#049 – Make it till you feel it/
- March 23, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Friday March 23 (Ep 49) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett. –
Tommy’s candle video, a perspective shift, values and faking it until you make it
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Tommy’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/tommyjackett
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Daily talk show everyone Episode 49 Hey young Tommy good
It's Friday it's always a good vibe and Friday it is normally we're doing it later Yeah What time is it feels like
what's it for 24 Pm
yeah well doing this means the days over so I feel like I'm going into the weekend This is taking me into the weekend but then again I'm working tomorrow so why are you working to my you know Josh is a business owner it's a now I've just I've I've actually got a whole bunch of I want to do a whole bunch of my videos I've spent all week doing clients yeah and I need to do more of that but I also want to do my own stuff well you did the candle video yeah
you've been texting me update to a couple hundred bucks off retiring
yeah My mind is solid $250 today that's my that weren't even buy me one meal at a retirement village went on when I'm fucking at needing to be one to including flesh and white. So explain to everyone what's been going on with the candidate? The candidate Yeah, yeah. So mine is no one knows you're manufacturing Kendall with you. Well, you just said it. Like if I made a candle video about the premise of the video was that I'm sheets. It's selling myself. Like when someone asks me, what do you do, or, you know, tell us about your skills. I find it hard to articulate it confidently. And, you know, like I struggled talking about myself, essentially. And then the premise of the video is that's made. It's also my wife, and my wife has a business that she doesn't talk about. nearly enough. And so the video is centered around me, bragging about her candle business called Flossie masih, and I thought it was a cute premise. I thought it was a creative approach to promoting someone else's business. Where is like, promoting yourself can feel a bit gross. Yeah, I can even say maybe grows from the outside. I think we're like flooded on LinkedIn, and social media of people talking about how good the product is, or how good they are. And so this is like the reverse of that, where it's like, I'm actually fucking shoot at this. So
I'm going to spend some time talking about how good someone else is. Because that's really easy. I will, I think that what what you can do. That's why case studies can be so good. Because rather than it being a celebration of Look how good I am, it's like, look how awesome my client is. And just so happens that we helped them I think some people get it wrong. And they talk too much about themselves and not about about their actual clients. But so you made this fluffy Marcy video.
So the premise was my wife's candles. Well, or did you not end up doing that? No, I put that in there. I've got another sort of sort of flow on video from this one, which I'll get, which I'm going to get into. I'm not not today, I'm not gonna tell you haven't actually promoted because I saw the video, Mike. I've seen this one. But I think I'm merging things together. Why? Because I initially started like, a lot of my ideas as sort of these grand things. And I struggled to make that video that you're talking about, which sounds like I'm being sort of secretive on this, but I'm not. I just haven't pulled out the idea. Yeah, so I had this idea that didn't work, I shelved it. Because I was struggling to get there. I felt like I needed to make a previous video to that video. So I've done the candle when you're talking about and it actually worked in terms of getting me some sales for a candles you had for today. Just come through. And like a new business. It's a new website. And it's it's pretty fucking cool thing. my pocket. It just has blue. I love like, that's why doing an e commerce business would be fun. Yeah,
I mean, cycles. But like it the fact that I remember when I got analytics on my media flex website, and Josh has business from Yeah, thousand. And yeah, my old old business from like, 2008. Yeah, and I,
I got this there was Google Analytics didn't have real time analytics at that point. But there was a service called mint that did, and I set up like a an add on where it would beep every single time someone would visit my site. And this was this was during the time where you could put your website like those inspiration sites were huge. So if you're building a website, you would just say, go to a design inspiration site, you'd pick one that you liked. So I was being featured on all of them. Because my might blog who was a really who's an awesome web designer designed it all for me yet, and it got picked up on them. So I ended up with so much traffic, and I would get, like, done probably, like, every, like, few minutes
looking for themes. Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah, I thought you were meaning inspiration, meaning like, I can inspirational quotes. No,
no, I got inspired for websites. I'm looking through those all day trying to find new themes for my website. So so it's just, if I clicked on to that, so he was getting, you're getting sent a notification, I would get you out, get traffic. But the other thing that was funny as people with stealing our code, so they'll stealing my code, and creating a new website where they'll just up to the text, the problem being that they would forget, and they'll copy and paste the analytics, and then I'll get like, a notification on the side, like, people are visiting this page. But that page isn't my website, no, click through, it was like a fucking carbon copy of my site. But it would have like, all their details on there. So we show was it same industry, so maybe, you know, maybe a flex was like a media production video, or that sort of thing. But no, it would just be any business people would just like, I can put all the details and they treat it like a template. But it wasn't a template. Yeah,
so technically, you can right click, say, if you've got Chrome, right click on a web
view, the source source or facials limitations around that, because some things are rendered the backend in fact can come, but you
can basically steal someone's website. Yeah, the structure of it. You can't do that. Yeah,
poor form outside. Yes. Fact.
Why do you think what? We had a conversation in the car and I thought about today, I was like, Well, can you speak of and we could maybe speak of shifting perspectives. Yeah,
cuz I think I had a good perspective shift after our conversation. You know, what the fuck that shit out of me? Yeah, but I quite like those conversations. Well, it's always that friction that's going to get you moving along. Hmm. And so you asked me, I said we'd had a big long day. And I I felt like it kind of struck driving. When you asked that question. What was the question? It was? What was it? You ask it? I forgotten because I
was shocked if I remember. I'm sure with something else. It would have been something like, like, why, like, what's, what do you like? Would have been questions around like, What do you want? Yeah, it was what you want. Why? Why aren't you doing it right now? Yeah, it's probably around that. And that normally reveals a lot
I thought about it posts the strike. Yeah.
And I thought about the question, not the answer. Yeah. Still avoiding that. Yeah, sure. That's fine. But I was thinking about why I found it so hard to answer what what do I want? And why do I wanted? Or how am I going to get there? Yeah, and I was thinking, it's like,
in my head, too many things going on. Because I'm thinking, you know, like, life is layered work life, family life, you know, personal, you know, life like control, you know, looking after your own health, getting yourself to the gym, all of those things. And so I struggle to decipher and, and filter the question into one area. When I I feel like answering on such a broad, multi layered level is, is super hard. And I feel like, I must have like this cerebral overload. Yeah, do you get the feel that Yeah.
And imagine it's like a business manager, if you're a business, and you have a legal team, an HR team, a marketing team development team, they've got all these different sort of siloed, siloed groups. And so if you think about it, in some regards, your life is like different departments, you've got all these different departments and what businesses will do, how do businesses make sure that even those these things, a siloed, they also sometimes come in contact, they what legal does is going to impact what HR does vice versa, and that's where values come in, and being able to say, Okay, here are my core values. And then we use that as a filter to then filter out these things. So for instance, if, because I guess it was like, you know, some people might say, I want to make more money, that's the driving force. But then if we understand why you need to make the money if the reason that you need to make the money is because you want to enable be enabled to be able to do more things with your family, then you can't all of a sudden be making all this cash working ridiculous hours and not spending any time with the family. And I feel like that's what happens. People look at these things in isolation.
guy I know has just he quit his video production company basically gave it away to a bunch of different people, all these old clients decided to get into real estate because he'd done some real estate videos. So make this guy's making half a mil a year that could be made going to give it a go did it for nine months, and was like, Fuck, it can't do this anymore. I caught up with him yesterday. And I said, so what's the plans? You guys okay? So I want to do documentary type type work branded tacos. But at the moment just to get it out on my feet up on my feet. I need some money coming in. So I'm going to take photos and video for real estate and like, Is that what you want to do? And he's like, No, I said
I said what's the worst case scenario for you? He's got a kid and another one on why feeling you bro. Yeah. And he said,
Oh, worst case. The very worst case would be going back to my parents place I could ask little with my parents. And and then he said that I just wouldn't want to wouldn't want to go back to another job, right? Wouldn't want to go to a like the real estate thing and all that sort of thing. So he was willing to basically do this shitty work that won't pay that much to pay a little bit to in an area that he's not that keen on to basically build on this sort of stuff. And what it got me thinking was, it was like, it'd be like guessing
it's like JK Rowling the fucking author saying I want to be a writer. So I am going to do at right advertise like advertisement or do a Twitter account for someone or, you know, with video, we assume that okay, if someone's doing real estate that I just going to be able to transition off to all these other things. I said to my mate, yes, today I said
LeBron James, great basketball law. If you haven't realized Josh loves a metaphor. Yeah, LeBron James ready LeBron James? Fucking great basketball. Gradually, we say LeBron James. He's good at all ball sports. So he's got to be good at cricket. And that's what we do with video. We say that we assume that if someone can do fucking wedding videos that they're going to be able to create a TV See, or anything like that. So long story short, I said to this guy. Yes, I cannot basketball, soccer, soccer, basketball and cricket. And he's not doing any real estate stuff. I said to him, I'm like, okay,
I said, How long have you got before you're gonna have to really feel that you're going to feel the pressure? He goes, I got about two months runway before I'm going to start feeling it. And I said, Okay, well, what would be a really, really reasonable price for someone to pay for a guy like just being absolute steal? He said, two grand. I said, Okay, well, rather than doing the fucking real estate photos and a real estate video, why don't you just go to potential clients and say, Hi, I'm just getting my real back. I'm like, you know, building up this new business, I will do these videos for you. I'm doing it. This would normally cost six grand, I'll do it for two grand and like, build that. And then you actually because what I'm saying to him is what's going to happen if you go down the real estate photo and video around you will get work and then you'll get more work from it. And then you go back, I knew it. There was so much work in this and now I'm stuck. But it's not that there isn't more fucking work in it. It's because that's where you put your energy. Yeah, you focus. So yeah, he's shining the light on that area. And sure, he's gonna find something over there. And so yeah, true. It's scary. It's fee though. You said to me, You like it's fear? That's when I couldn't answer this question. And I was striking out, you ally fit
Fuck off. My it's not fee
fee. I'm just kidding. I can scare
no escape. And so I legitimately was feeling that internally. And then I was thinking about it. And I was and I and I think there is a fee and it's showing bedded, like, deep within that you can convince yourself you're not scared, right? Yeah. And I even feel sometimes around like, being a fraud. Like, feeling like you are a fraud. Because I know I've got skills I fuckin prove to myself time and time again. But it doesn't mean that I don't feel sometimes less than others. Sometimes more than others. Like, I am a fraud. And, like, I don't deserve to be doing that. Like, I don't, and I and signing it. Like, that isn't how it feels. That's the only way I can articulate it. Well, yeah,
sorry. It's the semi fucking liars. I don't ever say those words to me. You don't? Yeah. Yeah. I
feel that's like, that's the only way it can like that feeling. Yeah, it's Do you feel like that? Yeah,
I think that it's a Yeah, there's that constant feeling that
this is because we live with it ourselves all the time. So we see patterns. So it's like that what we're talking about yesterday. Yes. That that may. Blowing up over shit. Like, whenever I leave a job. It's always like, more extreme than what it has to be. And the self talk is fact. Josh, you always do this if I can do this every single time. But I do give myself a break. Because I'm like, you know, these are these other qualities of of my personality, which are really positive. Yeah,
I mean, I would have to be an hour long if we had to think of anything. But no, I think that the other thing too, around the fear is, we have these dreams
and we we elevate the drains, we put them on a pedestal. And what we do is we we end up putting it on such a pedestal, that it's no longer in rage, or we put on a pedestal to the point where we cannot attach ourselves to it, because it's same so far. Why, and then we heighten it to the point where
we can't risk fucking it up we put inside that's like, it's like I've talked to I always talk to myself about minimum viable product, like, what's the minimum amount we can do To test this out? Yeah, I'm on to that. Yeah. And because in so many cases,
you know, we push back on that minimum viable product, we say, we can only get started if we have a band say, I'm only going to be in the position to be able to call and get work from clients. If I have four employees, which is all $40,000 with a camera. Yeah, exactly. And the funny thing is this guy caught up with he got half the point and miss the other half because he literally said in his eyes told him, it doesn't matter. You don't need to worry about the camera and all that sort of thing. And he's email this text this morning was thanks for the chat yesterday, Josh, great stuff have been ruminating on thanks for sharing. I've decided 90% to buy a seat to have already got a few businesses on board for videos, as discussed. Good, so yeah, it's getting hot. Yeah, I'd be having great day, mate. Let me know when you're down this way. I'll buy your be. Well,
Josh doesn't drink.
I should he
sounds like he probably get along with maybe better he drinks and he's got a kid. Yeah. And he's gonna say 200, you can borrow? Great. That's why I was wanting to
now it is. So perception shifting, which is what I mentioned before, also. Yeah. So you can have those conversations, hard conversations. Anyone watching? Yeah, a few people watching any comments on the moms are changing. Run the game. Fucking Tommy's audio apparently
setting. That's annoying. Sorry. Well, I think we're sorry about that. Trevor. A real podcast now. Oh, actual podcast. He's recording my I'm gonna fucking shy in this. Yeah.
Alright, so we're in No, no, no. real low end of life sharing stream and then I'll start it back. Maybe. Anyway. I wonder if of fact, the recording and I haven't, because we're saying both the thing I can hear both fact. Man thanks for telling me ma'am. Just said she could eat by that time.
But no, no, we're not. We're not doing it. Anyway. So we're talking. The the perception shift is such a weird thing. Because not much has changed. Right? When you have something like a just a perception. She's literally just you fucking mindset isn't that so powerful to think of how much
you're whole perception of thing can change without anything other than I am going to think differently. I'm going to view this situation in a different life. And I know and I think that there are these triggers in our life that force us or push us to naturally
go certain way. So for instance, today, I haven't had I didn't have any deadlines do today. So I got to fucking chill out. And it was amazing. Like, I was able just to
work on my show real work on admin shit. And I felt fracking in control. Yeah. And it was such a
nice feeling. I'm like, actually, I probably could,
like choose that. That's something I chose today. And I could choose it every day if I wanted to. he's a he's a he's a thought I made that video about Amy's candles. Yeah,
then I'm in the videos cold. I suck at selling myself. Hmm. I made it I put it out. And I had this feeling of like, Oh, that's like, I had this almost like a shift of thinking about selling myself. I was thinking maybe like me talking about me being cheated. Something made me sort of removed from that person who is shooting something and so I have this sort of removed thinking it's like it's kind of has helped me in some weird way step towards being better at selling myself and not in a you know what's up I'm fucking awesome. Yeah,
but like, bit more I feel like it's almost given me a bit more confidence. Well, I think that it's a I don't know what the actual saying news but our what we do impact how we feel.
And so it's very counterintuitive because normally have we feel impacts what we end up doing what we choose to do. So for instance, if we feel happy will smile. If we don't feel happy. We won't smile, however, smiling will make you feel happy. Yeah,
that makes sense. Yeah, definitely. So the thing is that that's why putting out these things in the world can be that's why fake it till you make it has some truth to it. Because it's like, Okay, I'm not feeling this way. But it's actually all like, all it is, is a feeling
thoughts on facts. Yeah,
I actually thought then fake it till you make it. I've always seen that as the external fake. So pretending you're a celebrity or pretending you're someone who you're not. But faking it till you make it is like the shift inside. You make something and you put it out. Yeah. So for me in that sense, I'm putting out this video. We're internally I'm feeling fucking be gross about it. Yeah. And so put it out. And then I have a shift. But it's like I'm faking it by putting it out. So shipping the product or putting my hand up even though I feel Yak about? It is like, it's like the action you changes the internal. Yeah,
and that's probably why fake it till you make it is such as is a bit of a shift side. What's the new one? Boy? I don't know. Like if we were to room
because coin. Yeah, yeah.
I mean, it's like gagging the challenge. He
thinks let's think about it. Clean the fridge.
Okay. Make it to you feel it?
Make it ship it feel it
now you've complicated Mike it to you feel it? Yeah. Make it Yes. And making so doing doing until my Yeah. Do the thing until you do it. Now feel lighter. That's a little bit more PT. tagline join the church.
We're taking a coat? Yes. No, I did. like yours. I was just like, you know, no, I like it. So. But there's something to it. Right? It's the exact same thing where it's like, they say habits and doing shit in the morning. You're way more like, if you work in the morning. It sets you up for the entire day. And you you're gonna be more efficient. And I felt it tonight. Like, I got stuff done, but built momentum.
I think that it's the biggest danger that we have is theorizing too much. It's the it's this idea that
what's a code analysis? paralysis? Yeah,
I've experienced that. Yeah, I think we will have Yeah,
where it's just.
Whereas if we just put it out there, we're in a lot better situations, a business plan can be analysis paralysis fucking out, you have a business plan. I think for the most part, you should be able to on one page. And it should be just something that you do in an afternoon. And I think a establish, like you say, I've dealt with clients. And I think I've talked about on this podcast where I'm helping a company that's worth $300 million,
create a video that is exploring their values and their brand, because they never worked it out. When they got started. yet. They fucking built a $300 million company. But this is the thing Amazon
you say Amazon now. And you think this is what Amazon always was. Amazon was a fucking textbook company. So it was selling textbooks. What do you mean? So like, it was about if you want to, like literally, it was just that it was just google swag, mate. So this is it's so easy to look at these things and say, fact look where that. And also the other thing too, is where it's in this situation where with it sort of work that we do, we get to peek behind the curtains of a lot of brands, a lot of people and what we see is, it's like there was a lot of
detachment between public perception versus reality. And it's not even the brands or the people manipulating that. It's just what people choose to take out of it. They just like fact, this person must not have any of those issues. But one thing that you constantly say to me every single time you meet with someone that successful The one thing Yes, you personally, you always call me afterwards, you're like, man, they literally having the same fucking issues that we are. Yeah, that's true. And I think that that's a important reminder. It's that, you know, these, you need to be able to move forward despite all that stuff. It's
if you're waiting around for your product to be the best. There's some fucking dude who's got a shit product, it's good at marketing. And it's beating us because
then they will make money and refine their product and get it to where you have without actually marketing. And so I mean, it's so interesting seeing other people even criticize brands. Well, it's like, we can ship it out, and they doing so well, like that, even fact like theorizing about stuff. All of those things will give you the sense Derek Silver's who I film to the other day in New Zealand he is the creative say day baby hey did a talk about our new year's resolutions he's saying was Do not tell people your New Year's resolutions. There's a bunch of studies which say telling people your New Year's resolution gives you the same response in your mind as if you actually fucking did it. Yeah. And so what happens is, you tell people and they're like, oh, man, that's
so good. You like our thanks. Yeah,
see some fucking awesome.
You know what, I'm just gonna chill the fuck out like this. It's been exhausting. But I've done it. You know.
And so the same thing happens when you watch movies that I know a bunch of people who are armchair critics or whatever who watch films and they you actually hear them and it's as if like, they think that it's rubbed off on them that them watching it has somehow made them like that they've made it so we anyway to daily talk show everyone.
It's Friday. Yeah, I'm gonna get pissed. I really well. We've got a nice dinner on tonight. We're going to Donovan are That's right. So when you say pieced. I just think of this real fucking messy now. I'm actually looking forward to date with my wife. And we've got a babysitter coming out. Who's babysitting drive from daycare? He's one of the decade that's a fucking legend. He loves Mr. Bodie. Yeah, and so I feel like it's not inside Yeah, he's bad. He's in good hands. He loves he I think he might have told him man Old MacDonald had a farm he has an animal how to find out
what happened did he lose the fun to go bankrupt yeah
oh MacDonald Had A man can make crisis came for the draft
yet the track yeah healed all these animals and on that farm so this is the
body does a bit you know and on that farm he had a piggy
he does a pig I heard that the video was
shot I can apply it to this fucking thing I'll leave you with this place to Oh I love this Josh have any kids
I can just like we can live I could just like you sometimes live vicariously through your friends yeah true I can live vicariously through you actually it's much easier for you buddy
all right here it is. Just get to the end here little cute man
hi at the daily talk show.com if you want to email us hey this is his mama
very cute leave us a review place and we love you yeah we love You have a great weekend and
we're back for Episode 58 fact. shepherding will do it. Yeah, let's just do it. Yeah. Alright, catch. You guys. Have a good one.