#123 – Comparison and rebrand changes/
- July 5, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday July 5 (Ep 123) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Winning big, another life trap as part of Josh’s Life Traps™ segment, comparing yourself to your mates and some potential rebrand changes.
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Cross face
conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy jacket it's a daily Talk
Show Episode 123 what's cracking
we we only get 123 once
I know it's a nice that's a nice number. I think I know why I might be sounding shoot every day other than it being early in the morning but I think it's because we sleep with the air caught on
yet there's not much avoiding that near we talk about the goodness tonight but he's the one thing that I spoke to you this morning it's currently Thursday in Melbourne I feel like I spoken to you You slept all of today and now I'm speaking to you again it's the most bizarre thing when you cross time zoning
and it's also Thursday he in Italy now I've done yeah,
I've been using my G shock is which is part of my rebrand. Obviously if you've been listening to previous episodes, and you know Jay sharks without being offensive. I feel like you're his child that has a Batman watch on that has all these gadgets in it. And then like it like shoots a little string or something. But it looks novelty on their arm. That's what I think the T shirt looks on an adult. The the G shock that I have pilots, where would you say that have been a pilot, he would not do his face. But definitely
that all the pilot could be she remember, but and I could imagine a female pilot rocking one of these. It's, it's very, it's very chunky. I do like the chunk to it. But the interesting thing about it too, is you can Yeah, you can you can change the time time very easily. So that's exciting. But that's the only feature that I've worked out. But the manual was so big that I couldn't get away with me. So I just have to Google every time I want to try and do something quirky. Your manuals guy or you a wing guy. I don't
know. I I don't really use manuals. But if I say when it comes to service, audio equipment, and things like that, Oh, definitely be googling me googling guy. I can't be fact dealing with the way they've set out the manual and try. It's it seems like a long shot. If a table of contents ever works. I get very excited. But I'll really use it. So, you troubleshoot in the moment. Yeah, troubleshooting the moment with a bit of googling. Yeah.
I appreciate that and bit of news as Russkies throughout the suggestion that we should just bring you up to speed with what's happening on the ground here in Melbourne. And not not that you care about this because you live in large you might we didn't ask them about what we didn't talk about the low GIS I've had to get my local fix from another podcast not even our I've been listening to him shameless, an awesome Ozzy podcast and they were talking all things low yeahs well as me anything who won the gold low you actually that was great
it was great and then yeah but they it was actually a pre Lucky's chat. So there were there were talking about whether Amanda Keller or grant Daniel would win. So yeah,
there you go. All I saw was Andrew Baqi who I worked with new probably worked with Intuit SCA backlog backlog he's a writer for the news.com delay you and he was on oh yes yes yes he did a great video I thought and I and I watched it knows like he's like oh you know, I couldn't be bothered putting in the effort this year with the video so what I'm going to do is ask each guest to give me a question that I can then ask the next celebrity which sounds really simple back
and lazy no
no no it was really good so I had that initial thing and I made to the either our God you just this whenever you start out by saying I put faculty effort into something it's like you're setting it up for failure but it worked really really well it was so funny because he obviously told each celebrity that are you grant Dania told me to ask you this and then so they have the context of who it's coming from and so they started with a big circle jerk and smash great but I think it was clever I was always trying to come up with quirky clever ideas for red carpet reporting and anyway the logo is is about five days old now four days old what's what's today's news? Well yeah so there was a bloke who were actually not enough as a blog or as a woman we don't know who it is but all we know is that someone has claimed after three to four weeks I think it was hundred and 77 days maybe yeah yeah sorry can you can Can I just interject yes pay
to hit share on Instagram already told me about this news the $55 million Brunswick yeah
powerful it was climb
how ridiculous that but I was I was sitting with a friend of mine Joe crane shout out if you're listening I I gave him a told him about a podcast so hopefully okay Tunisians arise otherwise
Moon if I let me know job but we were talking about this and he's an ex journal work for 10 was out in the field and and yeah anyway he was telling me that he's might leave next door to someone really high up a telesales which is the tesla coil the lotto company here in Australia, there's a couple of them, but he said that the dude who lived in this awesome place his job was purely to call people to tell them that they've won Tesla.
What a job. I know. Just almost. Yeah, it's like a it's a junior producer role within a radio station.
Isn't that making bank the thing though, is like when you calling someone so I know someone who's won the lotto, and they got a call saying you've won. We can't tell you how much you need to come into. Collect you check of it. And so and so. I don't know if that's for all of them. Maybe if it's a high it's maybe if there's a lot of money in the lawn that tell you anyway. Well, yeah, God, yeah. So my mom's friend went in and collected a check. And so the way I know this is she told me this story. When she came over to our house. I had no idea that she wanted anything. And she pulls out this chick and she's like, Tommy, look at this shows me this check. And I'm looking at it trying to work out what the fuck it is. And then she pulls her thumb away. And there's little tech guy. It was a it was like, $80,000, and I knew as soon as I saw the little thing, she's like, I wanted slow. Yeah,
it's um, Christian. How, who we've got on the podcasts in a few weeks. He won like 10 grand Ah, fuck, we should have that. Yeah,
we didn't talk
he did. He did all Snapchat t 31 like a few hundred bucks winning it was doing all stories about it and then filmed the reveal
yeah and so yeah, so he never said it was a similar thing you didn't know what he'd won but he knew we'd won and yeah
I've been I've been thinking about an idea
like sort of something interesting that a tourist off offering in Europe want to get your vibe on so I was thinking you know I don't want to do all the touristy shit I've been like pretty bad when it comes to that where it's like, do you think it's bad that we're not going to all the museums and stuff I don't want to do all the touristy and all that came to mind was a photo of you. And a gondola in
we'll get to that. We'll get to that. No, but I'm not doing that. I just don't know anything about Marco Polo or anyone? Yeah,
may I went to Rome. I didn't go to the stadium with you know the gladiators for there is a few things that I think should be selected. One thing this is more advice for me to you about going to the Vatican Vatican City. It's the most outrageous thing ever. It's like it's it's I think it's its own city of its own within Rome. Yeah, it's the most amazing thing in 11 a good way. Okay. Yeah,
we'll definitely will definitely do that. But I was thinking of other experiences that could be started like what sort of little tourist experiences and I had this ID it's called taken and it's if you traveling with another person and what you do is save brain one to organize this experience for me, she would basically contact the taken tourists like come tourism company. And what they do is they organize to hide debris somewhere in Italy. And any moment they get they take her and then I have to find her but I don't know. So Bry would book without telling me and then they would all of a sudden would be walking along. And you know, you turn a corner and Venice and she's disappeared. And then someone would come up and say, you part of taking tourists group now we've got you girlfriend, you've got to find her. And you have all these cryptic clues around and it could be Europe like it could be a big euro one. Or maybe it has to be country specific. Do you that's a good idea. Or do they got water for I tell you a few questions. is Liam Neeson involved
know you could do a branding deal?
Absolutely. Have you seen that film? Yeah, I've
seen what? Yeah, I've seen one
of them. I think there's just too much of a class with the track would he call it human trafficking trade and a bit of overlap. There's vibes of human trafficking and potential sex crimes which just popped him I don't, I don't want that is a vibe that's definitely my vibe is definitely not human trafficking, trafficking or sex trafficking vibes looks
not much unique really you may get some
really really rich just Eastern European men who are very overweight thinking that they are in for something that's it's not so I did I meant if you've seen that too you remember any references so all I remember is he said something on the phone anyway I love the idea isn't there isn't there isn't that in Melbourne not the taken but the concept around you go into the city and then people will come and speak to you and you meant to be going around different places yeah
our mate Leon who will have on tomorrow show we don't ask him about this but he did in fact
to something like that year where they but it's it's sort of an opt in thing the little bit of a different with what I'm suggesting is it sort of it's a cool couples activity anyway, it's boring it's I realized that I probably is. Probably wouldn't it wouldn't work things like human trafficking is that what you're saying? Yeah, I don't like that. It's to human trafficking. But I've got to also another life trap
life yeah, I'm trying to work out with the hashtag it shouldn't be life trap or life traps.
Life traps
what well it needs to be trap if it's one per day so just go with trap to start with because he blew it yesterday and you know, but you wouldn't had but I think the problem is on Insta stories I think I've done hashtag live tracks if there's
a man who knows like three brains called
yeah let's re brands happening okay yeah
guy Hi everyone its it's a its life traps. And I want to talk about one of the common ones, which is pickpocketing and the life trap is that when you see a sign that says pickpocketing
what pickpocket is do is they always hang around there because you know what you do when you see a sign that says pick pocketing. I just saw how much images Yeah, a certain image of you. He's your pocket. Yeah, you touch your pocket and then so they know exactly what wallet is. Yeah,
so I've been I've been walking along. I've changed the way I walk so that my hands flick back and forth next my pocket. But not only that, every probably for sways, I do a double swipe so that they so so it's not sort of an easy get. If I swipe the same way all the time. With my hand they would just be able to be almost like mini golf. They just pick the moment where the wheels turning and they jump in and get it but with the whole double sway every three sways, it confuses the fuck out of them. So I've still got my passport wallet at the same time. You look like Napoleon Dynamite and stick out like dog because the tool awkward six foot two. All the black just
I've got
it. Yeah, it's a good it's a good I think it's a good tip and a good laugh trap. It's wouldn't you wouldn't normally think about it. And it's
just part of all the life traps that I'm going to be talking about. Over the over the coming months. Yeah,
I mean, my life traps life traps on to it because they're very tourist focused. Yeah. And specifically, we'll go We'll go beyond that. It's very specific. And just talking with Lawrence in the office just before and he said to me, have you heard about the if Facebook if Facebook were willing to pay back in Facebook, where a village of 100 people there like facts. So it's like taking the percentage and then you know, lowering down it's like, Okay, if Facebook were a village of 100 people, and then there's all these things around gender.
How many men to women, 56 men, 44 women. But there's some interesting ones in here. You want to hear show them? Yeah, go for it. And have you heard of this before? Never. It's a some site called loom lee.com. Like this is like an update in 2018 version.
You don't spend too much you don't spend much time on Facebook at all. It's
arrived. And I've know I used to be able to go hard. Like I my memory section on Facebook is amazing. I've got so many throwbacks see. I mean, you've done right. You went hard early. And it's still giving its Yeah. Well, every you know, I just I'm just purely living in throwback, yeah,
this one who, what device are people using? So at Facebook, we were a village of 100 people
saying Facebook. what's around you? Okay, I've been watching a YouTuber who's South African Facebook. I don't think they said like that either. Go on
Facebook, we're really of 100 people. 64%, 64
people would be using Android devices with 20 using Apple iOS devices, which I thought there'll be a lot more using
Apple fans. No, no. Especially who is that Laurent in the background? Who's fine? Yeah, yeah, I think that he's he's getting movies car or something. No, I The thing is that Android, Android is
a lot more popular than iPhone around the world. Australia has, I think abnormal, abnormally high use of Apple products like iPhones and stuff like that. But they're very expensive for for most people, right? If you go to
Asia and stuff like that, yes, they're using like, yeah, we I think it's pronounced Yeah, we are alone will be able to correct me Yeah,
we it's like a Chinese manufacturer that sort of compete with Apple Yeah. What other Tell me two more All right, if Facebook we were village of 100 people 92 would primarily primarily be using mobile phones so this is like yeah 92% of people on Facebook using phones
okay I'll just let you pick from the last one there's there's jobs is education levels is What language are people using or city that people have for this one? This one ties into what you just said you know, if Facebook were a village of 100 people one would come from I know that's not Bangladesh
huh? Yes.
we did that segment
I just this one's interest
is actually what they've essentially done is the mask did around it being this hundred person you know community it's a sin we're talking percentages here
which is really visually appealing Yeah, like nearly is an audio medium began nearly 50% of people on Facebook married so nearly nearly half of the users of Facebook married interesting but those same those same quite high
yeah what else is happening you've got we've got our trailer board full of stuff to that you've had a field day on trial I think you wouldn't talk about pick a topic What are you talking about? No I
show you what the fox is big rebrand News. I'm fine
let's let's not blow out allowed to wear like this is the right brides huge. The rebrand us I want a cake till the end.
Okay. Well, it's obviously not long enough. Where you could have taken out the last 10 minutes on the rebrand
No, you know what? We probably we actually could. But is there another thing you want? The thing that I was curious about? Was you you you've got in the comparison. What's your what's your stick on? What? What's your thoughts on comparison. At the moment.
It was a fact I can't remember what day we have conversations. But we were either this morning, as I said, like, I feel like when you've got a mate traveling, it makes you kind of realize your life or being boring. And Amy pulled me up on it. And you pulled me up on it too. And I can't probably didn't explain myself
correctly. Or I made it sound like I feel like I've got a boring life. But I think it's like you our conversation. You and I were around, okay, you can become a dad, you become a business owner. And you can get not stuck. But you you have obviously commitments and responsibilities. And then you're looking outside of your world and comparing yourself to other people. And I guess if I'm looking at your life, I'm going, ah, I think about what it takes to be able to do what you're doing. And it's not having a child at this point of way. But he's asked Yeah, and,
you know, lots of other responsibilities. But you What was your main point of it? Well, I think that you need to, you just need to use the filters in which you're working with. So, you know, the you you can't have, you can't have, I think you're talking about having ideas that you can't really let people having ideas that they can implement, because they've got a family.
And my point was, then it's not a good idea. If you can implement the idea, it's not a good idea. And if it's not aligned with who you are, what you're doing, where you're going, it's not a good idea, right? So it's that thing of like, remembering where like, the path the specific path that you're on, because it's very different. I think those moments where we're thinking about could be doing this, if I wasn't doing that, it's sort of, like, straying away from the path that we've created. Because the thing is, it's like, it's like kids, for example, brand, I have made the specific like, we've made the specific choice that at this moment in time, we're not having kids. And it's purely because we, we want to do these things will in your life, having kids was a much bigger priority, and now you're able to leave that and the other thing I was even thinking about this, we didn't speak about this, but I was like, you know, everything has its advantages and disadvantages when you're when bodies' when you're in an old person Bodie is going to be 30 years old coming around to your house mowing your lawn like you know hanging out doing stuff doing family trips and so it's almost like that long term game but I think that yet that the compact the comparison thing is, I think the antidote to that is just using your filter so it saying Okay, these are things that are important to me and then if you've got an idea that doesn't align with being a family person then it's not really a good idea Yeah, exactly.
I think it's it's a slippery slope
thinking and saying someone else's version of life and apply it to you right? Because it just does it will never fit exactly I've got different priorities and non negotiable and so and
the other thing too is it's like in this trip you know this you know few months that were away like it's only a few months of our life what you're doing is like obviously a much longer term thing having a kid it's it's very easy out I think
yeah it's a it's a trap it's a trap to live trap because one per shy place Okay, sorry man. We've been I've been working with Lisa who we had on the podcast 90 something Episode 90 something Lisa Stevens and she's 99 talking about I've made that up yeah 1980s was before Hamish Oh, yeah, I think was two beforehand before the show rebrand,
which was the intro. So we've been talking about thinking about. So what you want what you want a goal or to achieve where you want to get to your vision. And it's like coming to grips with the fact of whether or not you are up for doing what you need to do to get that, because how many times like, Oh, I wanted to, you know, I want to start that business for years. But it's like, I think if you are realizing that you aren't willing to put in the effort, which is okay, he doesn't mean that you failed. It just might mean it's, like, totally out of alignment with who you are, as a person. Like, do you want to have sleep when sleep is important to you? It's Yeah, counted to count productive to achieving anything, especially the goal that you were, you know, it's mangy can't sleep. So yeah,
I think that even even I think about that with the podcast. Because in a lot of ways, it would have been, you know, sorry, give me a second, just take off.
I think that the,
you know, if you listen to previous episodes, probably up until Episode 60, you and I were talking about up, we might only get to 100 episodes with this, right. And we made the choice that this is something that we actually want to do. This is my version of a kid really, like, this is the long the longest term thing that I've probably put out there. And, and there is a level of sacrifice to that, right. Which means that like, rather than waking up at 6am and going and saying, like the sunrise, I'm like, 6am doing this podcast with you. And that's not even taking this not taking away from the traveling experience that I'm having. To me, it's enhancing it. So I think that it's, um, yeah, it's perspective is very interesting. I even think about the perspective around
this, you know, traveling thing and being so concerned about being a tourist and we got a great recommendation for a pizza past applies, like a restaurant philosophy from an American friend of ours. And when I got in there, I was like, they speak off fact, they all speak English like this, making really good English. There's a few other Americans here, I'm just, I can look what we've dealt with. I've fallen into a tourist trap. I'm so upset with myself. And I was just like, in the moment was like, everything has its own reality, everything, and so we can put out on perspective on it. And it's the same thing with the gondola. Like, the gondola. Guess how much it got until it costs for 30 minutes in the sun. Sunset
60 euro came to mind
100 euro, so it was probably 170 Australian dollars. But the thing is, my thought around it is, it's like how often Yeah, well, I first I first applied like, how our rights his video, PayPal and then you're like, Yeah, well, it's not like
what, how am I you know, how can I charge what I charge and then scoff at
this for a unique experience that you can't do anywhere else, right? Yeah. gondola in Venice, along the canals it's like supply and demand i can i can charge that yeah and so
yeah. When you when you said it about two distinct should I be doing doing them again to them? You today? Right? It's if you they you've embraced tourists. Life to some degree.
It doesn't mean going to stay at Disneyland in the hotel. They go to Disneyland. You don't have to take his first time they have you done that. I can imagine you do that. No, we haven't. We haven't started. We didn't say at Disneyland. But I'm done with impacts. I fucking hate theme park. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you haven't done them, they fan to some degree. Yeah.
To do them once. Yeah, exactly. That's the interesting thing. Probably the difference with what I'm talking about. From it tourism point of tourists point of view, regard is more I feel bad that I'm not doing all the history type stuff. So I find that going on, like one of those city sightseeing passes or whatever, in some cities, I end up learning so much more about the city like damn, whereas I don't know any facts. I'm gonna walk away, I'm a little bit sad. I'm going to walk away with from Venice without any more knowledge. Like, I'm gonna have this great experience. But I'm not going to necessarily no more. I feel like I've stretched myself in regards to learning bits of the language to be able to order food and things like that. But by the end of this three months, or whatever, I want to be in a better position where I feel like I told better job in those situations where it's like, I just get a bit paralyzed where I'm like, we've got three days I don't want to be jumping, darting from Museum, you know, to museum I just want to sort of chill by the by the canals and have a bite to wait. Yeah,
I agree. I went to Paris and I didn't go to the loop. I didn't go into the museum, the the art museum there, but I went on a boat down the river, which is my version of fan like, just taking insane shit. I mean, I'd like walk the streets looking for epic croissant places. And then we went to, you know, just like picnic on the river together. It's like, you also work out what your version of funny is. Because if Yeah, if mine's not standing in line for two hours to get into a museum to look at the wall. I hate lines. I absolutely hate lines. My uncle is a massive fan and history fair and just laps it up. So if you're going to not appreciate something, but and I think I appreciated the Vatican because I grew up going to Catholic churches. And just to like, I think you would appreciate this experience of putting these earphones in walking through just looking out and seeing this hundreds and hundreds of year old structure where the it's just like, so progressive for its time. And so there are those things that you think, yeah, I think there's a definitely a scale of going what's actually worth out of everything to do in this city, I would probably go the gondola ride over go into a museum to be honest. Yeah,
well, it's interesting. And because the thing is, I just Russkies pointed out that he wishes that he spent more time learning about the history and stuff before he went into Venice. And he was giving me all these interesting facts
about the place but I also whenever I maybe this is the wrong approach and I think that's probably part of the problem is that you try and create whether something's a right or wrong approach. But for me, I need to go to a city a few times before I really start to connect with it and understand it and get a sense of space like that's how I feel with San Francisco I've been to San Francisco five or so times I was six times and I remember a specific moment where it's like I actually feel like I know the directions I know how to get to places and I think that part of this trip is determining oh man this this place in Croatia raw Turkey is amazing I really want to get back here and do it again and you know deep dive
yeah yeah this and then there's some cities you go to and you just like this I just don't feel it don't vibrate yeah she'd asked yeah absolutely
okay so let's let's talk rebrand big news this is yeah
well Also I put it in the end because only hardcore the daily talk show peeps would have followed my journey of rebranding personal re bright I've seen you on the elephants I've seen you driving your motor home and you know really stepping up as a man who wears a Batman watch on is
how would you How would you describe my rebrand what was that what was I actually say just up until
a year ago or eight months ago to now one of the the big do you think okay
minimal so what was I before what was what did I look like before child a kid who was snap backs and let to and just like more more more colors for sure you gave me your you flew row pink working Harlequin colored Nike's and I'm rocking those. But you now you look older now. But you're still young. But I think it's it's it's definitely you know, the hat guy. He ditched the hat. So you're sharp. Well, so this is my this is my problem. Before we get on to the socks that
oh my Trove mentioned on Instagram. If he throws if you look at my nose right now. It's like basically. And if you I did a video yesterday, which had my nose in it on the daily talk. Show Instagram. Yeah,
no, I sell. That's not the greatest sell of the content that we're doing
it that knows video
knows good No, but you'll see that a little bit scabby and gross. Because I fucking burn to my nose when I was in
London. And so it's it's got me thinking do I do I bring back the hat?
Definitely not a snapback. He cannot wear a snapback with what you wear these days. Well, I
was looking at getting one of those sort of like round you know, like I met I'm stuck. What what sort of hatch like it. You can only wear a pretty much a
I'm picturing Ashton Kutcher trucker hat that's like actually fabric it's not trucker like the mesh material. It's actually like a denim or whatever. They like a fabric.
This is a disaster in in Europe's hate wearing a denim hat. I'm gonna be it's gonna be whoo this is the problem.
Well, I'm thinking for you Brett like for the aesthetic it needs to match you can be rocking in a Culebra which is hundred percent of what you should be to some
but it's ya know so I don't know
if anyone's got any suggestions of the hat that would best suit my rebrand he's one way one of those hat I and we'll talk show.com Hi at the daily talk show.com if you got any recommendations I think my mom had one it was like almost this thing that elevated something offer head then look like a something you'd stick into the sand like a son shelter so elevates it's like got like type around the head and then like these things that come up so it's it has it actually doesn't touch your hair
wow what are those What about a watch I used to all what I used to always where is it advisor is a visor a hat what's what's the one that's got no it also chalky crocs back on you
man is your rock the visor went out played golf like a feel of one yeah and that was part of our ninth Ray brand
you've dropped it night sunscreen and just get a hat sometimes it's not about how good you look at the yes bad doing smack yeah sounds
smart yeah no I decided to fix this app but I've been using I've gotten on before braid left for the trip go to skincare gave her a bunch of stuff and so I've been using the got like all these oils and stuff moisture I'm starting to be like a moisturizer and a was a cold some sort of oil put on every day so that I'm trying to alleviate the my whole face peeling off yeah so I didn't have a solution
it's peeling
it's essentially third degree burns it's not like you've got
three months to learn about what's going to happen and you're but you're already really talented I was actually surprised how tracking and you get what
the hell I get 10 I get 10 very quickly said here which he interesting. I think that's the Dutch bit think dying people maybe not sure but so the talking about the socks Trevor? Long not happy with the socks. What do you think? Um,
I so I did. I did a post on Instagram on my personal Josh chance and Instagram account with brain I on the gondola and I showed it so this is the problem I I've run out of socks yesterday was actually my last if fresh socks on. So now I've got to go through and do a sniff test and work out which one is ok. But
these are quiet they're a little bit fake of sort of they they sort of a very sort of the material if you're worried about a hat that's going to touch your head in the heat and you wearing long socks take a look in the mirror yeah
and I know well so this is exactly so I think that may be part of the rebrand for this trip is wearing sockets. Yeah.
It's very your pain as rocking them. Yes. I can't grab minimizing fabric touching cloth.
And then again, and then there's no trolling from Trevor. He can't troll someone if he can't say this. So.
So that's that's what we'll do. We've we've had some people email us about the stickers where they coming in hot and what do you say hot and fast. But if
they can fast what either of those work Matt Martin Thanks, bro. Yeah,
Maddie. Maddie actually sent us a photo of him. It's awesome with the daily talk show on his fridge. And I also appreciate that also in each fridge. He's written dictation be stickers. Well,
it could be sticker dictation from the cruise through the show. All right. So we're we're up there with the grades be Mac sent through one that he works at a record label. And some of the artists there have one Aria awards. And obviously they're still in the building or the record level one. And so we stuck our speaker on to an area award. It looks good night we serve it. And Tony emailed in. And he called it the thinking man's sticker. Because
because it's got like a transparent back. So it's like it's a black, but you need to put it on a light surface. So it's genius. So you got to think about where you're placing it is crucial. But then he said, fuck it. I'm putting it straight onto the card and give a shit. Yeah,
he's I think he said he knew that it was going to be there.
Which is, I guess works. It's not great for branding. But it works. Nonetheless.
I think we'll do another release of the stickers in, you know, a few weeks. Yeah. How
about let's do that. Why don't we Why don't we open it up now. But then have the closing the closing date as the the 10th of July. So it's the fifth of July. Right now. If you want a sticker. Tommy will do another stick around after the 10th. It won't be on the 10th. But the 10th is a cutoff date. So send an email with a subject line stickers with your address in the body of the email between now and the 10th of July. And we'll send them out is that okay? I'm creating work for you. Yeah.
Now that was funny, actually really helped me get me to push back about the subject line being stickers because, yeah, well, I've just embraced it. Now. It makes
my job easier.
It made it so so easy. I just went through highlighted which one boom stickers. Very good.
That's very, very good. Right. I'm I'm off to Florence today is we've got a train trip in two hours. And tomorrow, we have Leon chagrin, on the podcast he's made of ours. He's one of the biggest executive producers in radio in Australia. He was voted number two
by radio today which was pretty cool. But don't forget where he came from him and I would be handing at RC cola cans of coke on the street
and yeah i was i was working with him when I was the web guy for FIFA angels so it was a good chat and we got to leverage His coming out story I made that a point important bit of the show so if you want to hear it was very interesting I think here you know it's
yes we identifies as bisexual which to some you're the guy you strike which is and white version and he's got a different thinking on that and so I mean it's opened my eyes to the thinking around
yeah what bisexuality means
yeah well I think it takes you to have friends friends that are in these specific situations to build empathy because I love lay on and so it's like yeah it was so good like it sort of excites me when I've got a friend that's like got a new perspective right it was the ultimate rabid coming out the ultimate rebrand
and that's only 200 feet
rebrand selling it ended me out no it's your back to snap backs was coming out but it was
now I guess we can do we can discuss I've got some thoughts that I've had since that chat with Leon that we can chat on next Monday yeah
right awesome everyone it's a daily talk show please keep up man a quick thank you to Spencer Kathleen they've they've we've had podcast reviews through the podcast in iTunes sort of section of Apple but if they're outside of Australia we don't really see them easily you have to sort of go in manually and change location but Kathleen did one in
in Britain in England and Spencer did one in the US so that was that was really nice. So all the all the reviews and five star ratings are appreciated. I don't know what they we've we haven't tweaked over onto any I think because we're explicit all the time we we don't make any actual chart but
I'd rather have a few f bombs in a little bit of fire exactly hi the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email if you got a tip for shit that I should do in Florence but yeah
perfect will send me an email will I will all right, buddy. It's a daily talk show everyone have a good one. The gas