#768 – Just The Two Of Us/
- June 22, 2020
Josh does the opposite of a gratitude list, Mr 97’s autoresponder, our podcast analytic lie, an update on Tommy’s Facebook deleted account and much more!
– JJ’s shaving disaster
– What Mr 97 forgot to do before he went on annual leave
– Our podcast analytics stuff up
– Tommy’s sad about our new insta bio
– An update on Tommy’s Facebook debacle
– Trump and feeling ‘digitally yucky’
– Addressing the claim we’re Fat Phobic
– Mr 97 and Grace meeting for the first time
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/ #TheDailyTalkShow #Podcast
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 760 a happening guys what's going on?
It's just you know, joshy boy feels like the old days. I know. Everyone's left us. Everyone's having a little holiday except us.
Yeah. 97 is currently with Brian. Yeah, happy baby. What do we say? baby's happy? Yeah. I'm fucking football today. Why real reason?
There's so much to be happy about. Yeah, I mean, it's a quiet each week by selling the boys being away. You know, our young man Mr. Nice heavens found love.
Yeah. What's up? Well, I wrote a list. You know, some people put together gratitude lists,
but we didn't lay Mondays here at The Daily talk show.
Who are you? What do you got to buy? What do you want to know? What was the most annoying thing to happen? was at 8:45am Yeah, I decided to trim my sideburns you saw now, this is off the back of you posted a photo on Saturday of timber raid. Yeah, from the Small Business big Marketing Podcast. We had him on the show. And the way the lighting was was the the light behind us was very strong when you have a strong backlight if you have hair on your ears can use it. I'm so angry. I'm angry. I'm angry at myself. I very little. I mean, I've got it to do but I know what you mean But hang on let me just zoom in on my is nothing now it was such a good photo of you. But anyway, so
I was like the only thing with mine sorry. You can see my bonds Andy's Oh, that's good. Is that a thirst trap or not?
So anyway, I decided this morning to I shaved my sideburns very last minute. Yeah. And got the shaving settings the whole wrong on and basically shaved that bit.
And that's why you shaved your beard today. Yes,
I shaved everything. And so I should like so
shave the head again. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So it's sort of like I've gone by Yeah.
Well, it actually looked a bit sort of scruffy because it might have grown in different lanes.
Well, that was my problem. And, but it was just, I felt terrible because Bray has a nine o'clock meeting. And I was having a meltdown at 855 God, and then, because I needed her help, because I couldn't do the back. Yeah. So what do you do? Yeah, she What did she postpone a meeting or? No, I just, I sort of left the back. Now I
gotta let that so that happened
and they want I said, That's 4545
Yeah. And so I was just like, annoyed about it. And then I was walking to to the office. Yep. And I saw Audio Technica liked the video that we did. That's great. So we did a video for audio technica. I was a little bit upset last week because of saves not explaining the whole situation when we're going to film it. We filmed it on Friday Yeah,
and there's a lot no correlation between these weak off this way and
a lot of work and so anyway else like, as I was walking, I was like, This is so good audio technica like they like it. And then I thought about it. I'm like, they're going to email, Mason back and they'll be like, thank you so much. What's the chances this is this is a getting annoyed based on me not knowing the answer. What's the chance that he hasn't put an autoresponder on email?
The biggest, like, hundred percent chance? Yeah,
I think I'll email Mason at big media companies calm right now.
You just give an email. That's fine.
If he got some email and then responded that would be a why I've just written Hi, this is coming from my personal one. If Mason is listening right now, don't you dead just respond back pretending to be an
incident should be instant. And I've received nothing, though. I mean, he wouldn't think that the the guy who doesn't send email
Yeah, he's exactly of an order response responder. And so the other thing that happened
so we're at about what nine oh, so now
Now I'm gonna go back to Sunday last night. So last night I did a an Insta post celebrating our biggest week ever. Yeah, I mean,
I looked at that, and I immediately thought it was you celebrating the month before it's even finished and we still got 10 days and I was like, wow, but then it worked out. It was a week. And then what you'd say is we've had our biggest wake of downloads ever. Mm hmm. Which I just had a look at some numbers. Yeah. And it took us to get what we got this week last week. It took us nearly seven months from starting the podcast to getting that many downloads. And so I thought it was quite odd.
We haven't celebrated a week before at all. I think we've only done it once before. And the risk that I was taking last night was so our biggest week ever. So in a month we get around 75,000 downloads. Yeah, man, that's IAB 2.0 compliant if you're playing at home, yeah.
Can you go into that? No, not that.
And so we are on a good so our record week of downloads was 19,600 and something right? And so what I realised was that normally on a Sunday, it takes over to be the biggest like so that happened in May like may 5, we had the biggest week ever. Yeah. I'm in bed, going to sleep when it takes over. And so when I looked at it at 7pm last night, we're at 19,300. And something okay. Yeah. And I was like, well, it's very fair to say that we will shoot our biggest market over 19,600. So he did. He did a quick
projection base. Yeah.
Did projection. How many hours? Did I actually what? Okay, and so I did the post. And I asked her I would I had a couple of wines now. She was like, yeah, that's all fine. I think that's all good. And Friday started coming to you boys. Good. Yeah,
it's looking that post has had like 160 likes. It was.
Yeah, it was. It was very nice. And so anyway, this morning, I woke up to say that we had 19,500 and something I think It was it was 100 off biggest wake. And so then no joke actually got hives based on just like, you lying piece of shit. Like
every day I mentioned,
Ryan man Rory, who looks over our numbers like Danny, his girlfriend like, they're gonna go in a simple cast and say, Josh is full of shit. This is and then I just said, I just wanted to bring that up.
So this is your conscience of 100 likes 100 downloads 100 sorry, downloads, I mean,
and so the thing is that like from the previous month, sorry the previous week, I think it was like 16,000. So going to nearly 20,000 it's a it's a big jump and it is our second biggest week of all time. It doesn't sound as good as the list
and you can amend it because it was written on an actual host. You can't change the text. That's I mean, that's okay. We have YouTube too. And that's being grounded. So like if
and that's what I tried to do. I was like, I didn't think a podcast downloads. Yeah. And I just thought like, I don't want to deal with this lie.
Well, yeah, I mean, it's like when people talk about how much money they make, they rounded up.
Yeah. Okay. And they, they're including soap, but they're doing it as a package. Yeah, yeah. I want to know after tax. What are you saying?
After you pay your rate? What are you making? I think it's okay. If you've admitted the fuck up.
I'm trying to think if I've got any other things,
man, I've just got one, which is, which was pretty hurtful and it's come from you. And it's on Instagram. The Daily talk shows Instagram. And I say this probably was last night when you're on your wines. And you've changed it from hosts. And then at Josh Janssen, which hyperlinks off to you and then and Tommy space jacket, and then in brackets, no insider account. Just to rub that she did well, I don't know what to do, or just leave it.
I didn't like it. was not linked. It will become hyperlinked.
I'll give you an update. So my Instagram my Facebook has been completely wiped off the face of the earth. As of last, I think it was Friday morning, which is very disappointing. I say like genuine mistake on Facebook's end and does that mean I think it's like an automated fuck up
so I thought that there was an actual gronk that was doing that
no, but then I just this is how I'm telling the story to myself to make myself feel a bit better about not having an Instagram
story kameez. I watched a bunch of Epcot totally last night night lines good not to create too many stories. That's what I was trying to work on. Yeah. I mean, because they they destroy power they give you the power
the wrong power. That's
what I have lists now.
And so yeah, first and last week I got onto it posted got Georgie boy to you know, help me With some sort of graphic and Bray was working on some copy, this was around your account had been disabled. And you were telling everyone Hi, who can help me out on Facebook because I'd said this decision cannot be reversed. And so anyway, I got on to my boy, Jules Lund. And anyway, I've had two internal requests lodged at Facebook. So this is like my staff member is able to jump into some back end system and lodge something with a department that will then take a look at it. And so I've had two people submit them durkee get
while we're at it,
absolutely not.
I just want to back and so I mean, this is the thing these are friends of friends that have done them. Rob from quad lock kindly connected me with somebody else good contacted his and then Jules Lund also. And so a bit I mean, what do you what do you do now you smile upset,
because I don't think that Maybe met it with as much seriousness on Friday that you were feeling inside maybe there was a bit of attachment. Yeah, I mean, it's like what can you do? I think I think if I think if you entered into it you'd have a panic attack based on thinking about what you would be feeling well i think so. I don't know if the personal Eric in my personal one I'd be fine. I deleted my face like I get
it. But then it's the Instagram because it's the same thing
but yeah, so I think that the daily talk show I'd be absolutely right bubble. Yeah. Josh Janssen like it's a absolute pigsty if you go onto my account. Give me Give me a followed by the way.
He can't he can't do that. Well, maybe. Follow?
Yeah, I do wonder if you're going to, I didn't think about starting from scratch
from scratch and how we could sort of you get people, you can get people onto it, but it's very hard. I was thinking about it. I mean, this is why you say like, big Instagram is having second accounts. Third accounts. They like regret.
Yes and
Logan Paul has about two other accounts that if one gets wiped, he can jump onto another.
Well that's what I was thinking about the the cyber attacks that are happening at the moment in Australia, Australia. What did I say? Australia, Australia, Australia, fucking the Audio Technica like I put in so much work. And then 97 A her her, Australia
that's how you say straily
Yeah, Leah a strap, but I want to say Australia. Yeah.
The cyber tech stuff. I was thinking about the show. I was like, I'm glad we are on different platforms. Like we have YouTube, like, everything's on YouTube. Everything's in the podcast, everything's on the website. So even if one thing was taken down, all of our content is still good. I mean,
this just shows you how putting complete focus on one platform, especially the ones like Facebook and Instagram, and even Snapchat like I've had a half dozen people come forward and say might I got from the gym 10 years ago my how I exact same thing happened to me. I've lost my Facebook and Insta haven't been able to get back. If you work it out please let me know.
You say the one that fed a mouse to his pet snake now I know
Oh, I know there was another guy on LinkedIn and another guy
on LinkedIn who's quite you know successful LinkedIn stalker Lena, okay. Yeah, he Yeah, he posted a photo on his personal Facebook of his snake eating a mouse. And not good gone. So that's, that's breaking community guidelines. But think about all the shit you see on Facebook, horrible videos.
Did you say Donald Trump drinking water over the weekend? No. How was he drinking it? Well, so there was a whole you're just just like that just how you're sipping right now. No, so he, the media, I think was criticising him based on he was like holding it funny or whatever. And so then he came out to one of the rallies and you Got to look it up. It's It's fucking great, but it's him being like, Look, look at me drink the water and he like drinks. Everyone's like cheering he throws the glass on the ground.
smacks Yeah.
Just so I said Mason sent it to me. I said, Donald Trump's my favourite stand up.
night Hey, I mean, I was listening to a comedian talk about how he like his ego is tested and obviously very fragile. Like thinking about having to respond to someone saying how you drink water, and then how he walked down like this ramp and it was like a bit slow bit slow. I mean, it didn't even look that bad. The media just were like, Oh, look at him. He's all these always falling over like me and he had obviously like shoots suit shoes on the slippery, but then he comes out in defence and spends time as the president
more you think about it, though, he puts so much criticism on people like Joe Biden sleepy Joe, as he calls them, and I guess once he builds out, but he knows the power of building these characters, or then those that we're going to talk about random And people are talking about him everywhere. Also, I guess it's a bit of a distraction as well. Yeah.
What was the other thing for me? Now, I mean, I just feel digital digitally yackey The moment you know, like being compromised, you know, my accounts, the attempted hack, and then my passwords and it's just in a front feed I just I tried to add to two factor authentication to my Google account, which then was causing trouble through third party applications. I just it makes you realise how viable vulnerable and when you when you aren't willing to get uncomfortable and try and change everything how that is the state where you get done, like someone just comes in wipes you like imagine? Imagine having imagine having your identity taken stolen. Be so annoying, like imagine if someone on Instagram posted a photo of you
take your licence now you know that that is outrageous. Don't do that if you if you find a licence, do not send Kevin, I'm talking about you, you if you take if you find someone's licence, don't put a photo up on your Instagram, because it has their address. And it's got their licence number.
Yeah. Which, which is how you can end up. You know, that's used for HIPAA verification things like bank
credit cards
through God, I got
sent in, I think it was in our Instagram. It wasn't To me it was to us an episode of this podcast that was talking about a girl who had her Snapchat hacked. And so she had like an oj username, lizard, Snapchat that username lizard, which would be huge. Like if you had that on Instagram. It's huge. Race Mitchell has an RJ username coffee. That's right.
My friend had a lo ha lo ha that she sold it for five grand and a surfboard
which He's illegal. Yeah, well into terms and conditions but there's a website where it's all a part of the dark web oj usernames and so anyway this does this deep dive I'm gonna put it into somewhere I'll put into discord I just want to spread this what is
gonna find
we got scented on the weekend to the from river night was from a guy who was just saying you need to watch this it's all sort of relating to what happened to me back I don't know where it is. Anyway, this girl got a snapchat hacked and then they they investigated. They went down this rabbit hole found like these young kids who are making shitloads of money hacking accounts selling us and items on the dark web. Like very smart. They had like a discord where you make a discord good on him where, like on the hacked Logan Polls Twitter and then posted on the posted on his Twitter the discord username and said jump in and there was like flooded with people and it's just a really good rabbit hole of like how vulnerable you can be like how they're doing these hacks how do we so
I remember maybe a year and a half ago I went down that digital minimalism thing you know get I talked about retiring retiring from social media we just left is there is it time to relook at all this stuff? Yeah,
maybe it's time to I don't think it's you don't need to necessarily get off but if you're just on one platform,
I don't even post that much on Instagram anymore.
It's all helpful. It's all helpful for the show. It's all helpful.
I posted something yesterday about the our first two star review
what time was this because it didn't make the list but I feel like it was almost the catalyst for you starting to drink last night and also the list. That was also the Last. So today, being Monday in Victoria like gyms and stuff are opening, so it was a lot of people's last hurrah, hurrah, but also they've gone backwards in Victoria. They're not there so they continue further 20 instead 50 yeah that we're gonna open a bunch more stuff up that were already open, but they're gonna keep it at what it was and then open things like gyms and so to me, it's interesting. You talked last week about like a second wave of Coronavirus hitting which you can see why on the weekend. There was so many people that are getting a haircut
looks great by the way. Thanks. I'm going somewhere.
Thanks, Mike.
And on the tape of how the length on the top
Yeah, I asked him to because I thought it just you know, goes back a bit otherwise, just back at you know, grade six. I just had a few little spiky bits at the front you know, jailed up. Now looks just got a bit more fashionable. So many people out and I was like, no Wonder No wonder this What's happening? Yeah. But you're you're you posted about a review would you say?
So this is what's hard. It was a nice review two stars, but this is the thing. I think that the thing that the message is fine, everything is fine. I think that what annoys me is when people misuse the star system. I feel like based on that that should have been a four star basically read out the read out the review. Okay,
so this is from a username Alexandra k 89 to start, good banter, but fat phobic at times fat phobic, or fatter, sorry, fat phobic. I enjoy listening to the show and the gronk guests, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that the guy's fat phobic
was at fat Fridays that didn't
and that's hurtful to listen to as a bigger person.
Show in a raid.
So yeah, I think you Elon eloquently outlined your thinking here. Now you're going to butcher it by writing. Absolutely. So Joshua said, because I can't be bothered talking about this on the show, I'll write it here. That's what I said. It's what you said, your experience versus the experience of others. I've spoken about my struggles with white extensively on the daily talk show. When I was 12 years old, I was counting points with white watches. When I was seven years old. I remember the shame of being on the classroom white tray, where our names were placed on the tree according to our white. Yes, I have fat phobia. I've spent my whole life fretting my relationship with food. I am angry with myself and the weight I've gained during these past few months. Is it productive? No. Is it destructive? Probably will the feeling I have about myself trigger others. It's same. So if I've learned anything over the past few years, it's to listen, but I can't hold your shame when it comes to watching I have enough of my own. There's a certain level of irony with this review, over 20 years of worrying about my wife. And after 750 episodes, that's, that stands out to them. Yeah.
Does that make sense? Like, I just feel like, for me, there's something ironic in how much I think and care about my wife, and how much it's been part of my identity. And maybe I'm projecting like, maybe through talking about it. Clearly, I think that has then led to someone writing a review. I think,
of course, yeah. I mean, the I think there's a you are projecting what what you're going through, and then people reacting with a spin of what they're experiencing. So my my reaction to your projection has been negative in the past and I think I've had to do a piece of work around Mae empathising with you, and you know, your, your relationship with what's going on, and then me as a friend to you how you feel, and at times I haven't had the patience or I haven't had the empathy to deal with it. And, and it's resulted in us having fights about it. And so it's like, that's one version. So then there's the other side of like, the empathetic in terms of someone being able to relate to the shame that you're feeling or experiencing, but then how they're reacting to someone else having a similar version of that reaction. So it's like exactly what you've said, right? I think
that part of it is what they're asking of me. Because I understand I empathise, and I understand. And I think that they're, they're right in what they're saying. I think that a review, like I think that it would have been nice to if you're a listener of the show, if you're a regular listener, if you've listened to them 600 plus hours of podcasts that we've done thus far. gronk get it which is very, you know, I just feel like just send an email like let's let's have a conversation because I think that the, the calling it like labelling it and simplifying it, I think he's the the annoying the annoying bit because is it you're not listening now is that the like if Yeah, I mean I mean if you do stuff like that but anyway the
Can you I mean can you be fat phobic as somebody who's experienced it
and still battles with it? Well I think that what they're asking from me and maybe I'm wrong but it's to reconcile the fat phobia that I have in so what you know what they're saying I saw a comment as well from someone saying, you know, how do you do what so you're not projecting that on to other people. I think it's a hard one because it's like everyone's on their own journey. They're obviously potentially They're on a different path with a different sort of narrative. They're focusing, like they're probably read the books, like I'm a friend of mine, Kylie, who brought up the fatphobia stuff before with me and we've had conversations about it. She's like, here are some books on it. If you read, I'm sure if I read a bunch of books around fatphobia there would be a greater sensitivity to everything that we talked about. So everything from how we talk about carbs, or you talking about grabbing your, your cash or things like that. But I think that the other thing too, is what we're doing is communicating our own experience. And for me, if I'm being really honest, this is how deep seated the whole thing is. It's like, I worry that if I go down the route of giving it a label, if I say I, it's fatphobia I need to stop worrying about that stuff. That's the The path of just not thinking about my health, not thinking about all that stuff, and I want it, I'm definitely going to intervene and learn more about this stuff. But I think as well. And I'm also wary of vanity versus health. But I think it's important to, I need to reconcile it in my own time, I don't think that we can force that thing to happen. I think we can be more sensitive to it. I think we can do a better job of thinking about the people around us and think about, okay, how is this making them feel, but um, we were just a reflection of society. But if we've learned anything over the times with Black Lives Matter, and also I think the system's fact. And there's a bunch of things. There's a bunch of unconscious bias or a bunch of things that we're wired to do or say that's not necessarily productive. I think you've done a great job of being honest with your experience with food and white. And so then at that point, because I don't think you fat shame you never like I think your sensitivity to it is one of personal experience. I never have seen you, you know, say things directly. Oh, I think that we, I think it's it is the very small like, that's that whole micro aggression thing that people talk about. It's like the small things. So by us communicating or saying like, I don't want to eat too much, or like all of these things. That's the height like,
yourself isn't fatphobia
necessarily. I think that that's the whole all of this hate, like, if you look at hate in any realm, it's normally comes back to the individual and how they see themselves. And so that's the the fact that bit of about at all is it's like everyone's looking at their own individual personal business. And I think that when people say negative stuff, it's actually saying more about how they're feeling and what they're doing rather than than everyone else. And I guess the hard bit is that most people take it as if someone says something. They're like, to be honest, I don't that's the fucked up like, I don't care I've I've got friends all shapes and stuff like I actually don't care what my friend like that's how much maybe I'm a complete narcissist. But if I can care if you fat on it, really, I just don't want to be fat like that. Yeah, if anything, like
that's probably fine Friday, I was gonna like damn.
Yeah, it Yeah, I mean, it's, it's,
but then that's for yourself, not for other people. You just set it there. So you have to take what you say. And so if you're fat, fat phobic for yourself. Then it's like saying that that is a negative thing. But you've outlined that well, you have the Have a vision of focus on your situation because you're the only one in control of that. And so if your mind isn't focused on that, it could be out of control, which then the only person to fix it is you and you're the one that the tele control. So then you there is a spiral down there.
And I mean, I think you could draw parallels to what Seamus, were talking about the other day around internal misogyny. So you can be a woman, and you can be really like some of the most misogynistic ideas or thoughts can come from women as well, and what they think and communicate about the women around them. Does that make the misogyny? Right? No, it reflects the whole system and why that's all fucked up. And so that's where I think that the hard thing is, I agree with Alexandra and what she's saying. I think of that. Yeah, I think like what what I've what I I've already said you know the shot like it's with with me every single day. And so I think that I'd be doing myself a disservice to to try and fix it from an external thing because that's what this whole fact up thing is like I need to internally reconcile and in, it's not going to like maybe it will trigger maybe this review will trigger that conversation. But it can't be the I think it can be the catalyst for the for Yeah, absolutely.
It's not anything else pissing you off.
Exide burns Harry is 97th autoresponder.
Yeah, definitely no
downloads. I did mention that I was gonna bring up the Insta bio thing. So when he's getting it back then
I'm just waiting Mark should call me back in about five. Zuckerberg nothing's happening. I mean, this is what you don't know. And then I feel uncomfortable following up, Jules on who has to follow up somebody else or following up Rob. You know, like Liberty And that we were on the email chain with, I think I will I've got a bunch of other emails I emailed like a very high up person at Facebook market Facebook now. Now, I mean, this is a bunch of people sent me email address. It's very straightforward. It's like the name and.in, the middle Plus, it's just@fba.com. So you can find out this is the thing. I mean, this is the thing about like, email addresses that they're very public. Like, it's not that you can give out like the there's a hierarchy. It's like mobile number. Do you want to give that randomly? Maybe, maybe not. Email address? Yeah, whatever. You can just block them or send it to spam or delete it.
The interesting thing someone in the public is getting that amount of email.
Well, Seth Godin.
Well, he writes back to everyone. It's pretty crazy. That's insane. If you've got any ideas of what you want to hear, like given we're doing a week It's mainly just you went off.
Yeah, old school. I mean, the first how many episodes? 70? No.
15 I guess I guess. And then sevens didn't come on until the 250.
Yeah. Now look at him. That's pissing me off. How happy is that? Can we just talk about I'm very, extremely happy for him not absolutely happy for him. He's got a week off his annual leave. He's girlfriends moved to the state. And they're off down the coast. I mean, I'm looking at a photo of him in the car. who dropped him off. Did you drop? Yeah. You dropped him off to the airport. He's wearing a T shirt. It's winter. And he had he's so
yeah, I mean, you know that I like to overthink and so just deconstructing everything he gets into the car. He wearing aftershaves shave Yes. borrowed it from his brother Sam. Always fucking off the show. I'm like So what happened? She likes the smell them. Want you to buy it. You've got a T shirt on. And then you've got a puffer jacket. Yeah, there's no in between. And so he's in your car in his t shirt with these guns are these these best assets chest and he got flour. No, it was very sweet.
He was he was fired up, was he It was very happy. Yeah, but we were. I think that Brian I drive him and we'll like I was nervous for him at the end. I mean,
I just I looked at a photo of him standing there, which grace posted a team with the flowers, and I just I felt the feeling of what he might have been feeling in that moment. Like, oh, nervous thinking about off going off to a first date, but this is Wow. I mean, there's a lot of a lot of interest coming through on the post. It's very, very cute. People are right behind tips and we are to
wait, hopefully, I just hope he doesn't fuck up the relationship with a rod from Blake Garrett. He needs to post a lot. Does anybody know what he says? He said are like rod so nice. He's so easy. Just make sure you over deliver just yeah. Post a bunch of photos. Did you say? Oh yeah, you saw on the blog, Gary beach house Instagram. Yeah. There was an Insta story. Yeah. And it was a shot of a beach. Yeah. And that was beautiful cursive writing like you would see in a wedding video. And it said, Grace and Mason, welcome. I'll
say what we need the the Social Media Manager
when a guarantee joy will dry out. Now 97 is hate doing that. He didn't do that one.
Right. It's the daily talk show. If you haven't left a review yet yet, and you've got something nice and productive to say, we won't go into air. If we get negative rupees. It's not well, that's what I told you. When I saw it on Saturday. The hardware. Well, now I was just like, Okay, here we go. This is like a growth opportunity. Like I was sort of excited about as I saw this as a growth opportunity. Yeah. Well, here we go. Did you, Crystal said, Did you guys teach Sam's to under promise and over deliver? Absolutely. 100% has to do that he knows what we do. So Athos Yeah. And what was I just talking about? Just got distracted by the hype
going Saturday. Oh,
yeah. Yeah. And so trying to work out, it's like, okay, you get one bit of negative feedback. It's actually not that negative. Do I post about it? Do I not do I just be silent, do I? And so I thought it was sitting with me. I mean, the thing is that you get that comment, and you're also in the turmoil of like, Fuck, I need like, Alright, so I was really going deep into like, my white thing and stuff. And so I'm like, I just need to fucking do something to where I want to be able to like part of it is it's just like, you want to be able to put on fucking clothes. It fit you. But then you have the fact up thing is like you don't want to buy the clothes because you're like, I'm gonna get back to the white. And so I just got Jane's braid and actually just went to cotton on got these great 30 like I think yeah 3030 is waist which is like very big, very comfy as like
a rat like without you try them on
a skinny leg. So I feel comfortable. I feel comfortable now. Good. Because I'm having all of that happen. Yeah, and then being like, Oh, geez, I'm trying to fuck in. I'm having a meltdown about having no clothes, trying to work out what to do with my bike. And then I've got someone yelling, you're fat phobic.
I know the trigger the trigger on triggering somebody.
And so Alexander, if you if you're listening, I completely understand what you're saying. And I empathise, like, I feel like I feel the same thing every like what she's experiencing. I can play gasps hopefully we can do a better job around it. But in saying that I want to try and tell my unique story and communicate yet as well.
Yeah, I think there's a lot of value in it.
Right? It's a daily talk show. Tomorrow guys have a good one. Say guys, Happy Monday.