#213 – Tommy’s A Good Dad/
- November 8, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday November 8 (Ep 213) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, Tommy tries to shake his playboy image, gaming solariums, the challenge of going bald, premature celebrations and the final day for free stickers!
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Wait a minute.
conversation, sometimes
worth recording with Josh Janssen and Tommy Valley Talk Show Episode 213
is the last day that you can get asked to his. But if you're listening in its 2019 sorry, too late.
You've left it too late. But if you can hear the sound, the music it's because we're doing it light today. And after about what four o'clock the dances, whole dances next door star but the aerialists, the gymnastic girls, they come in, they
work. They work out
alongside but they create a bit of noise. So rightfully so they're a part. They're leasing the building we're in.
Can you actually
could guys go to pole dancing classes? I think
Yeah. 100%. I don't see why they couldn't. But I feel like if you were I feel like I would be pointed that like I'm some weasel. And I'm there to be a bit of a not a creep. I'm definitely not a crate. I'm a married man with a son and respectful human. I've always Yeah, yeah. just dig in David the guy. But I think yeah, I think you'd be seen as a bit of a weasel if, if you said no, actually, in fairness, my wife goes to keep up causes and there's nothing's Have I got hip hop and hip hop classes. But she did say that this is third there who's super lovely, but he's really muscular. And so he's he's there like every week, and he's this buff, dude. I break it like, and he's not unbelievable. So he's just like, he's a beginner. And he's just swag. And I've just got this mental image of this guy who's just like, a bodybuilder but also wants to, you know, have a bit of swag about he's dancing and then goes there. And he's loving his I guys.
I think your vibe, it gives people the wrong idea of what you like.
Well, we It was exactly what Greg and a mirror. Yeah, they were on our show. Comedian Greg said, I'm Brent. Greg Brent. Yeah, yeah, stand up comedian. And we'd never met them before you'd never met them. But your fans have spoken to him online. And he said about me, he said is definitely like the cool one. It was so he had like an impression of who I was before. And so I tend to agree. But what I'm happy with it, I tend to think that people might get the wrong impression. But I'm happy that I'll deliver on something else. Because I know, I'm not a I'm not an XL. And I'm not too
cool. I might be cool. But do you think that you use that I'm married and I have a kid thing shtick to try and play games that sort of play by a vibe that you give off?
Yeah, but you are a reflection of your actions. And I feel like that is something that I've, I am a father, which I see it as a way to sort of break down a lot of stereotypes and a lot of thoughts. Because it takes a certain type of person to be a good dad. And I feel like
there's a difference, though, isn't it? Like what you just said that like a father and a good dad so that there's you make a point to say I'm a good dad, which means that you don't fuck around?
I'm married. I have a wife and I have a wife and kids. I think that already Can you see is a lot there's, there's some trust. It's like me thinking that a woman walking their dog. I look like I feel like I can trust them. They have to look after this little this little rodent with four legs. And there's something there's a trusting quality about someone who walks a dog. I feel like they can be and and it's usually delivered by me. So it's not like like someone's referring to me as like, he's a dad, as I know, I'm a dad or something. I pride myself in being a father and a husband among other things. But I feel like I definitely have and I will say used it in the term in the way that you're saying, to potentially pull back. What do you think it is? Why do you think people can judge me if they haven't met me?
I don't know. Like, I think it's just because you're a good looking stuff. And you've got a certain sort of swagger about you. I've joked to that you being married with a kid is a big Meg. For years, yeah, it's that we wanted to create a feature film called The Big Meg, which is this playboy guy who realises that if he gets married all the girls will want the big Meg coming to cinemas and it's like, meet Tommy, you know, Tommy what he wants all the ladies and then he discovers might he know what you need to do? Just Academy says plays like an AC DC to me.
The film is my whole life.
It's like
leads up to something at the end. But I think the the twist in the in the narrative
is if I enjoy the making, you
know, my life.
I got married because I wanted to it wasn't I love my wife and
I'm and I
yeah, definitely I've come from being different. I think there's a mindset to being single. And I was definitely in it for a long time. And I am getting out of it is a shift in behaviour. It's a shift in beliefs and thinking and feeling. And so if you're single, you might not understand it, and I might be completely wrong. But for me, it was definitely like coming out of it's like, if you're just like you know going out on a Saturday night as a single bloke thinking I could pick up
versus that not be thing and that not even I don't even want that but I just showing is there are like you've talked to me about like sleaze bags that you've seen who've done the whole like, removing of the wedding ring on a night added like a box party, like so missile like unaligned or whatever you want a misaligned with an alignment with these reality.
Yeah, well, I mean, there's a lot of thinking behind.
You should keep it right.
If he's part of if he's part of that narrative.
Yeah. But now they're definitely so single mindset. And so where was I going with that?
Think you're, you're a good bloke in your father. You're a good dad, and a good husband.
Yeah. Amongst other things, Emma.
If you side enough you are
but I think if you say you say I'm good looking, but I think people so you think people view are less intimidating. So there will be less judgement or less judgement towards a person or feeling threatened towards the person that isn't good looking or whatever they classify as not good looking.
Yeah, I think that like it you have dark features. Maybe it's because I don't have that but like I I see is that the dark features is sort of, you've gotten like a bit of a playboy and
you're handsome. You've got nice.
Real nice eyebrows, you get lovely skin.
You got quality hair. That's one. That's why you could do TV. Because of your hair. It was my hair I don't think I could ever do broadcast in a traditional way. Because Trump,
it was on me he had a few things. It was a billionaire before he went on TV, but he did that. But Newton I show should say that blog said the one thing about hey, I will say and I mean, you think a vine.
I don't know what are you about to say? I
think I've been a lot more vain in my life. And I think you can
name of the episode. Tommy said great dad. And husband. No, become less vain as I've gotten older because I care less about what people think. Yeah. Which I think is a good thing. If you could channel that when you're younger, it probably will serve you really well. I'm 30 now, but I have thought and i and i did catch up with one of my best mates Matt Barr who leaves last night
listen to the podcast Matt and then I'll be I'll be very
keen not saying anything defamatory because I to give. You said you said a last name. Yeah, this week, we got a cease and desist. which took me 45 minutes to then right after the episode. So let's avoid last names.
But anyway, good mate of mine. We used to live together. He lives down the coast now. So I went down, visited him and dropped to his into his place. Haven't seen him in a little while. And I just noticed that he's got some graves coming through. Yeah, and I'm going grey. And I see a few grazing your hair. And I look around and I'm a tree. Know when I look around and a lot of my mates, my brothers nearly fully cry. Don't cry. My other brothers gambled. Yeah. But it's just a sign of the
ageing. Why do people care? I don't know. I would much prefer to go grey then go bald. Yeah, if I had to have one of the other Of course you can die here. You can die if
I would love but if that was the thing that you were that worried about. You can't stick here back in your head in your head without people calling you on it. Yeah. Joe Rogan talks about he's got a physical lugs know when he was young. He had the full maybe these plans. He's got a full storey are in the back of the skull, where he had GIFs it it looks like a smiley face. He had something put on but he's talked about it when he was trying to keep his head. But so I'm going guy and I'm getting more and I kind of I don't have a complex of it. But I've different Lee it's been on my mind a lot more euro
when you almost birth, but it just it almost comes up as it is. Yeah, you'll hear some drilling in the background. We big media company is in a building. Exactly. Not only I was gonna say strip out what does it go? Hold and says training facility. Yeah, but there's also backwards gallery and they're putting up some new art. Yeah, that's what the drilling is. So I'm kind
of in that place where it's a new thing. So it's very present on my mind. And I am seeing and at my 30th you were there. But I
did was I was travelling. It wasn't that Yeah,
I was invited. It was the gag that I said is I you know, getting all the said something around my grey hairs. It's not about problem. But I did spend some time before coming tonight plucking some of them out.
You shouldn't like I say this is way way different. It shows you about gratitude. There's no fucking way I'm pulling out of grey hair because that means I've at least got some grey hairs. You can hear my bamboo grades. Back in this thick is a bamboo stick. I would I got one grey hair and Bry called me George Clooney. I think she was a fox. Yeah,
he's the thing. I think you like you don't like others see you. And he's talking about me specifically talking about humans. I don't like he's a I have a time where I didn't have a clue that this was my reality. And Amy said to me, she pointed out that I've she mentioned something about a receding hairline. And it was like I'd had the world come down on me. What do you fucking mean? Which looking in the mirror. I was I my hair is really far back. And then I started I couldn't stop thinking about
it. But I was like,
I can realise my hairline with this far back
is yours. yours isn't as far back as mine, though.
Now it is not. But I'd never just for some reason seen my hair is being fall back on my head.
back but mines are yours. You've
realised I should But no, no, but it's the equivalent of someone who's like who says to their fat friend that they're fat? That they're skinnier than the fat friend you meaning
that you don't your foreheads not
know. You can't complain to a guy who's got more of a hairline.
No, but what I can say is it's a silly thought. But it was a moment where I've gone hang on fact. And then for some reason, my perspective on my on my hairline had shifted from being thinking not even having it in my head. We're my wife plants the seed when she was not being nasty, or she said something I just did. I didn't even know that I could feel this way about something so she
Yeah, I did. And I was like fuck, and I was like looking in the mirror like catching whatever what the fact? Is that going back further? And I've watched from years ago to see if it was less Yeah. I don't think it's moved that much. So I could be safely God's
the I was told by a hairdresser when I was 15. She said, Is your dad bold? I said yes. And she said have all of the wacky hairstyles, why you can see sort of a main thing to say, ladies I can lady in in Beverly Hills shops cutting my hair
that is full on because you know what it's coming with his deadbolt is if you go pull this in your family. You know what's next? arseholes be your dad looks called good bold.
Yeah, he does. I didn't know how I would go I try tried this and we'll post it on the Instagram account there is a shot where after one of my big filming projects where I was away for three months I shaved my head Yeah, never again that
TELUS was because I wasn't even trying to do
I think I was you thinking if I can show this endeavour hills woman Yeah,
I have no. Well, no, I think it was just I got it got really long. And it was probably something to do with my anxiety of going to the hairdresser. But this is like it. This means I don't have to see anyone. I did
a job so I don't have to worry about speaking to them. Yeah.
Well, what do you do? Have you? I mean, I'm, like you said it's a bit rich me who plays it losing my hair, and solid, its head of hair, but I've got issues. Right? Dead? I
actually feel like if you're the one who's had the experience of beings said where you know, usually last hairstyles, I won't last forever. So what do you say about that? Is it something you've thought of? Well, I
just I don't want to hold on to it any longer than I then it needs to so soon as that might be mean pulling the trigger earlier than I have to shaving it completely. But it gets to a point I think where it's a good age where it's like it naturally feels right to shave it anyway, maybe I just don't know how I wonder if like I've had I get like a little bit of head acne and so I'm like, well that if I shave all that just fucking squeezing a pimple Now isn't that fun? Right It's disgusting.
I think it's because you've got
I've gotten so good I can do it with one finger just I can push at it. But now I've got like I don't really get acne anyway but on my head anyway, that's probably another
inside the bowl. I think you'd be holding on for dear life get rid of it. I think there is nothing wrong with
DJ not to shave my head ever again
for the moment but if you holding on for dear life, you got a few strands and you call me back. Just get rid of it. I support that but right now I'll you actually you he's been looking on flake. I want to give you that I think I'm looking good.
I think she'd asked it I bet it's been shit awake. I think I'm maybe it's you they maybe people have suggestions. I'm thinking like if I just get a bit of UV on it. It might sort of clear up maybe I could get one of those like clean Oh fucking what is What are those? Those hate things that were band called? ciliary hilarious. I'm probably getting a solarium go ahead on my head. There is
solariums. I'll give you a storey about a solarium. The Sioux is probably solariums,
a band in our state for people not playing in the state of Victoria.
And they not been Australia.
I think it's a state law. Okay,
well, if it's state law should fucking be all over the world law. Unless you've got
a cold to try and get across the board. isn't like a whole
Australia. It was pretty pretty loose in some parts of the world. So yeah, they probably shouldn't. There's some other rules. Yeah,
that they've got like that whole gun thing. Maybe
this. Yeah. I mean, that might be a bit bit more of an issue that has hilarious. But solariums so if you have a condition like some sort of immune deficiency, there are some
benefits Xmas and I think like eczema, maybe well
yeah, you know, need that sunlight and it can help a lot with similar answers. But for all the vain people that were just hitting the gym hit the the sali, we call it the sali doing another sali
bit of a fucking loser.
I know. This is why I have such a great dad and such a painted different picture. So in garden vows, this was an interesting business model back in the day there was self serve Soliz. And so what you'd walk in is you there'll be a code they smell. While they smelt like the cleaning agent and late night No, not that nice thing. A self serve is clean it before you go on. Cleaning after you've been on. And then you have to think that someone else has been on there
can just quickly nude before you say this kind of cyber told me that cleaning things yet. Bry a 40 foot does that 45 doesn't bring a towel guy gives her a towel. She gets
charged $10 for a little fucking towel
is outrageous. It 45 He's
the garden vile self serve solely. Self a quarter solid. You're just you Sally solarium know we call it this, Holly, okay, it was called this layer. Anyway, the way it worked is you would have a, there's like a machine looks like a sort of dispensary on the wall, you'd put in five bucks or four bucks and spit out this little token. The token was just a coin that you then go into the private little rooms. And you drop the coin into this machine on the solarium. So if you put two coins in and give you like a double, you know, double time and one coins, eight minutes, and then you jump in that have little glasses, you'd clean the claim the area. And we do this. Here's the thing, though, we worked out that if you just use the 10 cent coin, you could bypass the machine we actually needed to put in money to get at the coin. Yeah, and just use a 10 cent coin as the coin that they dispense. And so we used to just get free Solaris. It's a weird things. Like it's so weird looking back. I went with this guy named Gulati and I say his name because he's the stronger you stop
a cat but he he's got a profile. He's that's a reason. No, no like a social profile. He's one is the strongest bench presser in Australia. And he hasn't done anything. He's got a technical Mr. bench. He's done nothing wrong. He's broken many world records with
enormous roles in regard. He wasn't doing the same thing. No, he was doing the same thing.
But mean he went and had a solid. It was just like a thing we had together. We're not the same one you can break. We
like doing it together. What's the point?
Well, we just like I think he drove me there and we trained at the gym. We've done some exercise and solely okay. It's but it's like saying that seems like such a weed thing to have done. Yeah.
Sounds like dogging
but it had nothing to do with anything.
Yeah, okay.
Okay, that's good. It was just a couple of blogs. Yeah.
Having a solid sounds soggy. Sally is like colon.
Hey, we got an email. It was on Reddit. Yeah, I read it that is just flying.
It was bacon BK quickly said but BK did a Reddit post on our Reddit saying experiment like Reddit experiment failed question. Mike Murray tell this storey on the podcast you've told the boys up. Yeah, but I had I had someone think that that was me posting it. And I'd announced on Reddit that the whole thing had failed, which is
Anyway, now that's interesting. So I mean, there's been developments. The boys are fired up the most. Yeah. And
the Boys Boys probably the boys. Boys.
Boys, you can be one of the boys. Okay.
Yeah, what are we doing? So we got someone else post and I had to be honest, I like I was surprised that other people can post within our subreddit, which is boys support me. Okay.
But you understand that? Like, how know? How do you think I was getting content from people on Reddit?
Well, I mean, this is the same thing. That person who thought you wrote it? Yeah. Why would they think anyone else right it will read it. Yeah. And so I am an admin of it. So then I can create posts. Yes. And you if we do something bad yeah. That's it where
the people have spoken Meg the Tommy's a bad dad just you like dropping something? BK don't fucking
Yeah. But we got one that said that we've made it into the top 10 podcasts in the Tesla.
What do you say Tesla like that?
Tesla? The Tesla cap? Yeah, I say because I've never actually gone into Tesla. That's driven. I've sat in one. But I've never been in one but we've made into the top 10 Yeah. Which is pretty fucking cool. I don't even know what it is. But I'll take
it. So someone said someone said on Reddit, they hadn't even listened to our podcast previously. They found us through that. The thing is, I celebrated quickly. I posted it on our Instagram. Yeah. But then I got a bit nervous. Because I was like maybe it was a mistake. Maybe what they did was they said it was one of their favourites at the time. I didn't know that they had said that never heard this. And I was like, oh, maybe what's happened is it's like a recommendation engine you know, like algorithms are pretty good. Now you've listened to it before he thought like his personal page is showing if he thinks that the top you know 10 within Australia, but it's actually just he's library or something. So I had that instant Panic of celebrating and then worrying that someone's going to point out that are no you guys affected like you actually on in the top? 10 Yeah, but we if it wasn't, well, I think it's okay, but it reminded me of a mate of mine who had celebrated a $500,000 sale within the businesses like a sales sales dude. $500,000 huge to the business biggest thing told everyone got the fucking calculations wrong. He made 50 grand
to 500 grand.
So they have like fight and the team we're trying to be really good by celebrating and really hot. This is huge. like half a million dollars. A million dollars. It's the half a million dollar man. Can you imagine paying the half a million dollar man to then have to fight guys affect it? I'm in 50 grand we don't want to define him. But what what kind of industry is this in? I feel
it will give it away. We give it away? Well, I think I mean, it was
I could guess moving consumer goods.
Okay. That brings it down a few. But I mean to land a half a million dollar sale like was even thinking what the fuck have I done this?
Yeah, so it's like a
I don't know how to describe it. It's not a unicorn. It is. It is doable. That never had anything like it before the most had done would have been maybe $80,000. Okay, so 500,000 is huge.
And how would you feel? And so that was what I was worried about was celebrating and then having BK Who doesn't? BK got a Tesla.
Yeah. I'm broke. And I've arrived and I've never met anyone yet. Because
getting a level up today. Just trolls us on Reddit, and we can get a lot of shit. And yeah, that's that weird. We're, um, what do we say we're promoting bad behaviour.
That's okay. But I'm a good day.
Good that. No, BK I remember. I thought you'd mentioned the beta tester or something. So I was slot when he said I don't know what this is about. Something isn't. Like he, if anyone's going to be in the know, it'll be okay. But the relative did point out No, it's the there was the top 10 Australian podcast, which is great. I don't know what caused it. And if you want to display this, that we've fact it is fun.
So so I think living in a time where I really wanted to be picked on a many things, auditions, jobs and shit like that. I early dies I was of the mindset going for something, it kind of went well, and I've thought yet got this. And I was destroyed on some of the early things and I just felt it because I just gone so far ahead of myself. Have
you announcing things I haven't
announced things but I've told people say Yeah, I did. I went for this thing and I almost got it was it it was getaway. It was like this American road trip. Really like travelling around?
Get back to the he was
already on the show that guy and so this was like a
getaway for people who don't know we had Jools Holland on the show friend of ours. Yeah. He was one of the stars of this TV show he was
a star. I wouldn't have been a star but it would have been a great
little profile both How do you describe getaway
getaway is a travel show, hosted by a bunch of Australians dying around the world showing the coolest places it is the job if you ever wanted to be on telly. If you said to someone, what do you want to do? I want to be a presenter or I want to be on TV. What show Do you want to be on? Everyone would say get away with the
best of both worlds. It's travel being in kind of camera and it was a lot of Jules lon saying how does it get any better
than this? That type of deal.
This was pre drones and stuff as well. So that would have been like Holly
Jules has travelled to so many places. But he said it was pretty lonely and
you don't have to talk it down a
job, Tyson. But it's just I'm grateful for this American American event, how did they get you to do so I made a video. So I wrote something and I had to look at it. And he's like, that's great. I filmed it. And I edited it with a maid of honour. Yeah, I've got the video.
Can we put it somewhere I can put it on to read it. Read it. Let's do a bit of a content on
it. So Tommy's almost stint on TV and somehow they get away. It was I think it was a great video. It was really clever for then I had no idea but I do feel like a different person. I told them it was like the anti ghetto. I was like, This is my neighbourhood of St Kilda it's known for postcards It was like it was a take on I got the Jews gave me the graphic forget away when I put it the front so I was like get away the classic jingle that they use. It was a parody with some fun injected into it and he got me a got me down to the final eight. And so they flew me up to Sydney and I was I got this I got a boss and he trades are gonna buy some new what new trends new wheels and shoes are going to buy
the wheels you went from treads two wheels. Shoes. Are your thoughts a car?
Yeah. You want to be one of the boys.
You got a whip? Oh,
no, not you wouldn't use whip. I didn't get any way. I got no wheel car. Yeah, whip is a car but you can use a wheels for your shoes. Okay, I got some new wheels. Anyhow, what sort of shoes with a with a tie? Got remember? There's that brand tiger? No.
I think they the Nike. No. Yeah.
They were just like almost like a Converse. Like the full leather Converse shoe. Just like low cat bit Bogan. If you keep boxes with like wearing them, anyway, I got a new t shirt as well. So nice, tight one. This is back when I had no idea. But I see there's a time in my life where I felt like looking back on me it was a different person who was giving a crap
before becoming a great dad.
This is post great. Pre This is pre great dad. And so I got in and I just I remember thinking I've got this I've got this and I just had this mentality of yet. I tell some people I've got down to the fine I'm going out there. It's looking good. And I just remember it was in that it was as if it wasn't faculty man. It was like I thought I could really get this and I and I got out of what I do in my life. I remove the doubt on a circumstance or something coming through. But what I hadn't worked out yet that I have now is what happens when you don't get something Yeah, and the reaction and how far you've gone down the rabbit hole and how far you need to get out if you really go deep. And so what I've what I've managed and I didn't get it I went up there was amazing experience. I got this like chauffeur from the fucking
airport. What year was this?
God this was like oh nine Really? So yeah. 2010 maybe. And you know who was I actually
sit there for Uber so well before being a chauffeur had a little bit more fantasy. I can
read the dude, I'll tell you right now. I know you don't watch The Bachelor. But I took a selfie in the car. This is I had the first iPhone. And I looked back at the photo. Did
you have the first iPhone really yet? The second is maybe the second iPhone.
We do have a silver for me, was it there's no not the silverback as a black bag. The Black Sea like the rounded edges. Right, Jay?
That was the first one in Australia.
Yeah, so I took a selfie with the dude. And the the the guy the two guys and the and the girl that I was with. took a selfie with it. You ready to show the photo? Yeah. I was in the chauffeured car. Yeah. And I looked at the photo years later, it was the dude who was on and won the bachelorette. He ended up being with Sam frost.
What was his name? I
can't remember. But all it said to me was this blokes been trying to get on reality TV for years because he we were together going to try and get on this reality show. He didn't get on that show. Yeah, but he got on The Bachelor it years later and won it and look at you now you're a great dad. Right, dad? He's just been on The Bachelor. Yeah. And I'm gonna you're the business. Maybe company, but it was just amazing experience. And I and I got the call. Remember where I was? I was at my personal training studio at the time. And I answered the call. And I just took the wind out of my sails. What did they say? We we've decided to go with somebody else. Just remember, as I remember, this woman's voice should define it. I was the last time she was a casting director. She was really lovely. She's really lovely five to edit this.
Whenever we need to be clear, we never edit. Yeah.
And that's why I say synthesis Yes. To remove or to be sued. Yeah, was not so we just removed anyway. So it took the wind out of me and and i slumped into a deep, deep sadness. Not for long couple of weeks. But I it was a great moment to realise that putting the thought of putting your eggs all in one basket or thinking you've got something can be really dangerous. But what I've learned to do now is actually do that think as if I've got this is nothing happens. But also know that if it doesn't happen doesn't fucking matter. And so I'm still getting the reward of putting myself in that, that that space in that place of when I win. And what happens is, yeah, but I think I've managed and I can't explain how I've done it, but I feel like I've managed to be able to think like I've got it. But then if it doesn't come through, know that you're okay. But as a result didn't come through. And I think about that you can always look at the storey and what you tell yourself from a failure or from something that doesn't go the way you thought you wanted it to. And you can wrap it you can tell a great storey around it of I wasn't ready for that. I would have come across like a fact and we'd unit and the wheels. It was the shoes. It was it was the trades. Yeah, I'm a great day.
Hi, the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email, Andre sent us an email. He wants stickers. But he's also said he's nothing to say. He's a big fan of the show. And he's excited to watch it grow. He says the Bogan horse races with terrible. Blake Be glad you weren't there. It was my first time going, I got soaking wet. I didn't even see your rice. I'm too short to see all over over the bald head. I don't get the horse racing either. And I work for racing software company, that all our law. Yeah, maybe I should have said that. And then we also got so thanks for him Andre, we also got an email from Luke, who's been listening for a while. And he just says that he loves the show. So it was very nice. Thank you. Hi, the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email, and for the next little bit, the next few hours, maybe even if you send it to Mr. We might honour it. Stickers in the subject line. Hybrid le talk show.com address in the body of the email.
Yeah. And also tell me I'm a great dad.
Yeah, please, please do who needs to hear it? And a good husband as well and a great friend. family man.
Yeah, real family man. real family, man.
Yeah, the big man.
Have a good one.