#485 – Going Vegetarian/
- October 14, 2019
We chat about The Game Changers Documentary, Mr. 97’s new phone, habits we’re trying to build, and an update on episode 500.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– The Game Changer documentary
– Mr. 97’s new phone
– Episode 500 catering
– Vegetarians
– Habits we’re trying to build
– Consistency and why start now
– Why are people more stressed than ever
– LA Fact of the day
– Episode 500 tattoo update
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 485 Happy Monday guys what's going on? Look I
am I looking a bit different at the moment? I'm black t shirt on no branding. I mean we've gone back Oh my god, we've gone old school I got my white t shirt on. I actually had a moment where I thought I looked in the because we can see ourselves here in a screen that shows what's appearing and on the video explaining Yeah,
we have it's a weird setup. We've got a camera facing us but then there's a monitor that shows what's coming up through the camera which when people sit down that don't really play in this space. They're always like what the fuck I can see myself that's it. We think so anyway, I saw myself in this white t shirt and I used to wear a lot of white t shirts, but I offered ash Williams a T shirt to wear during the show it was that that's crazy t shirt which is autumn t shirt, which he added
Leave refused, and it had nothing to do with what was on it. They've been falling stuff. Don't do that don't do that. I was already talking about what they're doing. It will look bad. He looked at it. And so I just had a moment where I was like, This is the bad here, which I'm feeling actually Liam's pressure or like, he's a fashionista. I mean, it's Mr. Politics. I think I think black t shirts are safer. Yes. But the reason I was asking about if I look any different, because I've started a new lifestyle choice. What is it not as until 5pm that happened? Well, the reason for TJ offers you a banana. Well, the reason why I was fasting was because I was trying to decide what to wait because over the weekend, I decided to give vegetarian ago. Okay, and what, Saturday and Sunday.
When did I text you about texted me Sunday? So it was from actually you texted me? Oh yeah. No. Sunday afternoon would have been like four o'clock. Hang on. If you do i mean over the weekend. Yes, it falls into it. If you just
happened to do it on a Sunday? Yeah, but it did you. So I watched a documentary called the game changes. We've got Instagram Live going. I'm curious if other people have seen this documentary, but it's been become the most downloaded documentary ever on iTunes. So it's not a Netflix. It's not on the phone. So you gotta pay iTunes, you gotta pay for it, how much? I think was like 495. I've heard a bunch of people talking about it. I think Can you confirm James Cameron had something to do with it? And he's an executive producer. And he's a big, big same director. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah. Lewis Hamilton. Yeah. Lewis Hamilton. These are people funding it right. Yeah. Yeah. They put their money in it also. Yeah. So they funding it. The rich people funding it because they have a job. Yeah. And they want to get it. What are they out of it? I think if you have money, you have power. You have you have resources to spread a message. And so I guess he's raising my point is that the way that you communicate, it's like, jeez, look at all the money. No idea.
Got a good investment in it's not saying that they're trying to brainwash people. It's like, if you believe in a cause and you have a resource to spread that cause why'd you drop 10 million bucks or $1 million, or $500,000? I think it's a noble thing to do if that's the idea behind you would love the documentary because there's a lot of fighting in it is like
the bloke who writes it is an MMA fighter. Mmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, but I guess what I said to you today was
what is just what's amazing is what's amazing is you can watch a documentary and be so convinced about becoming vegetarian. But then out there, there's a documentary that makes you want to make a dough or something. Yeah, yeah, that you can have a carnivores diet or, you know, something along those lines, which is quite convincing, too. So it's amazing how a documentary is simply spinning a narrative. Yeah, that draws you in and it's an unbelievable one by the sounds of I guess, I'm
One of the things is is anyone writing and looking forward to watching it. Tiff says Hi boys. In Yo yo yo NBK join Josh. Now you're gonna love this chat JM ella and Emma's gonna go read bedtime storeys to the kids I got by Emma. My favourite bedtime storey is the little model. And it was none of his business. It's all about a little model who gets it shot on yet on his head. And he's got to go to all the different animals and see how they shoot their work and who it is. It was the dog anyway.
The note so I feel like my general programming or my general default is
you need more red meat like you're a bit tired, I must be low and I need meat. And if you want to lose weight or if you want to be healthy, it's like you have a meat and salad Have you protein have salad
which I mean I've never brought it
into the brought into the if you're a bit tired, it's amazed I got 4242 sorry yeah, I'm sorry Amy. Amy does me said that in the past I don't think I ever used that phrase and I don't really a great deal of red meat. I just have I don't have a barbecue I don't like call here on non stick pans is a bit shit. So I just thought not to do it. But I eat chicken, fish, that kind of stuff. Anyway, what are you talking?
Just a bit of a monologue about barbecue.
So I said the I'm trying to unpack these things that you've said that we've been that have been ingrained in us the losing weight thing it's like look at the macro nutrient breakdown. So you've got protein, fats, carbohydrates, the protein, the way it's broken down and the calorie content within that macro nutrient is the lowest of the scale of fat, protein, carbohydrate.
Right What we're talking about is things like legumes and beans and lentils lentils crackers literally at the budget right now and wants to know if he if we want a mate
I would love it What did you so 97 I told you I said yesterday congratulate actually just on on yesterday. Congratulations on being a blue bubble man you ventured into the apple world you're now interested in yes it and so before we get into all the vegetarian yet
what's what's your first impression of the iPhone? It works. Let's go you got the lightest you hope it works yeah well I mean committed to Android Android is just horrendous, like apps just crashed all the time. Music stops playing. I mean, I'm not an Android fanboy whatsoever, but there was one time when Mr. 97 uploaded the wrong audio yet loaded an old episodes audio in the latest episode which I think Kathleen picked up and Kathleen now homie she
messaged us and said Hey boys, I just listened and I skip forward trying to work it out the fact that
somehow was able to use these android phone plugged in a fucking USB I'm pretty sure you
put an SD card is ridiculous and he managed to upload the like, get rid of upload. You couldn't do that now. And so anyway, I asked, I texted nice Evan said, Have you got a new iPhone? And then it was like, all of a sudden Yeah, he was. Well, I went blue but yes, yes, it was I message which was very exciting. The one thing I'm curious about don't know if you realised yesterday, I shared my location with you know, I didn't get it. Why? Tell me why to this guy turns on your find friends or whatever it's called. Now I have to open the app to get it. Well, I didn't know what you have to do. But I get a notification if you're on your location. Look at your messages, you would say say that it says Josh Janssen just shared his location with you. And I noticed that
What normally I expect is a ship. Yeah, it's a reciprocal. It's like I've it's like a follow for follow type of thing in I've shown literally, exactly. And so I, but given the employee sort of relationship, I was like, ah, I sort of understand that because sometimes you spin some bullshit.
But you still in a still a buddy, and so you can bullshit anymore about the fast running like FaceTime. Do you from the tramp? He did, which he doesn't understand how FaceTime works. What do you do know he was doing FaceTime video on the train on the train.
He's like, Hey, man, how you going? And he was like yelling.
And he just got the iPhone. Anyway, he's happy. So happy. So I assumed that the find friends thing was happening based on you saying I know that's where the boundaries are. But you're saying you just didn't get my night.
when I was 13, it's just called find my rather than funny if we're talking Apple, I did a mass update of all my apps and my software, to iOS 13 whatever it is. My god, I felt like I had a new phone. That's what's great. That's why because I said to you before, I'm like, I don't think I need a new phone. Oh, yeah. Part of it is iOS 13. And all like little things like the volume like when you hit
vibrate, and then also in the car Car Play.
started sharing location with you. That's good. Yeah, I see. You know, the problem was, you know, I hadn't opened the find my app yet. And so it hadn't set up. So I had a notification waiting to find my, yeah, I'm gonna do the same thing with Tommy. Tommy is to send me one there. Well, actually, can I send? You can send me one. How do I make or you can make the first move with a little bit of prompting? Yeah, I'll respond. It's, I think it's, it's worth doing. It makes life a lot easier. And so what's the biggest shift for you now?
You're saying what's changed with you now that you've got an iPhone? Do you think if phone calls? Yeah, I can take them? Why? What? It's all in the airports. Because Android my phone didn't work with airports it kept like, I mean, that was so bad. I was like, I'd have to tell 97 which is a real sort of cow move being like, Matt, you're gonna have to take it off hands, right? Because it was like, so bad. Yeah, you were saying it sounded like it was underwater. And so now you can take calls while strapping Yeah, welcome to the bus stop. Yeah, I got a bit excited. I think it was like Saturday night or what about I felt like sorting out all my keys at home because we got about 20 Mikey cards cross the fam 20 miles he's not even joking. It's so annoying. Don't want to send your phone. No, I sent one to Andre a photo of me Was it a wide shot now wasn't what I always these gold content on our Instagram.
Well, anyway, so needed the wide lens to get the show,
though so I got a bit excited.
And I hopped on the phone I was calling Mikey phone support on Saturday night
baby oh my god I'm standing they call Mikey phones
and so how many my keys were expired none of them are spotted a spider a lot of them are in negative balance. Okay so so just cut them up
so so you are cash so you actually paid the D Nana now you leave them in negative balance but what what we have five that we actually need for the family and so I got all the white cards I had money on or whatever and I transferred them all onto like like five different cards so they all have my own and then I enabled auto top up and so what happens with all those miners can't cut them up. Just leave them leave them were
in a box at home I kept them up. Yeah but no but the reason I made them is because it family comes over from New Zealand given the net minus not I will put money on the middle
Then they can use public transport here
This doesn't make sense he's saying he's saying when he next Tommy tops him up with mom's credit cut off the minus balance to get it back to the but why don't you just write them off? And
how much to actually you know it doesn't cost money you can get them for free but no it's really pretty sure look it out I'm pretty sure that
you but then yes something like that and so I'm rocking the kids one so
you don't know the difference so when I get pulled over by ticket inspector or whatever pulled over when I get picked up by the driving the train
Do you remember as a kid watched how tram driver drove the tram? And then one moment got in and drive the tram? Yeah, that's cool. But just quickly so if you've got minus $6 on a Mikey Yeah. And a brand new Mikey costs $5 still buy the new one. Yeah. So what why?
The old one cuz otherwise you'd have saving the environment. Okay surely vegetarian?
Um Yeah, let's get out of the way it's so funny though how things shifts I may being a vegetarian not even joking you I mean, well, I need to I need to share some news about our
episode 506 bucks by the way Yeah, it's fast and Shannon I did get an iPhone 11 yeah
that's good. That's good
news about Episode 500 I had the call today. There will be a table full of Nando's will include Perry Perry chips maybe, but there'll be obviously chicken
and so Nando's partnering with us for the episode 500 and summarising it's a safety net.
Thanks. Thanks Kathy now, but
I do like that Hello me. Hi and I am I'm not vegan. I'm just a vegetable
And welcome said to me how many people are coming? Give me that I'll put together a menu and I'll get back to you. And this is amazing. And she also said, Do you want some prizes? What should I say? I haven't written back Yeah.
prizes for our product. gronk I love that you say price Peace Prize gronk works prize gronk
and so what was that? Just saying? But, uh, yeah, since a vegetarian thing. I feel like, I'm like, if I can do this, maybe I can get a cape cap. And maybe I'll do that. Like, it's all of a sudden, the easy bit right now. And the I think the only problem I will flag is when when you have something like this podcast or a platform to speak to people. Yeah, it's not a real fucking joke anymore. about saying, like, you know, I Josh and now a vegetarian like, if you're just like blowing out on some fucking smoke burrito. five days a week last week? No, I think I think it's
I think it's a great thing for you to 100% there's nothing like if we can all reduce that mating tank. Yeah. Fucking kudos to you, even if you don't become a vegetarian, if you're a weekday vegetarian.
Arnold was doing one day a week. You know, I reckon we could do fat Friday's this week.
So Kroger apparently there's new plant based burger hungry jacks. They're doing it in Australia. plant based what but not sure. I don't think it's in Australia impossible. f4 and PK who's vegan? He had the impossible Whopper which when we're in the states 100% We definitely will do a whole thing a review on the burger. So maybe we do in and out verse the impossible Whopper. But I think it's like, it's not that hard. No, I don't think so. Like I mean what I meant eight eggs today. A little bit of tuna. Eggs are okay if you're going vegetarian, amen. So I'm me sister lives with us. And she's a viejo and she cooks some amazing dishes.
When we haven't cooked like tonight, we haven't got any food. Martin. I got a message from me saying she actually screenshot her message from a sister that said, I've called mobile
grade level she's an Android head. Do you feel like vegetarians tend to be Android? You
that into Google? And correlation between did you say?
It's not an original thought?
And and so what what? system? The system is what I think what you're pointing out? Yeah, I would, I would agree, putting money on it. And so like, maybe, because I think that's the key with any of these sorts of things. I understand. that's frustrating to people because it's like, you watch one single documentary and I change up all these different things. I think it's Yeah, yeah. And so there's a bunch of things that I haven't when I watched supersize me the doc Oh, I went and had a Big Mac. Literally, I remember 2000
Five or 2006 going to Knox went to cinema Europa. You remember cinema Europa still around? It's like village cinemas, independent cinema is still around. And but I never been there. It was amazing. It was like different seats and all that sort of thing. And yeah, watch that film had a guy. And so it shows that are not necessarily every every doc I watched doesn't move the needle. We know what we know what to do, we don't do what we know. And so what makes it stick what makes a piece of information cut through. It's like a help self help person might resonate at some way down the track but not right now. And so you go through ebbs and flows. It's a position it's a place you've got to and so that's why I think it's frustrating for people who are vegetarians or vegans that sort of bash it down people's throats. But I don't think that's the majority. I think that's a minority that a more noisy, what do you What's one thing that you're trying to do with them if you were to design your
lifestyle. I've been doing it up before 5am
out of bed before before six, and I've been doing it and that's good. So it's either straight or you know, I just do it. I either get up and go downstairs and meditate. All right. This morning I didn't, I was tired as fuck and I got out of bed and had a shower, shower before six. And so then I can start and go down and prep the food for body. But that's one thing. I like that. Let me show you my towel. The mornings were getting me in the creative things early because I was trying to catch up. It's basically if you have a kid and the kid wakes up in the morning, Scott, what did you not organised? It's also how do you feel about an accountability? Buddy? What about like if I text you? Like we both text each other before six saying yeah, you want to get up before six. I've just become your fucking alarm because I'll be the one in texting you. Yeah, would you text me? Definitely not. If this
In that we will organise some kinda know we can sit up and if then if this man but I feel better if I know that you guys are getting up to it would you get it? Oh yeah I'll be f6 yeah no I think that's a great thing to do out of beta these before six yeah you have you have to be up and because that's where I will have to say goodbye to Bry bringing coffee in at 720 other you into bed I think you're cutting down coffee
for sure you mentioned that last night yeah eventually and the wine so why not?
Can we just Can we just double back? We're talking about being a vegetarian you probably had a lot of things here let me just do my before see but if you want to do the vegetarian thing you can't serve it up and say I'm vegetarian now and not fucking do the vegetarian I'm doing the vegetarian thing literally. Let's just stick to that let's just do literally not had made because you haven't eaten and the first thing you I was may give you a banana cuz I
Thought you were about to pass out. And if you have the cashews as well, yeah. Which Yeah, you brought from home. We've donated our food to the baby in the room. But you know, you weren't privy to the conversations with 97 of what I nearly got. I'm glad I wasn't. You were going to get something that was made related that wasn't made related. Well, you can get she mean Chang veggies die
off. Pizza.
Margarita pizza, right, his head Friday night delivery. And I thought, if I haven't eaten all day, if I eat a margarita pizza, is that sort of like it's probably let's just draw, draw a circle around that level of thinking. And the circle. Yeah, pizza circle. If we're trying to slice it. Yeah. And then draw a circle around the education when it comes to those things that you said have been ingrained in that switch our main three rage or the promo protein
All these things what it comes down to is the education because if your diet consists like if you just say I have made him my diet, but it has to you have to understand what kind of made him with it within someone's diet because it could be someone's diet who is hi salami just processed shitty made Yeah. Constantly which isn't the same that's not the same as somebody who eats grass fed beef. Not ethically we're not talking ethically that's off the table also if you do any mobile health
if you're in Italy, all of a sudden you can do these things and that's why it doesn't feel so good. So what I'm saying is the the the education around the type of stuff that you having, isn't there if you just having cured meats, like high process like the level of fucking Kant's the potential for cancer from a life spent eating processed meats and hungry jacks.
All that shit, versus somebody who has some free range made every now and then which the thing is there's probably more people doing this one of the Salamis a process 100% because that's what I grew up, you get the fucking stress with a little face on it. Like, who needs that in their life? Yeah, so what I mean, the other thing is you have to realise that it's not as have to realise anything. No, but like, you look at the documentary, it's not as much the absence of mate. It's the amount of vegetables I have as a replacement for the mate. So you can't just go eat your pizza, and then expect the same things. You need to replace that with like seven servings of veggies a day. You know, right? Yeah, the conscious. It's not all of the stuff that they were talking about. It wasn't real. Like it all came from all the benefits of having the veggies and reducing the inflammation. I just don't worry about the blood. Oh, yeah, that was Yeah, but that's veggies right. That wasn't as much mate knows all the veggies
between the same guy that says
I don't drink my calories it's like the the amount of Pater is not the amount of veggies you can have in a smoothie in the morning.
If that's not a habit that he like our my smoothies, vegetarian or vegan, so we got almond milk instead of cow's milk. It's like and spit hot, you know, like a shitload of spinach leaves, freshly washed, not frozen. could kill you can get away. So it is interesting. What are some of the what are some of the other lifestyle stuff that you're thinking like real specific, granular level? Ah, yeah, I mean, with just sort of the pressures of
life recently I was thinking about not I can't drink. Okay, well, I can't go back until until into a time frame that around. What would happen Do you think if you being stressed and we were trying to fucking work out complex shit last week, which feels like we've actually been
unlocked. Yeah, which is great. But what do you think if you were drinking and in that stage, what would happen? I think it's the, it's the, the, like drinking, to prove to not feel the way you do. When you're in a complex problem solving stage. You know, feel great, you feel a bit stressed, you feel a bit shady, you know, like, and if I can't control it
sober if I can't control it with exercise and meditation, it is twice as hard to do when you've solved the problem just as
you've solved the problem by drinking which is only a quick fix to the problems on a solution to do you think that if all these things are temporary, if sort of like even like a state of mind, you can sleep it off and feel better. Is there is there any truth in the idea that have a drink more
I'm down. Yeah, I mean, they could be I think it is. I was thinking that to have like one glass of wine like science on a weekend and there it is a time where I've dedicated time to relax. But then I think about the dependence on that thing to one one, me, that's what I don't like that and that's what I have done in the past is, I'm fucking a bit antsy in the weekend because you're in the routine of Monday to Friday, and you sort of wound up and then it's like, I'll now unwind, because I was wound up on one with this drink, which will do it instantly. If I had a drink right now. Tracking just like you feel it you tingle a bit. It's great. And so what I'm saying I've identified I don't think I can drink yet until we've solved some complex things, which is you know, because you know, like we're reading articles about Mike. Mr. 97th generation they're not having as like the not having sex as much. You know, drinking is not a drink is a correlation between the drinking this
XV but then you combine all the other things and they're more anxious Could they be like more anxious because they're not drinking and having sex? Potentially I don't Yeah, I don't know. Shannon Tommy Shannon says the no drinking this year has been impressive Tommy and I bet you can understand now how people end up going sober forever
long periods of time as a lifestyle choice and the beaten Ben said yet to stop drinking is difficult. Fuck yeah, it's because it's so good.
It is amazing. It is amazing because there's almost a
there's a loving the restriction. Don't you think? Like my word for this year remember we did word study what was
what was conscious consumption?
Actually, the
vegetarian didn't find anything my Muslim I mean fact I just remembered your remember it was around
like that. Like
Doing systems insistence is consistency which the podcast was one but then meditation on that midnight drinking then I pull it to exercise for you guys so I haven't missed it yet five you found some things but what have you What's the
I was looking at how to make my spotless cloudy
some guys written a book I almost bought enable the only book I've ever bought what why is that is that got something to do with the phone?
I'm trying to work it out man. I got my pH levels good. I've got my alkaline levels. rigid age and my my phosphate it's it's it's it's come back. Still cloudy. Still need to work out a few little things. I'll get there but no coming in the spa. There's no six in the spot. No six, but coming.
I love the
ladies and gentlemen. I did not
You didn't want him the spot didn't know I
can't veteran buddy.
No, I bet so could you could say Jacko willing. He's is like discipline is freedom. And I do see how sticking it's happening
is powerful. Like what? And I said this this is it was quite rude to my wife, but we're just having a conversation. She didn't really take it that badly. In hindsight, I think it was a bit rude but she did bring it up later and they mentioned it on the podcast, which is why I said to her, Well, what do you what have you stuck at what, which is such a prick thing to say, but we were we were walking and I was like, she's a guy used to do this. And my point so it sounds back in May. I'm sorry, me. Next year's resolution.
I said what have you stopped What have you been sticking it and it's real fucking natural thing is I did she say? She said she said later on she out of the blue.
Which is why now kind of my router bit is because she said I wonder I stuck at this what would she say something I think it was Churchill
but I was there is a power in sticking it something there is a power because if you can think about your life and what has what stuck out is a habit so you do it regardless. And so what is that? What have you stuck what
you're trying is that word redemption? Are you trying all of these things because you have some form of guilt about your past self around alcohol. What was that so good. I accidentally kicked the desk. That's fine. I mean, the the behaviour I've had on alcohol is not something I'm proud of. And so and but that wasn't every time I drank, but they were and I hundred percent was disregarding the income guarantee. My behaviour was with the person I wanted to be while I was on echo. It's you're not living a life where you
embodying your values, right? The window you can be, but do you think that there is a bit of like, I'm not going to do that? Like, is there negative self talk? No, not at all. Not at all. It's like fact, I had a bit of fun that I had
nothing shocking fun, but why do I do it now? I don't know. That's why it's like, why does anyone sticking anything? I don't know. How you like it has to be a certain time in your life. Like if you can do this video thing. Why now for you? Why now? Why think that you? Why Why did you learn? You learn a bunch of things? What is that? We don't it's like this. Like I said, we know what to do. We don't do what we know. So if you vote like you are the smart guy, he know a lot of shit. Thank you. What do you do with that? Yeah, hundred percent i there was something interesting. I was listening to a podcast. Rainn Wilson has a podcast called metaphysical milkshake. I think it's called Yeah, medicine.
Physical. It's great. He had a YouTube series and he's turned it into a podcast. But it's on lumen luminary which annoyingly you the paywall you have to there's a paywall be can listen to the first three episodes you're hooked and there was a one on loneliness that had a guy Varun sunny and he's the Dean of religion, religious life at the University of Southern California. Anyway, the University of Southern California 50,000 students, a lot of fucking students right? And so this guy is like the he's almost like a pastor or like no pastor What's it called? Remember in school you had some the they did a bunch of funding for religious school now. They just care now public schools had like it's like a psychologist. But it's a pastor in the church now but yet had like a Christian sort of undertone. What is that cold. Remember it primary
school now in high school go see the pastor yeah but I mean what we were at a Christian school and then the chaplain chaplain chaplain Yeah, we didn't have to be it has to be maybe it's a chaplain Shannon, there's one that a public schools like there was a we had a Reverend Reverend, I'm on what a champ You know, I think a chaplain is someone you go and talk to you about. Yeah. Anyway. So this guy does that basically for the University of Southern California 50,000 students. Out of that he was saying 10% of the 50,000 have had suicidal thoughts. 5% have written a plan. So out of 50,000 people 2500 people around that University have plan to kill themselves, like a huge issues in regards to like anxiety, depression, all that sort of stuff. And I wonder
is these things like alcohol? and all this sort of stuff that we're sort of stopping? Is that making us more work? Or is it actually
putting extra stresses potentially. But then you're saying these are the stressors. So what I'm saying there, and so we've used the escape, but I just think that what because then what you're saying is, people have been able to use these moderately to escape these pressures, which you've got them for life. But I think the numbers would be there about the damage. It's creating the escapism from reality from a reality that they aren't wanting to face. Well, it's interesting because like, remember, when we were doing we were doing pre prod on an idea for the for like a documentary on alcohol. And one of the shifts in my mind was that bell curve, which was like, you have two extremes you have people who don't drink at all and people who drink it excess
And that's where the anxiety, like the most anxious people in our community live, whereas the people who can drink moderately they have, you know, a glass of wine on a Friday night, a less anxious, but so where I mean, where's the majority of people? Where can they just naturally fit? Because that's where it's like, if you drinking 10 over 10 Centre drinks awake was too many drinks, according to you know, I think is like maybe 12 then drinks across a week, which is not that many drinks when people smash out. It's quite easy not over six pack every second night very easy but the six pack of what, whatever the people do
it's like six pack and coronas whatever. Six Pack a Boondocks and then you smash it. It's like it but it's hard. It's Yeah. So then it's take one trip down to a pub and speak to some local people that are down there all the time. They're not live
a happy life. That's not that isn't. That is that's it's a complete sort of numbing of something. And so then I was watching a Lisa Ling you know last time I met Lisa Ling it was the porn she did the porn Dhaka yet she's done another documentary. She's doing this. This is life series on CNN. Not the last one but the one before that was all about specific prescription medication around like
helping with anxiety and all the issues that have basically come out of like dependency and I think it's going to be the new fracking, anti anxiety medications like when people just drink have drink like go and drink alcohol and take Xanax and I've done it
is unbelievable. Like not a worry. Like if we had a right now with our feelings about what's going on in our world. You just don't feel in a thing to that you are 3pm
I'm just pointing at how if you feel bad, it makes you feel unbelievably good. Well, the thing is that these things like only work for a very short period of time. And so it's like another what they say, you know, don't use more than fucking 14 day, 14 days or whatever in a row. And then some people who were prescribed it for like six months, and then then their brain completely adapts to it. And so they try and get off and they end up killing himself. Yeah, and I was so being sober.
I feel that I identify the struggles of life that I did back then when I was drinking. So I still had the same struggles in different ways, the same feelings, the same experience. But if I can't cope with them now, was I coping with them then so you got to look at when you are drinking? Are you actually coping with them? are you dealing with issues because I will still be there with the drink or without the drink it also, I guess?
Could you have an new relationship with with alcohol? Yeah definitely. Yeah like rather than it being that fucking getting pissed in that way it's retraining right yeah it's rewiring you know in the 40s and about getting pissed every time we go yeah which is what I had a smell the beer in the 40 years like sort of how many goes spilled on our backs
really blew up Shannon wants to know if we're talking about drinking calories me the chat earlier yeah I thinking about the calories I drink want to drink alcohol do the calories from wine bother you at all Josh?
Oh yeah, because we spoke we spoke about the 630 calories or whatever it was in a bottle
not not definitely not walking around the house.
Well, the thing is missing. I mean getting that's a good point.
Hey, same flavour as he can you know about that tonight? No, it's a good question. I do think
A little bit. But isn't it fact out that you have one glass and like,
have it doesn't matter as much? Yeah, so but now I think it's, but the other thing too is it's the replacement of dessert.
I'll have wine instead of dessert, which gets you pissed a bit quicker. Because you, Mike, especially if babies had a banana and some. If I'm like, you know what, I'm going to use my account. You shouldn't use your calories on alcohol on alcohol.
Because that means you haven't eaten all day.
You get drunk really quick. Yeah, you could have half a glass newbie. fall into bed.
I'm not like that. The faith is
our friend Hannah takes a break and she was like,
I'm thinking of stopping to drinking alcohol. It's like but I've heard that you guys are just leaning into it now.
On the podcast, if you made around you all get pissed every Saturday night. It's how
Yeah. Oh, but if you don't have made, yeah.
How do you feel? 97?
Yeah, no chance. Oh, and I'm not drinking. Okay.
Anyway, Mr. 97, we need our fact we do a fact of the day on La as we lead up to our la trip, which we will be there from the first of November doing 21 shows something is a fact for
your second factor this episode. Three letter airport codes became a standard in the mid 1930s airports that had a two letter identifier simply added an extra day code which is why Los Angeles International Airport is LIX Yeah, I can get free lucky could have been exchanged or something. You do. And these are all and it makes it I didn't actually grab any other ones. But yeah, oh, the other two letter ones have X on the end as well. Fuck I'd never thought about that. JFK, ever. So that's three three. JOHN F. Kennedy.
Example of Noah, so if they already had three letters then it's fine. Yes, it has to be too late. I
went to three Like what? What about out of the other ones with it so far? No, not San Francisco. Yeah, I mean, Phoenix, but that's already got an X on the end. So I wonder, can you just give us one more? One more? night? No, one more Gloria LaGuardia. You're what? You just say that. Maybe that would be Yeah, look want to have a
look. I wonder anyone in the Instagram stream?
Kentucky, apparently who might have NXTDBXUBXMB room? Yeah, Osaka Airport has an XB. Your memory IX could be wrong. ZY. probably wrong. It's still figuring it out. Anyway, you've got to go fix our websites I need to quickly prompt delivery. DXPDX Portland International Airport was good one. I like that.
Some news about having tattered done while the show is happening on episode 579. In Abbotsford, Hayden DV is going to be donating his skin.
But it won't be happening while the show is going
miser because I spoke to fix or whose brother owns or manages a tattoo parlour here in Melbourne.
And he said that hygiene requirements you cannot do a tattoo during or outside of a studio. Unless it's like there's a different requirement for the expos and stuff. We do a live stream. He's my thought he's my planning turned up a camera and now he's my planning.
The Doors open at 630 to the event 730 sharp is when the live show starts. We'll be doing the live show for around about an hour maybe a little bit more depending depends how loose we get
if we could have a screen so when
people arrive I look up and there's an Instagram Live happening. And it's being broadcast or however it is. It's being sent. And so people can watch hazing getting a live tattoo. As they're also mingling and waiting right? Yeah. And then what happens is the show starts the 10 I won't take that long hide and we'll start at 636 45 it'll be really into 07 he will be done. You'll get in an Uber and come straight to the one you
could be de de. De De De De De I like to say dd dd could be DD or Uber Uber or Uber black and we'll send him to the venue it'll be one three cab
at 745 750. Adam to stage to present to the gronk squad the hundred people that will be at the last race in the Maxi cab.
I might I got one to my wedding I got a maxi kept my wedding with the boys It was great. And so that you trying to be big
Just like now we're just drinking beers. It was like 1230 in the 1230 and waiting to go to the wedding. And we're the Grand Hyatt and I just looked down I was like, Fuck, let's get the Maxi cap. And we were actually planning to the I was getting older and older XSI never black neighbourhoods like there was no pull that anyway, how about that? So he walks out. And he's got the tattoo.
He shows it what sort of audience Do we have was I screaming like Savage gronk
nice in these headphones for four shots up the back with Gemma weapons.
So that's more news. Tomorrow that we gotta go because I go to daily talk show updates all week about what's happening with Episode Five. And in any final anything in the comments. High Fidelity talk show.com is the email address. Also tickets went there was no more but we do
Another release, which we mentioned yesterday show, but it's still there about the guy yesterday saying so anyway, get on to that. If you enjoyed the show, leave us a review on Apple podcast. It's been ages since you gronk have left us a review and it's upsetting. Yeah, so fix that Apple podcast. Otherwise we'll see you tomorrow, guys. See you guys