#408 – Mr. Mess/
- July 29, 2019
Happy Monday! We talk about the big peanut butter sale, Bodhi’s weekend bike riding, 3D-Dyl’s weekend away, and Josh’s new initiative, Organised August.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
– Woolies’ Peanut Butter sale
– Bodhi’s big weekend
– Bedroom TVs
– 3D-Dyl’s weekend away
– Organised August
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's a daily Talk Show Episode 400. Nice. What's going on guys? Happy Monday, peanut butter weekend. I'm
feeling sick because I just if you're listening to this on today's day, which is Monday the 29th of July yet 20 Pm go to our Instagram because I put up an entire storey three day deal. And there's a couple of things I actually forgot something from last Monday's show that I wanted to bring up was the blind play Monday. Well, it was it potentially had. It had the potential for not to be a vine but now it is a three day deal. You bought some peanut butter. There's been a lot of peanut butter talk around Australia because we were doing a special which they do every couple of months or every couple of weeks. Yeah. And it really in Australia. I don't know. I don't know if it's it's a BEC these Dude, you fucking idiot. It's a big thing. Molly up in Queensland.
All over it. So we've got some gronk squads into the gronk squat. I just think if you eat peanut butter there's a brand that's epic, but it's expensive and it goes half price. And Mr. 97 bought six kilogrammes I mean why are you even pushing back on this you're the guy that bought half of this stock Yeah. Where the store is done after I finished like actually took all the things off the show anything I've done that with no but I went through self checkout to make sure they didn't say anything really yourself country 100% just check it out.
People looking at you like now get walkers I was distracted because I had my episodes and I was listening to music so that was sort of like pushing everyone else who was potentially looking at me Yeah, my head Alright, so through the deal ended up buying a jar and then using what do you use us Tim Tams. And I mean, you didn't use us 10 times you bought Tim Tams. And you used it to scoop out peanut butter is like healthy peanut butter to like, I guess I'll healthy peanut butter just meaning no added ingredients. No sugar.
It should yeah no it's fine health writing what's got no added sugar? It's got no added it's just peanuts and a bit of salt because there was different versions. Yeah. Anyway This one's just like a doc doc rose that's where I bought I bought three because I couldn't allow you guys to suffer. I bought three you then bought three mice and bought six Which one did you buy? I got the dark roast plus the other crunchy. You're an absolute
That's lovely. Molly's favourite one half in the Gaga. Anyway, 3d do you had a family size pack of the Tim Tams? Yeah, and a whole jar of that peanut butter by scooping that this kid is an absolute freak. Yeah, you are an absolute freak.
Last weekend, I came in because I was just like I needed to do bit of a tidy in the office. I wanted to buy a like a dish rack so we could put our dishes up. I just got to the point I just needed to do it and voting I wanted to come in in the toilet so I didn't do the toilet
Lift up quite a few lifted a few but you are the self proclaimed handyman for climate you know it yeah so self proclaimed if you say we all know that you're the handyman yeah I mean think
some square Hi I'm actually gonna throw this over to deal because still quite fucking handy too he's got his finger back he's thumbs grown back yeah I bought a whole bunch of like these Oreo things these Oreo coated in capturing the point the threaded they should have done it it will get there and I and I thought okay I'm gonna do a bit of a test see if I can just leave them on the bench over these chocolate I saw them their own special there were these chocolate Oreos like deep in Cadbury chocolate sick and I had a bunch of soft back and good and I left a bunch over there on the bench and thought I'm just gonna leave this here, see if we'll get anywhere and I forgot because they had been taken and who took them
Thread day tell me how many did you have there was there was two there night two they were there. I mean, I position them just on the desk. I didn't put them up in the cupboard I put position them on the desk like is that an invitation to eat them?
I think that he coming into his rescue asking you three to do now I'm coming to his defence because there's a lot of things going on between 97 eating avocado which and I gave it to him and then you kept talking about it for days.
He said man have you have the avocado if you want and then like two days later you like what are you going to give out only in the day and he said I got the nuts I said no problem. Good tried. No, it wasn't my choice. That's all it was on the same day, dude. I think you're blending days now it was it was across i think is like a daylight or something. But yeah, no, no, dude, I think he getting mixed up. No.
Dude, dude. A lighter that I called in a favour. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. I gave him the avocado and then that was it. I didn't
String the batter across multiple days. Yeah Now you did not Didn't he did do because when I started fucking talking about it the point the point is deals at gronk for at my fucking Oreos. He's gonna be he's gonna be fixing the toilet for us boys. And you're an absolute but to be fair you you left but didn't have a label on it. Nope. Didn't say this is for deal. No. So it was a ready so was it a gronk move? No but it's also a communal office and I figured job Josh doesn't need them Mason won't.
This was a halfway house. I didn't know
thank you deal for taking
because I can't control my eyes.
But just very quickly on the avocado thing I just want to and you're saying that you just said it. You made it sound like always streaming this like what do you got for me across two days. I gave it to him and then that was it and then a day later I was a bit hungry.
I was like, in how gave you that avocado. I was just looking around. I'll ask you for food anyway, if I hadn't given you and this kid, these kids around here, they just it's like they've done sport, but that morning and they just need to be fed, like boys, but I want to go through puberty. It's like they're going through puberty. But the thing is, I feel like the way that it played out
was that you were, he was offering different things. And you're like, not not need to be more. I feel like there was something before the nuts that you had said no, based on the I was the first thing he said. And I was like, that's a fucking good deal. Not avocado nuts in the same sort of fatty range.
And then he had a carry that you were getting into my guy who hasn't cooked in these lives. It was
calling at us for having a little bottle
anyway at the supermarket last night. So at Woolworth's, they're doing the little
Toys these so they come out with these fucking promo things. So many do you want them? Yeah,
maybe but he wants so I haven't taken the other ones these other little dumb gronk e toys that would sit in your front thing but these are Lion King ones. Yeah. And Bodie loves them and they like they like little is he saying The Lion King hasn't seen The Lion King. He's seen trailers and stuff, but he loves the little toys. Anyway, they're like hot property last night at the supermarket like 15 of them. Yes, a
guy with a fanny pack. Like one of the dude on the self checkout, just like cruising around. He was like the dealer. He looked like a dealer because you have them all in these bum bag over the front. You want to watch them? Yeah, I need to tell everyone fucking give them out to people who's doing big shops did what annoys the heck out of me about this. There's this the whole push of plastics. We can't have like having which I agree with whatever. Like it's good. Like we need to be doing good stuff in the environment. But it feels like they try
transition from like, whatever money that was spending on the plastic bags, they're now putting into making plastic theory that they're treating their drink. I know I'm he was talking to her sister about this yesterday, I didn't really want to get involved in the conversation, but I have heard it, look it up your toys recyclable. So it was like, you bring them back and they're going to use they can recycle that specific thing for something else. But here's the problem. It's like 711 the gronk virtual thing that they do a you know, give back and we're going to recycle these caps. You're going to go into store you're going to put it into this small tiny little been like I
711 when I made that videos of outing them yeah, we're we're saying Yeah, and you should be recycling caps like they even fucking they went on the virtue of the back foot and we're like, Yeah, but you should be recycling Captain on me. I know they were like commenting back to my
What I had posted like and now we're trying to get a bit sort of smart about like Yeah, but you should be focusing on recycling. And I went to their store and I videoed I was like he's Why don't fucking recycle them and I like panned up on the cup recycle and they coming out other people have brought in different cups from other shops and whack them in. You can get about 100 cups it doesn't really work doesn't it? Yeah, it's like and so these companies like they have to be seen to be noting that they will do and put in effort to recycle Is there anything there? Yeah, so they they take them back in their recycled into outdoor products like fences and stuff. But who's taking the back he's the problem Willie's you have to take him back to why Yeah, but my kid, June the three and I put into the be like that I'm saying this what happens? You end up throwing the shit out or a guy will be at a garage sale in two years. I got confused between the coffee cup. storey and that was just checking back in.
I can play
Fasting is ready, man. It's all how's everyone's weekend? Yeah, Bodie smashed his face on the concrete I know why cuz he's going down fucking heels that are too big night baby verse baby it's gonna happen but just because you're embarrassed that you can't do what God can do well, I don't make sorted out my wheel. My bike I put that on. He wasn't even on a steep bit. He was on the flat and he fell over like this is the he fell over in the flat smashed his face bleeding or at his mouth. And I was like, Come on, let's go. Let's go home. And he's like, No, I want to stay. So he's crying just like a bit hurt. But he's like, I want to stay. I said, All right. Suck it in. Like suck the blood in and just
any guy.
And then we're like, All right, great. And he got back to it. Are you proud? Is it an active effort to create a tough kid? Do you think it's not even tough? Like I wanted to take him out because he's bleeding and he's little swollen and he wanted to stay. I think when you have a child
That has no fear. I mean it's I love it because it's it's it was who I was as a kid. And so you said I'm seeing myself like I was at that same skatepark that I taught body to over the weekend. Majority my childhood I'd spend eight hours a day there, your parents, I have no idea of sense of this. Would parents look at what God is doing and be like, This is crazy. He shouldn't buy and Josh Atkinson and Molly Josh. He's been messaging me what back Did you get it? And so I'm sending in photos and bodies by then he went bought him bought his little boy back over the weekend. So he's there. So there's, there's no way Is there anyone who is actively being like, isn't that a bit high for a little boy now? I think people are impressive. People are blown away by him dropping in Do you think that he could be? Is it like Tiger Woods territory? Are you developing him to be able to do look, I want him to be, I think kids you want them to be across. I want my children if they want to be
always encouraged like we are the, we are leading by example. And so you try I want to, if he can be if he can understand these balance,
he will be the opposite of view when he's
like I think it's this it's too hard to learn like either learn surfing and be good at it now it's much harder, you haven't saved me so much harder. So much harder as you're snowboarding. Like so if you can get if you can get the foundation like bike riding, skateboarding and rollerblading. You can get those 3d blinding I'm gonna you can do most things like you can ski you know, you can pick up things much easier. So but trying to find your centre of gravity as an adult. It's so much toll it's much higher teaching the code as well. I definitely into computers and but I see like it's he woke up this morning and we show it we gave him a movie last night in Despicable Me. Yeah, we mainly gave him a movie. We gave him the
He was allowed to watch a movie. And that's rare. And so he was in bed and he was loving it just watching it by himself. I can laughing What was he watching it on? on a laptop. And so, but he was he goes feral once you turn it off, which is bad, so you can see how the easy thing because he woke up this morning said, movie movies, I
woke up that and you could just put him in front of it from the get go and you'll be fine. He would stop screaming, but getting him outside. He just loves as much as the movie. But it just requires effort. Right? And so the easy things the movie, The hard thing is the time giving you know that I have to give which isn't hard because I love it. Yeah, but you could see how it can just become fucking annoying. So you do the easy thing. So I think getting them Outdoors is what is what I want. I had a childhood growing up and you know, I think Outdoors is awesome. The the idea of having a TV in your room. I was literally thinking about that last night. You don't need it.
You want one? Yeah, I think it'd be fun. I'd have one in my room if I had a huge house that was built for it. Like, actually, you don't need it now because then you just
actually now I'd like I love watching Netflix in bed. It'd be great. It's sick or I cannot have be able to fit in so much more Netflix.
I think that's ideal. feel odd? You know what I mean? Like, I think that you could then fall asleep. When you're ready. You don't need that you don't I used to have rove live playing and I'd put it on a time and 90 minutes. The TV would turn off in 90 min. I had that mindset. Yeah, that was that would be the 10 off time. Yes. Sick is good fun. Yeah. But the don't need this year. I mean, we talked about over the weekend. You don't need more screen time right now. You need to reconnect with your second. Yeah, went on for a walk. you saying you went for Where did you go through to do this weekend I went out to July actually to visit
a lady
That I met on the aeroplane from Vancouver to Melbourne. We were stranded in Vancouver airport together name is Georgia and I spent the weekend with her and her family her her husband Dave and then her her two daughters, Piper and Daphne, which are like
the cutest little animals in the world. I both all see the parents.
He just got pistol weekend. Yeah.
We did. We went wine tasting went down to bells beach. Is that why you called me QD in a text?
He said, fruit he said, loving it. But I wrote back with the same The funny thing is when someone sends you that on a Saturday night and then you don't get back to like, the next day, yeah, but I still want to bring the same level of intensity.
Because he said, Hey, QD just remembered I got this message from Telstra, and I think you helped me fix it last time. No rush for those Sleep tight kiss kiss.
And I said
mine just said hi. Hi me. I'll pay that now. Standby kids.
I was I was still fished in the morning to have a visa. Because you haven't been these. Yeah. I couldn't tell you how many glasses of wine, maybe six or seven beers over the like three in the evening and three the next day. What happens when you drink? What do you do? I get really sleepy. Yeah, depends on what I'm drunk on. If it's if it's vodka or tequila, then I lose my mind. But why I've never had to kill her on anything. You haven't had tequila.
That the gear? Yeah, it's uh, I am glad I don't have hangover hangovers any more than we did little kickers yesterday. Are you going to soccer on Sunday night? Yeah, change the Sunday. Shut up for you on
Sunday rather just Sunday. You want to sort of be
I'm trying to dial that in at the moment. What do you do for Saturday's and what did you for Sunday? So anyway, the fans, the parents of bodies' friends who go guys were hung over.
You just know that tells that like they told us but you just can't see it in them. Like you just everything's a slight struggle. How do you because I was wondering, I've like I've been getting into the wine. And if I have two glasses like if I fill up two of the glasses like how I would it's probably like half a bottle maybe depends on what size the glasses the big glass you can get to you can get two glasses Can you can get a whole bottle into these in some big ones is some of the big dumb glasses like I don't know they don't like novelty they damn they're just like big you're not even meant to fill them you just meant to put a little bit so you can sort of switch them around goes right up the size. So it said I mean what's the I'm curious as to like I am having wine to the point where I'm don't have hangovers.
But I'm definitely like, tipsy like I'm sort of stumbling or maybe stumbling.
If you stumble, but like you're standing but you're like whoa, yeah, you haven't that you're not. You're not that's not drunk. No, that would point oh five. I wonder that that's what I have to two glasses but you should you shouldn't you shouldn't be stumbling if you're bucking expensive. So I've been getting it from our plight like just the bottle or whatever.
And then brain I went to elementary, like a wine
at dinner and it turns dinner from being like, I don't know, like 170 like it was 150 bucks. Yeah, it's crazy. Did you buy a bottle? No, I had two glasses and Bry had one she doesn't like reading glasses like 1213 years right? Yeah, so you spinning 26 fucking Yeah, another thing plus 1326 Yeah, but
yeah, I mean, that's it's expensive. You just bought a format main meal.
boredom I mean we had dessert
two desserts but one age but we shared that was I didn't want to talk much about food today
I do have something exciting I want to talk about and what that it's not exciting ah ya know, you just feel like I've overhyped it already. I don't know what it is. You've got your bag here. If you got you got definitely overhyped.
You literally had in your hand you're hugging your bag and my son comes over like a good fucking child tending to his drunk father in Baghdad
should be working
late ha No, I I'm
I've got something in there. It's a proper
nice I was thinking about
not had a good good weekend. It was sort of getting things dialled in, in some ways, you know when you have like a rock bottom weekend. No
What is this mean? What is dialled in Maine? What is rock rock bottom
you fucking always rock bottom and now I'm dialled in. So rock bottom band, like, back. I'm like so annoyed. At what? I'm white. Okay. Okay, this is a personal audit, you've hit rock bottom personally not Yeah, the businesses crumbled, the matter
how we got in class.
So I, I, ya know, on Saturday that I was wondering Saturdays and Sundays I think that they can. And I didn't go through a point where I might you know what, like, I know what I need. And it was to get this bike trainer. I was really proud of myself. Because I was like, working it all out like 1500 dollars for the bike trainer and now I need like clipping shoes to be able to use it. Have you had all this stuff? I haven't had the clipping shoes. I never got the clipping shoe. Yeah, which I should have had. Anyway, but I've got the bike so I was like, but then I had a moment of like clarity where I'm like, you know what? I'm not gonna buy all this straightaway.
Got the gym membership? Let's start like using that a little bit. Let's do walking and running and all that. So that was said there was a rock bottom and then there was a little thing and then Brian I didn't shop yet so I got like enough meat. I cooked a big two kilo pork shoulder slow cooked Yeah, with
a Bardot. chillies about
Adobe no habanero.
About he
about his mercy, my son, Miss A Bodhi a border at IBODDNE been a cookie with chilis. Yeah, about a dozen. This is not a good idea. I think I've said it to you before. I never have a problem with this word. Adobe. Who gives a fuck?
Anyway, so I did the to the pork. A dude. Like this eggplant lasagna thing. I didn't wanna make that food. But the one thing that I was thinking is it's all
Aug. Adobe. Adobe. Thank you. What did I say about a birdie? Adobe?
Saying again? adobo adobo? Adobe adobo? Yeah. It's very good. It comes in a little can What do they got it on Google Form? What's the price?
$3 50 really effectively in adobo adobo. Anyway, so um,
what I've decided
is that we're going to call August something as a way of encapsulating what I want August to be for all of us. What is August for all of us out for the gronk squad? We are going to do our first month of something, and that's called organised August.
What How do you also start updating Asana guys?
This is just getting organised, getting organised. So then what did you think?
When I said organised August is expecting word studying with a? Yeah, no.
All in August. They're all in August and I organised But hang on it still sounds like for on the the point of this is to get organised. What else? Huh? What? I feel bit disorganised. Oh, only in a few areas. I mean, I've got everything else darlin. So how do you organise the food? So what I what I'm going to read in the next couple of days is preparation. He's
What's this network marketing business network back? This is David Allen's getting things done getting things done. This is a guy that looks like he gets shit done. This dude, David RFID. We could get him on the podcast the art of stress free product productivity national bestseller, David Allen, author of ready for anything and making it all work. personal productivity guru
fastcompany interesting. So when you get this book, I've had it for years.
And so I sort of started doing it roughly. What are you looking at $97? Now just going through some of the photos on Google Images, just Sufism, methodology and stuff. Yeah. What do you say?
There was one there's a flowchart with a bunch of
steps and yes and knows. Yeah, and this is just one thing that he's highlighted brainstorming keys. Many techniques can be used to facilitate brainstorming and out of the box thinking, the basic principles, however, can be summed up as followed. Don't judge, challenge, evaluate or criticise, go for quantity, not quality, put analysis and organisation in the background. Yeah. Now I like it. So you're going to read that? Yes. I just don't know how it fades into us. I mean, the buy in needs like
We're going to do so I think we do every. So for instance,
first step we're going to get we're going to start before August as a way of getting it sort of dialled in.
Clean your bags, everyone go through your bag and clean it today. Now if I have a bag, like a backpack, yes, when was the last time you clean your backpack? I don't have yesterday once you clean as
well, you saw my bag.
I mean, I'm an SSD in there and there's just like
where are you? Why what are you doing fine. I just I had it as an option of
yourself as you know, I had it because I'm like, I'm never one to really change that much. And so part of it what I was trying to work out, say people seem to like they exercise and then they get fully changed. But what are you talking about? You don't think when I walk with PR Okay. Yeah, but you come in
dis peekaboo tracksuits, tracksuit pants paid oh my
god what do you mean that is Fallon one hot minute all that hot piping hot they look like you bought them from he kidding me and apps an op shop the minute where there is hell I wouldn't be surprised where they feel that we're fifth hand by the time you got them full on how
they actually some of the most
Is it because they're all fashion
Do you have any of these any anyone in a bit as colour swatch Hello forget how old are they? They're like three months and I only just got them from the the seconds
after the bottom of his or is it just straight late but he fucking shops at these
serious questions they just straight leg
thing at the bottom.
I think they just
Draw British. They look like
you fucking look like a travelling doctor. That's nothing like it's just these fashion. Yeah, Craig have always cargo pants 24 seven. I'm just pointing it out. You can fucking deny the facts.
Yeah, so no clean your bag. So you're saying you hit on it already, but I have a bag. What about meal prep? I do it. Yeah. And so what are all the things that so you can take that one again? This is all stuff that we do though. You don't think we need to we want to do a month if we want to spring a month on us. I think it has to be a month that we're collectively interested in doing it because I don't think you want to get organised. That's what you're saying. I just if you guys don't do it, I'm not doing it.
But then that means we're currently organised to some degree in our own personalised but then you're going to live leave your storey about your finances everyone organised with their finances. Let me have a look at you fine. Yeah, sure.
Let's see how many
I think Yeah, you told me
minimalism Now you don't have to make it being organised. What is organised main
study. So to say that it's an organised, you're saying that I'm an organised, but what is it was the last time you use the bike app?
You can delete that things. All right, let's go through this. Like,
why do you have meta remove? Because when I wanted to, sometimes you can. There was a period of time where Instagram was fucking pushing shit to the bottom because it had the meta data from ages ago. And so you can remove metadata and push it to do it, you can delete it.
It's all good. What about the Virgin Australia entertainment app? I mean, in case in case we go flying with him, I think I got that when I went to and I flew content in stacks and share in CX No need that that's for the followers. I can't believe that KFC but I mean, you're just doing what I do on a plane. I just do this when I'm on a plane, what be organised it and I just
Too late. Should I go through delete photos that
face jog my head? Do you think an organiser?
I think what does organiser do? It's a part of the
Apple Maps event bright. Oh, yeah. So event bright when you be able to organise an event. Yeah, they've created a separate app for the back in actually running the event. You can see what I'm saying. This is minimalism. I've watched your video man. It's on YouTube got about 70,000 views. Yeah, surprising. But my point is
this coming from Josh
as you'll find out, did you clear it out on the way good? No, I haven't yet because I'm trying to do it all together. But here's the thing what I don't know if we need to do it together to get organised together. There's a phone number way cleaner than TJ is. I've only got like three strains but I don't know what like are you saying that my this is thing. My unorganised phone is doing something to my life because it's not doing anything to
My life. I don't ever think about it. And I delete them every now and then this is the thing you got to look at what you're doing and what you think it will do for usual. And so when you meditate, maybe you would you wouldn't have to meditate so much if you had all meditate every day regardless, I don't care if I got I'm not dropping a meditation, just because I've got a few less app. It's not how it works, though. Yeah, no, it's not and so what's the what what things do you guys need to do to get organised it in all seriousness, a bit of self reflection for a moment. It can be hard for this team.
Mr. Avocado, Mr. Aereo. Mr. fash.
What do you
What's the Yeah, so what's, what's one thing, self reflection.
And what do you want to get organised in August? I mean, I'm not saying I want to be a part of it but the owner. So I've done I did a bit of a memory.
candour on my house by the Jews and Spanish
doing a Japanese accent I'll go Spanish I want to get in trouble. Anyway, I did the I did that on my house but because I'm thinking about moving we're trying to get a place. I mean that mindset of going, I can't wait to I'm going to be half you know, like this shit like I'm gonna throw out so much shit so you start getting annoyed at the small nurse of our current home because you know you're going to be going to a place and I'm not even saying I want more room to put more stuff away I'm saying I just want a fucking towel cupboard that isn't
a thing of drawers in our fucking bedroom. You know like it's that it's like I just want a linen closet. How much can a man have you know if that's all I want? So anyway, so my thing is totally I've got a bunch of shit I want to throw that I want to get my it isn't that just minimise your mind making us do this you just said go around and say it
So my point is you criticise me because
I can do it in a day. And if you can do it in a day, why haven't you done it yet? Because another Should I gonna do? Okay? The whole point of the month okay tend to Bodie who ripped off his nappy and paste in his bed last night and slept in it. Oh, you're gonna come over
he's got nicer
97 What do you want to get organised with?
Probably my nighttime routine. Okay, is it currently? What? I've just been at Jason's house? I've been going to bed like 11 o'clock then I needed it. Yeah, bit naughty.
TVs. Do you have a TV in your room? Now? What time do you want to get to baby bus? 10 oZ was? What was that? I mean, you roll into work about 930 Yeah. What are you doing in the morning? I wake up like seven seven smoothie. shower. Shower shower. Yeah. What now?
I was listening to the long and the short of it and I was just going through like the back catalogue and there was one on like nighttime routines and it just Peyton realised he had a nighttime routine and then he started like talking about and he realised he had one now use how platform to
show the whole
what's your what's your nighttime routine now run through it just quickly. Well usually like
it's usually literally just brush my teeth shower them bit. But ideally I'd like to
start flossing a bit more.
But what I was watching a video on anchoring habits, this is literally something that you develop. Not all Actually no, I did watch development and then I got like, inspired and then I watched like another video of this TED talk. I feel like flossing hasn't taken off in Australia.
The dentist recommends you'd never say that about water.
It's not about taking off. It's about fracking, just flossing. How often do you floss? Not enough? Yeah. Why don't you would you do that as part of organised org. So one of the things
It could work he's actually buying those pics that have like, just one year throw them away every like week. What do you do?
What do you do see a shrink fashion that you buy? What do you mean? What do you throw it for two years? He got me child now but if you think
about fashion
fashion uses it
anyway, then get the Flossie, lazy Blair I've literally got it sitting right next to my teeth. So how about this, you cut 70 strands of it so it's a perfect length. And then you have that ready to go. So they just want one so you don't have to, you're removing the small bit of time where you pull it out and then go for it sounds like
I'm just trying to work out
the string right next to the toothbrush, but if you've unravelled the whole
time, just put it in a drawer
somewhere. What's your problem? Why you flossing then? Yeah, what is the deal? I don't know You just forget it. You just don't do it.
Got the ball to you. You want brushing your teeth I mean it's a habit but it's like I can't be bothered brushing my teeth then so then you go to flossing and flossing so I really can't be bothered doing that I probably have once every two weeks or something where especially like on a Saturday night
I won't not yeah had a coffee colour wines and red wine you should be definitely that's when you should be brushing teeth. But there is something very indulgent about you know what i'm not gonna brush my teeth it's it's old school naughty yeah it's old school. Old School naughty when braces have you brush it? brushes day
when you're in bed and you've been watching movie or something yeah, I know what you mean. I find that I could watch a movie. Get a laptop get to my fucking I will burn.
You will. So that's so I like that one dialling that in and then meditation as well. floss. It shows how together when he's first
Don't you think that yeah but it's it's like it's anchoring that to tooth brushing and then I want to get brushing your teeth now I'm brushing my teeth I'm just not flossing and why going to bed to live and what's the doing staying up what's happening between 10 on the wall on the computer now last night we were cooking food and then we watched night goes Okay, so what did you cook
Andre cooked a like pesto chicken and pasta. And then I cooked a butter chicken curry. Two, three to do what do you mean I organised to get me just picking something to organise the August i'd i'd like to get organised around like just a simple fitness routine I can do before I go back home so I don't go back. Huge. You worrying that potentially you've put on weight. Since you I know I've put on weight. I wonder what it could have been.
Better is it
Yeah every time you say food
when I was in July over the weekend, Georgia and her friend and I we went out on a 20 k run in the morning and when he came Yeah, we left at 630 that's huge. A you saying you did that? I wrote on the bike behind.
I didn't bring proper running shoes I hadn't
realised if he just left it at that point. We would have thought
because I used to do it when I was in school, but since I've been here, I haven't. So it's it's something that I'd like to get organised around just a simple, obviously not 20 k because it's a bit ridiculous. Where I can the name of the month is not organised, yet optimised, yet optimised August. It doesn't have to be No, I think that's one thing that we sort of worked out. No, I know. But you know, pushing optimised August. It does get
organised. I don't think it's bad.
Pick a word. Yeah. Anyway.
Yours. I'll do mine tonight. And then the months done. We haven't even we're not a couple of days away.
This is why write a whole list of things. There's heaps of tapes of business things too. Yeah, I'll give you three things off the top of my head right now.
Yeah, we talking about doing what you like getting washing down and have you got it fully darling. Do you?
When do you do What do you say?
When you do just get organised. When do you do you washing I don't do the work. There we go. Let's get organised.
I think I think we need to start just like the fitness journey is you do? That's what I'm doing.
The first time we've heard about this is today on the show and you don't like it? I don't know if there's much payoff. It's not like it's like. I think all that needs is a two minute
Every show we said nothing
two minutes
actual at home. I put How about a high the daily talk show icon. I like the competition stuff though. If anyone wants to join in with organised, organised but we don't know what it is so unfortunate. What is organising? It's not clear it's not like there's, there's no What else do you need? What would give you clarity, you know, some kind of end goal it needs like a joint and joint collective result something like that. So it's like Joe Rogan does cyber October with a bunch of dudes and they pick a fitness thing and they you know, so it's like you clearly see who's the winner. There's some stuff it's you know, there's something at stake. A they're also trying to be their best selves for a month. And so it makes sense. This is what I'm saying. There's not much like, My God, you do your washing
not what's happening.
Can all right I've gotten a word that goes with August yet. Accountability August. Tara law, accountability August Well, if your criticism is in that well I know 9070 got an issue with organised gang stalking our word. And so we're not doing any event. I think we go back to the drawing board and we I think actually will do it. You still do I never sit we know and none of us said that you shouldn't do it. You told me you don't think I should get it organised, basically is what he said. We gotta we gotta review by the way. Did you say that an apple podcast I got a message saying that my feed didn't pull it in.
This is where you're bringing to us they all have been so unorganised. Yeah. An organised versus dis organised, organised it's probably disorganised think is this all
Can we do it with the big might suck yet? You fact it now because I haven't seen it come out yet. When the video will have
Vegemite socks. Yeah, and they released a video while they're doing a promotional video and we shot it for them. Yeah. And it's sock puppets and so we'll find it on there.
And then you have him on the show we got the puppet
on the show. Quality shipping and content. Lovely 13 hours ago from Julia
the apple podcast with me names are always where's it OG?
When do you put that in? Like when does people like put it in the first time I've ever left an app review? Yeah. And then just joking around. Yeah, I don't think it's gonna be
a great podcast for those wanting to hear someone bang on about shepherd and more than their grandparent parents who actually live there. krY face love the band and dynamic from this fabulous Joe Messina. seven and three day deal. Don't hurt the eyes either. Don't ever want to miss today's podcast with fear of missing out. Thanks to the end and then
Thank you. That's nice. Yeah, I think I don't think we've mentioned the word.
The s word today you've mentioned it because you ran it but we haven't mentioned definitely Yeah. Is there another one I'm not gonna mention
last week
that's quite intense anything else guys that we need to any other name or you know deals post last night?
Oh yes the gronk wine Yeah, you cooked it what is it because he used an apostrophe no no no no you missed an episode on someone didn't transcript Here we go.
Yeah, it is fine man. Oh, here we go is delayed Episode 401 I believe is not transphobia in our database. Or it's on the website. 97 is accountable.
Keep it for next month.
It's entirely talk show. If you've listened this far. Take a screen grab. Put it on Instagram.
Something nice we re gramme it. Yeah, it's a big circle jerk that we all take a part in, which is called social media and we enjoy it. And it makes us feel good. Yeah, we don't let it interest as in an ego sort of trip.
It's just something that we all do. And don't leave your Oreos around because I can deal with them. He will, will say to tomorrow, guys, which is Tuesday, say goodbye