#657 – Extroverts In Isolation With Gemma Watts/
- April 1, 2020
Queen Gronk joins us remotely to chat about what she’s up to, extroversion and isolation, stress and its impact on skin, routine, and what working in the beauty industry is like at the moment.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– April fools
– Houseparty
– Extroverts and isolation
– Stress and the impact on skin
– Extractions
– Routine
– What’s Gem’s Watching on Netflix
– The beauty industry
Gemma Watts: https://www.instagram.com/gemkwatts/
Glow Journal: https://glowjournal.com/
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 657. What's happening guys? What's going on Jim Kay watts.
Hello, friends. Hi, how's it? Yeah, actually really good today. It's nice to see my pals.
How have you got a painting that just has alcohol drawn on in the background?
No, actually, that's a photo that I took. And there's, it's all like mine and my parents stuff. So there's like my favourite perfume, mom's favourite perfume. There's a carafe there's dad's, like moustache, what it's called shaving brush, to curl, passport.
carafe couple took away when you put them put the wine. Oh, like a ride. If you read one. I
need to create that. Yeah, you definitely do. I know the process is to get to know To guarantee
decanting yeah
candy candy I bought, I bought one from San Francisco and Burleigh back from my uncle. And it was a it was from the Napa Valley just outside of San Francisco. But it was in a love heart. And so you poured you plugged it onto the bottom of the, onto the bottle, and you pulled it upside down, the red wine would rush into the love heart shape, and swirl and come out the other side. So it looks like a heart with blood flowing through it. It was awesome.
Did he ask for
it? No, but he's a wine connoisseur. So I thought,
you know, that's a beautiful gift.
And I had to you know, lugging it back from the States. I had to make sure it didn't get smashed. I just saw guys on news calm today. You as of midnight tonight. They're shutting bottle shops in Australia. Have you seen that? Oh, right.
Yeah. Have you seen it? Have you got you know, while this is this is 100% April Fool's.
But did I get you Jim Yeah, I was saying I was doing an April Fool's when I said it's good to see my friends.
I mean, is it socially? I mean, can the news do April Fool's? I guess
they always do. But I feel like at this time, that's probably not ideal.
No, I I think April Fool's Whoo. Is is really taking a blow this year. I mean, I just I yeah, I didn't come up with that alcohol one. I just saw a bunch of people on Facebook posting a fake news website that was pushing that propaganda, which is absolute bullshit.
I mean, as a kid, I used to go really hard on the April Fool's to the point where it would have been pretty upsetting for my whole family.
Well, I just need to get my heart right back down after that shot.
Jim, by the way,
I mean, for the average person enough.
Do you guys are aware like, Emily?
Yeah. What do you think like How much sexual grog Do you have right now, I can't put a number on
this, but outwit like the bungalows pretty stocked. Okay, if
you've got a bungalow full I think you're pretty good.
Yeah, but like there's wine in there and there's beauty products so
I just didn't used to do a lot of scaring of my, my mom, like I would just go like I would just be hiding behind the her bathroom door and especially when she was doing like, the hairdryer because she wouldn't be able to hear anything and you turn it off. I'll just get out of bed. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was all it was pretty low level level stuff. I feel I would have done some to TJ
now never really never really done it. I've just found a website that is 30 hilarious pranks for April Fools. A lot of them. A lot of them are visual. One of them is Like getting a whole lot of balloons, and then sticky typing them to a window. So it looks like the whole entire room is filled with balloons. But it's not. It's like that's basically
what you've got to
do. I feel Wasn't it you that sent us the car?
Oh, yes,
your sky yeah but that was a that was my friends like two years above me that didn't in a weed killer the deacon bowls on the oval. And it's like if you google canine Secondary College there's a large chance that's still the number one hate.
Yeah, well you did you sent it to us that wasn't that was probably yes.
I yeah. Oh, at least I reckon it was before I'd even. Oh, I don't think you'd know yet.
No, I don't think I had either. I reckon you might have still been overstays.
Actually, I do remember one prank that I applied. Because my brother James was always an easy time. Good because it would my mom caught it screeching. Should I say James, stop scratching. And and so what I did was I put salt in his bed, which is just just annoying.
And they put sand in your fucking bed where you get it coming from today we went on a walk. I did a live stream, Jim and I you were there. I was lovely. Josh, I actually saw you're on there for a second. You were the first person to see it actually just saying
the content we're doing. Yeah. Walking really wasn't it? No.
Did you listen?
Yeah, I was listening. I was good.
Anyway, so but we found a we went for Walker when there was a golf course. And he just saw a bunker and went straight for it jumped straight in putting sand everywhere. That's that's I mean, just telling you how they sort of gravitate towards anything annoying. Did he at least write it up after he did it? It was I don't know if there's Um, I don't know if it's open. a golf course is still functioning in Corona.
I think as of Monday, I done
really, is that an April Fool's? Oh, is that?
Because I don't know.
Does your dad know that your dad play Jim? I feel like you'd get around go. No,
no, no, because there's not like a golf is the ultimate exercise in social distancing. Because you don't need to be near other people. Whereas dad's like, he's so social. He's having a hard time. I think he's struggling as much as I am.
Or golf. Australia wants golf courses closed immediately and indefinitely amid strict new government restrictions. That was two days ago. So I think Yeah, Monday. They've gone
usually am.
Yeah, well, I didn't see. There's been a bunch of people. I've been walking in Edinburgh gardens and there's been a bunch of people still playing basketball more than one on one. I am a part of me Have
I told him office today Really?
I was gonna call you got real strong. What What did they say?
They looked at me and then went back to what they were doing. So that was cool that made me feel real good. There was a family of eight including like grandparents playing on the playground. So I am I just stood there looking at them like with a real serious look on my face and then they went back to what they were doing the issue isn't there was that many of them the issues that playgrounds a shot
I thought unison during the swing because that is a content they
want Yeah, cuz I really want them to go on the swing and then yeah, I just stood there for a bit and I was like, you know, playgrounds are shot and then they would just I don't know if they just didn't understand potentially.
How far were you away from them? Like we was this a yelling thing or?
No, it was like a like a raised voice thing and then I walked this is at the playground near like with a miniature railway is Then I walked back to like along the back track. I don't know why I'm pointing. I walked back to the playground near my house and the council had just put up the signs saying playgrounds are closed so Elva Park would have been there next stop. Don't real strong.
Yeah, looking for a hit. It's hard. I mean, it is hard. I feel like if you are, I mean, TJ has been tempting to take Bodhi to the park
in our we walk past one and it was I've never seen this park before. Never been down this path before. Metaphorically and in real life. And I saw this park on the left hand side I'm like, Fuck, this is hard because Bodie seeing swings and wants to go, I said maybe can't coronavirus and he was such a good boy.
Does he understand what does he understand of the corona virus at the moment?
He knows that it's they must have learned to the daycare because I said we mentioned Corona and he said no Corona, Corona virus, and then he proceeded to say kovat 19
because we can't say the C word anymore.
Anyway, he then knows that it makes people sick. But that's it. I mean, he's more he's caring about transformers. In the cam Shan is
someone that took down the playground in close sign in my estate? Just rip the hazard tape off. I mean, that's pretty outrageous.
I just see this is these sheets meet so much because it's these pit like, this is the reason we're all locked up is people aren't following the rules.
Hmm. It's so annoying. Have you heard about the year obviously across the catfish stuff. How do you think I've apologised? Danielle's apology Joe? Thank you
was a really good apology.
That's I know that's just my voice. I sounded sarcastic, but I'm serious.
And so what do you think? What makes up a good idea? apology What? I can't remember exactly what I said. But what was the was it just
sounded sincere. Yeah, that's all Yeah. And you didn't do I'm sorry if I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way. That's the worst.
Yeah. I mean, it's pretty I'm sorry and then followed by but
however, however Oh, but
yeah, mom's been watching Gossip Girl and she's like the new rule is she I said make it a drinking game but she wanted to make it an exercise game. She's that you have to do 10 push ups every time Serena says I'm sorry, but machine
learning in the household on the on the receiving end of a I'm sorry, accepting it and saying thanks. And thank you. Bernie Brown was talking about this in that same episode where I was reeling off her other thing that she does the check in, what percentage you you're at. But yeah, that like the time where someone has hurt You and then you say thanks for the apology. It's it can it can be annoying to say thanks because you like fucking, but it does have some some weight to it How you going? Gemma? What's your percentage level? What are you writing it for that?
Ah, I mean I'm not I don't know I'm not going to put a number on it but I'm good today I actually struggled a bit like when you and I me facetimed me that was really nice because I was actually like down in the dumps before that. I'm just like I just make Spain Nia people that's Yeah.
Did you want to put together? I can put mine like it's like we're putting your hands on each other's heads for the window.
This is really an honour.
But yeah, I mean like work is so busy so I'm super super grateful to be in that position. But yeah, I just like it sounds like such a wonky thing to be complaining about but it just has dawned on me in the last I want to say the last week how as much of an extrovert I am in that that's how I'm recharging is by being around people so yeah, find that
you're actually making new friends at this time. Are they all original friends?
I mean, do you find new friends?
Well, I guess like on social media are you finding that you're having I've never said this before but Banse you're having what is that bands? Is that some food? Danny Alexander in a band. I was like I said to break watch what's bands what she wants bands to get
that you've never had a bad smell.
So I don't think I'm having more or less bands than I was before. I think my um, my band's levels were pretty high to begin with. Can we just stick with band aids?
No, I don't like it. I've been
sibs dance.
I don't think I've ever said bands before. Okay.
I don't think anyone's ever said Oh, that's
a thing. Okay, definitely thing.
And so you facetiming people then are you using this party? party app?
Yeah, house party is a bit glitchy though. FaceTime is good and the video thing when I'm on Facebook Messenger again, I don't know why I'm trying to draw a picture with my hand. But the video thing on Facebook Messenger is it's good, not glitchy.
And what's the with house party? Can you actually do things outside of just talk like can you like you know, back
I think back style The Brady
Bunch stuff. Is that is that a custom job or is that in app?
No, that's a custom job.
Really. She's got emotion, right? Just putting, putting together a
deck. Elliot and Rosa are all with the same management lm And then there's a videographer Ashley, and she is also with LMA. So they've been doing this to like keep the audience engaged. I think it's a buddy. Great idea. So, watch.
Have you seen what Jaime's flight is doing with these zoom?
I'm very funny.
I'm just trying to work out is that integrated with his own? Because if that is that's genius like is it is zoom on the on who's who's allowing, I mean someone a producer's obviously just getting access to all these random people's zooms and then dropping a machine. Is that right?
Yeah, I think so. That's my understanding he
he put out a request for people that they could send him. He's the details was already up to tonight is that
he's broken the arm offer toy and he's now wanting daddy to put the arm back on the toy.
So we spoke. We spoke a couple of days ago around activities, curriculum.
All right, yeah, really good suggestions, guys. Yes.
I may want to stop.
Yeah, I want to get a random I could definitely get into a bit of watercolour I know it's a big man I could do watercolour is what was that? What
am I good? I want to get into clay, one of my girlfriend's awnings and got I think it's like 10 bucks and you get a decent size block of clay and then she's been sculpting like torsos.
I would love that Bray would not have a bar of it because I would make so much mess you could do is
mg, send you screenshots and then you need to kill Can you can use an oven.
Just drive.
Yeah. Yeah, it's just like you've smelled it and then I think you just have to have wet hands and then you just go to town.
As a kid, I was big into charcoal. I was I could correct really talk a lot. But um, so TJ What are you doing with birdie? What?
I got another couple of suggestions too that were the same from em and Sam wise on Insta. There's something called Vcc to yoga for kids. And it's
yeah doubt our daughter doing this.
It's called a cosmic kids yoga adventure. And so I want to do a session of that but then I got some other ones use masking tape to tape a simple maze car track onto the floor. He can use animals or Matchbox cars through it, which is good. There's also so this is the this is a good one. I feel less guilty about giving him screen time for this. There's storybooks on YouTube are Packers in the miracles the day the crayon quit. And the day the crayons came back?
What about time, I like it so this screen time but can bowtie just sit there and Listen to something
loves music. What's your favourite song, buddy? Have you got a favourite song? What do you want? Which he's making things up now? It's funny when you put it on the spot he makes it. Well, that's
really my Mr.
Music. So if you watch that live stream today, I was struggling, struggling to get him to get on his bike and actually walk so I had to carry him. But then after the livestream, I worked out that I could play music in my pocket from my phone, and he would chase me on his bike. Oh my goodness. Can I just show you this to me? This is gonna let you know what that is. Can you say that?
Oh, okay, um, hang on. Is this Paul Paul?
Yeah, but look at the look of the absolute massacre that's gone down inside of this
thing, Paul. Paul, what are you using Paul Paul for?
It's not me. It's this kid. What do you mean what? Why have you got football, though? Cuz I was using it
it's not good it doesn't. It's good if you are a surfer or if you have chafing but
Julie currently
enjoy you'd go Vaseline. Alright guys
the same thing. I people who use pour pour as a lip balm that really gets to me but not a moisturiser. It's a barrier cream so it's good for like if you're out in the element, it's going to stop the dry wind from drying out your lips or whatever you're using the pour pour for but it's not going to hydrate them, if that makes sense. Like it puts up a wall sure that it's not it's a protector, but it's not sure. Yeah, it makes sense. I actually put some I've started using face the broto
because the I found that my my forehead is starting to I was like oh my god like is it good? Is it dangerous if it's hanging from your forehead?
No, but it's, um, potentially related. Like if you you know, you reckon you've got folliculitis but if that's something like um, you know, potentially psoriasis that would be an any kind of skin
for little poodle. folliculitis is actually gonna reckon I'm just feeling the back of
my head. You shorts folliculitis is my question because if it's if it's something different, it could be like just an overall skin theme about everyone's skin has gone to absolute shit since isolation started including mine. Just know. Amy's she actually made a comment yesterday.
The products that you gave her around Christmas time, she said her face her skin is amazing.
She's also been gone today as well. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of stress there. I think how much distress Yeah,
I know that I know with my skin stress is it 100% I never liked high school do you really have I've turned this into a beauty podcast and like I had I was fine. So I got through my teenage years and I was like, Yes, nailed it, no big issues. And then when I was like 23 breakout Central and then I went to a dermatologist for the first time and they were asked and this is when I was still in my nine to five job and they were asking about work and everything I'd been doing and they were like, yeah, this is stress and then I quit my job and here we are in Yeah, it's a good
Yeah, it's good life hack getting nice skin.
I think this is stressful, but I'm fine.
So the stress thing at home how what else does it do to you? What else how else is it impacting pebble do you think? Well, I may ski are you talking skin special?
Yeah, I mean it's Yeah, I just want you on everything I know you're not qualified at all to talk about this but just
well i mean i so that when I'm still on skin because I know like all of the girls that I've talked to on Instagram are in struggle town, but I thought it was maybe from being inside all the time. I thought it was a couple of things being inside I thought, like heating and air con dries your skin out and then it sounds counterproductive. But if your skin becomes too dehydrated, then your body goes into overdrive and produces even more oil. Then it's like a it's a vicious cycle. So I thought that was happening. And then because I haven't really been wearing makeup, I thought the makeup kind of hydrates the skin a little bit as well. So I thought okay, maybe that's drying it out. I don't know. But then. Yeah, I spoke to a few people and they're like, even if you don't feel stressed, which I I don't. It's nice because
of the red wine. The red one, the red one definitely reminds me that,
yes, sugar and alcohol definitely. But I'm probably not drinking anymore than I was to begin with. But just like the underlying feeling of RNAs triggers the stress hormone, and hormones and skin.
Anyway, Dr. Kay's asking any food for better skin.
I mean, it's so specific, but it's mostly like gut health is really really inextricably linked to the skin. So if you're having like serious acne, the first thing a dermatologist tells you to cut is dairy. Then gluten from there so if if your gut is unhappy that shows on the skin because you're not digesting it properly, then it starts to crawl out the pores.
I once went to a nutritionist like probably like a natural medicines person, someone in Parang natural Yeah, natural naturopath I was I was like, I'd been to dermatologist tapes and I had acne as a adult or you know, a young adult 1920 2122 actually probably up to like 24 that I had
that absolutely home.
Yeah. Because then I hit this period where it's like gone. I hardly get acne or you know if I'm sweating and wearing hats and shit, yeah, maybe. But this guy like, he like pop this thing and like took some of the shit and like put it under this microscope. I just felt like it was such rah rah, because by the end of it, he didn't do anything. He didn't give me anything. He's like guy. Yep. So I was checking something about whether they were like, in some, I don't know, just checking some dumb thing that never did anything. But there's so many things absolutely rah rah. Well, it's I mean, if he had something on the other side, I probably would have bought it because it was such a rigmarole to get to the to get there. But then He had nothing on the other end of it. But yeah, dairy was the one I got told as a kid like often get off in
bed. What do you think about extractions?
I mean, okay, so again, it depends on the skin. My skin actually doesn't respond too well to extractions because it's just a bit too harsh like I microdermabrasion is another thing that my skin doesn't respond really well to. But my skin responds really well to like hate and lot so laser is really good. But my advice to everyone when this happens is like go to a dermatologist, but that's not even an option now, a lot of them and doing zoom consults, which is good, but
yeah, I don't know. 50% 50% cheaper if you're doing his own thing.
Most of them are.
What is what is extraction? Sorry, you lost me there, Georgia.
gem you can answer.
Oh, okay. I thought specifically, um, no, it's just getting right into the pause. So if you've got blackheads or build up or anything, they just laugh Get it out
poppier, simple. It's like so dermatologist and stuff to upgrade gets it done. And so they'll like, basically they're, there's a heap of different ways of doing it, but they taking a layer off and then they using like, what's it called, like a scalpel II sort of thing that's like a loop. And they sort of
I've watched that and my parents don't watch.
Technically extractions, he's just that pot with the lotion. Taking a layer off is a separate thing. That's just exfoliation. Whether it's man Oh, Kevin.
I just wrote extractions into Google. And the first thing that comes up is covered 19 alert, stay at home. If you feel unwell. they've released a ranking well for that, Josh.
Thank you, you on Google because I think it sits at the top of anything that you look at
Yeah, have you changed your schedule? I know you have worked from home for a lot of time for a long time, but he's sorry to interrupt.
Just to confirm it doesn't sit at the top of all Google searches. I just searched Gemma Watson found a young paedophile.
Oh, there she is.
Thrilled, but that still there?
I mean, we did a whole episode on it didn't wait. Um, I mean, Okay, so here's the thing, my routine hasn't changed dramatically, but, like, if I was okay, let's just say coronavirus isn't the thing I would ordinarily have one or two days a week where I'm just at my desk, or just taking photos and I don't have to be anywhere, so that the routine that I would have on those days hasn't changed at all, but usually I would have to go to a meeting or I would be emceeing something say like once a week or I'd be meeting someone to interview them for the podcast. So, I have all this extra time this this is such a silly thing to be, I guess not complaining about but even to be talking about me getting ready to go to an event or to go and interview someone takes a bit of time because I work in beauty. So there's an expectation for me to be presenting in a certain way. So I now like it's your, your m saying like it we saw it at the the bushfire thing related thing, and it's like, Oh, thank you. You are
like I couldn't put like the how much you charge around normally or whatever, versus when you like, got your clipboard? It's um, you're very good at it.
Thank you. That's really lovely. No, I it's nice. Um, but yeah, I just I'm not having to like, do hair and makeup or memorise a script or any of that. So, it's the, it's the in between moments that are different for me. So even if I'm like sitting at my desk going, Okay, I've got to get x, y and Zed done by four o'clock because at four o'clock, I need to start doing my hair, or I need to put a tan on whatever this like, whatever the stupid thing is that I have to do. I'm not having to do that. So I'm kind of sitting at my desk and going, Okay, well, I've got until whatever time I want to work until so. That's that's the only place that I've had to shift. My lack mentality. But I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I'm fortunate in that I was already working from home so I haven't had to change all that much. How many times have you ventured down to the shops to buy stuff? Bailey any barely any? I mean, Jill and Bruce have just been lumped with
nothing like Cindy I know the
animal is
convinced that he's like, not vulnerable, but he did when they announced the the over 70 years. hour or however long it is in the mornings. He was like, Oh, goody. And I said, Dad, Nah, it's it's for people that actually can't, you know, make it to the shops and shop for themselves during regular hours. Like it's not just because you're over 70 He's like, he's so active who would be a
group, wouldn't he?
Yeah, well, I'm, I'm like dad into not fair. And then this morning, he was like, I'm off to the shops and I was like, might just do it. If you can get toilet paper, let me know.
I'd be dead if I was 70. I mean, it's just for convenience. Right? You just less gronk everywhere. Harry. Harry's just said that he just went to the shops and there's a whole bunch of gronk from other towns buying up resources.
I had heard about that. But I thought it was a myth. But that's that makes me a bit
unhappy. I'm sure. I'm surprised how he didn't yell something elaborate. I think he would They when
we spoke yesterday about intimate relationships in a time of being isolated. What are your friends doing to keep connected with their partners if they are not in the same area?
I don't think I've gotten I mean, I haven't got friends with partners that aren't in the same area. My single friends elac Ah, this is an IPO
because they just learned
like, I won't name No, not even that I have a single friend that I won't name cuz, you know, she had just started saying a guy, like pretty casually, but now. I mean, it's pretty much locked down. So she's like, great. I was really looking forward to getting laid but that won't be happening. Potentially for another six months
and so they couldn't lock down together too soon.
Way too soon, like outrageously too soon and also I'm pretty sure he's in like the Army or the Navy or something. So he lives on a base.
It would be a great reality show people who have just met getting locked down for the coronavirus.
Right. Yeah.
I'd watch that. You know, just bringing two people together. One from Perth one from Melbourne. What a shock. A shock.
Now, interesting example.
Pinch to random cities and
Yeah, I did. I just looked at a map and said those two Yeah.
Are you watching much stuff on Netflix? You know,
I knew I thought you might ask this. I want to watch that. The Tiger King shard. Really man watch that much. I would
think of the photo Shop shop guys.
Yeah, it looks really natural. I almost
don't shop job Oh no, I spent way more time on 97 and then just got over
the fade into that mallet same looks right. Yeah, I mean we just bought a PC computer if you got Microsoft Paint open
should actually say what Ms paints like nowadays but yet for people who don't know what we're talking about on Instagram I posted a photo where I have photoshopped Joe exotics photo of him and his husbands who he sort of convinced to marry, and it's a great story. And anyway,
do you not want to put me as one of them because I'm not your bitch but Mr. 97.
Exactly. If you look at from a narrative perspective, the fun of it is that Joe exotic is this weird unit who is getting younger employees Marrying them. And so it felt like and there is a lot of similarities where I sort of, as I described, you know, you beat them down to the point where they feel worthless, and then you bring them back. That's, that's my that's my shtick.
That's really nice. And isn't there a woman who fed her husband to a tiger?
Well, potentially Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
And I may be doing the same.
Yeah, Carol, Carol's nightmare.
Who am I? If I'm not one of your bitches. I'm out of the bag. Now you're
now you're your
blog. Which ones? Yeah,
the blue light here.
You're the guy. That you're the guy that he's got several wives in that. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, he's not dark. He's definitely not dark. He's Jeff. Jeff is the one who rents a mansion in Vegas. They discover that it's funny.
Yeah, that said I was like that.
I don't even think a lot of people so
yeah, I mean it's just so weird.
Yeah, yeah, maybe I'll get into that.
Is that is it is when work inevitably dries up?
That's what I that's what I'm getting.
Jim How are you feeling about the future? ambition? You know you're now
well here's the thing and I feel I think I talked about this on Friday night drinks I feel guilty because I've got buddy copywriting work coming out my ears, but I'm sure I'm realistic in that that would dry up at some point. But, you know, keeping busy in the meantime is a nice position to be in. But I guess we'll just wait and see but I was so in denial about how long this was going to last because even a week ago, I was like, I've recorded the podcast up until May and that'll be great because in May we can all start recording in person again. So It'll be fine and then this week it's dawned on me it is not fine. So that did you think
like because I feel like we thought we were early on starting to organise everything and trying to you know, get it all of our remote setups with that idea of you not necessarily believing how long it was going to take. Did we just look a bit crazy in the early days?
No, not at all because I'm like, they've got this like you guys have the capability to record from anywhere. Anyway, you've done it before so it didn't say mad to me it just it sounds smart. But I think I just I didn't prioritise it because the like em sayings obviously been affected but my management have been really good and like I am saying jobs I had coming up, they've swapped that in for like Instagram posts or blog posts or whatever it might be. So that's, that's not the end of the world. The website hasn't been affected copywriting business hasn't been affected. Instagram hasn't been affected. This is the I'm sure it's all going to happen. But for now it's okay. The podcast I am going to have to start recording remotely at some point but I don't do that much advertising on there. So even if I did go you know what I might just take a little midseason break, that wouldn't be the end of the world for me. So I'm fortunate in that I've got varied income streams
for now. No midseason break just kicked out. Just Yeah,
I think I will. I think I will.
Did you think that you've slowed down?
In what sense?
Well, I think that everyone with the shift or a lot of people anyway, with clients, what are you doing to slow down the drinking, drinking? Like Damn, are you finding that like, because you are someone who's ambitious and always working, and
I couldn't charge you that pulled it Dr. Rogan Yeah.
Yeah Joe Rogan was interviewing one of the biggest guests in the world It wasn't it would Snowden had his air pods on and you could say it from a mile away.
Jim Harris now on Jim, can you hear us now? That's okay.
Serbs, can you can you save? Can you be the sign language person the corner?
No live stranger at the moment,
who is who is someone was saying that they wanted to learn sign language. Right? It's amazing. I remember once, I just have watched with no volume, just watch the sign language person. And then you watch it with volume. So you sort of see, like the freight that the things that they're doing to describe the phrase, and it's like, I think they're doing less. It's almost like if you were to translate the words from sign language, you know, the signs into words. There's less words. So we use a lot when we're talking. But it seems like they're really descriptive with like one thing you know, once again, explains the whole sentence. It's like fact that's efficient. It's pretty amazing. Yeah. How fast I can do it too.
It's unbelievable. is literally just switched her out for 97 for the main
she's gonna be
said says, we can't we can't hear you, Jim. The emails.
Yeah, so we got an email from Tim. This is from yesterday's show. Hey Tommy, Josh and saves. Absolutely love the show. Although I'm not an original gronk I came in at around Episode 550. And as well as listening to the new episodes, I've been pushing my way through the earlier ones. I'm up to Episode 96. Anyway, my dad works for Peter analysis. You blokes would know him as Brad blanks his father,
you should ask Brad. Brad next time to sing you the kaboom caravans ad from back in the day. It's one of those old ads you hear from The childhood that gets burned into your brain bloody funny. Cheese gronk Keep up the good work, Tim.
Love it. Thanks, Fred.
Fred told us that his dad had a caravan business up in
Cobra. It's so good. And Tim, I've just I just wrote your letter for the VIP gronk he'll be getting these stickers in the mail. So anyway, we'll finish it there, Jim. Hang on. Let me turn on you.
Have you sorted things out?
It just the whole chrome just shut down.
You're all good. Now. Back in.
Yeah, I don't know what's happened.
It's actually a better connection to be honest.
If I'm had gone
if you have just muted that now.
Thank you, Harry says that I'm your daddy.
Joshua's Daddy, Daddy, do you feel that way?
I've got a little bit of a sudden loud he just doesn't listen to me Josh doesn't listen to me it sounds pretty appropriate no but I'm I love Josh exotic exotic
Really? What is it? Yeah, I think well because I see I see Joe and I'm like you know what? These these elements that I can appreciate you switch out Xu for podcast and I'm probably
and I think when he plays it up for the cameras and he's just firing people on camera because the cameras there
if I'm then Jordan Michael ladies is doc love that. It's the daily talk show we're streaming twice a day 11am and 4pm Melbourne time that the times will be shifting on Sunday. And so if the time is not working for you definitely relook at that and obviously you're All the shows are available in the podcast feeds, like usual we're doing we're doing a new number every single episode. We thought about doing like, blah blah point one or like the episode number point one or a or b. It's confusing as fuck. So, two episodes today, new numbers for both the episodes. Let's see Jim lot finally there, mate. I think I am Here you are. Thank you for coming on the show.
Here we go. Oh, pleasure. Thank you to crime for I guess just shutting down in the middle of me talking which is good.
It's a little bit
makes me feel good about myself.
Yeah. Who's on super,
super good ego boost. Who's on glow journal on the podcast? Yeah. There's a podcast. The website could be any number of things. Yeah. Next week is Christina z block from July from New York, which we recorded in person. So yeah, it's beautiful stuff. We'll see you next week.
You're in new Yes.
Yeah I did this Estelle's trip. I've actually brought coronavirus back to Australia. Oh no, she was in Melbourne. We recorded up months ago.
Talk Show. Yeah. Thanks, Jim. Have a good one. Thank you
say everyone