#417 – Going To The Footy/
- August 7, 2019
Today we chat about what’s left on 3D-Dyl’s bucket list, going to the footy, driving down The Great Ocean Road, and why car servicing might be a rip off.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
– Car servicing ripoffs
– 3D-Dyl’s bucket list
– Going to the footy
– The Great Ocean Road
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 417 happy Hump Day, my friends.
It's organised August.
Yeah, I feel like I mean, I got my car serviced this month, I think actually did on the first day of August. So,
yeah, do you wanna?
I'm just I just it just, the only thing I got out of my car service was that car service people are crooks?
Well, I think he and I, he and I, he and I, I and I.
Cool. How do you say it? Yeah, that's that's where we would go just the one on punt road. But we stopped going there to the actual specific dealer be like the dealership? servicing? Yes. Because it is significantly more expensive than just going to a mechanic.
Yeah. Well, I don't think it's the case when you've got the fixed price service or
they said the caps cap price servicing and Bry would constantly South Africa. Yeah, right. What does that what are the file
servicing is you can map out exactly what you will cost for service for the next three years. So it's buying? Can you I don't know about the capital? I don't know that you bought your car? second answer. Maybe there's something different. Either way, what had nothing to do with that on you how much I was going to be stung. It's 290 bucks, which I thought I would ever
do better wheel alignment. Now,
here's the thing, the last time I got my car serviced, I got a phone call. And you never want to get a phone call wall? Because at the service centre, how do you know when to pick it up? Well, it's just a phone call that comes through. And then you answer. They do have numbers I could say their number in. So there's
one, if you get one call at the end, that's fine.
Or you could say the number in from the dealership. But so
my point being is, do you understand why I'm getting slightly confused. I understand why you're getting to us. But I also understand Tommy's pay,
you counted the service price and they call you and they might call you and say there's a bunch an issue a bunch of issues. So for instance, you go to you by repair wherever you go, I go to we don't really care. But anyway, you go to a place that has a phone number, so you get a call from that saving the phone. Yeah, my point is you don't want a phone call during the service. If you say going to pick up at 5pm or 5pm if you get the phone call. It's usually yellow is that Thomas? Is it Yes. Yeah, look, we found some you know, will alignment issues and we're going to have to do that that's going to be an extra $80 surely that's
like oh, what point is it don't get down Ron
you don't get down to the nuance of what's included in the scene. There is literally they outline exactly what you get
and you don't get and that's not included.
What's the extra stuff? It's if there's problems if you cause fact Okay, there's an issue we need to change a whole part anyway. I got a cold last time so not this time. Last time I got a phone call. Yeah, the guy says to me I look with a bit of a mould in your air conditioning units that on this specific thing. Look we will replace it I just flat out said no. I said look not he's like it was an extra hundred 50 bucks. Is that not don't fix it next time. We'll hold off. I just call it I just took a punt. I took my car back in you think I got a phone call?
No, I'm guessing based on what you saying? No phone call.
Nothing relating to the problem that was the last time we're going to find you
fixed itself.
I don't think it fix itself right now token sheet wasn't there the first place? So this is the thing I paid. My feet was awesome. Not should have
some form of
knows nothing serious. That's why I like a lot of the time they're like, Look, we can change those wheels. Like No, just I'll push them a bit more. You can push that it's not It wasn't your Royals fucking some is busted. Wasn't a specific problem here. air intake is completely blow up. I'm not
anyway. And then what was the learning?
The learning is that I tried to. They've reinforced my belief of I can't trust the mechanic
unless the mode somehow disappeared. Yeah. Just on a rainy day or something to sort of washed away.
You think it increase? Yeah, I know. It was service long time ago.
Okay. Well, it's good that you're getting organised for August.
It just happened to fall in August.
It's you've definitely, you've definitely done because of organised, organised and taken action. Talking about organised we need to organise three day deals final few weeks
here in the country. Well, we know that he's got Sydney set out. Yeah, I me, I will say keeps asking me. Can you find a date to do a dinner with Dale and the crew? I have yet to get back to her. She wanted to cook a what he call it Pavlova. She wanted to know. So I don't know. So there's still some organising that has to be done within that department.
So we're all going somewhere and where she can bring a Pavlova.
We could do it here at the office. I mean, we've got enough space here. We pay lace. Why do we need to pay? Mr. 97 brothers will cook something Yeah, I'm sure 100% I'm sure.
Was Diane what you call her last time? Yeah, BJ Yeah. Yeah. The joke is that 97th mom's name is Denise.
Yeah. And Denise I kept on calling Amy's friend whose name is Diane and it's
so Okay, so we got Pavlova so we get the Pavlova what so that's one thing that what else do we what's on your bucket list already? Do? We need to sort out Ocean Road which is
that promise was made early
on this was we're supposed to do that? My first Saturday? Correct. It was tired and I'm pretty sure you are more tired than
you pretty tired. A lot of energy having someone an extra person. Pretty.
Yeah, I was cooking like fact that whole week. That three day deal was here for the Uber Eats five days in a row now. I cooked like three times. You did actually. Yeah. Blow
cooked and you brought the plates over? Yeah.
And then it's called teamwork deal. What did we have?
We had smashed up on toast and a
smash the
girls Hello, me. Oh, yeah, it was lamb. We didn't lie. I'm
impressed when they arrive. And then
we left and we got easy. Yeah.
He's being a great establishment to support small business, isn't it? Well, what if we don't know? I mean, everyone's pushing back on. guy was
it Amazon fucking subscription?
Yeah. Amazon Google.
Yeah. It's, it's the ante support small business. If you are if you have an Amazon subscription, where you can get prime, whatever you get, and now I don't even know what I'm talking about. But if you have one of those, it's anti small business. Like it's anti support local business. Okay.
Well, I'll stop. Dinah Dimmick. The answer. Is that the answer going to Dimmick? They still around? Yes, I'm a member of gimmicks.
I got I think was 10% off my first order. So that worked out will the books
what a gimmicks or gimmicks in the bookstore. Yeah. I seen DD means is that close and forges?
Yeah, do this forgers make DVDs and forges be there.
It was one of those old school businesses like David Jones, which are still around they still around but they used to have food departments So these have supermarkets did
they not have that anymore? in the in the city? I feel like people maybe not getting the best salads from David Jones.
Yeah, so they've got like a food area that's like high end, but they used to have a legit supermarket. So David Jones was in Brighton, lovely, lovely suburb. There's now a cold there. But it used to be the David Jones food department whatever they look it up David Jones Brighton did we find out about the dummies and foragers. Now what a top up for just dummies just comes up. As in dem seems
what is the ad dummies and 40s?
Yeah, I think it's actually like, but what's
the forges bit? I have no
idea. Yeah, maybe the person who started it was me. Yeah. I mean, there's a Demi's I think maybe it's gone on in Swan Street, Richmond. Anyway, this is a very local show that we're talking about. We're talking about local food establishments, but I do agree support your local business. If you can afford
David Jones. It sort of reminds me of a Paavo. What's the one in London? That's awesome. Harris Harris.
Yeah, that's our nice rival.
Like lots of get a really nice sandwich.
I mean, it's not even that Paul, like it when you said David Jones's higher end. Yeah, it's at the higher end, but you just feel like you're you're all Dante's who's got really strong perfume that doesn't smell that great job there. Yeah. What is with that anyway? But you know, like, shoes on teas that have perfume? It must be our sense, like s which is it? Since your mom's? Like,
listen to the show,
I wouldn't think probably wouldn't know how to get a podcast. Okay, to be honest. Either way, my auntie actually put a funny Facebook photo up. And she wrote, it was like her on a balcony, looking over some some, you know, water and sunshine. She's like, just so you know, that I'm actually somewhere it was a funny, I can't remember what it was because it was, it was very sort of like, I think that's actually what
her needs Facebook when I can have you just tell me the best bits of your anti Facebook. Anyway.
Teachers. Do you remember those teachers that smelt I mean, they had those musty? musky? sense. Do
you know? What was that teacher that you saw the other day? Ah, sure, saying you were saying first name. But as I said before, so it was a bit like that.
I mean, she was just stinky to me. Yeah, I didn't have the
words. I didn't even matter if you're a bit angry or a few. And so going back to the Great Ocean Road, that definitely will definitely be doing that. Yeah. If we look at the calendar
reduced now. No, not really, not just me. They're empty promises. They
know what we're actually going to go. We would be ideal to do. It's this coming Sunday because I'm trying to go Saturday night. I can't even go outside. Go to July for the footy game to July to July. It's getting out of the footy. And I feel like
I'm probably going to join
again in July. John's winning the
part of a guy that wouldn't want to
go to the MCJY
to go to the gym.
Yeah. Oh, well, it's because your friends down in July.
Yes, George, I gotta go there with you, though. No. So I would just
go to the MCG, there's plenty of games
to go to and I think the point is that it goes a
long oval is no representation of dirty water.
What what is actually called a long oval is definitely
much better than it was but you like the MCG, the Melbourne Cricket clubs. 100 year old establishment.
I've only been like three times in my life
conspiracy. Funny. I remember conspiracy Jimmy telling me his dad put in some of the big light bulbs within the lights of the guy. I remember him telling me that. stadium lights. But yeah, I get the full meat pie experience. MCJ definitely. It will take way too long. Yes. So many hours.
So how does it work? If I want to buy tickets for footy game? Yeah. How do you normally do it? I think you just got AFL Dhoni so the next round, guys 20 go to the ground.
I can probably get
literally tickets. I fl.com is I you? You could get a ticket. Take your third ticket day
it goes it's three tickets. Ticketmaster, I'm on. And so we could if I'm just looking at the 20 round 21 August nine, so what so it's August seven. So nine is a Friday night? We're with the giants.
The Christians You don't deserve to go. Do you know?
Yes. Gold Coast giant. That's why I said Gold Coast.
The Gold Coast. David GWG Western Sydney. Yeah, it's
a daily talk show your sports and entertainment podcast.
Many for asking about the team though. Before you go. Just who's? Yeah, so yeah, go for it. Okay,
well, how about this? Saturday? 1:45pm do we feel like an evening? any better? 145
smack dab in the middle of the afternoon? Yeah, you want an evening? evening games a better idea? Yeah, I mean, cuz I like this idea.
Okay, so what about Saturday? Here we go. This will be good. So London vs Bulldogs.
Western bold. Ah,
Eddie. Eddie. No Marvel. Marvel. I mean, that's
not UHZJMCG go to Melbourne. Very. who wasn't Melvin verse. So we want August anyway, we can do this off the show. We might
cast on now. Well, if you're listening and you know when we should go, maybe we could get a few gronk we could make it.
Maybe I actually can't boys. Why?
Because I'm gonna look at my buddies is like,
No, I'm gonna have fun with Bodie in the evenings bike riding time. bike riding time after 6pm
on a Saturday.
I don't see the kid awake. I see you gronk all day
babies going back to Canada. Sir. I respect that. I respect that.
Busy as well. So find your own way. All right. He's gonna get into July.
That was my plan. And the first one
that that I want to. That's the thing. My pushback is that I want to take you. But why don't we make it? why don't why doesn't Bodie come we'll get the Pavlova
definitely not not taking, like, How well does he have to be before you go to the 45? Six? Really? That has to be into football. I'm not gonna just drag I'm
not necessarily into home school.
Yeah, but you're a big baby who doesn't shit his pants. So you'll be concerned he's he should supplant these pants. He should depends every day. I've got no concern of that. It's that you're at the MCG? They're tired. They're restless. I mean, I'm just now working out this is what's going to happen with him. I'm gonna have to take care of Yeah, and you have to wipe his ass.
Well, I saw I saw on Instagram and makes to so went to the footy and he got one of those big hot with that call SMS and he had hot dogs and I love that idea.
But does he drink the water?
quickly before we move on from this nice seven. Will you come with me? If we take the 30? Yeah, we're good at 40 Okay, great.
145. settler. No, no. Are we gonna ride a 16th will go on the Melbourne, Sydney with the MZJ 750 at the MCG? Friday 65 it Friday, August 750. You're not invited. Damn, I got
seven says he'll come and now you want to come? Yeah, now you've got to look after boat. It's my team now.
swans I also like swan. So if they if Melvin lose that not that. What's
the difference? What's changed one week?
Not this Saturday.
It's Friday. We just got Friday after work.
Yeah, it's Friday. We
don't want to come anymore. We can walk in. God. We can walk him Josh. This is Bodie.
This is over. But do you understand?
You had so much pushback. And now you get to come I don't want you to come anymore. Anyway, so is that we've got the the 41 other things are all Great Ocean Road ocean, right. I've lived a bunch of stuff.
Yeah, now he had a bunch of food. safwan is this
one of the things I don't know if I got three weeks?
Yeah. I don't really know. I can't show
you got some package delivered.
Yeah, we got it. We're gonna have to wait on that for a little bit.
Now. You said two days I forget.
What your What is it?
I'm gonna. I'm gonna make you wait to two days more. Really? What are you planning? I don't know.
He got to find out and I felt it was solid. Sounds probably not so long. Not solid. Like a glitter bomb? No. It was heavy. It was heavy. Yeah.
Might have to be something for weekend banter. I don't know.
Okay. He has just I mean, he's almost the best in the business at the PR
around pushing all that sort of stuff. What's happening with a book.
It's still being processed. Amazon has to go through like a an approval process. They basically go through page by page and make sure all the stuff is within the proper margins that are supposed to someone's actually going to write it because it's I don't know if it's a physical person. It's making sure the formatting is correct. Yeah, that can format into the main issue. Okay.
It's so when when will people be able to buy it if they win? No
idea. Okay. Amazon didn't didn't give me a test.
They want to go through. people be able to make purchases. Yeah,
I'll get an email once it goes through and then people will be able to purchase it and
pushing it hard at that point. Can you give us the download link that link so we can buy the first copies?
Yeah, definitely. Always an Amazon review and all that sort of thought that would be asked once I've read it.
Have you got to do anything specific for your little sister. Before you go?
Ah, I don't know. Probably.
She's been she was requesting a wildlife. What have you not seen yet?
snakes. Big spiders. Sharks. Yeah.
So we need to go to hills little sanctuary. He's all over
Chicago. hills entry over to gronk Aquarium into a local pet shop where you can buy spot. Yeah,
if they're all in cages. It still counts. Yeah. Okay. Okay. All right. Well, so we've got the Great Ocean Road, we've got Healesville sanctuary, I think we I will. I pride myself on when international guests come in. I'm very hospitable and take him around. And obviously the first week, three days was very much that way. But then everyone gets a bit old. And so I just say pick it up at the end. Yeah. Go out strong.
What are you looking at? Nice.
To meet you feeling
really good at the beginning.
Here we're going to go
on to four months of it was for my show a guy would have been an absolute exhausted.
God. I mean, I, to be honest, you put in much more effort than I ever have with guests that arrive taking progression. Right? I think what I think we find these things that the because you wouldn't do it if you didn't lock it. So you all experienced the garage and rode the fish and chips. What I did.
I know I know. The whole experience I've got I've probably taken six or seven people on the Great Ocean Road in the past four or five years.
Have you ever had someone say during it? Joshua, you're so great at this. You should should turn this into a build up, isn't it? Yeah.
Yeah. People like it. Are This is the best part. Like it is the best part of the trip. That's nice. The funny thing was though Bry had mentioned to me I'm gonna take delta Great Ocean Road, and she's like, I've never been, I want to go to the Grand Ocean Road. And she went up to Sydney for a weekend. And during that time, you went to the ground Ocean Road.
Oh, yeah. But I took I took my mate. Tim he came down. We specifically went to fly our drones and fuck around with that. Yeah, that's some of that footage. And so we stay down there. It was perfect. We just picked him up from the airport on Friday night. Yet to experience the garage. She's been too long. She's been down the Great Ocean Road, but not too long. I think when people think prize road thinking 12 apostles, and yeah,
we went to the penguins. Yeah,
we did. We did the penguins and like, I've been on the Great Ocean Road when I would only fucking die as far as Apollo Bay. And that was
Have you missed it. haven't gone to any of these places. Yeah, I've been to the 12 apostles. Yeah, I think that I think dad made an effort. I can't remember when but he made an effort to like 10 years old around the Yeah, till until the crazy it's not funny. I'm turning this Yes, it's always a conversation with family. are you
grateful kids you had to meet in laws. Visit on the way
means mom stayed with us and so on. The hot thing was me would seek coughing. You know, so I was like, so what do you do? Oh, we just hang out. Did our thing. Just like not much? Not much. I was so restless over that weekend. I was like, I wanted to just go out I wanted to visit I messaged my man. I was like, dude, I gotta get cake and coffee. At night. It was like light. And he's like Who? 50 and he's like, I'm fucking I'm pretty content watching the watching the ashes. The cricket
cake and a coffee. White. What nine is this Saturday, Saturday night. Can't go to the 40 but once you have a little cake.
I just wanted some interaction. And he's like, now I'm actually to be honest. I'm about to go to bed. And I was just thinking the days of when and then we he's like night remember when we used to pray drink? The thing like our routine now? Because Bodie it's we he goes to bed at 730 and the kind of like, we should call this night. watch Netflix. Wrap it up? You know it's a it's a hard one. I'm looking forward to living in burbs when we do. And now not yet had a look at a few houses passed on one we're going to
get us on the one that
Yeah, we ended up going back and then thinking that will pass on that one really where we want something a bit newer, and cheaper. And they're out today except you're amazing. 600 awake. Now we didn't get to that but we were the only people that put through so they it was processing pinned it was approved pending just the chilli. So but we're going to get a nice price but I want to be able to have I really wanted a bike really want. I mean these are all things that cost fuckin cash. I've had so many bikes and knowing I shouldn't have sold them over the years. Like I just never had space for them. Which I guess is what you sell them. But I say fixer riding tracks. You know, where where he lives. And with a kid having fun is out in the backyard. I want to do that shit. Like that's why the suburb life just starts to appeal. Yeah. To a father.
Yeah, I understand that.
I mean, you just you like the bustling town.
In the city life. Yeah. But ok, so we've got it. So you are going to come on that Friday to the 14 I
reckon it's enough. I just need enough time to be able to ask me she's probably listening. Can I go?
Thanks. Right Great. Great Ocean Road. You want to come to that?
Not necessarily.
That's one.
It's a long like I know you love it. Yeah, it's a long period of time. Yeah, just Dhaka why for
Yeah, we got a life to
it is a full?
You say?
Yeah, but if Bry comes with Yeah, it's like, okay, your entire life is now in the car. Yeah.
Honestly, my driver never actually wanted.
Yeah, no, I get that. So anything else do anything else that we can do for you, but nothing, nothing that I can immediately think of? Cuz? I mean, I've already I've already done a lot just on my own. And you guys have done a lot. So I can't really? I can't think of anything else.
You wanted to say Red Dust.
fair to say that's not happening. Not in this timeframe. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, you're talking about Australia in that rate, Outback dust. It's a faraway.
That'll be another trip.
Yeah. I mean, I've only ever seen that. When I went to Reubens farm in Central Queensland. It's very far away. But that's even not like, that's not where red dusty. It's known for like Alice Springs and the centre of Australia. Like I remember learning about what was that? coo coo Cooper PD?
Yeah. around
so so hot. They're living in little underground homes. Love to go to Cooper PD do the show went
away camp.
Yeah. Five G's amazing. The suburb schools and where they go?
Yeah, like I mean, we will be going to France or anything.
I know. I missed it. Heaven, buddy goes to
Magellan. That's right. Look,
I can get your head around. Those things are in these nickel, the colourful flowers. And
and so I made the lie.
But I could find a lie. Yeah, I mean, it's probably Hawaiian or something. But it's fine New Caledonia.
And then so also, the plan for when you get back on a three day deal. When you get back you straight into school.
I get back on the evening of the 27th of August. And when's your birthday? The next day? 29th the 28th of August, right? So I turned 21. And then two days later, I move back to from my parents house back to Toronto, and then I start start school on September 3.
Right. So you tell me a little flavour mom and dad about it? Yeah.
Yeah. Do that. Have birthday cake? Eat food? Yeah. Pack up my life again. Yeah, put it in a car drive down to Toronto. How long that drive? Only like 45 minutes to an hour?
And what would you like your involvement to be on the show going phone?
Which is bring in? Oh, wow. It's actually now just a meeting between. It's good. This is.
This is an admin meeting. We've got to get it sorted at some point. It's organised August everyone.
It's the gronk show. So they were in on this man to welcome Thanks for coming.
I've definitely become a lot more attached to just people who've listened in general, like, I feel like I'm friends with people that I listened to or that listen to the show that I've never even met.
You know, if you want to know our listeners and what they look like, just go to deals follow. literally everyone, some people follow someone who does click on followed by Dylan tumble. Also, if you want to like if you being a nosy little bake, and you want to see who listens to our show 95% of Mr. 90 sevens Instagram account is people who listen to this show, then follow him. It's amazing. I actually went through it. I was like, I just somehow ended up in there. I was like, all these people listen to our show.
And so we point that he doesn't have many friends.
Everyone who follows he's a cat because he said that when he started here are people from the show. So it's an interesting, sort of it's it's all it's like a whole bunch of out at gronk.
Yeah, that's all people that he's gone on died. But therefore, probably I'm falling by now.
I mean, he's not checking. But I am.
That's that's the exciting thing. Like, I got a message from one of my friends this morning that I talked to in school a little bit. And she's on podcast friends know. And she's doing her internship in New York. And she's like, Oh, I just started listening to the daily talk show cuz I was bored at work. And it's like, you guys are awesome. And that's great. I was like, What is she doing? She's doing interior design. So it's another bachelor's programme alongside mine. Yeah, like with industrial design. But going forward with involvement in the show. I'd like to take the design aspect of it further. Yeah, because there's so many different opportunities of what the show can do going forward. And then even like, seeing what mace is able to do now, in the short time that he's been working for you guys and the level that he's at now, it's like, I'd love to reach that level. Yeah, at some point, whether it's through producing or, like even doing the remote producing, but I'd still love to be involved in the show.
How often do you imagine so we're going to have a remote connexion. So we have the ability to have you on the fader on the mixer. Yep. How often do you think that you will be in on the show like you are now.
the realest in me would say, on weekends gronk because I have school, but the optimist and me and the person that drives the ship. Yeah, the person.
He's a guy,
my ego and my tenaciousness to just say, go through whatever challenge or resistance would say seven days. Oh, yeah.
If there's someone who takes action now time.
It's a goal. It's a stretch to do seven days a week with a 14 hour time difference, but there's no real excuse as to why it won't work. Even though I'm still doing school like school is not the end all be all of my existence.
Young. Exactly. Got that. Testosterone firing. It's amazing how you can. I don't know how you got that book down. You've also been working full time. There's a lot happening. We all have
stuff on the weekends.
Yeah. Running 200 Ks. Yeah.
So I'd say yeah, I'd say seven days a week three deals not going anywhere. Except for the two days between when I leave and when I get back because I'll be jet lagged asleep and partially.
So so.
Okay, it's a daily talk show. So we're going to the 14. That'll be great. I think we should. I'd like to get kitted out in like, what are the teams? Melbourne? Melbourne and Sydney? Sydney. Yeah.
Okay. I'm happy with either.
Oh, I think I should get some form of Melbourne. Like,
yeah, yeah. I mean, you can buy this all at the ground. So you can go
I don't like lines. So if I can organise them for the day. Like why they're all fucking really you know, that's why I want to buy the ticket beforehand. No, you still have to line up to get through the gate.
We scan you to get
we get early.
It's just writing. It's just writing there's a line. It's like going anyways. It just to get here. Why don't we then you there? It's like, Yeah.
Are you going to class? It's like a concert going at concept. And it's just
getting everyone and then hurting? like cattle?
Yeah, literally, I'm the guy at the concert that when everyone's getting pumped for the Encore, that's a perfect time to leave before the traffic. Officially I was at the Coldplay concert, they had the flashing lights, like everyone had wristbands and that would light up. I was running out of the stadium and like, basically, out Yeah, I was walking quickly. And it was still lighting like the songs was tuned to LA and I was making
moves making move. Well, we can leave early if it's Melbourne losing
the amount of times I've done that. I think that's pretty
you know, if it's the three golden time, they've got
four losses in a row. So Melbourne, Melbourne has been doing
can see he's got five losses in a row. So it'll be good guy. So to ship
to ship to ship. The other good thing, I'd love to get a little portable radio. So I can have some head headset on. I can follow that as well. You follow a tree
so you can follow the tree. You can just put the triple A map on it. Yeah. Why aren't you arc another RMB I FL up you can probably start the coal on radio is live. So if you're listening to triple M. But if it's using streaming, we live your life. So they might be like one of the am stations that don't. But then no not I think they live going out as the games playing.
So if you're if it's streaming, it's going to have some form of buffer so they go sounds like kicks it to blah, blah. Like Surely there's a slight delay.
Well, what he's what he's saying deal is a bunch of old cokes at the 40 they take a little headset radio, and you can hear it like it's it's very cute. I don't think it is happening as much anymore. Like I mean, they're all they're all guys, but they used to like have it and you literally have you here
so cyber joke was our the few times I have been I'll tie it so open and spoil the game for us. Yeah, I might say something like they know the score before me if I can
think about I gave up my membership my MCC membership. How can we get on to that has a connexion with the boxes? So like, you know what a boxes deal? Yeah. Aereo this food and ship it to the role
I want. The thing is you have to get dressed up in the boxes, I want to be able to notice the glitter bomb just moved didn't go off. No, no. It just something just happened with the glitter bomb. As far as
the gonna let that after that. Are you are you absolutely gronk
we didn't even we didn't even get to that very quickly. Mr. 97. On Monday, we sent you the challenge of calling up the glitter bomb place we had Sam Kev on yesterday. So we haven't had the full admin experience. We wanted you to do some social engineering to find out this is a bomb that we were sent by anonymous. I mean had a fake name on it. But you check the P o box of those. And it said yes, this is really the global business anyway. So we sent you the task of calling up the glitter bomb place saying that you didn't get the invoice and that you'd put a fake email address. And how did it go? Well, the first call that went through it actually didn't actually go through. They've got some weird
prevention from actually calling it. Now inbound calls.
Yeah, yeah, no, no, it wouldn't it wouldn't allow him.
Well, I just I didn't call them back after why. So that's the first call. And that was the last call.
Yeah, why call them again? But the same thing, same thing. I mean, this should happens. This should happen. People put phone numbers on websites, maybe they just thought Are we going to put it there
is what I was doing for a while.
Yeah, that was fact. But no call back on. I mean, it's a business that you don't really want to get the phone calls like what if we are Yeah,
imagine if we fail this stuff. Or I got something in my eye dude,
as the first thing he said she's like, if you're going to let off East protective eyewear, don't tell me what to do.
But we go
to daily talk show if you've got any suggestions on what three day deal needs to do? Yeah, before he leaves Melbourne Also, if you do have any hookups,
or if you want to take him out like we ship this guy out, he's going to Sydney, we can lend him out. He's very handy, resourceful and happy to take freebies.
Camping as well. How just a lot of things we need to do to do that. So we got 40 camping, Great Ocean Road. A lot of hills little sanctuary. Fuck, that's more things that awake, like then we have weekend.
will say it before the guys.
Otherwise, tomorrow. Jeff J. Our jet is on the show you had Jeff on before. If you haven't heard that one, you should go and have a listen. That was in a hotel in Melbourne. He's from Sydney. It was a long time ago before we filmed the show. And I remember was at a time where we were recording a bunch of shows before you went overseas. I'm looking forward to Jeff has had a big shift in his life. You know, he's made millions of dollars and lost it all. And he's found himself again, so I'm pumped to have him back. A lot of people have said, Can you get Jeff back on? Yeah,
if you've got any suggestions of who else we should have on the podcast? hybrid le talk show.com Yeah, if you're listening, watching screen grab and post it on Instagram and we'll be sure to share it on our counter because we love knowing that people are actually listening to this thing. Yeah. And even though the numbers are there,
if if you are the gronk who has sent us this glitter bomb. We want to reward you.
Yeah, yes. Let us know who you are. Because we are about to find out very soon who you are. Yeah, and we prefer if you just came forward first.
Yeah, we've got we've got a few hot leads. And if there's anyone who can reverse engineer and stalk
it's Josh I know your ID and number
of cinema guys say guys