#533 – Talking About Your Thoughts/
- December 1, 2019
Today we chat about finding a psychologist, having an outlet or someone to talk to, and Mr. 97 tells us about his new blender.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Tommy’s trip to Bunnings
– Tommy’s visit to the GP
– Finding a psychologist
– Talking to people and having an outlet
– Mr. 97’s new smoothie machine
– Josh’s laser hair removal or visiting the psychologist
– What we want to implement in 2020
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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The Daily Talk Show Episode 533
the shops open house.
Happy Sunday. Happy December one. Peter bunch fist
month. All that stuff.
I did that last time.
Oh yeah. European g gun. That's evolved. Yep.
December starting to look at next year 2020 we've put our Christmas lights up.
Really? Yeah, we went to Bunnings last week and we had a voucher. And here's the thing about vouchers you always in that spinning ball had 100 buck voucher
120 drop 141 40 Wow. $40
You know how it is 40 bucks I got all this stuff to justify this you
got my mind?
No, no, no, no plants, hose. Some other bits and bobs where you get the hose for watering the garden. Here's the thing. I never have lived in a house that would require a hose lives in one house. two houses that could have had one but I didn't even give a shit about the place. This place bit different now. I need a water my spa,
could you lose a bond? If you don't keep your plants alive?
depends on what's in the contract. So there's like upkeep and shit. Can you look back? 97
so if you have a garden,
yeah, here's the thing. If you're renting a place that has some luscious garden, you're gonna you're gonna have to have some upkeep all the owners alike. So, one of the, the one of the ladies that we were speaking to about a potential house was telling us that it's actually easier for her to pay the money on her property that she rents out to go into the gardens to keep it up. Yeah. Because otherwise it's just gronk Yeah. And so, as is very simple, so we got the hose just for something, you know, just for Doing bits and pieces like nothing much will take it with us to our next place. Lot of selection when you buying houses boys, you wouldn't know the retractable just get a retractable no retractable don't know how good they are. You can get worried good of going home. Good. Yeah, but your parents bought it. Yeah, so there's a price difference Josh I'm talking $20 hoses are you fuckin to 50 Yeah, any lot and everything in between one you have for 10 years one you have for one one one's promising no kinks. Like he can't king he can't can't think he cannot kick me. It's not not not the kinky video thing. It's what you smoking, smoking. And so we went on and got anyway we got the Christmas lights. So it's starting to feel like Christmas. I mean when we were in LA. You didn't go back there. But I went I went for a jog down to the grove.
We saw the growth with Christmas. I But does the Christmas tree Yeah.
No, they're done more. They're done more. Really? Yeah, I don't think we went to the grove at a certain point like onwards we didn't go back to it.
It was Christmas stuff
Christmas, but they still had the Halloween stuff as well. They've gotten rid of all the Halloween stuff. So that's October,
November, December. Yeah.
early November. This going hard. But the few houses around our area we live in an area actually it's the suburb next to it. Ivanhoe. Couple of famous for Christmas lights. Very famous. The Boulevard,
the boulevard you basically get new car liner is huge. I love it. Because what do I love?
I see in traffic traffic.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so you'd like it's like a summer night or whatever. You have Christmas music going, you could walk it.
So that's what I went parked a couple of streets away and we walked it. And because we didn't want to get stuck in the traffic.
There was something fun about The traffic though
one thing I've thought about the traffic since being back is so when we were away we put into we you know we didn't know how far somewhere it was in LA to drive so we'd put it into the maps and dish up the time 55 minutes and then you just stick to that you like if it's over it is yeah but like when you back home and you know you know the the route in your head
and they know the range
and you know the right and so then you're like, I don't know there's some high level of anxiousness in me when I'm home driving in traffic, because over there it's like, we're just going to this is how long it takes Yeah, where is he like now I can get it quicker and get him this backstraight It's a bit match, isn't it?
Yeah. The last week or the end of the week you went to the doctors to the you were talking about the gym free sessions or what
have you. So in Australia, you can get subsidised mental health session. So through a psychologist not all Places offer it's like the bulk billing stuff not all doctors off emotionally so there's like some of them you get X amount of rebate I mean it was a bit of a process the bunch of questions back I could feel it's like the battery mysteries Haven't you seen someone you know went and got rejected at the gap the gap yeah they applied for one but at the end spoke to their JP about it but the JP is like now you don't need it. I mean so the way it works is you feel me down you like I recognise I want to see a psychologist. I recognise that I don't want to pay full price What is
it called the mental health scheme of
shelf health plan through Medicare, subsidised so I went, I wanted to get my throat checked and then I dropped on him.
like is this was that
is this the equivalent of like, you go to the shops and you're buying some condoms and so you add some milk as well.
Like Did you really have me? My wife had tonsillitis and I wanted to see on the stage. If my throat was any was there's any indication because I can't have that she hasn't been able to turn properly like it's been that bad that has My throat is it looks fine well couldn't make me depressed and then tried to get some painkillers out of him bullshit. Seven ones that you can't get over the counter now for a for a market I couldn't sleep she couldn't sleep. It was like keeping her up at night so I couldn't get those. And then I'm,
what did you use? So you asked him Hey house, can you like
my wife can't sleep at the moment. And I tried to just it's like Messina used to be over the counter. It's got code in it. They've pulled it off the shelves in Australia. Yeah, it's behind the counter now subscription.
subscription subscription
You can probably get a subscription
not access point. So now So did you actually saw I saw I will you going to start if your throat was Locked in flying dragons, I cannot have painkillers for me because I would never give it to someone who wasn't there.
You could go to the doctor and you like it depends on the severity of it, I think you can't get it. You're not going to get in down hard painkillers if it's not you, but maybe you can get a mock soul. This is like a mock salon or whatever it is like a basic. What do you call it? Anybody that they give out? Like, you know, you could probably get that.
And so he said, my wife, she said,
he didn't give a shit about He's like, why not just get just use panadol and you're like, you can use the both combo. Anyway, it's all good. But then I did say the mental health stuff. And so He then said, Okay, I've got to run you through. I'll ask you some questions and the scale of not at all. Sometimes more than more than sometimes a lot or something like that and some kind of like Ryan sky. And so some of the questions are pretty intense. Hands
dying because it takes it takes a second
conversation to have I mean, it's, it was a man could be my dad that age 6065 it was sweating. It was lovely. It was a lovely guy and it was gentle about it and just asking. It wasn't too much judgement in it. But then he said I look because I hadn't booked in I booked in the light time and time slot is like are we probably need another 15 minutes to do this. I can't do it tonight. Can you come back on Thursday? In the meantime, can you find a psychologist that you would like me to write the referral for and then when you come back in we can do the full interest a brief and then I can write the thing for you. So he at that point I had in my mind I'm not going to get this like I was giving myself you know pat on the back now I'm all good but it's like no I wanted it that's why I think it's disgusting that you might didn't get it cuz he's acknowledged that he has some kind of mental health.
Did you enter inside like I am. I think I'd Go say psychologist.
Well, they say well I What's going on?
So is that what you started with?
Yeah, I said I wanted to have the referral for the mental health thing. scarcity fumbled through I don't know what it is. He knows you want the rebate kid? And I was like Yeah, definitely. He was nice guy cuz the other night he said because we're talking about like, just the way it's all right the checks and balances, they get audited by Medicare, like a doctors and are getting audited by Medicare. It's given money essentially, they're giving out and he said, so I liked him. He said, Are you know the Medicare bullshit? That phrase Medicare bullshit is income if you know if you do your first six sessions and then you you will come back and see me and tell me how it's going and you can go through that Medicare bullshit will get another six or four or whatever.
And so to term Medicare bullshit allowed us all to get out testosterone
bullshit, real
bullshitter to another we appreciate
bullshitters appreciate bullshit. Bullshit a bullshitter Yeah, absolutely right.
It's a good I mean, it's a funny one when people say that isn't that bad? My temple should have bullshitter What have you done?
What do you like fraud? What are we talking high level low level?
Have you ripped off? calcine clear from the City Football Club. He said it on his podcast and abortion, abortion care. bullshitter boresha. He's made said. He said why don't you get back to me on the text? And they said are no, I checked my phone. And I hadn't press send on the message. So class it was like 12 hours later, and the only reason I checked my phone was because I thought you hadn't got back to me. And Carolyn said, Don't push it. Push it. Excuse me. I there was a perfect example of that. Say, yeah, I
was waiting for a friend to text back. And that's saying that they had done an Insta story.
Yeah. So I'm like, Okay, well, they've clearly
seen it. Unless they're running to find his mind right below
These are micro lies,
aggressions Yes.
Not aggressions. It's not aggressive to not respond. The aggressive descender you know, flipping the bird finger up, but was that nice? I'm just my cage. What are you ready to go?
Drive? I was just putting them back on the office casement. Okay. Just putting them on the doesn't have one office. Okay.
Yeah. My so how do you think you've timed the lying based? Like I think we all have that sort of white lie trait within us a lot of people do just little stuff to hide something or I don't know. I mean, it's an interesting reason why we we live at times and even on an email or in business. How do you think you've timed it or you've got better at using it or what's your vibe on
it now? I mean, when I was younger, I definitely live more just on things like I'm working on this thing. But I hadn't started
the thing that they used to set or that I remember here Like a smart kids people intelligent people lie when they young Yeah.
Yeah, I don't know, I think
Yeah, no, I mean, there's some things that you do so that you don't hurt people's feelings. Because you feel like you need to address it. But also there's people to that you have a good enough relationship that knows you if you'd be like now I'm just I'm just being shit sorry I didn't get back to
you. So you lean into the honesty of a bit. I mean, we could be even be How you doing? Like you like not like I'm good. Yeah, but you know, couldn't said to just have you've, you've placed the truth over here and just put something out offensive or just some neutral thing.
Have you found a psychologist? Right.
It's gonna be the
conversation that we've had with multiple people. You've asked the question of how do you find one? I think I've I've pulled off the table. Any thought about who they are? And what what if so why would qualified have to be a doctor at the front of them? I need a doctorate in psychology. there's a
there's a place you're not going to get as a veterinarian.
I can help me out tonight. can make me dizzy.
The thing with the show on it?
Oh, I'm a dealer.
Yeah, so I need someone who can crack Michelle. Yeah.
It's a crack Michelle.
But literally, almost a stone's throw away from my house is a psychology or that's it's just like this little shop front. I looked online. It seems sweet. I was like, great. And so I'm so I'm going to go there.
So like a like, it's interesting when those types of businesses have a shop front. Hmm.
Well, I think the rent would be low in the area. It's like a it's like a PT studio. It's very much the same vibe. Like that could be houses. It could be you know, you could lose your one, but it's a little shop front. So
I'm just imagine you guys a guy you want to say, dude,
I think it's a woman. Okay. I'm happy to say that. Yeah. Like I don't. That's, I'm not talking I don't think I'm talking about I, I'm not fast. I don't think I need some man to be able to realise. Like, I don't need you know, you know, it's like, bro to have you had armadillo shell. Like, I don't care about that.
Do you think that you've evolved in that way? Or like as in like, do you think that you would have previously
and the main my only thought is a female doctor checking my genitals? Like I'm not
that psychologist went to that.
I'm in the wrong place. I've gone to a matt D Avella style massage parlour if that's the case, but now I'm sorry for that stuff. To be honest. I think there is. There's a softness in a and a warmth. I think females put off that is think about your mom. Right? For me, Mom, someone who I can have an emotional conversation with dad I definitely can. But it's a different it's a different conversation. And so I feel like I feel I think I gravitate towards women for emotional support and also, I mean my wife but I think I just yeah, I think I'd be more comfortable is probably the word I don't actually have women in my life that I'm seeking emotional support from. Yeah, but yeah, it's an interesting one like I mean, there's a bit of admin in front of you dude if you want to go down this road, but I am I think it's I think it's a good I think it's a good starting point
and so you've Have you booked in the first one or
No, I haven't I've just got the
letter and sorry go back to the gap right
now. I've been to the gap a bit. I have done that. I've done the second system.
So the case when Barry has a psychologist appointment she so does a debrief talked about this talked about that with you.
Yeah. But you could you ask her
now. She just she's just like I you know, we talked about the shed the Great perspective on this and that you think that you're going to be the type to talk about your experience.
I mean this Yes,
he talk a lot about you meditating more than you meditate probably.
Now I recognise, recognise don't meditate way more than I've talked about thinking about 10 minutes a day.
Straight, he doesn't talk to me.
3615 minutes. Like I've done over 3000 minutes easily of meditation. I haven't talked about reputation.
On otter, I mean, there's been a lot of talk a lot of
definitely any minutes.
And so do you think you would be the type to so if you get back you get home. Amy's I hate going like, Oh, good.
I think one of the things I want to work on is communicating the shit that I'm feeling, which is not I don't think a natural thing for me like it has it. I communicate every single day and I you know, we have this podcast but toll. Sometimes I feel like it's fucking easy not to Yeah, I've had days the problem right it's been it's that's it's Yeah, that answer is
something I thought yeah, I just can't be bothered. Yeah. Going into all this I guess he can sometimes feel like I feel like I've talked about this enough. I know I thought about this and I don't know what externalising it's going to do.
Yeah. Which is then when you're in a relationship, that is probably the that's probably not necessarily the right approach based on other people you need to process it to. And that's where I think maybe it's a male trait of like, No, I'm sorting this shit out. So it's like, don't you worry about I am getting through. But I think that's the trap of thinking you can do it all by itself.
I guess part of it might be people wonder what if you are problem solving or solutions focused? Is this conversation going to provide a better solution or is it going to just create more anxiety?
Yeah, yeah, I tell you like unless this conversation leads to some sort of new fact Yeah, I don't want to have it which sometimes the talking bit is the point. It is the solution it's just the talking to Erin shit off you just like anything okay being safe. Like anything you have to actually say it. Is there anything you're feeling at the moment like you actually identify it's like, I don't fucking talk about that. I'm talking about
No, I've sort of just with I haven't been to the gym, and all that stuff in a while. So that's, that's been I've been thinking about that and feeling a bit feeling a bit down about not going there. I think that was like a relief for me going to the gym and being in the sauna and stuff. And so not having that since coming back from the US or whatever it's been. It's been it's been weird like just, it has I haven't had that outlet to be able to just, you know, get rid of stuff. But not I don't think of Holding holding much yeah, I talked very openly But
yeah, I mean, does she go to her like I think relationship having a partner like, you know, it is the you kind of just get in a pattern of talking about shit. Hopefully I think a lot of people don't like your rock, right? Yeah, well, when I was single I didn't really have the rock. I spoke to my mom probably more than I do now. But what's it for you? Is that your dog?
varies between mom. And probably Andre. Yeah. Okay,
what's on your sondre spinning? What is he telling you to quit your
job? advice monster old.
Little bit? Yeah, a little bit.
It's hard. Like if you don't have that person in your life that you can chat to chat through with stuff like Ah, I mean, it's I mean, you can listen also so you can listen to content that that can give You tools and tips to handle and sort of get but it's I don't know what to release like it is the gym thing is like a an action that that actually stimulate or create some visceral response and change in your body the talking thing is the action that can change something about your situation so
the quote you can't out think overthinking. But try your way out think your thoughts Yeah,
yes, I think like talking to people makes a difference. I think there's also confident if you are, if you are feeling
I feel like sometimes I just want to know that other people are also stressing about the same thing.
So it's like an empathy thing. You know, it's like,
well, it's that it's, it's a shared experience. So if you're feeling like I'm stressed about this thing, to know that I you know what, there's other people who are also thinking about it, just to take off some of that live. Then it means that you don't have to think as much or potentially just living just through time you're actually problem solving because it's a shared thing.
Yeah. Yeah, I mean generations of people that haven't to open up at all like they blow up
Yeah. As you want to you want to avoid that as writing helps with you 97
definitely like if he gets all the overwhelm and if you had just being able to put some make it doesn't like it doesn't even matter what it is right like even you put down like dumb stuff like not having money down. Well, I write down like not having the ingredients for smoothie in the morning. Like a baby baby upset. Yeah, babies upset he doesn't have his banana for yesterday. We need
that's the worst. That
was all the worst one is no milk. Almond milk, the base. Is it almond milk. Now I'm just from there for cream at the mall Craig
Gary. Yeah, like sort of this animal cruelty staff. I guess Animal
Cruelty Milk the Cow
the you got a new Blender? Yeah.
What's a brand? It's it's an optimum 9200 a baby one the baby I don't know what the base but there's a 9400
and you got the 200 200 RPM so what is it? I don't
know what it is price difference between 204 hundred what was it
$200 so you're that extra 200 I don't know just more I think more power mobility but this one it's got plenty of power. It's ridiculous.
So what do you what do you making is my normal smoothie okay,
but it's great because like the the NutriBullet or whatever it did like a it did like an aura Blitz on it you still have like lumps and then this one is like a proper like boost juice like its proper
smoothie and thought about working out what one the boost juice stores use
that prompt nabbit the probably got a deal that
you buy in bulk, yet. supply chains. It's a bit short, but that shouldn't be. He's not it's not doing the
scale. The other the other thing is that there's one there ones would cost like a like 1000 bucks 15
and what did you pay? 400? Yeah,
I mean even a one of the neutral nine and the Vitamix VitaMix. idea of a
that was so this one's like a parent, like it's meant to be a cheap alternative to a Vitamix. I, you've gone. I mean, it's got six years warranty, so
that's fine.
What's the brand from
Australian company in China?
Did you say the you've looked into that as well? Well, they
they they've got it all over that website. So really, why
I don't know just promoting China. No,
no Ozzy I know I met you said it was made in China so you had a you know, you like the promoting it?
Because I was reading the reviews or whatever. And it says, like all z company but made in China. Okay. Yeah.
It's good. It's kind of fun. Are you going to do you think I mean, you mentioned it Should next year it's a the mental health
of laser hair removal on my neck. I had like three people asking about that by the way the Laser Hair thing are you going to do and I won't know about the mental health thing both I think Pete shepherd and screw to Derek said though like when you you're right because when you mentioned laser hair or going to see a psychologist the guys really jumped in and was
probably quite some recently it was like something around like all the people people
do you directly three parts well
not not at all. I'm pushing the fuck out it was something about you
butchered the one just before
we this is the show
what was quite what was meta right have you said you can out think overthinking, but then you
think thinking can overthink thoughts. Want it? Yeah, whatever. Can you find out Can't overthink. He's right that in say, I got your point.
This is the whole What is it? You don't?
You can't overthink?
What was it? What's
the brilliant thing about community speaking it's just like he can reference something you can you can give it a crack and again the gist of it,
but also the nickname. Ryan did a whole bit, which was about a guy who
is, in essence saying, set a goal reached it but realised it wasn't the goal. And he said, Yeah,
and then Ryan messaged him was like, Hi, bro. I got that completely wrong. I was googling it didn't feel good about it.
Yeah, I think he's a understanding of like, message. A goal necessarily isn't where you want you. It should shift. You arrive and you're like
the guy who founded Polaroid did it too.
Yeah, it is healthy life.
I think you might have made up that quote. I can't find any
Now but again it you can't think you're thinking yeah, maybe that makes it Yeah. What was the one something in essence it's saying like the people who need psychology or the people around them don't get the psychology to deal with
Ryan Shelton. That's what Ryan Shelton said. What was he saying? He literally said he was saying that he was going to the psychologist What is that noise and I seven so coming from the your phone into the keys I reckon. You know, Ryan Shelton was talking about that. Yeah. On the show he was he was saying that he wanted to understand how other people were thinking within his life and that was part of the reason the catalyst for going
yeah, I was more drawing the connection that all the people around you are getting psychology work and you're not
say that it's funny because I recognise that you hiding from your own.
I didn't say that. I just don't saying a quote
that was Yeah, but I think that there is that like
some there's so much stigma around it that you could say, I'm doing this
now it's not like I can do it because it at all it's like, I need to do it. Now, what's interesting is actually think that you're you're, you have the stigma attached to the mental health stuff.
Like the To me it's it's purely admin, it's purely like I don't go to the podiatrist, I don't do any of those things. I'm not saying I don't go to the gym. It was
it was framed as an A like a valuable thing. I don't know. I think if just with how much he talked about in the new don't do it. It's like, Well, I think to be honest, is it sounds like you want to
it's something that over time, I think that will be something that I want to explore. But I feel like it's one of those things where there's heaps of if you have a spectrum of things that you can do, it's the stuff Around, whether it be meditating or walking or and for me, it's the walk, like the value that I get is through walking with people who I'm close with who I can talk talk with. And so that but definitely it's one of those things that's like, I mean, why do people go? Like most people would probably go to the psychologist based on a crucible moment or something that happens that triggers like, hang on, I want to whether it be through self development, like I want to develop myself more or I don't know how to handle this specific thing.
And so like, I guess, I'm thinking I think it's, I think it is changing in some respects, like yeah, things are getting more mines. There's I think when there's less stigma towards something,
I think I'm a rebel as well. So I think people telling every time that set like you saying, I think that's something you want to do.
And told me why you'd ask a question. Like, when someone talks about them going, what you get so curious, is I find the mic on the other side.
So I find it interesting around. So I think that there's a lot of time that's got to be spent. And so I'm like, Okay, my stresses is overwhelmed based on having too much shit that I need to do. Right. And so, the idea of doing another thing to me.
Yeah, I mean, you go to see enough value. It's like, yeah, I can't be bothered. It's like the thought then it will make you feel better is the reason you it?
It's also person I guess the thing is, it's a personal what is the essence like what are what are we specifically? What's the prescription? Like if you were to take a specific thing and prescribe it to everyone? It is. Talk to someone Yeah, yeah. So, for me, that's what I've done. You know, every, every week for the last year I go hang out with my mom, we go for a walk. We talk and I feel so good after it.
100% This is what I think a lot of guys like going to the gym with other men, like sister. Women like going to bed. I think it is like a it's this thing where you get to just hug you hang around at night and just talk shit and it's, it feels good. I didn't do enough of that.
I guess that's the thing. Like I've been getting that.
So I guess you're saying that one of the one of the great coaches in Melbourne. He referred
Yes. And but I guess it's one of those things of like, you have a friendship, and you happen to help each other but it's not like, I'm like, coach me paying
a deposit if you hang around people that lift you up, but yeah, you hope you can do the same. And
yeah, so yeah, I think it's like you got to be doing something. Yeah. What what's the thing in 2020 that you want to implement or do?
I mean, it's little things. I think what's worked great for me this year is consistency of A few little things which have been taking off the table. Some things like there's definitely something in the rules, sticking to something for time and giving it a good practice to be able to analyse what didn't work for me didn't didn't have a whole bunch of other stuff. So I don't quite know what it is. But I'm, yeah, I'm up for the challenge, I think. Yeah, the word picking a word is something I really want to do again, this year was consistency. And so I want to pick something else.
And I don't know what that something else is yet. balance, maybe.
Balance would be good. That is a good word.
Because there's because you couldn't make it you can interpret it in different ways. Because you've been extremely consistent with one or two things like you've done some things really really well. But then obviously balance. Oh yes, I
wrote at least it's like there was which I think although post at some point in December, some of the things Bit of accountability. Yeah, it's definitely around the connecting with friends more surround adventures with Bodi date nights with my wife sounds like very specific. But these are the some of the things that I think you're right. You focus on a few things. But, but maybe that's freed up time to be able to think about some other priority. Yeah, it's a long journey. It's
good. You thinking 97 about what you want your implementation to be for 2020
Yeah, there's probably there's probably more of a focus on friendships and catching up with people. I haven't really done that that much like come one thing like coming back from the US is great catching up with people and I've never really done that. So like to do that. And then I haven't I haven't gotten the practice of Meditation down the consistent consistency of doing it all the time. So I'd like to do that as well.
I think for me, it's like the getting up as soon as I wake up in the morning out of it. Yeah, it has been like an hour sometimes just like, but like, I'll get up at six, because I'll wake up at six and then I'll be in bed till seven. I'm doing email, I'm doing all that sort of shit. But it's like, if I was just actually get out, even have a shower and do all that stuff. I feel like I could. But also the other thing too is the days where I'm doing the walk like my wall. That's like super productive. And so what if I actually did a two hour walk every morning? Six to eight.
How much easier is that when you get that person to show up to the gym myself is like I just scrape it through that. You know when I'm by myself Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, one minute. So I said was wrapping
up again today. Talk Show. Hi, the daily talk show.com his email address. We're going to any email Name, we get an email from Ben gronk Welcome back harm and commend rats on the monumental series of podcasts from La
22 very 2122 episodes are we gonna get to quickly? We get a friend
will keep up Ben's email for Monday I get to do the talk show. cinemagraphs sorry, Ben. We'll get to it tomorrow. Love you.