doing that with our ACV I ran out of petrol at the front of my place. Yes, it was a first time because they said how like I run out petrol I call them I said, Where do you want us to go? And I said my address and they said, that's your address. I'm like, I actually rolled to the front.
What do they What do they charge
a ball now it's like you pay your membership fee so it's like free petrol
officer. That's all right. Yeah, a bit like this. There's no business. actual business anyway. predictions. I don't know, man. I fucking I think it's gonna be more of the same it's just gonna be people are going to be have less attention spans.
Do you think is it a good day for me Eddie Eddie by the 2910.
Ben okay. I mean for the 2020 get a big year.
He just I was thinking the other big look at the years in terms of years or do you look at it as financial years
running from
June 30. So from July one to join 30 still not like it but
you have to cancel this like
no As the summer I get a text from ICANN saying, Can you please call today?
You know, such and such wants to speak to you and I was thinking facking how
I spent like a client who wants speak to
my account. I can't
get any order to snow shit. This is like five years ago. I was like Bach and then and so you thought the call him was?
What return? Did you get back that year that triggered an audit? Are you getting like 15
know you're like 20 grand back.
That was the best I've ever gotten 20 grand back. So awesome for me.
You made some good coin. I love winning Powerball familiar.
That's probably
I was working over so I was owed money at the end of the financial year. So So then I get this text. She does Yes. And can you please call the can and I texted back What's this about? And then I get a message back saying sorry, wrong ash and I was like yes
Yes, sir. pillows
from the accountants is from Jenny is assistant Jenny had a Shaka
say you never went to the camp No.
Then plan on leaving us resolutions.
Yeah ish. What was mine this year my nice resolution was to hang out with more people I respect
and who you are
you know it's it's one in one out
there's a guy who I kind of I guess you call him a friend and don't really respect him. And I just wanted to hang out with him less and less come true.
But But look good on him. Good night.
See, Jackie, do you? Are you known to sort of fire friend?
Not really. But it's like you want people it's going to be a two way relationship. You know without getting too philosophical but you want to be Lifting each other up and I think some people just it's not it's not a two way street.
I don't have your phone number yet. away, of course,
but it was one thing It's weird. That's Tommy's always texted me about Tommy was the deal, Mike. He's very protective. He can just I can text me. My number man,
so you someone that like if I was to text you would you sort of engaged?
Yeah, definitely
not sometimes takes a little while. Just take a walk.
Sometimes I'm on it. And sometimes real quick, sometimes real quick, sometimes real slow, right.
He texted me this week. And I and I was almost thinking it could have been to the wrong person. No, but you know, was the way he framed it.
I texted him on the show. And I didn't know when I was in Melbourne, and the last few times I've been in Melbourne a bit in and out. I was like, oh, I'll message you and I can come in.
So I hadn't heard from Ashley in three, four weeks, three weeks. Hey, bro been in and out. I used to recording and sounds like he's he had a studio with Tommy Lee
is a major Tommy Thomas.
Yesterday we used to be
pretty thick who let who let Who?
Probably let Tom go but then
you know I still I still like Tommy I'd like him I think we're trying to rekindle a friendship so we'll try and try and get it going it's better now that he's more successful so there's excellent
it's good for me on the on the sex thing again, when you have sex with someone for the first time. Did that open the floodgates to have more sex? Like did that all of a sudden like, can you back up?
Yeah. Yeah, did I think I had sex again? The month later? And then definitely, of course, yeah, you you'll have more sex? Because then you've done it. About you man, like when you first had said was with my girlfriend. Are you Tango fan? So if you only had one direct five sexual partners
Yeah, no but
no, but that's good man. You've been to a restaurant you like I like it here.
What's your favourite restaurant in Melbourne?
Aaron Aaron um, I met you mentioned that I wonder if Aaron is trying to find it there and on Facebook couldn't find her and I tried to find her own he tried to find on talking all these after I started the petrol station I just went mad.
Give it up
What about this? Are you doing the chicken place that what's the real Charlie's? No, I don't have a deal with him. I don't have a dude. You still need to give me a Nando's do I went to Nando's last night that's my favourite restaurant. I paid for Nando's last night where? Which one the one in the city. I had a Danish with the great Jackie Epstein from the Herald side I
want to get out of that
that's rude Tom because I'm fine like Jackie
you know all things aside she's obviously a very influential person in the newspaper game but she's top chick and but we didn't go together. We went to this whiskey whiskey launch and then I thought you know I'm fucking jonesing Fernandez so I thought I'm going fucking to Nando's after this run over there and guess who's in line Jackie? And we sat down and we had a beautiful impromptu Nanda moment. Yeah, but that's my favourite would give me a deal don't you guys get fucking free
generic fun of as
they sound so pretentious say that.
Their client, then give me a fucking thing. What do you What's the deal? craft out the deal. We want to win. I'm worried that won't be a win win. So what's the what is? Right now I'm off. I'm off and then why
Believe in the win win today What is your what is win win?
What's the ash Williams rule book around deals?
quid pro quo, it's going to be we're talking about two wise traits and it to be a two way street big pro
crowd that says that's coming out of a movie Hollywood movie. Just a legal term. What's the main
quit? It's like there's a
change of five years. Yes, that's what you need. Mr. Money.
Interesting. quid pro quo. Yeah, it sounds very lovely name. When I was betaine tanima. skydiving. skydiving voucher that this girl got from her boyfriend too scared to do it didn't want to have a bar of it for five sessions. How did she sell that into? She's a good friend of mine. She's like, oh, I've got this. I don't want it. Like, all right. She's She's like, would you do some sessions for this?
So you did it.
Yeah, I went skydiving and I tried doing now by myself I drove up to niganda solo
sounds sort of sad. Yeah he sounds like a fucking expert or a
cane I was like this is I want to do this hmm I want to put myself out of my comfort zone is like 10 people 10 other people do you try not to jump out of the plane Sims is done it
fucking dog downstairs
good for you want all I've done the skydiving so he's bungee down to his little Jesus
is on the edge but not always.
And so, like missing it seven. We've done a bunch of firsts this year in for him getting drunk and all that sort of thing. Is there anything in 2020 that you could do as a first for me? Yeah.
I think so. An iron man I need my warning on that I think but
do justice questions don't let me told
me she's fucking Sally Jessy Raphael. Tough reference. Good, good one. No, you think you Oprah
from Cape Town if you didn't know that we're friends.
But, man, I think any firsts, I think, you know as grad first, but that can be small, big. You just want to keep creating moments and that's what I'm looking to do next year.
What is it? Just nine one?
What do you mean? Because there's moments in life or there's moments professionally, so I'm looking at doing something that I haven't done before next year. I actually can't talk about that. And that's exciting because that's a good funnel for for the way I live my life and it's going to be a great way for me to share with people. Some of the mischief I get up to like a radio geek know it's I actually have control This so I can't say too much right thing that radio geeks Good luck to people who do TV, whatever but you know you are
just not radios on TV or radio. It's a
digital concept. But it's something that I control, which I keep telling moments control these women get off my back,
but I never signed a deal sign something.
No because I'm talking money but I'm not worried about money on this not worried because I the money will come later. And that's all I can say on this because it's getting to join the dots. I'm becoming a prostitute.
First Come on, you gotta come up with I think it's a fun exercise and expanding your mind.
Well, I think
without telling you that that's
Yeah, no, I think he can struggle with it all the time even recognise sheet that you haven't done because you just get in the comfort of what you do. Right says like, just even fucking getting out of the house and Bach rotting could be something totally that actually is it what you liked doing but you just choose not to do it now
I'd like to do the song next year there's a first year I've never been in the song I've
never in your life and never wondering
I love that it's a good one it's a good one pathetic because it's
fucking you joking me the benchmark
in the song what's your first there's
a fucking Oh, I'm in the song this afternoon because it's hot as fuck I'm doing good in a sauna dude you know Dr k soon as a great forever today not traditional course yeah yeah it's good as everything except to have sex
but it's
right for you then really good for your health. I'm mad for them like I'm obsessed
and so what so that's a first cry Oh, I've never done cry. Oh, that's another thing. Yes. Sort of Yeah, just a one off. Yeah I'm worried about I know that I've got no metal on me. But they they told me yeah if you have metal objects all explode What about your feelings
of a metal
bass as well if you have areas that pine so your back might severely hurt or grow because it exacerbates the the area that is inflamed or something. So you feel it on that area like my my feet. And I'd been what I'd done a huge walk two days before my feet just killed. It was like that's where my pain has been in my face. Because I did this huge walk in the fucking ice bath but you should ice bath Okay, one thing what actually haven't you think about it? What about you?
It is a bit of a prompter.
What it was the next year
the Barfi I actually want to get a bike. You've had a bike before. I know. haven't written the trials around my house.
Pretty boring lives you guys I want to thank you so and I want to ride a bike
I'm 2097 wants to have six
directing that's is that 2020 go
first if you're a picker first for 2020 what would it be? Well, the first that I was going to suggest was go to a proper nightclub sounds boring it's not that late to be doing
these the thing come next year because I'll be having a few drinks. I'd love to take you out. Okay, otherwise big night out. Just just for the experience Yeah,
I think with it with that his these guys put a lot of pressure on your sex life. I think you're putting 97 trying to get I'm not putting pressure on this like live your life. If it happens, it happens. Do you have friends that you go out with or you kind of like it? You don't like nightclubs? No, is it Well, I've never been to I
don't like shonas but you're doing it because you want to sort of I've got some
internal circle. I was in the sauna and bond a few days ago, and my mate in the sauna was talking about his sister who's 19. And he was saying how she's never been to a nightclub, which is perfect. And I was like, Well, what do these kids do to fill the void in the nightclub? And he said, his sister just goes on Instagram. And like that, I'm like, What do you mention of like, Instagram is the nightclub He's like, yes. And it wasn't even a joke. It's like, Is that true? 97 people are just on online. Is that a way of like socialising and going out? Definitely. I mean, I don't use Instagram that much stuff to post stuff. Yeah, it's weird like that. Yeah, what about your friends like from school and stuff? Do you go out with them much?
Now that probably go to a club maybe once or twice he
have good Was that good? Was it younger sort of the night yet the first place he going the world's ahead of you, you just fucking end up going everywhere. Six clubs. Like there is something fun about if you enter into the we don't know where there's not going to go. Which I don't think you liked that much but I don't necessarily like that I just enjoyed it. You get a seven then you go into the city.
Like a wine bar sounds like more fun
one but yeah, no, I don't know
if I missed that
no no no
no no. I know what Tommy saying Tommy's like you ever seen the movie go
it's like a wall not and like, you look back in the night You're like, I'm like oh, we went to like 10 places and it's like fuck what an evening.
Beer wine bars now we're talking about 18 1920
what is the what is the disadvantage of going to a wine bar is soon to be as wild man. Yeah,
let's change. Let's change Sex and a wine but I think so
20 you to be more confidence at a wine bar to sort of just break into a conversation whereas nightclubs you end up
going seven goes to one bar, you're gonna lose your virginity to 19
nothing wrong with it rocks up
next week and say
Your age. How old are you now? 37 you will wind but like you say I drink wine.
I don't drink it a drink whiskey.
What's your drinking habits? Like what do you what do you do weekly or
beer once a week you have a few. Don't mind it. I'll have a beer.
It's just good. You know? It just not the tough one in the side.
And so what they do different experiences
well sorry.
is just like is quite nice isn't it? Still waiting second or third gear? Actually that's not true. I don't drink white wine because that gets me like out of control really drunk it twice champagne. I feel like you're getting proposed to people and I've done two by two yz proposals on champagne
good drink
I drink two bottles of champagne in Los Angeles and I said to my girlfriend at the time I said look, I think we should get married. She said you made this that was like Yeah. And then the next
she bring it up.
No, thank good but
but look good. That's fun drink but
the white wine Be careful on that Georgie Nazi to about shooting the pants. My pants on white one. And then the second time I drank it. I was at a one, two I almost got arrested
no I shouldn't say it so I was doing bad things and and sort of thing
not proud of it. I very illegal almost killed someone and they're like what are you doing and I'm like yeah that's bad stuff my but also throwing full wine bottles at all sorts of stuff and security and offended him please Kevin said you're going and then they handcuffed me to the bus and
the winery walk about like any of those
Yes. Oh man
could be cool. I think we size it would probably get around that
you need to be with the right people again. Yeah, I don't these two right you need someone for the one thing I may be someone who's like about 21 all right one and I'll bring someone who I know has he needs someone like a middle ground 20 Seven. It's just do you do you just I'm 29 I always think you're older
again, you know, you may like
you want to take a sauna for the first time 29
in a perfect world, where would you take the sauna?
Like it which sonar would I go to?
It's a trick question.
And I think like 90 sevens got some good recommendations.
Yes. The YMCA in ki, Ki rection. Oh, is there a soda in their eyes? Yeah. Is it brand new? Plenty of old people in there as well. Yeah, it was a big 16 paper you can get in there. Good. You can be Yeah. That was a quick response. Yeah, that's good. He's a size 16 on the wall, old man. And that's the most
and most have been in one time that you've been there. 1616 years. see so many people way too many I think I'd be more likely I mean I would probably is that a private sources that you can book
out? No, you want the conversation during the conversation as good as sauna conversations? Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, so you know,
spending 1520 this is what interval so I did like 15 and then and then hop out and then go for 10 and then hop out 10 hope at 10 Yeah, so jump in the water culture the culture it's not it's cool because you don't have the options but what you need to do is go to bhandar Ah, and then you jump in the water I don't I guys come when the next in Sydney come to bondo you do your first sauna that's a good place to do it and then
I'm if 97 pops
in the soggy pop your cherry upon the iceberg. Sony doing pretty well. But why? I'm doing that Mr. 97. So I focus a lot of people around but it's a having sex is a bad thing. It's good influences. It's a very beautiful Yes, it's not as beautiful as you think in this installation, they just normal people. There's a lot of the locals I'm in there every day. And I love it. And so when you jump in the water that's the place to do it. The only way to take a sauna so I take saunas now when I'm in Melbourne occur young tennis club came out of a beach fitness yesterday with a couple of dudes at the end and not as good a jumped in the shower afterwards. Not as good. So bond icebergs. I love it.
So we went through that next year. 2020 do that.
Um, I feel like I need something. Yeah, that's
well, what's stopping now? Something that you can do for the first time? I find the
Are you still alive?
Yeah, it's all worth it.
The thing I'm doing is I'm owning all of my work. That's what that's what I'm doing for the first time, so I'll be more self sufficient. Next year
that mean a cast is no longer.
We'll see. We'll see. So I know what we'll see. I just there's different ways to own your content, but I will be more in control of my revenue stream
next year I saw the lawyers at NOVA wasn't happy about your music.
Yeah, they weren't Beth, what do you do?
You change it on
the podcast I didn't know they listened and then I get like some email saying you can apply someone ratted on you
because the lawyers aren't listening. Someone has someone emailed the lawyers and said hey, ashes using again, I don't care.
I really don't care. It's like,
anyway, it's good that you got the email was it?
Yeah, but here's the thing if I wasn't doing it, you know, through a network man. Then I can just do what I want. So you plan is no middleman Yeah, I might have a middleman but like I'm just saying like, they'll be different. Put the podcast one side you to fix that. You
just said you're owning everything. Yeah.
Stand up. I've got my secret project. I've got other Projects
just stand up now
in the stand up.
Okay, so have you got an agent?
Yes, I do photo bomb with Nick at the moment. Right? I
just started with Nick.
Yeah, he's a businessman. So we've got a few things going on. But there's different types of managers to stand up. That's also different as well. And then there's a it's pretty multifaceted. How's your Patreon going? 150 bucks a month you get 156 at the moment, so pretty good. I didn't see any spike when I came on the show. Last time, not one.
I hadn't even set it up. Your deals weren't even solid. Yeah,
it's okay. 97 I want some more feedback. I've kind of tried to fix up the Patreon I'm putting good content on there at the moment. There's things I've never released to videos I've got four more to go videos that have never been saying.
You get copy These of them
because about three or four years ago, I was doing a comedy show and emailed the typical executive producer. And he sent me all the videos. So ask any questions. Did he say Well, nobody wants to call you just said, I thought I told him the show, but I said it was going to be internal. No one will be able to download it. So it's all good, man. I think the ticket video dude's out of business now. So it's all cool. But But yeah, if you are listening to this, and you do want to donate to the Patreon, please let me know you came from the daily talk show because last time again, nothing came through. Oh, nice
feeling about you, is that
they don't fucking pay me.
Well, I know they you got your control quite a minute.
No, there's a Johnny just quid pro quo and they're like,
what about spinal ice?
They go on their skin for spinal is used to be a sponsor. And there they go.
sponsoring Ben Fordham's show
I don't want him anymore. There.
I don't know.
Mo over overreached on the friendship. He wanted to hang out more as buddies, and I was just doing too much time and he wasn't paying me enough. I do like him as a person. Do you find that
friendship and business was the year of dropping people that
did kind of no no I think you can be you can have friendship in business but you've got to Don't be too precious if the business doesn't work out the friendship should still be there but I know people who they can't you know, do just I suppose split the two apart it's like fuck man grow up.
We sort of business or friends or what have more friends than business
is because again, I haven't seen anything for me to say that. Good for my business.
I'll give you fucking
Gemma watts Pete Shepard strike Derek.
Who's a lot of
anyone that I've heard of like seriously? I
don't know him personally long. Trevor long he's the guy from Channel Nine and this the tech stuff Yes.
Who else? stuck? No good.
Ryan paid.
Happy Harry skidded dairy 3d deal Craig Harper. travel on. What I'm saying is that this is better for you than it is for me.
Just talking about yourself now. No,
I just think it's, I think it's failing.
So I can say it with your view. I'm getting fucking lame in a second. Well, I mean, that is interesting.
I just think that potentially if you were having impact the whole Patreon thing for you would have been bigger from mouse.
I didn't get that. What do you mean? I mean, it impact on your show but you don't have to listen to us
No offence guys I just texted you that she's number thank you yeah we can have this conversation via text
yeah but like you know you building your listenership it's it's I do podcasts that have massive listenership how many I an episode has quite a lot. I couldn't tell you what but like a
team effort hit over a million total downloads, we should at least be there but
when I when I think of you and podcasting, I think of the show
that's not what it is only about 10,000 but I don't know. I just don't look at it. And the next year we're going to start looking at and we're doing
it off iCast I don't know, man.
I don't know. But he controlling your own ads next year. will say I
terrible. This is like the on the 730 report. Right.
Yeah, I'm excited. I think it's the right time.
I'm looking forward to it as well. I just think that you guys should respect me more.
I know I definitely respect you. I'm
a lot more fucking gratitude.
Coffee with someone who I respect.
So we've worked out that pricing for our advertising. So we're doing advertising in 2027 episodes for a grand
awake, you get a whole week hallway for grand.
What do you think about that from it?
It's so hard to tell right now. You can tell once you do it, and then you can get the midnight
has already bought a week. 4000 bucks. So we're promoting his business.
Yeah. What's his business? So he does.
That's part of that. We're
sorry. We're talking about it until it works.
I didn't know so as you were going to launch his business.
Now we can talk about it. Yeah. It's annoying, isn't it?
opportunity to let everyone know that I don't support Ryan John's business
and that you shouldn't get involved.
I love it. I love it. Ash Thank you for coming
first for 2020 so we can keep you accountable. Just like I want you to keep us accountable about
trying to think specific bIood adventure sport that you haven't done. skydiving, bungee jumping.
Have you ever gone vegetarian?
I have two days. Seen a psychologist?
There's tonnes of things you can do and have sex with the dude. It's like, do you want to do it? I mean, it's like heavy before know if there's anything I want to do, I will do it. And in the past, I've just done it. So there's not much at the moment.
Where you want is a Is there something that scares you more than what it would the average person
car and I'm in I'm in a all I paying for it, which isn't good for relationships. But do you think you ever
get married?
Yeah, for sure. I can't wait. I'm actually fucking pumped.
I am a romantic guy. I'm like, I said, Mother, I go, I'm looking forward to settling down. It'll be your life going to be
fine. That's when you pay your fines.
I told girls you know before I'm like, just saying I don't pay my fines. But if we do get together,
we just do what you do a three month stint? Yes, whatever to get out of to get out of pain fans.
Would you do to a service?
It'd be good from a you get no. What about the I'm doing what's up. What am I what's the food service. I'm using my muscle chef my muscle menu. My muscle chef. It's like
the meal
Yeah yeah totally
if you done any of them
I used to do that when Seth with benefit food they're pretty good I used
to eat their food but what happened
stop paying me stop it and effort Simple as that
but it's good like you know you lose weight on the stuff
all your calories yes
the like Mac is so like fucking you know i Nando's my god this is delicious but it's not bad
well we had the idea that we want to do nothing but Nando's for 30 days
don't do that when you're gonna film it though like a shot
and see how lane you can get so actually get going super light and the lines were spoken about
with you before I
think you'd lose haven't
said it to me. Definitely we spoke about Sydney and also more at the AZ straight office. Definitely.
I'm going to say definitely not twice. You might have said it once.
It's Terry how quickly first first for 20 21st
thing you guys obsessed with is unlike. I just gave you an answer. There's there's nothing at the moment.
Are you kidding? But I just don't buy that.
You don't know me very well then do I mean like what? What do you want me to say? There's nothing I only just got your tracking number and let's be honest you can text me as a first I'll get into a relationship with you.
Come on, let's go. excited.
I'm excited. You're fired up. Yeah, I'm fired up, man.
But first,
yeah, I might I was gonna say I was still doing this podcast but no. I was just say something and I'm gonna go Yeah, I can do that. But there's nothing.
You've never done improv. You don't like sort of thinking on your feet? not your thing.
No, I do improv. improv is a lot of what I do with my stand up. Okay. You just you struggling with this. There's some sort of Walker with this one. Because you're asking a question. I've answered fucking five times and then you're the answer then the answer. I'll tell you right now. This guy. You so You're very conceited with your skill set. Just Just remember you talking to take a step back. She's my fucking shoes. But yeah, I mean
there's nothing that's coming to my mind during the
makeup and stuff like that man now but I don't your positioning it as if I'm doing something that's antagonistic. I just think it's a very basic question but like, I was saying Tommy
it's like, I'm not gonna, but I made it then why would I say there's nothing right now? That is top of mind. So if you come up with something but I'm saying if you if you're still listening to this, I'd be loving it. Yeah. He goes to 82 podcast. I'm guessing I get Oh no, he's a smart boy. Maybe next year, even though I don't think next year is the year maybe I made the girl I spend the rest of my life with maybe that's it.
It's not a first but we'll leave it at first. The spend the rest of your life
is the first is that I made the girl that I will probably spend the rest of my life with then
we must have To measure I just like how I've gone very specific
know the girl that I am married maybe next year is the year I met the girl that I marry. That's very specific feels a bit silly though because that was silly and then I want to take a Sona
yeah in regards to like do ability
to ability
I understand it's a little bit more ambitious. No no I think I think it's doable
for Tommy thanks
it's a daily talk show, the daily talk show.com his email address if you enjoyed the show, leave us a five star review on Apple podcast otherwise just keep it to yourself.
Otherwise it's not even your would you get that from i don't know i'm just saying it I can say it's mine. I stole from someone but I used to say not enough I came up with it but that's
in legal trouble
and you again if you are listening to this
Please let and you want to follow me or anything. Let me know you heard about on this podcast because again i just i have no matrix. No I haven't I've only lost followers from doing this podcast slide into his DMS plaister
I said Mr. godsey