#377 – Inspiration, Passion & Creativity/
- June 26, 2019
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
The Daily Talk Show trademark review
Finding inspiration from those who are in it
Making your passion your thing
Designing your life
What it means to be creative
Our tastes in music
An AFL experience for 3D-Dyl
Sticker bombing and podcast apps
Shameless Media’s new podcast, She’s on the money: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/shes-on-the-money/id1468033698
Seth Godin’s latest blog: https://seths.blog/2019/06/yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes/
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDHZqUMekD0
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's a daily Talk Show Episode 377. What's
happening? Gaza? What's going on?
Just start out doing Insta storey and
Mr. 97. Kindly interrupted as you said that what are the fuck up? What nice spoke someone's phone while I'm here and think
what are you doing? Sorry.
I'm hearing things
I I've got some admin news up the front, okay of the
show. I mean, lead with the best content practices with Toby say to us.
This is no, this is actually very interesting. Yeah. We've got a trademark examiner. Oh, her name is Elizabeth. I. She's not on the line. She's not here. This isn't a this is your life. Elizabeth, thank you so much for doing the examination. Would you like me to read her findings?
So is this a personalised email that she sent back to
you? Yes, they've gone through. And they have advised details about our trademark.
And the trademark being that daily talk show is what we're trying to have. Its big mission here. It's you know, we asked we obsess over
we asked Dan to booth who's got a law degree. Yeah. He said, there's a likelihood based on the on so I think, anyway, so with within IP, Australia, who looks after trademarks in Australia, you can do this pre examination yet. And so they've done that for us. Here we go. Okay. Your issues raised under Section 41 of the trademarks act 1995. For trademark is the daily talk show. This indicates that you produce a talk show on a daily basis for consumers to download and listen to. Yeah, other traders are likely to need to use it in relation to their goods and or services in the normal course of trade. That's bad. Yes, that's all I read. But it actually says what you can do now the following options are available to you. Do you want to know the options?
Yeah, I mean, we've got this far
trained change your trademark? Absolutely not. So that's able to distinguish your goods and services from the similar goods and services of others. Pay the part two fee to file a formal application. Once this occurs, I will issue a formal report and you will have 15 months in which to address the issues by agreeing to amend your statement of goods. Anyway, I think
you said we're gonna have to pull that
down. Yeah, it's though we can't trademark
spent 200 bucks.
Well, yeah, we didn't ya the footnote and the 200. Okay, but it's good to know. I reckon this the reason why I think this is good is because now we're never going to have anyone else trademark the daily talk show. And try and come after us. Yeah, especially given we've got this letter that we can basically say, Hey, we had an assessment. Yeah, we can always challenge. So the only I mean, what's the benefit of having a trademark? Well, I don't know
if we wanted to
intellectual property. So
if we ever wanted to know what this is, this is this is the young version of you. And that would preempt something being so successful and go out and get the business cards the website,
a studio had employees
doesn't change.
You like
do you know what's fascinating is the people that super you know, successful. Successful? Is it being successful? Is noise the journey right? So you look a bit you look at someone who has like a massive talk show, and then some of them probably don't even have any of this shit.
Well, I understand the thing that gets me about will Anderson's podcast is the first few minutes is him being like, Guys, I'm doing this podcast for free. You've got a fucking radio show. You get paid a lot of money you do stand up shit yesterday, giving us that fucking crap. We've spent that nice much, man. I'm fucking the studio. You'd love to know how much you've dropped on this studio. But I just I feel like the whole pod the whole podcast thing? This is it. Like we're not complaining. This is an investment time. We want to make
exactly I mean, that's where it's it becomes rich when people who have success in a lot of people's eyes. Yeah. And they can and they complaining about doing
complaining. I guess it's just the the thought that hey, audience, keep in mind that the next hour that you're getting is extremely premium. And I'm not making I might like he, I think it was the other day. He said, I might be losing money on this. Yeah. I hate to look at the books. Yeah, it's a little bit. It's hard to it feels like a lack of investment in the person who's saying it because it's like, I've The reason that you're doing is because you think that it's worthwhile. Yeah, take cash off off the table.
You're thinking about, you know, people who inspire you because it's me, when someone in a privileged or a position where they've had a lot of Fortune than most, you know, like, I don't think that motivates me and inspires me as a creator. I look to me, like, the shameless girls. I listened to the latest podcast that they've just released.
She's on money
on the money. So it's not the shameless goes. It's not Michelle ones are actually in it. Yeah, one of them sounds like Michelle a lot around was convinced. I might like, this is Michelle. She's gone undercover into a new podcast. But it's these two epic girls talking about money. And I was like, fuck it. I was listening to it this morning. I'm like, it's inspiring. Listening to that podcast, thinking about how hard it can be to make things like a podcast. There's multiple ways different voices, sound effects and shit in a mic. And the shameless girls started China's media and she's noticeably better for me. Yeah.
Wherever they come from. This used to happen at the old office with bananas. Bananas into the is a fruit.
sevens probably put a banana in The Beano there. You did.
And yes, yeah. Might have yesterday.
We only just got that been
actually To be fair, you know, he asked me to take that video the other night. I forgot it.
We've missed been de gronk Moon. Okay. But yeah, so it was super inspiring. Understanding the shameless girls journey them working with these two girls to create this epic podcast and, and even like, looking to I think inspiration doesn't always lie it with the person that is the most successful you can find inspiration in people like yesterday, Karen 18 year old girl who lived in Macau?
Yeah, from a cow from a cat moved to Melbourne yet doesn't know any, like knows one person. Well, Hey, have you got
friends here? She's not not. Yeah, no, no. And I'm like, holy shit, you're 18 you've moved, you know, nine hour plane ride away. And you don't have any family here and you you're making moves you're contacting again, you know, I take for granted the network I have because I grew up in this town days flies.
It's actually it's actually a problem. I bad. But you know, that's the theories. Like I've I've said that too. I think I said that on the podcast we did with Matt de Vela. It's like, I think that you could this you could take a lot more from someone who's a few years into their business, then you could inspirational quotes from Richard Branson. Yeah, based on like, they're actually in in it. They're doing it right now. And he's got amazing experiences and all that sort of thing. But I think that there is something in the early stage and yeah, so you going okay, I want to be an entrepreneur. You look to Richard Branson. He at the top is at the peak. Yeah.
How much bigger Can he get? He just earns more money grows more businesses, but he's had successful things of his airline who said he wasn't successful ones when he's like, someone said that Richard Branson yeah yeah.
I've been on uncommon actually Jordan Michael ladies podcast I think someone Someone says yeah, they'll question it was funny because we heard them quit they'll questioning I don't know about Richard Branson. I I said when we when we go on podcast Can we make sure that we don't say stuff that makes it because is super success
successful but you're saying the person closer to your journey find inspiration in them so closer to where you are so the person who has a podcast that is consistently doing it and you really want to do that? They can be inspiration them yeah, they might not be the most successful? I'm just now talking about us. He's in success you know? Or relatively so then you go looking to the Joe Rogan like that's cool you see the life he's created the money's earning wow you know 500 million downloads a month in this crazy fucking numbers like
Yeah, but it's doing there's a lot there's a lot going on. Yeah, there are like there's there are the people who there are people right now who are making a living doing podcast stuff. That's got a much more sort of humble storey that have actually like that. That is their bread and butter. They don't have anything else to lean on. I love looking at what shameless have created if I can eat it, fast food joy, like I think if you can, because this week on the podcast I've talked about all these people that have been talking bad about
them most one i think it's it's one one podcast, I think there was
a review that was like outrageous. It was like mistaking about what they even do. And so you know when you were when you are noisy there people coming out of the woodwork
Well, that's the sick I guess anytime you have any level of success that always is going to come with it. And their example like it was cool. I saw on my phone doing the throwback style farming on the photos. It was like a year ago that screengrab listening to shameless. And there is something cool about thinking about when you start listening to something and then hearing the journey. Yes, saying how much the development and
Isn't it funny because that then it's like, that's the snowball effect. And I can see how I jump on board. Yeah, loving and then going. Yeah, yeah. She later like, you see it and then use wanting to cheer. And so then the fulfilment comes for the person external to this, the person receiving this success? And then you like, yes, yes. I got this. This is yes, yes. Yes. quite relevant. Seth Godin blog. Do you? Do you read test books and garden, the blog, the writing? The book that Josh, he's rewriting, he also writes a daily blogs evidence? Yes. Jeff? Definitely not. Yeah. If that's what we need to distinguish. They're clear. No.
Yeah, no, but I, I haven't I've been more of a reader of his books. Yeah. Then blogs, but I definitely went through. I loved when I went through the time of I had an RSS reader. Yeah, like you go through these pivots or moments where I'm like, I've got everything sorted. That my RSS reader, I wake up at a certain time I open up like I do all these. So you just read it yet, but
I get it. So Seth would have a huge audience of people who just read his blog, and he's probably got people that just read these books. And then he's probably got people like me that read his books sometimes archive a lot of these blogs that he sends me but then I read it. I can't What do you mean, I just, I just swipe because you get them as emails.
Yeah, but then I don't delete them because I like I copy saca de bring them all up and have been lost and anyone deletes females
yet maybe the people that work at companies went through it. So this one and I think it's I think it's ties into what shameless doing it ties in to what we're doing ties into just created. And the title of this blog is yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. All sort of no spaces to have a look. Yes, just so in fact, it messed with my mind. I was like this guy said, this
is triple that these could dribble that here
said What's one more than quadrupled.
quintuple quintupled.
Its guys, this is the blog. So it says yes, yes. So say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say this, that's exciting to hear until you realise that if you switch just one letter around it spells, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes. As soon as you're uploaded, you have eyes on you. eyes that belong to human means to critics, to people hoping for the best, mostly to people who expect you to keep your promises. That's part of the deal of Yes.
Do you think? Was he referring to me writing the there was so many moments in writing the book where he's talking about promises and stuff? I'm like this is so that came resonating
that came into my feed 24th of June so yeah. And I thought of you. I thought of the shameless girls. They're getting the applause. Other eyes. Yeah. That, like, you know, shouldn't even be having the conversation. And the promises stuff. It's, it's super interesting. So I'm, I'm looking forward to us, fulfilling the promise that you've set out to then move on to the next thing.
Yeah. I mean, while whilst we're on the, the podcast chat, the same sir. A show on podcasting, which is fine. I do. I am excited by the idea of one day, this paying the thing?
Yeah. In ik.
Just everything is the daily talk show. Yeah, yeah. And it's like when it's got such like a big enough audience that that's relevant.
I appreciate that. And I think the because I mean, we could talk for hours. And I don't know how interesting it is for people listening. What I take from that, though, is creators wanting to do the thing that they love doing most and doing only that. Yeah. And I think there is
like we've should we be able to I guess the question is because early on in your career, that's not an option, right? Like you were told that you have good shit and bad shit with everything that you do. And that's just part of life.
Yeah, it is. Yeah. Having to go to work to make the money. Yeah.
But what about if, like, there, I'm sure there are other people. I wonder who have the jobs where they're not doing any of the shit that I want to do?
Yeah, I think there are. I think they're the people that probably work more than anyone else. They're putting more hours because it doesn't feel
it finding the stuff that they absolutely love. Yeah.
And so it's fulfilling it energises them. You know, it's like, I think that's the thing with someone like someone like Gary Vee, where he preaches about working 15 hours a day. And it's like, he's actually probably extreme extrovert, who gets massive amounts of energy from grinding. And that's not everyone. And so it's finding that thing, and I think it's, I think you're very fortunate in this life to
find that thing that does that for you. Because then you've hacked life, like you've, you've hacked the system. And I think it's possible for most people ask that question, like, three day deal. If you could do anything, if you were just like, you know, what? Put everything else aside, I'm just going to do this one thing. What would you if you had to design your life? What would it be?
I would, I would just travel, I would just go all these different places, I would eat all this different food. You just try new stuff. Like I wouldn't want to I'd be I would love to be able to wake up at like 530 in the morning and go and photograph a sunrise somewhere like in Tibet. And then a week later, I'm on the other side of the planet doing something completely different.
Yeah, I think it would be cool. I started travelling, but you
know, I mean, you get a shortstop every
Yeah, you you would definitely there's getting bored of parts of that. And I think the things in there that photography, it's like they end up needing fucking some other creative outlet. Yeah,
then 30 and the sunrise thing we can do now. But it's always the case, isn't it? And it's like, the thing that frustrates me the most is when people like a you know, you can do that now,
which is essentially what we end up doing. And that's what we've talked a lot about, reframing what monetizing your creative endeavour actually means because you think first thought, monetize podcast, get an ad, get a sponsor, they pay us money, we talk about them. That doesn't, that's actually not how it has to work for everybody. Yeah. And so what's something else? What's another way? For us our business is video production. It's where we make our money. And we do this, and it's, and this has become at the start, we thought about this business. And then the daily talk shows two separate things. And now one thing, so day actually includes the daily talk show, and it includes our video production, we will not shoot something based on the fact that we have this. And so when you then it's like when I was a PTA, I decided that I didn't want to work Saturdays, which is that hard for a paycheck, because a lot of people want to try and like it's it's a real good vibe training on a Saturday, like, you kind of out of the working week, you're into the weekend, you want to try and before brunch, you know, you want to look good to set it, I not get that. Feel. There's something about training on a weekend. I know it's a downtime, but it's also a time to look after. And so people do and so I didn't want to work seven days, and I had heaps of clients and Saturdays. And so when you start to go, if you just have the rule, I don't work Saturdays now, you then fill out the gaps of the other times. So k know. So my rule is no Saturdays, but we can try and Friday afternoon or Friday evening, or we get another session in during the week. And then you because you trap yourself in the thinking I have to because everyone wants to. And that's the belief. And so for us it's like, or no Do we have to make money directly through advertising through this? all know, we've engineered another way to do that. Exactly. She's extorting Mason,
that server money. Besides seven what it what is it? If you were to design your life? What would it look like? And how has your perception of a job changed from this is your first official job? Yeah. What if there's an 18 year old listening? And they're hearing you as a wise 19 year old? Son to be 20? Yeah. Yeah. What's your perspective on on jobs?
Well, I think in terms of the ideal life deals, travelling sounds pretty good. But I think I still do not, but I think I think like you said, I, I would probably get bored of that pretty quickly. And so, yeah, I feel like
Phaedra not clean enough. I mean, you guys haven't had enough veggie
The good thing is he's been preparing his body by not cooking spinach. In
straight food.
So what Yeah, what is it? What is it for you?
Well, I think I think I definitely need a creative outlet, which, which is where this, this show in this job comes in. I think having sort of the traditional employee, there's not much of a focus on creativity and being able to, I guess, implement your own processes in your own beliefs in in your job and what you're doing. And so like, I guess this has changed my perspective, because I just thought that a normal job would just be Yeah, you wouldn't be able to have those things. And so like, here, I can actually be like, oh, what if we do this idea, and it actually gets action, like we actually implemented in the show, or it's a process and I come up with an improvement or something like that, like we actually do it? And so I think, I think it's probably the creativity that's that's been the biggest sort of factor that's changed. Well, you've
said previously that you didn't think you were much of a creative guy.
You know, those words. If you're not a ladies, man, and I disagree.
Definitely, the crowd is the I mean, yeah, how is How is that? How is that changed? at all? Yeah, yeah. What's your relationship with creativity? I think
I had a,
I think, I think the notion of creativity in my head was actually like, creating the content. So actually going out and being creative was just like, making the video start to finish finish, whereas has finished
the whole bag of frozen spinach, say who vomits first? Yeah, medical
supervision. Yeah. Right. And, yeah, so I guess, I guess now it's, you can inject creativity in all these different touch points throughout the process. So there's like pre production, where you can talk about like coming up with ideas and just like content for the show. But then there's also creativity and doing like the little snippets that we edit, just like being able to, like hyperbolised something in the Edit, like zooming in that sort of stuff. Like it's you can inject creativity everywhere. So yeah, it's it's changed the way that I think about it because not just the actual content creation.
Yeah, I mean, there's a creativity in the skill of being able to bring together a complex storey the three day deal storey of coming home from Canada. Like we said, Mr. Nice having the task of finding all the bits and like, he made sense of a whole heap, which is being creative. Yeah, bring it together and make it make any sense is creative, right? I love that we we pay Mr. 97, who spends most of his time on the thing that we don't make money for, which is great. So I'm glad that you're getting fulfilment out of working on the show. I think it's the aim of the I think it's the I'd rather pain than me.
Yeah, lucky for that. I also think that like in regards to, like, why does Why do people talking about like, I'm not getting paid for this. I'm not making money. I think that it's like podcasting. All of this. Friday deals said at the other day, it's a lifestyle, the daily talk show feels like lifestyle. What did I think? Definitely. But I think that it also what is a lifestyle? It's a it's a choice as well. Like, it feels like the ultimate choice. Anytime that I hear anyone say, I'm doing a podcast, I can hide it. Yeah. And we've heard it a bunch of times and and so and I think that that's part of it is it's like, it does make me a bit sad but also like, like it's an opposite. podcasting feels like because it doesn't make any sense. It feels like the last option that we all like it feels like it's creative expression. Maybe we did get from screw to Derek and instal a storey. Where he was basically demanding stickers. He's done a video. There's an issue with your current setup, not mad. No issue. You've asked people to email video files.
Yeah, to hide the daily talk. show.com.com
need that but it's out there on the side. We get
to important part of it. It's
all I'm asking if the gronk squad is to send us a little bit just a little selfie vid saying, What's up gronk squad? You know, loving Mr. 97 and all these, you know, wild adventures on the weekends at the pub. You know, there is just something just whatever comes to mind. It's just like, let me go.
I just thought with the daily talk. show.com Yeah, should we start whenever we say the daily talk show.com start saying all the dumps all the dub? dub dub dub. dot the daily talk show.com over there all the dads the daily talk.us use it when people say news.com that
it's come to you and then those there's a company that calm it's some random site the amount of times I've gone there So anyway, you're seeking.
We're seeking people to send these videos. Yeah. And in exchange, if you got to use common actually says it's not a secure thing. So I'm not going to do it. In exchange will send them to put their address and we'll send them out stickers. Yeah, these are the brand new spamming. We did just get an email from Samantha. Yes. Did you want to write Can you write that out for us? Yeah, sure. So
hey, gronk a few slightly off brand questions for you. Okay, here we go. Firstly, as I was listening to Friday's brief foray into music mentioning the eagles and anthrax, I realised how you really talk about your musical tastes? What's your style? Yeah. Do you listen to music at the gym? Or do you guys just stick with podcasting, look, music, contentious issue around the office, whether Josh knows that or not.
But it's it's an interesting one, it opens up the soundtrack know what it opens up. The debate off is when you're in a situation. It's like it's a big thing to just go, gosh, I gotta put some music on and then go over and press play because then you're thinking okay, what I'm about to play, there's a lot of pressure that what I'm about to play will be liked. Or you've considered I think it's a gronk move not to consider what most of the people they will like.
Have you have Triple J taste now? No way. I've got smooth FM taste.
I don't have Triple J taste.
You have all of your shit. Like I sometimes put it on Triple J. How many kids do that? It's like very dropped off. My dad accidentally sent off an alarm wanted an office works because he got so annoyed at the draught of music. He tried to turn it off. And he made an alarm go off.
As you can see, Samantha there's probably the three of us 3d do Mr. 97 and I have vastly different ties to Josh You're too hard.
I think it's tryhard but I think you're speaking it is. Yours is all gangsta straight bullshit. Reality is that the not the fucking Melbourne you're not some fucking you've never owned a gun in your life. You've never thought anyone like that's what I like. Mine is actually like, what is it? Juno soundtrack? elton john. I actually like I think consistent I sung Elton John's crocodile rock. Yeah, the school production 2006 I mean one of my favourites
it's the problem without having a station like triple m all music doesn't get any new. It's non stop playing the same shit. If anything missing 97 three the deal and I consuming new things that are coming into our space. There's new types of music. You know, genre short, you can be
like like, and I think you're wrong about that because
you love Jay flip. Get us
crush on Steph Claire Smith is been like a big one that I've been listening to
have the the music ties have a 14 year old girl.
Yeah, but it's good music show. I mean what I
mean, but this is the thing. So my point is we can fucking repin to each other about Tyson music. But there is it is a polarising thing when you do have people who have different tastes in music and especially if you're going on a road trip and you're trying to play shared. I remember being over in I think mine's safer. I think mine is I think
Is it is it I think that you would
I don't think it's safer. I don't I definitely don't think it's safe. I think it's like it will sort of you're saying safe because all sort of just be losses as good music.
No, I don't think so. I think I think yours might be potentially save it because they're like throwbacks, right? Yes.
So what cyphy
is it's just like it's a good it's no, no in words. No. like fucking
like, not everyone's gonna like logical, like Chris Brown. Like a lot of people do. But it's not not everyone. Grandma. Yeah. So like, like throwbacks and stuff. I feel like people they will enjoy everybody
loves Fleetwood Mac.
Yes, so they bought
spooky south. Conspiracy Jimmy loves I know. I know.
I know but the Joe stuff the Juliet stuff in the fucking the is that that is so hit and miss. There's nothing safe about someone covering a song that someone loved before they
have done with a jazzy tone and I can save
anyway you see how it's like yeah, so the music ties very as you can see.
So Sam had another question for us.
Yeah, so also has 3d deal been to a live AFL game? I feel like it's a cultural cultural experience he should have whilst he's here they could same get a scarf grab a mate pie Colin Empire at gronk
should go you can take us to chip
away Why I think we go with him. Why don't we all go I was a team bonding x Yeah,
I only have one function in hands. I I can hold it. I need someone to hold the flag while my pie
conspiracy Jamie would became if it's Melvin game seven go to because now you gronk actually follow us we can go to Melbourne very well. Do you have to sing killed? Yes, I do. But we didn't find any curry Walker?
Yes, probably 20 years ago, but he was heard used to be aight. So I went Fessenden Yeah, but when I was growing up those
days, I'm saying let's go to the person that's closer to liking the game. Let's go to
me. Based on
just fucking being into the football. You wouldn't
just said three day deal should go to a game. Yeah. And rather than you saying, amen. I'll take you like your ticket to shape your sort of
To be honest,
I want to spend my weekend with my kids. I cannot take it back and keep the football at buddies age. He would go mad. You know,
how old you have to be.
It'd be could take many jumps just saying going when he's two and a half and can run back. He's just not I was just chasing him down aisles. And he knows because I flicked him really hard recently. And yeah, and I said, I'll flick you. And he stopped. You know, really, this is thing, but I very rarely use. I only use it if he could run off and get hurt. And I tell him I'm flicking because then he will just like
this Flipboard widget learned flicking
Jordan Payson.
I really, he says, just give him a little flake.
Oh, it's for the times, like say, What are you doing? The kid just thinks it's funny to run straight towards the road. You think you're saying stop and naughty boy is enough. You can belt your kid and I don't agree with that. But when you say I inflict physical force to my child, physical like that. That's a very broad term, right? It's not just beating your kid with a stick. It's also flicking, grabbing your arm so flicking just like clicking his little his little hand me Hi. And so I'm glad he hates it because I fuckin it's a good one.
I wonder if it would be like, mustard was the big one. If I said something. No.
I mean, I'd have to carry mass.
Hot mustard. Oh, no.
That's torture.
It's better than soap or anything. Yeah, things like that. Mr. Nice, Evan, what else?
Now? That's it. That's it.
That's it. She said loving your insights and chats as always keep up the great work.
Thanks, gronk.
Yeah, thanks. gronk. Sam. But well, talking about before with Derek. So screw to Derek has done an Insta storey. We'll put it up. Will reshare but he doesn't get stickers. I think he I actually, I deliberately 3d deal was calling it sticker bomb. sticker bombing yet? Where you put stickers in different places. And we spoke about it yesterday, or the day before. But where I sticker bombed was actually I did one on a pole outside of school to Derek's place. Okay? Not only he's because now we subleasing outer space. Yeah.
I thought was really honouring chances on his door
yet know what I took it I
had done like a nice paint job. on a on a pole there. I feel like screw to Derek is one of the few people that we can give some stickers to. Yeah,
but what I wanted was you to send it through to our email address, and send a little video.
Is this a little bit like Reddit gronk. Squad?
Do you remember that you probably read it was before your time. I think I came in right at the tail end
of your reading. Yeah. So I went through a stage of thinking. It shows how delirious or delusional I can be. I really thought I was like, You know what, we're going to be the biggest podcast
on Reddit.
It's not going to happen with Tick Tock
potentially went on to I've read it. And I can tell you right now, the amount of people that we have Kent, what did they called followers. on Reddit, you can follow a subreddit. Yeah. If you go to reddit.com forward slash forward slash the daily talk show. We're at 27. Members. Okay. Well, I don't know. I mean, you gotta try to have it land somewhere. So it's not always going to land. We think it will. One thing that this is a very podcast heavy episode will mention that up at the headlines are nice and honest. So no one can be upset that it's a podcast on that podcast, guys like yourself. But I think that we have been thinking more about Apple podcasts. Yeah, I think that we should put more emphasis. And like focus on pushing people. I know, we've got the website coming. Great. And that's one of the things but I think we Spotify doing what they're doing, which is a little bit more closed off. So they actually download your episode, and then deliver to people who follow you. Rather than every time someone follows you. They hit you server. So spot on. I have like it's a little bit more sort of closed off. Apple podcast is more of a directory, so it's open. Okay, so I was pushing switch. Remember, I was talking I gave some hats away for sweet. It's fine. What do we think? What do we think of switch? I don't use it.
Yeah, they could use it with a bit more words very slow.
Yeah, yeah. Problem with monkey. Yeah. The issue was the
one that caught in with what we were talking about. earlier. Yeah. It's great. How you can never see I guess that.
I do like to recommend like, recommendations. Great. Like, I sometimes scroll through the activity. And then like I saw the other day, Josh, you listened to Stephen Colbert on mock marriage? Oh, yes.
So I gave that a list. I think yes. It's not too bad. I mean, you I fell asleep during that time the head first.
You can't give that much credit to iTunes, the podcast that I no longer call it an iTunes,
I guess Apple podcast apple. Yeah.
It's pretty fucking clunky. What I what annoys me is getting best search. Like if you wrote that th I daily talk show it still wouldn't come up with our show. Like it doesn't shelter? Yeah, no, but I'm saying there's no like intuitive. Like, maybe it's a direction. Yeah, it can't just bring up the daily talk show when you know
what they're searching actual, like transcripts of the audio now. So searching should be a bit better.
I actually as a little bit of a tip if you ever want to go more granular. So if you want to find a specific episode, so when we had someone we had Seth Godin, on our show, I used to cast box. And when you use cast box, you can find individual episodes really easily. So I created like a playlist where it's like, any episode that Seth Godin had been on a podcast Oh, wow. I put it into a playlist and just listen to that. Let's go cast box is good for that. But my main point is I think we could do more focus on Apple podcast for a bit. So if you if you're listening to Apple podcast, if you haven't given us a review yet. Please give us a review. We got a lovely review from Anna. Over the weekend. I think she said my favourite episodes are the ones with just you guys really interesting content without too much thinking required to listen, that's a very common statement. I like it. Not much. Even when they go deep into topics they do it in such a down to earth and natural way. We got one from cat which was lovely cat is actually a makeup artist we've worked with before. Yeah. She's lovely. But I wanted to put that as a disclaimer.
She's lovely.
We have hired her previously. So take whatever
it wasn't part of the contract or
encouraged for a lack contractors. We could put that in a contractor agreement. within three weeks of completing a project you must leave a review. Actually, George George Martin who does editing for us he's already left a review. He's He's on border crossings back.
He's back for another
cat says just a big bunch of gronk what a shower. I'm almost a little bit embarrassed to admit how much I love listening to you guys daily. There's something about the meaningless chat that excites me every day. Not only did I produce quality material, but all four of these blokes are amazing, genuine, genuinely nice people. Which makes supporting them even better. Although if I'm honest, Josh is a bit concerning at times. Not using a dish at HQ. That's for sure.
Referring to the sponge guy Keep up the great work boys can't wait to see what's next. You know what's more amazing cat is that you're currently in Greece having an amazing holiday.
What's that place called? I went there
Paris Paris. Yeah, one of the great beautiful amazing when you listen to us gronk on the island Thank you
Well, I went to Paris when it was like they were closing the way fucked up yet Santa rainy me dead in the winter like it gets windy and hold this virus was bad like it was all fine all of them are fine. But perilous that one they had they cancelled the boat. We nearly got stuck so we we had booked New York Seth Godin in New York not so I think and we had to get off this fucking Island they cancelled the boat out to get to Athens and so brain I managed to get the last flight and getting on an awesome but there was a there was a guy I wonder if that would get to meet him if she's staying at the same resort Probably not. You know because it's this guy is always wearing linen. And it was just like a little bit his bit he didn't want never wanted he was the manager of the hotel. And everything was just trash us trash. And you to ask him like what do you think about by thinking about going here? Oh this trash like yeah, you went the whole of us he's a six month trash.
The guy who we stayed at these Hotel in making us he was
the worry
so good. He was so like laid back he's like it seemed like a classic Greek guy just like
relax slow down. We actually when we were in I can't remember any names. what's the what's the island in Italy? That's real Luxe. The one that it like? I can't remember who come to me. But anyway, someone was there one of his friends and we did like a boat like a sunrise thing. It was sort of like one of the awesome bits of our trip where we like let's just we're only there for three days. You will
Yeah, what is that fucking Yeah, but the island you talking about? Where people stay super expensive. It's like one of the most expensive places off to pray to pray.
Yeah. So you went to Calvary, but someone asked Bry Hey, where did you get the boat? Like how'd you get the boat? Not so i think so we gave this the WhatsApp like the details to the dude who took us
sounds like a drug deal happening.
It is a bit like that because the thing is we made it clear he doesn't speak English. It was a little bit of it like a lot of miscommunication a little bit hard and all that sort of thing. Anyway, this girl asked Bry Hey, who did you use embrace set it up and said he doesn't speak English it was a little bit all over the place but it was amazing because ended up taking us to Blue Grotto. We swam in there was amazing. He took us there it was sick you were there early that was early early in the morning it was like sunrise or something. Anyway have brace friend took a photo of the guy just like is this him? And she's like he's he just said he's like had a big not being not as I was like real grumpy and associate and praise like fuck this is why I don't give recommendation. Oh wow.
Cuz I heard us talking about giving the recommendation and then so
it didn't go well. Well, she said it but this is the funny thing should the girls like Mr. Pain like I'm like, and the breakout just chill out like he actually takes you because he's like, she's like he's not answering me like I want to go here and here. But he just sort of looked at me like it was all cool. But the thing is breeze getting all these messages on instead dams, right? That not Bry goes on to Instagram. The girl got engaged on the boat. Proposed on the highlight brazen, like freaking out like that was high stress. If she'd known that her partner was planning on proposing on the boat. Maybe wouldn't have recommended.
I mean, I hope you read the situation. Right. And it wasn't a cluster fog and he still do that. Yeah.
invested. Look.
Yeah. had less impact, buddy. Yes. Interesting.
It's a daily talk show plays if you if you listen this far. Yeah. Take a screen grab. Maybe even if you if you're getting sick of the Instagram, ginsburg does these pod see where people take a photo of wherever they
are listening a
little flex be if you are in Capri. If you like cat, and you're in Paris. Yeah. And you've got a beautiful view and you're listening to us
take a photo of your sausages and send them over. You don't have people doing this is a long time ago.
But it was I
think it was like a year and a half ago. Now more than that, Eric and when I was in shepherd,
I think if I was looking at the hashtag hot dogs, it would still be
very much fun. The guy from Big brother.
He actually works in radio was a news news guy. Yeah. Anyway, it's a daily talk show. Hi, the daily talk. show.com is the email address. If you want to send us an email, Sam, thank you for sending the email. As you can see, we just got that during the show and we're able to bring it up. So if you do send us an email, we do read them out and we do appreciate them. We will see you tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you on the gramme saying gronk all the other places by on Reddit