#108 – Tommy’s car crash/
- June 14, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday June 14 (Ep 108) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Drag racing, chocolate and going back to the parents’ house.
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Cross face
conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy jacket one of the daily talk show
God I have to get through this How is my voice yeah it's not no idea it's literally dropped out like
10 minutes ago and our into our argument before we came on with it's it's good The best thing about this podcast I'm Josh by the way he's Tommy and it's the daily talk show as they said in the intro
the podcast has been stretching us in regards to conversations and you and I having arguments around different topics yeah
which is what we're doing before off this which we weren't getting to on here but I think it's a it's combination for a good relationship we challenge each other I said that Tommy was privileged and you
got so you can't summarize it like that's that's the whole problem with what you do is you just summarized our debate in one part of it. Which was the furthest thing from Justin their problem with Tommy is it wasn't ever meant to be a debate but somehow he turned it into a debate
it's like it's wrong doings from both behalf now it's um. I got into an argument with a stranger other than Michael from buntings. Hawthorne who was about shout out yeah if he's listening
other than that
now I think
now I mean it's something you avoid at all costs yeah
I had a I had a case if Few days ago where I was indicating going into the right hand line on the freeway yeah in a Australia you know we drive on the left hand side and it's the opposite to the US so if you the right line is the fast lane the left line is the slow lane and I got into the right hand lane to to overtake someone and a car I saw sped up who was in the right hand line and then was flashing there lots of bunch like freaking out as if I just like cut them off to go your way yeah and so I I just did that little tap of the of my brakes and scare the shit out of them and they just like back to ride off right
does it scares you I mean
so what they've fully backed off like yeah
they fully backed off which it was it was good it was like I don't obviously want to cause a car accident but it just seemed like they were they were blinding me yeah with with their
it was driving having a kid there's a lot of things that I would have done that you know and do now yeah I definitely thought twice but then still have I told you the better time I was on a phone call in the car over hands free now and all of a sudden I've just Are you drop this a bomb yeah and I was on like a business call I totally just green either me what it was when we How long ago was this I was like four weeks ago I reckon weeks ago but I was a business guy who was at when it was with Lisa can spend on the podcast we do business scale we are friends but it was it was a very inappropriate and really we'd time for me to just drop the sea bomb yeah and I felt really embarrassed or again I went to read because I was I
and I wouldn't I say
yeah between expecting that
that was to someone else and then I over dramatized what happened are this guy really nearly hit me
when really he just went it was
a little bit slow on the right hand line maybe it was me
Joe you know James Yeah You're my from the artist way with my main man is your main he's my best man He's my one of my oldest friends yeah you know you nearly he's him I did do you don't even know this man he said it to me maybe five times Josh nearly took me out in his car so he said you're almost halfway across the intersection looking to see if you could go cuz cuz we're probably in the way where you know around the back here your spiritual about your apologize on the podcast is probably listening nilly kiddies society yeah
well I don't know what happened I I feel like I'm
a fairly good drive a but yeah sometimes slightly just I think maybe a little bit distracted but also just willing to not get hit that's the wrong word but definitely I can be aggressive in the sense of like you way the stopping you hit me which is I guess until I have a real unless it until I'm in a neck brace I probably won't change yeah I get into that
What are you there you hear me yeah
you're gonna drive ahead and T bone me especially the nicer cars you know rocking in when you when you have got the shooter car It feels like it's like I had one guy I think I talked about this on Johnston straight or turn right onto Johnston straight from my old place it was always really badass yeah it's horrible and so you just have to you really just have to jump at it like you did you drive and though because coming and some of them would lose their mind others would understand what was going on yeah yeah. And so I just smile and wave I was doing that like there was like three cars all yelling at me at once. Which soda says that the whole thing it's like if one if you think one person's a dickhead they've indicated by two I think I was probably the day you know I was in a pretty bad car accident when I was 17 would you do you see in the sky here in the sort of a hit? Can you say it's like but my hairline Okay, it's covered. Not like my Instagram band. Well, if
I shave my if I get a number two on the side you can see a full on I got five staples. And when I say staples, it's literally staple gun to what you do. 17 you're being addicted in the car. I was with a dude who
you know like you see our movies. There's a mom that doesn't want you hang out with that kid. Yeah,
good one. You know I was hanging out with that kid Really? But you were that kid for a lot of other parents. So you
know to be honest, I was all of the joint but I I don't think I had that because I still wasn't a full delinquent. Yeah, like I had the TI say vibes getting in the car with a guy who's very friendly with people I have been all my life so I kind of have had that vibe like I was never really gone but there was anyway the vibe of this person I was in their car and they were mischief mischievous young teen and they had a bad luck a free coffins nice and skyline are 32 GT R and it was like rice spec it had a it had like a roll cage inside of it. So you've been he could flip it you'd be ordering a lot of trouble of that roll cage wasn't there So James my mentor talked about that you nearly hit we were both in the car he was in the drivers he was in the passenger seat yeah always in the back behind James and the dude was driving and we were we pulled up the we will coming towards lights and they started going they weren't amber before like I read and we generated through at the last minute the car couldn't even go fast because there was an issue with it
and it was just the worst timing we went through this intersection of busy intersection on Danny long road if you're from Melbourne and there was it's a full car highway one of the cost spots was vacant meaning those three that were already stationary at the red light waiting to go someone was coming so they had momentum and the light would have gone grain and we would just pass it through the accelerated and spun the car smashed into it t boned it and the cast span 360 he didn't have his license he'd stolen plates of another car I think or something and put them on to this car
Why did you have what I understand like yeah he didn't have his license Why does Why would he have stolen plate
well i think he just had plates that he put onto it that had nothing to do with the car so it's more so if a cop's or a car with no plates yeah they're gonna pull you over yeah show is I
see plates on it they're probably just they might but they probably weren't or is it because you can't Can you not register a car unless you've got a license or something or it's just it's just a bit of a sweat sweat he didn't have his license didn't have a register the above and so it smashes who calls the and boat i i i had to pull myself out using the roll cage because the James has dual was buckled in so he couldn't open it and so
I I should have blacked out for a second and then I came up and I felt like this warmth I felt like someone to pour a bucket of hot water on my face just pitch yourself blood pouring and pitch yourself as well now the piece itself okay go to the car and I left the scene
your community and I first went into the pub zero lace Kofi and nights so they weren't. Do we make you know they're alive.
Now they'll find one of them to go to do driving because he's like, oh, I'll be in lots of trouble. You go.
commendable on his behalf. So I went into the pub looked in the mirror of the in the bathroom. My head was gaping open, pulled out some glass, and then I took off my top. This is really cool to wear a long sleeve and then a T shirt over the top of your long sleeve. Yeah, those days. Yeah. So my Scooby esque. Yeah. And I during that exact same time I was the the collared shirt over the likes. Oh, yeah. opened up collodion costume stuff. And so I took off the long sleeve t shirt, wrapped it around my head. And for some reason, I was like, if I squeeze the cut closed by doing a not it will stop the bleeding. Yeah, I watch too many movies. And so then. Anyway, I went off and my brother can pick me up to the hospital. Did you explain to your brother? What happened? Yeah, yeah, it was all over is what the hell's happening to you? And so he came, and we didn't tell mom and dad This is no I didn't. Because your mom is. would be listening to the show. She's probably listening. As you heard this, Todd. Sorry, ma'am. So to scare the shit out of you. We should be happy because she got the yoga referee did a whole bit on you know.
And so I went to the hospital. The only way mom found out was it. She did find out. She did find that because it got back through some other kid. And then some of the kids mom called my mom. So you were in high school? I was 17. So you
went in high school? Because you'd let Yeah. Yeah,
everyone was in high school. But I wasn't. And it was so cool. And so yeah, dude, it was it was an alcoholic involved. Do you think now? Hey, the dude wasn't drinking. It's just a dumb decision to go through an amber lot. Did you ever do straight drags now I didn't ever can. I think my
dad used to do straight drag.
We used to drive there was a big street racing culture in Melbourne years and years ago, it was just got to had like cops everywhere at a certain point. But on princess highway. Yeah,
it was like huge com meetups It was literally like at a fast and the furious well I remember the part of the reason why because during that time that would have been like oh five or 6.5 I was working on that show Reuters life which was a car show and the big issue was that reduced there's the one of the only tracks in Victoria reason code of conduct for a while yeah
sorry called a pocket pocket and the cola freeway yeah
called a park and I think that's slashed the solution straight dragon because you could there was a time where you go with your car and you drag and what sort of day but they've been cutting that the government funding and what sort of thing more and more more which then pushed all these idiots on the straight or people who just want to drag the car idiots but I was stupid stupid but when I was a when I was like 1415 I would get the media passes for the drag so I was on the track so always when they were doing the burnouts I was there like one of the guys with the camera pant like with, you know, the embers with the handles like the payday, payday 170s or the PT 150s for those who know the models. Did you have earplugs in
your ear plugs in you know lady and she
would have had had a hive is on and yeah, I was filming until you just get the six shots and they would, and they weren't going fast when you were next to it, because they were doing their burnouts. Yeah, yeah.
I mean, we were fully into that stuff. Because we, I had sent out all the friends who would take us out crusey, it's like, I think about this in mom. If you listening is like I empathize with how you would have felt now thinking about Bodie, doing this kind of stuff. It's it's hard, it's hard. Well, we got away unscathed Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people have but
you just can't mess around with vehicles. My dad was into drag racing and there's an old data Hot Rod you had a hot rod and he also had a Holden statesman that he drag race we had one of the first vi it's too nice now he had he had a
know he had one of the first we had one of the first gold colored SS Commodores holding it was called Tiger was the color beauty and we thought way with the sickest units going around like it within my school we were pretty cool you've seen up a middle Bogan yeah Apple mid upper middle class bargains yeah
well TV shopping middle bargain yeah
these drag racing family mom and dad love it I'm sure it's just for them it's just like watching life unfold the way you're describing sounds like family out in the burbs you get to spend a bit of money he had a hot rod yeah
and it was the night I remember dad would always play this type of him drag racing and it would say Richard Jansen a master at the lights that was like a that was a real real boss
and so what did he sell the via
yes I know so he sold the hot the Hot Rod he sold and that was what we that's that's what paid for the pool like when we were kids we had a house with a pole and that lie yeah and but he's he's now working. He's got a few he's got a El Camino which is like a American. Sort of. It's like a pickup. But it looks like a huge like an Australian huge which he finished recently. He's got a empower, it's like a six, 668 Impaler or something like that. Yeah, yeah. And he's got this one that he's been working on for years and years and years. It's like a Willie's it's the brand is called like the model is called a Willie's arrow wing release and there's only like I think there's four in Australia it's an American car and so he we were told like my brother James who we had on a previous episode he was a is a few years older than I am I guess what he's he's probably like 30 should I have no idea I'm 27 they must be like four years older than me but I remember at he's dead the whole thing was going to be that dad was going to drive the willies you know to the dead but always gonna get there and then he never made that deadline so that it was going to be jacked my other brother they may announced still in like a storage thing and he slaughtered
it's interesting you know, when we would the other day will filming girl doing some beauty blogging stuff? And I kind of throw in an extra question that was what do you do for fun? And she struggled to answer it. And what I probably meant was like, what's your hobbies? And if you think about for me, it's like it's it's a hard question because a lot of people would probably what I'm doing like I look at you and go I know your life pretty back to France. terms of what you're doing. So like you have a hobby like your dad that's at the tinkering with cars. And but I don't think it's like the thing
I think I've got so many hobbies. Like, I think that I've just made my life my hobby in the sense of compute all these things that I did as a kid I've just translated directly into a job. Yeah,
and you think that's how you win Do you think it's for a lot of people that take on
I don't think there's winning and losing I don't think that there's a formula I think for a lot of people it can can be the worst thing ever turning your passion into a job can be really bad decision but I guess it's kind of what I've done but it's like with this for instance, it's like yes I do get even though the video thing is you know, my bread and butter what pays the bills or that sort of thing but this podcast is obviously at the moment and you know, we're not planning on monetizing it you know it's sort of in its form so yeah all of these things but even stuff like my hobby you have maybe it's like a little bit of search engine optimization and social media and tinkering with all of those sorts of things
well yeah there's different obvious I guess it would be if we like to go bush walking I think maybe Sam I like working from the outset more impressive than others you know like mainly since he dad is ah You can easily get all wish I had something that odd but then maybe it's I we do we spend hours doing this every week yeah
Ted goes to I was because now where rest for the next week and a half brain I staying in rival rival rival rival
you've moved on IRC the dress you did couldn't even have a clue it's
guess a year I literally couldn't remember I could tell you like it's just off Wellington road and bit yeah i was a dad had to go off he had a car meeting like a car club meeting made up yeah no it wasn't a meet up it was a meeting about what I'm like it's like oh yeah this is a committee meeting and then moms like our Richard tell tell Josh what happened and then apparently he had a falling out with the treasurer the other
day now what
does that look fully out look like
well the falling out was that the treasure I was saying that you needed 50 signatures before they would look at a changing a rule or whatever within the law yeah and Richie's like my it's not in our by law you can't do that and it's not by law or some bullshit guy so they can they'll getting really Jason's got you on a technicality classic but as a class had Ted's finishing
finishing his job search he's just gotten another job which is wrapped about but it's I know where I get a little bit of my shit staring from because I just
I called him it was his birthday 16th birthday yesterday and I called him I'm like I hate going is I just live in the dream just work only a few days left
like how can other people he's like yep
just the the classic shits to see so yeah
how's it I mean you've only been there one night isn't yeah
what's the vibe the vibe ease
on the internet so one of the things that's great about this over there so we'll house sitting at breeze old bosses place which was like the sixth place in Richmond we was the star hotel if you like if you could give that a start. And then you parents out of stock i think
i think the like they both have pools
but I think that and it's a he's how I describe it Lynam, Richard, Mom and Dad they're providing sort of an Airbnb experience which is their cooking, cooking dinner mums. lasagna has gotten a lot better we'll talk about that before how parents seem to get better at cooking once you leave yeah
cuz I have to make it voice yeah oh we have to feed your share it's now
they want to Josh come over for dinner. Yeah so it was and I don't I don't really like lasagna that much I think was because I always joke about mom she was on and it was actually there was a I feel like Italian in general actually mom did good should get the pita bread will pretty is up a middle bargain or whatever. It's Hi. I just remember mom discovering like pita bread his bases for pizza. Oh yeah. And so that was just like what would have it was like it was a real nice trait. like you'd really lucky would come home and moms like how you want to some pita pizzas. We will put you know put some some sauce on it or whatever. And then the the big bits of ham where you'd sort of yeah but anyway the amount of results and schnitzel as I as a kid yeah it's easy I get it well the thing was I I called mama while ago because Telstra had and he an ad which was like as good as your mom's bowling. Nice. Yeah, I call mom and I was like mom they clearly haven't tasted
it but I'd like to say that her her cookies been great. So just like
anybody but you're actually in a bed and breakfast
Yeah, it's a bed and breakfast is a few the few things that different to a bed and breakfast there's you have to people who brought you up so that you get triggered by little things that you don't normally get. Mom was getting annoyed at me because I was eating all the wagon wheels. Like I should
have hidden them. It's like,
Oh, just don't buy them. You know if you don't want to name time by them. Well, you
you're an adult. Now. You slipped into your own ways. Exactly. So
I haven't. I feel like the thing is that I've just sort of reverted back to the old jj 120 kilo Jojo.
There is a bit of that I go home and I opened the cupboard straightaway. Yeah,
that was the first thing I did. I remember, you know, German. But quatro biscuits. contract. Yeah, yeah, quite sure. I biscuits with they would like to have nuts, Chocolate. Have you seen that sort of thing? Yeah. The how deceptive is this? As a kid I pretended that I hated quartz rose. And so when mom would ever asked if I wanted to coach her, I would say no. Because I knew if I said no. Then I could take three later in the cupboard. And that was made because I didn't make one
that is dried. And sorry. That's the sort of an food was such a big always a big part of my existence. I remember my brother jack, I think I've told you this story where Jake giants were both skinny. And I was I was always the fat one. And there was always this game of eating chocolate bars. You know, fun type mom would get, you know, the fun size. There's a game know what was it? It was a game in the sense that it would start off with we would put the chocolate rappers in each other's beans. So So then my mom would know that it was making them but then it was next level. Once we got older, we start putting him our own bins and saying the fuck he keeps putting chocolate wrappers it majestic. So you'd sort of do the reverse thing. But I remember Jake having the last I caught him at the freezer, eating the last Magnum ice cream. And I said to him a night I'm telling mom, and he looked at me stone cold, didn't blink and said, Who do you think she's gonna believe
he had? He had me. So I, you know, I've got all these memories of mum making muffins should make muffins and she made choc chip muffins. The problem was that I would always ate all the chips. I'd fight like, I'd be looking for chocolate around the house. And the only thing that would be left would be cooking chocolate.
So he did that. So
that and so this was when this was he has probably 20 and Bray was living at my parents as well. When did you leave home at 2021? 2020? Yeah,
and Brian mom would make muffins and I would be like in the lounge on here in the kitchens like Gosh, we might choc chip muffins. And we're like, yeah, yeah. And then Bray would come out a few minutes you fucking pig
Nemo. And there's there's so many lives and for the mafia and there's, it's like we're having banana muffins. Now you fucking she wasn't that rude to me as probably I'm probably there's a bit of internal monologue going on and so they happy to see you at home because it's just this is transient before you go wow yeah So tell me a week and a half look
yeah i think i think they are but it's very much like the mums always front footing things so in the sense of
realizing what I'm trying to think of what what sort of things that she's she's told me already well she's got a lot of baggage of what you used to be like yes well yeah so what's the but she got a good sort of chocolate spread and biscuits and stuff as we've discussed he cannot have
that sheet in the house now I'm the type to eternal now now you can burn off there's a point where if you just had in there all the time you would need it or I heard I heard a stat yesterday nine pounds of chocolate
Are you heard on Seth Golden's day
no so a month a year nine pounds so nine I think it's the marriage suite is what it was it switched Sweden you said the average American eats nine pounds per year and in where chocolate from where's this well i
mean it's it's in like West Africa like the farms and ship but they're not eating it is actually something that's not the dots I think it's Swedish people sweetie this I always get Sweden and Switzerland mixed up. It's one of those Swiss chocolate
this Switzerland. Yeah,
I think that's so though. He was just saying that. It's almost double the amount of chocolate per person per year. The funny thing was, I started doing the math when I heard this because that's on Seth, Seth gardens podcast akimbo. And it had chocolate in the title with you interested in this one. But it's not about chocolate. It's what's called yet
so he
was um, I was doing the numbers on how much you're
spending time jumping down a few wagon wheel. Exactly. No, but it's a
man. It's a lot of chocolate that I'd be eating. So I reckon I would be having a bad
20 kilograms of chocolate a year. Wow. So what is it because you've done the math on that was also what I've done is I've said okay,
I probably I go through phases where I'll have 100 grams of 85% chocolate a day. Okay. Oh, as a way to block of 85% linked, you know, die. I used to do it as a meal replacement. Almost. It's fucking discuss what's
a block? How much 100 grams
give it 5% leaned because it's the kidney which only has like about 13 grams of sugar but who's counting yet? No. But it is it's it's a sort of thing whereas I don't think you wouldn't you're not going to get fat just eating I mean you could you could definitely get fat eating but it's not definitely doesn't have the sort of blood sugar reaction
that's the only treat you having a new words them eating
pathogens. I get it. Yeah, that's like my healthy might hundred grams. So 700 grams awake? Yeah. So, you know, what I just did was I said, Okay, 100 grams
a day, let's say 30 days in a
in a month. And then I sort of brought it down saying, okay, there's probably 10 days a month that I don't have the hundred grams. So I worked out to about
200 grams a month. This you told me that you hate it when I just described what I'm eating now. But
this I find this interesting. Yeah, so it's about is that what was that figure per year? Well,
I think because yeah, it would be if I'm having 2100 grams a month. That would be two kilos.
Is it a month? Yeah, two kilos a month, 2000 grams yet,
and then times that by 12. And that's 2424 kilos fact. When you put it like that. It's like those shows where they lay out what the family eats in a week. Yeah, you just vomiting your decisiveness gusting I do want to run my could just be Uber Eats wrappers for you mate, mate. Yeah, though. But well, the thing is, when we when brain I were staying in Richmond just off spawn straight we just had a role that we weren't using, we use Uber I think once or twice in three weeks, because you'd walk to get food or I can just walk everywhere to get food so we would go to and the thing that I'm trying to do is not go to the same places over and over again and try different
stuff. I've got a mate who eats out and spends over $500 a week on eating out so this for an individual yeah well I think for the majority people yeah that's
a lot it's a
lot like you could make you can make three weeks worth of food 770 bucks
or something a day yeah
if you would. A which mine who's doing it well, what do they do for work self employed school his own business plus a side hustle that makes a to cash side hustle is a drug dealer not artist. Okay. But But loves at at like, yeah,
prioritize it. So I mean, he waited for that to make that happen. And so the know but So the interesting thing that we were doing was just trying different places. And because we can fall into this, especially when we're trying to be healthy, you can just go to these reoccurring Healthy Places over and over again. Because you know that you can get the salad and you can get all that I think in Australia
It is like in comparison to I guess I'm thinking about li li you could eat every meal out for almost what would cost you to cook it I mean it gets down to what five five bucks a meal were to die Whole Foods is a bunch of like pre prepared food sort of like essays about
life or something like that. That's a little bit more expensive. Yeah,
I mean, but it was it
what are your Can you spend a day on living I've been thinking about what it costs to just exist I probably like on food I recommend die out spend around 50 bucks okay
so that's then you rent on top of that the math but you looking at minimum minimum hundred and something bucks a day just to exist I mean sure you can pay
150 bucks for bodies' daycare that's crazy the little bastards barrel Monday the courageous shits shift to that in a nappy yeah
it's not something I'll have to buy the dispose that we pay for those nappies.
Yeah the thing that's the thing that's really gotten me thinking about sort of eating is been hopefully but not body shape. Archie Archie the dog that we're looking after his shade because it's like we had those hot chips and it was a disgrace well hey if you have a hot chips that were in a garden bed and he just he was telling me was a bit upset I'll good I was hoping that you didn't feed them to him that he found that he found them and so he's just he wouldn't stop trying to stop him and he wouldn't stop is a big dog yeah but so I'm glad I don't have to pick up the shit but the thing that I was remembering I had on
on traveler bro a sheet that's all I wrote I couldn't remember what the fuck
we used to remind us of things we want to talk about yeah
and I was written was brace it also know you show you wrote that because I wrote bodies' sheets know I wrote Bray there's a lot of topics on it
all right I just get this one out of that when you have a baby If you ever have Valley depends on what the story is going we're driving along and Amy says oh bodies' farted and over in the corner destroyed
but the thing is the sheet smells the same. Really. You start having the same spelling pool was your son or your baby and so I don't know if it's just me. But I've been buddies napping and god oh my god that smelled like me earlier today really is he
died. As you notice I'm Nando's meal but we
do the same fat it's
the know what this is how it raises praise about like following the rules. There was a dog shit on the ground on the park. He didn't do it. But Bree couldn't be sure that it was an Archie so anyway isn't like that's next. Like
no I think we all have those weird little things. Mine is going to a public toilet if I know someone's coming in after me and there's peace all in the site. Even if I didn't do it you click I'm like this person's gonna think I did it and I did at once at a I was on a winery walk about and this toilet was just chock a block like is in people were lining up and I went in and I was like Oh no. So put toilet paper down the secret my foot on to it. Just like trying not to touch it. But it is that's a weird little thing where it's like I'm thinking what the other person's gonna think of me and I'm a p you don't realize how much anxiety You have until you go into a female toilet when you're a blogger. I did
that the other day.
What if we just stop the podcast? Yes it will make you had like a real great
finish. The story was um we were at at the at the office on Easy Street and the male toilet was was occupied I'm like there's only one this one and this three female toilets and you don't even have that many women that work here yeah and so I made the call and I think it was my I was comfortable because the other week the toilet was out of action so we had to use the women's media and so that created this vibe where it tricked me into at least going into the toilet and as soon as I started piecing I panicked
I was like trying a part of me is like should I be sitting down just out of respect and then I just was very like it was the the smallest you wouldn't want to shake my hand after it because it was the smallest amount of like washing of a hand that I just wanted to get out dude
I add you might know these toilets where Fox FM is yeah it's like in the actual it's like neither Cole's oh yes yes and so like I just walked up and there's like what you got one levels and toilet to go on another level it's really done that walked up the one level and just winning because I needed to go went in the cubicle winning caused or sat down I was in the girls
and a woman will I know a cleaner walking a female clean and walked him
lift up my legs a bit like I don't want to say the size of my foot
my big na keys in my hairy legs you reckon we do we go through the email now let's that wins one is such a good one let's keep it for tomorrow yeah but um. Quick she probably doesn't listen
but Neil of like Neil Hi my name's Neil riding do is you the zero associated with the daily talk show we're selling the domain name chat show.com thought it might be interesting to make does he not know who Josh Jansen of
nearly every domain which sending back a list of your domains you own? I don't any interest in any of these awesome ones.net is a bit embarrassing but um. You know we got we got a couple of emails but let's let's keep them for tomorrow because right I found we've we've managed to fill 35 minutes with just pretty some some random shits. And that is the daily talk show. Yeah, feel free to send that email though because we'll we'll get to them tomorrow as well as high at the daily talk. show.com. And if you knew around here we are on iTunes on the podcast app. And it does allow you to leave a review and the great thing about those reviews is it helps us a pee on iTunes in the charts. So people will say amongst and they'll click on the listen. It's a con why assigning reviewers please. Yeah, thanks for that. All right. Well, have a good Thursday everyone.