#640 – Tech Troubles & Being Grateful/
- March 17, 2020
We’re all remote! We chat about our tech troubles, a few club updates, Mr. 97’s customer support experience, a new idea for the adventure club, and Josh’s Post Office blow up.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Remote conferencing and technology
– A gratitude circle
– A Club update
– Mr. 97’s customer support experience
– A new idea for the adventure club
– Going to the Post Office
– Who we’d love to have on
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 640. What is happening guys? What is going on?
Well, it's been a lot of a big tech day, big tech day p tech day. I mean, this tech days get you excited or the tech days get you depressed? I mean, is that you playing our livestream, Jabra
was held back. I can't help it. I just wanted to say it's been handy because I'm looking at the comments. And we're trying to make Mr. 97 redundant. Yeah. I mean, I one thing that I've noticed about myself is just how aggro I can get when it comes to technology and just trying to get it to work. You know what I think it is? I think it's actually like, the feelings that are cemented when when you're young. Like I remember just like getting the frustration that feeling if someone around me couldn't do something tech related
I get you a failure. But it doesn't help that you have consumed your body weight in sugar. why I've actually had to be clear when I've had today. I had to Tim Tams. Yeah, not great. But that was only in the last hour. For breakfast, I cooked huevos rancheros, which was like black beans with like a nice of like tomato we base Mexican sort of seasoning. I will I will pay it I saw that and it looks phenomenal. Like it looks delicious. It looks like something out of one of those sort of dingy Mexican joints in California that you go to but it's absolute bee's knees. So now I did pay that but Anyway, enough about your food right? resetting we are all now remote. yesterday. It was semi remote. And now we're 100% remote.
video conference calls or conference calls in general
I feel like the technology's amazing. But anytime that you and I have been on a call
that's involving a big corporate, they've always struggled together to work. Yeah, I was at the the shop today, the camera shop and the dude this in everyone has come in for live streaming equipment in the last day or two.
But I, I say good luck to them because I feel like I'm around some well equipped individuals when it comes to
streaming bands. If you're somehow found yourself on that live stream before. Yeah, it was, um, no, I think it's technology is still quite hard. Like this stuff is still not straightforward, not gronk proof as we've encountered, we are real gronk when you just when you start
thinking you're a professional. It just fucking really hits you in the dig. How do you feel about us doing a bit of a gratitude circle? Oh, yeah, because I want to get to something pretty dark. I can't grind. like nothing's happening in
the bay says you can start what do you what are you grateful for?
I mean, probably I mean, just on the technology thing, we do a lot of like switching and moving around of technology and jumping from, you know, zoom to Skype to YouTube and everything and everyone always usually comes on to the platform that we're doing it on some pretty grateful that everyone's came to hang out and just try out whatever we're doing. Yeah, I appreciate that. I'm grateful for
my wife working from home
as of today,
which I feel like that's why then once Amy's working home, we can keep going at home which is
What I've wanted I wouldn't have been able to survive by myself and I Shannon, I think you're looking at the little tech by yourself. I mentioned on the live stream
but imagine him right now. Like we're gonna it's interesting it's it's a I'm grateful for the time we're gonna spend together closely over the whatever the coming weeks. Ah
yeah, it's gonna be different times so I'm grateful for that. What's what was the vibe like damn dropping body off at daycare? Less a lot less kids. Were at daycare. So parents are probably already pulling their kids out if they can. And so I was just had some banter with the teacher. And, and we'll just shoot the breeze shooting the coronavirus breeze. But yeah, it's uh, what was the what was the teacher saying?
Not much. Not much. Really. I mean, not not much other than just sounds like Greg Banta
No, I think Bandera is a whole bunch of not much. And that's why it's great Banta if you walk away from banter and say, I really got something out of that. Ray look at the banter. It's not good banter. It's don't think Yeah, don't think he got good banter. Shannon says she's by myself with their little menace. It's tricky keeping them at home. Yeah, yeah. Shannon was gonna get you on the live stream at some point. That'd be great fun. We'll check in to see what what's happening on the ground and Q LD
gratitude for me. I'm grateful that
Tim Tams were in stock when you're at the shopping centre How was that I didn't actually get that was great. They got the Tim Tams.
I'm grateful for the fact that like I've got somewhere to sleep. And that
you know, like, brain I can support each other like
We can when I've, when I'm feeling like she can give me a whatever that was Advil. What does that even do?
It's just a painkiller
something or if I go I nearly did and I feel like we could get around this given that it's the sort of the the way the world is at the moment. How do you feel about locking in a specific day? Where we
all have a drink on the live stream? Because I nearly I nearly got a red red wine.
What do you think serves? Yeah, sure. I mean, I just got a doll in when I'm drinking. What do you know? I can I've got a bit of wine. I've got a bit of red. Is it gonna be a wine?
I could be anything. Have you still got all that vodka? Yeah, we got heaps of vodka. Yeah, doesn't taste that great. I think we just hold off for another five days. And maybe it's like a weekend thing. Maybe we
Cuz I was thinking about the weekend we could we could do the weekend. Yeah, like we're not pre record. Yeah, we could record on like a Sunday night and have a glass of rain or whatever you want to drink because I was just wondering, like keeping your immune system, Reggie Didge for the next sort of week and alcohols a bit of a bit of a mean shooter. The law says high schools are still open at this point, and she's got three assessments this week. At least she'll be free after that, though. I'll live my reckon you can not worry about those.
I reckon they'll forgive you might be, you'll be on. Now. Can I get to my doom and gloom? Yeah, sure. I am just, this is a formal press release. For the adventure club. It's tough times for the adventure club. They stolen
a lot of people sort of quarantining and being kept indoors. So it's a lot of
you know, a lot of looking at pictures.
Henschel adventures, but there's not much on the horizon in terms of congregating and getting together to get out and about, if you know what I mean. Yeah. And off the back of that good news for the book club.
Yeah, yeah, look good time for the book clubs, solid sort of foundations for reading and also for life hacking. You know, there's a probably a bunch of sort of life hacks around the house that you could dial in. And your neighbours organs. My pack, how to prepare. Yeah. And how to how to steal your brother's rations.
Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, so tiny habits is that is that is the book that we're doing
this this month, so on. On Saturday, we had Yeah, great, great turnout on zoom. And we'll do the same at the end end of the month as well. Yeah. So yeah, onwards. That was the boys. Back to the drawing.
word for this. I'll, I'll get back. Can we talk when I have to mention business names, but saves, you've been dealing with customer service of a business?
Can you? Can you explain the sort of things that are going on in the customer service departments around the world? I think also you need is you need to set it up that we were engaging in this service before the the crisis. pandemic was before that word was used initially.
Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, we were using a service.
And I mean, I had pretty bad support. I had a pretty bad support experience with them just in terms of like, how long they would take him to reply and all that sort of stuff. Like he was probably timezone thing to be fair, but it was 24 to 48 hours per reply, and so just like yet one thing, and then wait another couple of days or whatever, and then they reply,
Anyway, so I raised it with him that I wasn't happy with it. And they locked me in on a call with their
the support representatives manager. And so I had a chat to him and he was fuming that it was 2024 to 48 hours between replies. And so I had a chat with him. No, it wasn't serious. It was like Yeah, like, it's just like, I was hoping for a bit better response time and all this. And anyway, so I got off the call. I got my issue resolved. And what was he saying it was it cuz the guys from overseas, I feel like um, was it us was in from the US? Yeah, he was from the US. And so the thing about I feel like when you're chatting to someone, there is a novelty factor. Was he asking about Australia?
Not really. So.
Shenzhen is asking Can we have a little context as to which industry or service now I won't give it
Why it's technical related to do?
Actually, yeah.
Yeah. And and so he was, he was fuming. And
I can't remember the word that he used. But he really wasn't happy with him his support representative, his employee. And so I got back on messages with the employee. And she said that she needs to improve because she just about got fired after the support request. If it was, it was can you give me some feedback? Because last time I almost got fired. Exactly. Yeah. I think it's a bit awkward when you go to, especially if you go to a restaurant or whatever, or any sort of shopping you see the boss being rude to the employee. And this was like the next level because they said what they would be
consequences. Yes, somebody along Yeah, I can't remember what they said with our I think the word but repercussions. Yeah, something like that. But reprimanded rubber pressure Yeah, Yeah, that'd be good on it. There we go.
But yeah, it was full on and he was saying that to me. So like, you can just and there was like aggression in in that in some just like oh, that poor employee just
and anyway so then they then they messaged me and yeah she was sorry about and trying to know what she wanted to figure out what she could do to try and prove
and then we just had a bit of Corona banter and nice. Hey TJ, I was thinking if you can't do the adventure club, I propose another idea. The virtual reality club.
Not too far, not far off. No. You're a personal trainer, about if you were to do virtual sessions with people. Yeah, once a week. And a few of these
pop up. Kick pills. Yeah, yeah, you know like, I'll just slot in there alongside Sam would kick girls. What Sam Woods one code 28
bar Sam would you could just call it five days.
Like the daily the daily
talk show 20 days. I mean, we don't know how long we've got. It sounds like a lot you know? Yeah, yeah. Have you have you guys noticed that that?
Where do you start getting lacks, like for instance like my ad so with everything that's happening I'm sort of like vanity all these things I know I shaved my neck mentioned
my haircut either I mentioned it three days ago when I had Can you just guys mentioned that I'm looking great. Yeah, you look right so my eyes look a bit fucking tired to be able to feel like shit.
We can run a Zumba class walruses? Oh yeah, that'd be great.
Too bad. I was singing
I mean, there's a lot of people getting a tick tock dialled in, are really what sort of ticked what's the tick tock content. I mean, even Steph clay Smith Tick Tock and
you know, it's funny. Louis spees. He comedian, he's been on the air show.
spearhead Sunday's is his podcast. He pointed out something really funny and it was like, and it's and it's funny when you notice what he's pointed out, but never sort of, but you felt inside. Like, oh, yeah, but then it connects when he says the thing and he said, What's with fucking Instagram influence of chicks posting other people's tic tocs and I and I saw somebody doing it and influence that posting a shitload of tic tocs and I and I was like, What the fuck are you doing? But then he really made a point about it. And so yeah, it's interesting when those things catch on. My brother just messaged me. And he said, I've got flu symptoms.
And I haven't spoken to my bro in there.
Since since the weekend
and he said,
should I get tested? Why is he asking you?
i? Well, all seriousness, I was flat out on the banter over the weekend. And
here I don't know, we're just connecting my bros. We love each other. You just
screwed up. Derek was asking me we're talking on the phone this morning. And he was talking about you know, do you feel a responsibility? And you're almost media now you gotta be careful with what you say. What is lagging something that I think he was just saying? No, he was more like odd. Yeah. Do you feel like the pressure like you need to? Absolutely not. We're just a couple of gronk so I'll definitely pass on what Shannon Tony says which is I don't know whether it's where it's coming from inside the Office of the pm apparently. Everything in Australia is going to be in lockdown tomorrow complete speculation but just got a message about wild if true. And then who who sent it t content.
export industry, telco
JJ can shed some beans. Absolutely not. Well, it's locked down tomorrow. I haven't actually got the beans yet got the tomato,
tomatoes, tinned tomatoes a lot of tinned tomatoes, which apparently, service you've told me that I've paid too much. Yeah, I mean organic increases surprise but you can get tins for like things like 70 cents. Do you know how much we paid for flour? flour is like the bottom end, you know 99 cent What are you gonna make with flour?
write it is a staple ingredient. You can make so many things, no throw things. You could marinate meat by dusting it with flour and then putting into some sort of marinate you could use. Use it for schnitzel. If you have some chicken, they make cookies which my wife just did and are fucking awesome. So if you've made cookies yeah
Anything you can make dough. You know you wanted to make golden syrup dumpling but I think the schnitzel example is pretty funny because you need chicken at that point it's like you're not gonna starve because your chickens not crumb Shannon said sources from inside the Prime Minister's Office I'm gonna say names No.
I like this inside information make pasta with flowers is Lara Andrew says hi everybody how are you Andrew? Mike we're we're really good. Well, I how you feel like it? What's your health at this moment? I know I actually
how do I feel? if I'm being honest with myself, and my back is fucking annoying me. I'm very sore. I feel like I get very white wired when it comes to like I need to solve problems. And so
if it's not trying to work out all the food stuff and going to the I can bring in I had
Very low level argument. So the argument was around.
She's very good when it comes to our work, right? Whereas I'm at this stage, I'm like, Doomsday, everything's up in the air. We don't know what's going on. And so you've done two things that you've you've meant to do for me and you haven't done that. Yeah. And so we've been working on this stuff. And But anyway, so my, the cans of food had arrived at the Pio box. And all the first one was we got a ding on the doorbell or whatever. And it was the Korea and he said, You packages here. You don't have to sign for it. I'll just leave it out. Just put it in the foyer. And so then I was cooking the huevos rancheros at the time. And I
was like, I'm gonna issues embrace it, I can get it. And then she talked like a few minutes before she did stuff and I was just like, getting a bit wide out. Where am I like, someone might take it with
Like you need to go downstairs and get it. Like I would have already got my shoes on and be down there. Like, I hope it's still there. So there was that. And then when I got the notification from the Pio box that my stuffing arrived, I was like, great. I'm going there now. There's gonna be a couple of boxes. Bree, do you mind coming with me? And she's like, ah, I've got a I'm working for next few hours, that we'll be able to do it after that. I was like, No, no, no, it's good. Now, you need to do it now. And so I said, Okay, I'll, um, I'll just go then. And then you know what I'm like with admin, right? Like, I'm not I'm not great with admin. And anyway, in that moment, before I left, she said, Oh, by the way, can you return this iconic package for me? And we don't have we didn't print a label, so you just gonna have to get them to print a label.
And I was just like, I couldn't believe it. Unlike Here we are. We're all gonna die. It's everything. Same thing, right. My brain wants to make sure that the
Her iconic package is that like, returns aren't gonna matter when money doesn't matter. When I'm someone beans for bread, like it's not gonna matter. And so anyway, I was like, I called 97. And I said, says, Can you print a label for me? Because I just don't want to,
you know, because I ended up going on my own. And then as I was driving, I was calling Sam's. I said, I just don't want to take up time at the post office. And it says, like, what sizes. I'm like, you know what, this conversation is too hard as well. I'll just do it at the post office. And so I went to the post office and no one else was there. I had face masks. They had gloves. Oh, very lovely. Really.
And yeah, it was it was all good. And you know how easy it was just like they scan the barcode and they printed it like it didn't take much I was expecting to have to afford a PDF.
So you got your beans. Not on my beans yet. So I had one
Did a Bane test this morning? Which was pre bought beans, but I'm not calling out out pass Oh, but whatever the fuck they're called. But they have a black bean product which I believe they're just pushing kidney beans in there then Black though, though dark red, they weren't black. Right? You get they would not be putting kidney beans into
well that is and so anyway I did so I made this I made this. Yeah, waivers rancheros and that and that was all good but yeah, at the moment, the tomato stuff I got a big bottle where I can ask two and a bit laters when asked but you didn't now just on to chatting about your hydration. Well, yeah, well inform me if we're talking about inflammation and stuff. You're either a gym junkie or you've you're
you're prepping for the world.
So live says this is the first episode
I've watched Let's listen to since starting term one sorry gronk spin e 12 priority now we get a little over two years we'll be still he is still he.
And Shannon says, JJ, I'm about to be signed off for my party's course. We should do an online party session for you back for your core, which will, in turn help you back. Free live plots via zoom. Let me go I would love that. I mean, the thing is, I'm very lucky with gronk that we have Goldie yachts. She came in to our studio and did a whole session she gave me this foam wedge to put onto my foot. Go do you know these exercises?
He was gesturing his arms that made him look like he was just sort of expanding on the zombie. Yeah, sort of expanding that sort of stuff. Not as good as it has
one step at a time. Not dialled in yet. Hey, I've been noticing Facebook ads still running on Facebook, which I
For some businesses, which I thought was kind of interesting you don't think they should be advertising? No No nothing against advertising. events that were still run that weren't running because they've been cancelled that is still being pushed to buy tickets. And I was like
isn't my Judy don't have to now I didn't say anything to comment. didn't comment my black beans are arriving by the way tomorrow just gonna Oh my god. Sorry, my iPhone 11 where's that what's happening with that? Do you think there will be I don't know. I don't know is this like your fucking my phone last time? I you waited months for that thing. Oh, you know, the fucking worst thing is that I'm downgrading my plan which is cheaper and better than my previous one. But I'm still going to be so they don't do it until you get your new device. And so I'll be on some dumb plan. If they can't give me this phone. Absolute criminals that you reckon. Yeah, it's not ideal, but let's not call anyone a criminal.
I thought it could be interesting.
To see what sort of bargains are on oz bargain at the moment. Yeah, given the young beans look legit By the way, it's just it's just some bullies in cars. You've looked at the ones that I've got where they just tinned black beans yeah was special um so that ybio organic beans JJ yes you know that we would sort of have these push to our phone every day of mice and goodies shit together
at Club
just really great little life hack. Guzman Gomez for delivery deliver. Deliver. Yeah until we're told to not be open. I mean so the thing is like Shannon saying that stuff around like won't be in lockdown. All of a sudden I do feel a bit sick. Now I start to think like our Fuck, like, we need this thing or that thing. Should we do one last right like I can see how it can create a bit of panic. Yeah man across Georgia.
George dodge and I were talking today.
And we just said, I said to him like, it's one of those moments like, you, when you're stoned. You can sort of freak out about shit. That's not really happening. And one of those things is like feeling like you're in a dream. And I felt that many times when I was done, I'm like, this isn't real, bro. And then you could you see how you could get to that place quite easily. Me personally. No no's in just how people could in a time like this where you just have you. You stopped mid sentence and it's like, surreal as fuck.
Have you seen what the US is stocking up on? Oh, they got guns guns. Yeah, well, the guns unfold, bro. Well, I guess like part of it is it's like okay, fact the the rationale is if my neighbour has a gun
I need a gun. Yes, that's right. You know
Kill the neighbour. It's the Bible if you
know, so the brain I got like, we've gotten very aligned, but it was the last few days. It's like I would consider it as similar to travelling when you travel like I walked off on Bray in London once it's just the time why
she was being an asshole about something and I was probably being Yeah, she's gonna speak for Bri saying you're being Yeah, no, we're both me. And so
yeah, no but the the interesting thing is around media consumption especially with the way I listen to my audio books and podcasts.
So and so you're listening to some dark shade or whatever, you know, whatever it be. And then that means Brees listening to it to all so that's the thing so what she said last night was like, Can we not listen to her
I think that's Corona virus related. Yeah. About the current one. What did you say? I said, Sure, that's fine. And so
the book that I put on, she believed was still related to the corona virus. And what was it? What to do when all goes pear shaped or? Yeah, it's called emergency by Neil Strauss and it's terrifying is x natural disaster domestic crackdowns economic collapse, riots, wars, disease, starvation? What can you do to prepare when it all hits the fan? You can learn to self sufficient and survive outside the system. I've started to look at the world through an apocalypse I so So anyway, this was you know what that was at the time that there was nothing going on that. Yeah. And so I mean, I was still shooting happening and we thought it was the wrong thing. If we didn't think it was gonna be just we thought it was gonna be someone new
Someone else. Like we didn't I never thought that I never thought that was gonna happen. I mean, well, you didn't think we're gonna get nuked I never thought there'd be nuclear like not a war as we know it. Like what did you think was gonna happen?
I mean nothing that you're gonna know nothing in that relationship like I hadn't considered something of like this happening but let's just privilege of living in a country like this of never having to worry about that stuff. I love a good headline. Let me guess it's a parent. Our parents were called up for the war and we're being called up to sit on the couch. They've got a meme. Yeah.
fuckin ended up on news.com do you because I thought you must have been there. No, the headline that got my attention. And it would this is wasn't the actual headline, but it was sort of what they're leading with.
Some experts say the
Lay a lot most airlines will be bankrupt by me. I've used it three times today. It's a good one isn't a good headline. It's a great one because it just makes you think then then what? How are we? How are we getting to a lie? Yeah. And that's I mean, like
we did ask Virgin Australia if we could you know, when if they could sponsor us when went to ally? Maybe that sort of maybe the time spent on the cards? Yeah. Just say Hey, guys, you fucked up, but I'm happy to take your offer. It will be a bailout though it will be some kind of government bailout, like, look like? Yeah, just so much debt. So like, they're just printing more money to give to these fucking big businesses. So who should we if we wrote a list of the Titans serves keeping up Trello or something so you can temperature track this place? Sure. If we were to create a list of the types of guests that we should have on the show what sort of categories of people
Should we have on first thought people like a doctor, someone much smarter than us someone who understands what's happening at the moment? Yeah.
I would like someone who is.
I mean, I'm just going real dark. I was just gonna say, I think there's a lot of entrepreneurs like a lot of
people in LA, we had a list of people that we didn't see when we're there that I think we can start having on lots of authors. Lots of people who have spent time seclude in in some isolation, I certainly did not even know it's the I guess it's their own self self inflicted, or people who have written something and thought a lot about stuff. I was I was watching guru, Guru, Seth Godin. today. He was doing a live live feed on Insta. And what was he saying?
ISIS talking about what's happening. It's the hard time and it's not going to get easier anytime soon. And
That he thinks it's an opportunity for people to learn to not just sit much Netflix not just consume the headlines and not worry about the things that we can control and spend time on learning and contributing to the world, which, for us, I think that's the podcast showing up daily. When the shift going on, I think we got that dialled in, but, you know, it's it's learning about some it's like, doing a course lynda.com it's, you know, listening, listening to
someone teach you something. Louis Spears says that we should get patient zero. Hey, bro, I were just talking about you. I was just talking about how you noticed all the influencers on tik tok posted sorry, on Instagram posting tic tocs and I thought that was funny because I also noticed it. Who is patient zero? patient zero isn't a no Isn't he dead? Well, your patient well
The doc is bad. Now well
yeah, and in fact, we get Lewis Spears on this show. Yeah, that'd be fun. Yeah, it'd be good to him. Yeah, I think there's a lot of opportunity to have heaps of different types of guests not even sort of the classic like the infectious disease peeps and not like that's all good. And obviously like the
second second thought is
I think there's something in just touching in with people around the globe. What was it it says get patient zeros corpse?
In general, generally, someone who works at a morgue would be interesting. Oh my God, my speaking to a guy today, who's making a video which it might not go ahead for a
pet cremation. Yes. Which I thought was quite interesting. Your comments, a lecturing getting you promoted.
I mean, my parents put
dug in a towel and put them put him into the ground in the backyard was a beach towel. Yeah, it was it was
probably one of those freebies he got. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Oh, anyway, I'm actually feeling better. I liked doing the show. Yeah, I feel like if we can get the thing is annoyingly this zoom thing, even though it's not as sexy as what we'll try to do before. And just like it works, I might make a little video about my setup I was thinking about who's more dialled in that little competition, a little vlogs between the three of us who's more dialled in. Well, let's look at how it serves has a huge amount of plans. Can you control the light since knock is it's actually just here and it's not plugged in at the moment because I've I haven't got my power board dialled in, I've only got five things I've got six things to point you know, saves we can get you a lot from
The Office. No, no, I just learned a lot. I just need to change the pegboard. No, I'm saying we get you a lot because, like if we're doing nighttime Sessions is a nightmare you're doing, you know 11pm because we have
patient zero.
Yes, good point. We're gonna have North Korea's going
I mean, they're locked down a little bit sharp haircuts. They wonder if anyone in North Korea has it. It's one thing I hadn't heard of. I haven't Yeah, I'm sure no one's been talking about North Korea lately. North Korea they say zero Yeah, I really cry. No one knows how many virus cases Limburg has it says zero Yeah. Did you read that?
Every I just read the title. Yeah, it's gonna be an interesting time. It was interesting.
Yeah, I mean, maybe consumptions fun. Brain I said we're gonna watch portlandia tonight
portlandia I don't know what that is, bro. I don't know.
It is a it's a great comedy TV show. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, Skype, Skype a little. Yeah. This session is actually this great.
One of you would have, I think must have followed them but they're on Instagram. And they're doing that was Josh Dan bilzerian not a
couple couple's videos of what it's like during the coronavirus like lockdown. Oh, that'd be fun. The actually I did see one that was
yet Lara said it's North Korea. They're always locked down. Yeah, but I guess there's people coming in through China.
Yeah, there was an interesting video where a bunch of Italians did videos to themselves. Did you say this? watched it? So from 10 so basically what they would have told them then there themselves 10 days ago
and I feel like that was pretty
a little bit played maybe Yeah.
It's like It's like right now. What is in 10 days? out? What are we talking? What is the message like? And it might be for you, Josh, you should have gone and got those extra black beans even when you told you. Yeah, well I feel like to be honest, it's gonna be seasoning. And to get delicious send me some seasoning. Yeah, I'm sure we could organise that because I'm sort of a little bit low.
I'm gonna call my bro. Okay.
And the I mean the other thing too, I brought up with selves. But does anyone else just feel like they've all got coronavirus now?
Yeah, I'm not gonna bring it up because I don't want to make this all about me. I'm like, 70% Sure. My chest hurts. I'm like, like, I've got like, it's almost like he's burning. Sort of like as if I'd been coughing. I haven't been coughing that much. But it's a feeling like I've been coughing for ages. Shannon says hope your brother is okay. Tommy.
Shannon Shannon I don't know there's obviously the delay but you've just heard about my situation so I'm guessing that love heart was sort of sure everyone
but anyway, it is one of those fact up things that you can't help but like,
when you talk about coughing you can't help it cough.
And so anyway, even the face thing touching the face like you just Yeah, I've gotten so good at so much is really what's wrong. Did you see Jay tokens? Oh yeah, video of the killer seems to Brightside. Not only that, but there's also
what was the what's the Gordon Ramsay into the great video and the thing that everyone needs to keep in mind, which I never do. It really cleaned the inside of his thumb.
Not really sort of just like just really high. Yeah, I get it. I get it. So toe thumb spin fan. He doesn't know what's hitting me
Wow, definitely. Well,
yeah, Gordon. Yeah, he really gets into it. Yeah, he does the back of it. But Brady's dad works in safety and he dropped off
some hand sanitizer. Now it's like synthesisers but they're in the,
what's it called? Like, um, you pull it away. And it's like towelette type things like KFC tablets, but Empire. Right? Can you chop a boy out? I can give you on one.
Yeah. Alright guys, I only if you've sort of been around me as well. My eyes are red. Yeah, I think it's time to go. Thanks, everyone. It's a daily talk show. serves. We're sending out those stickers. Yep. Yeah, I've got all the labels printed and we could go.
Right. Okay, and you can still become a VIP gronk go to the daily talks about calm
Ford slash gronk
actually don't care about Apple reviews anymore.
All right, what's the blame? If you like it, leave a
nice little legacy little tombstone.
So daddy's talk show. I really haven't triggered you, if it has, you know, we're all just doing our best.
We'll see you around.