#583 – Spirituality & Horoscopes/
- January 20, 2020
We chat about the recent thunderstorms in Melbourne, the co-star app, eating more fish, and spirituality and horoscopes.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Yesterday’s rain
– The Wiggles concert
– Co-Star app
– EPA, DHA, and eating more fish
– Josh’s scapulas
– Spirituality and horoscopes
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 593 Happy Monday. What's happening guys? What's going on?
You You had a bit of an indoor fountain your house? Yeah, you know, just some water works. Yesterday the storm hit and Melbourne. I mean where else I think it only hitting the suburb and the surrounding suburb to me, and nowhere else. I got a text message yesterday from my insurance company, my car insurance company saying, get it. There's going to be hio in your suburb. Make sure you put your car underneath something like that. Maybe my insurance policy doesn't cover Ohio. That's telling me I got it. Right isn't it but but my car was inside and I was like, Okay, and then I'm doing meal prep in the kitchen. And then it's all the sheets writing. Oh my god, it's highly and then all of a sudden I had my headphones on so I was a bit disoriented. I just felt water and I was like what's, you know, when he can't hear what's going on. Like he's had a podcast on where we listening to
Bill Maher, bill, bill maher, Bill Maher and Joe Rogan. And then I look at him he's a fountain. The downline is just water pouring out of it the light was still on my off I had to take a photo of it the light was still on when I took a photo of it. Why did you ever pointed out to me and it was too quick. I had to quickly get evidence and then I got the bucket and then I turned the light off and the light didn't blow which was great the LED light so maybe there's a difference there but yeah, there must have been something wrong with the roof like some I think there's there's tile missing and there was so much water made at places and the problem. I was worried for next door because they've been flooded four times. And when I say flooded, I mean the whole house filled with water by here in the driveway. I thought it was a wave but it was the guys hi lack so the big brother getting backers.
He comes in and the whole driveway was filled with about a foot of water and then he
gets out and fucking, he's banging on the door trying to get his brother to open the garage. And they had to open the front door and the garage and when they opened the garage about a foot of water that piled up just started flowing at down the driveway, he's tools were all in the shed, and they were floating away. I was fucking grabbing the tools. Is there a better way of doing it? Like if there's all that water? You know that when you open the door the water's going to go in? No, no you open the garage so it flows. The basically there's no other option because it's like the house is in the stream and the back door is upstream. The garage door is downstream you have to open the doors to let it go through so it's flooded anyway. So their whole house had about a foot of water through it. And it was just pouring out and there was tools going down I was grabbing them fucking as they going past and how how deep. I fell over and it was up to my it was up to my waist at one point and the house was
House inside the house. It was like a foot of water. They seem annoyed. They've had a this is a fifth time. By the fifth time what's the vibe
here and just premiums they don't want bit they can ensure realised on it happening so often the council won't fix it. Absolute pricks. they've submitted to the kit. It's the counsellors problem because they haven't channelled the water. They don't haven't done the drainage. They've said they'll do it. They come and look at it. They don't do it. She actually said to me, Jackie, lovely Ludwig, podcast. She said, Can you please council? Look up what bullying Council is?
snippet. They said that they were going to do it they've received many letters. And this poor family has been put out fifth time. So what happens now with their house? Well, I was in there with about 10 other people with brooms, pushing the water out the front door, and so they've got used to it so they lift everything up off the ground, as in like anything was
lifting off the ground the whole house is like the interiors on stilts. Now they pull out all the you know electricals and it's it's so full on dirt. It's such a pain in the ass for them. And so anyway, we told you that I mean by the end of the night there are in our place and we're drinking wine and having a few beers are great. So you had a Yeah, I said we I wish this could have happened on a better circumstance. Come over for beers when hasn't been flooded. And then she got us a pizza. And that's nice. Where from Which one? molinos that's one of the best. He's like you want me to bring? We're going for dinner. Let me bring you back pizza. Was it?
Yeah, that's amazing. And then all of a sudden we get a medium prosciutto pizza delivered to our door right 45 the best barely had a slice. I had a slice. Me had a slice. Then I continued to have
a slice. Yeah, I had three. actually talking about slices.
had pizza on Friday. With a happy happy Harry. That was lovely. So happy Harry. Yeah, it makes me happy.
When I say it makes me happy when she saw me, I love Harry while he was he slept over at our place. Yeah, because the the last track the train, he was going from will would Dongha maybe a more honourable, honourable Thank you. That's it. Yes to get back up to but he kept he couldn't get he basically you catch a train into the city but then if he was to get the train home, it'd be too late or you said he's dead would have had to drive two hours at 11pm Yeah. And so he's like, you got to stay in Melbourne. And so he started as join. And so he was actually he was on Instagram. And we're trying to find stuff to watch on Apple TV. And he was he said our queen gronk is posting about the Wiggles. They're doing a like a special concert concert from the RSL in Sydney the
funny it's I think I'm used to live in that suburb. Really. What's it called Castle Hill RSL that's what it's about, right? It's
watching all of that it was awesome.
We see this was the old wiggles not a new wiggles such as you see what happened. One of them had a old Pontiac arrest so that it's not funny at all. Because it's so outrageous It was so not like it was it was such a nice event and it was like I was getting right behind it because you have the something very nostalgic specifically about Greg the yellow wiegel Yeah, I guess because being the frontman, I've got like, memories of you know, just he's
just reserve here we have him. Yes, yeah. And so at the end of the the concert, he fell over, and they had to perform CPR. If they didn't perform CPR, he would have died. So he had a cardiac arrest. Menzies heart completely stopped a heart attack. Yeah, I'm not she doesn't necessarily mean yes, they had to use a defib. I just had
to remember how Craig happened. Did this shocks with the defib Yeah, his head is stopped. That's starting your heart again. That's full on doughnuts.
mean is it? Is that just random that it happened law? So he's, he had to
he had to finish up with the wiggles because he had severe what's when you're real tired all the time?
insomnia, chronic fatigue if you had like, severe fatigue and then you're also faint all these things and so yeah, it was a hero gone down lucky. I saw that he was like, there was a paramedic there. So this is the bit I saw from my peripheral. I didn't even know what happened at the event. I thought he was just walking down the straightener. And so there was a nurse that helped do the resuscitation on the drama of the wiggles was doing it alongside a nurse that was just there attending. How well I love it. It's so lucky. And so there there abouts who's going down with a heart attack while doing the show. Because it's a doc there's no but it's also like great. God he's gone. Well yeah.
Hi, the funny thing is, you got no sense of people's age. And most of them are like fact they look good. It's like, yeah, they must be 60 like, they look so good for 60 anyway, turns out he's 48 that's why it looks so good for 60
but, you know, I think I it's hard to tell because sometimes the fittest people are the ones that are you know, because it's just made. Yeah, you always hear the stories of like our man, you know, they would go to that they would run six, six days a week, but
it stops it's gonna say six times a day. I mean, I went for a run this morning around my neighbourhood to see the destruction and there was just trees had been just blown down massive GM trade is breaking of those on the news. Was it? Yeah, the big Gumtree was on the news. A power line went down at the front of our place. Did you lose power? I don't. So when I say power line, it was from the power line grid but it mustn't have lost power because it I think it was a smaller cable. I think it was some other cable.
didn't didn't remove power. Luckily all of ours was on. Next one, I was a, I lost bunch of power because of the water. And so what happens with you now, now that you have that, like you discover that there's a tile missing, which always I find super surprising the idea that it only takes one tile, you have one tile missing. So he come in, but it's also the amount of water in the small amount of time so we've never had that there's been rain there. I had my personal training studio years ago, would have happened the same thing when there was torrential rain for you know, 10 minutes, but the agent said that they're coming down so I also let them I sent them photos and what they say oh no.
Speak to the insurance company. It's just a pain in the ass for everybody really? Well my place got fully flooded by the time in Abbotsford when there was the fire your apartment. So
this so you know your apartment next door burned down because someone knocked over a bomb Yeah.
But the guy who lives there commented on something that we yes or no, no. So, Tommy faith who lived next door to me on the other side, ah, he is the executive producer at Triple J on Earth. Yes. And he's originally from Sydney. And we got along he was actually the guy who I gave him our internet for like six months.
So that had nothing to do with the house it actually burned. And so you know, when the house burnt when the apartment burned down surprisingly, that when they when it was all happening, the guy whose house was burning down, they knocked on their house first. before telling me about it, and I'm next to him, but I think it was because they were family and he knew that that will home. Yeah. And so anyway, I am because of all the
sprinklers going off. The sprinklers didn't even go off in our house, but because I went off next door, it saved through and we had probably 15 centimetres
Water for the house. And so they had to vacuum it all up and it's a pain in the ass. It's a pain in the ass. How was the I mean, Baldwin North you guys got hit with that as well. Oh yeah, my, my next door neighbours they had cuz they're on like the downhill or whatever. They had to put sandbags in front of their or their fencing so the water wouldn't come into their property. And then they already had sandbags now so yeah, yeah, they had them at home and so they ran out like mid mid storm or whatever. It was just like putting them up against the fence. And then I mean now straight was flooded, but we're on the up a hill, so it just literally goes through. living at the top. Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting. Like, because if there wasn't damage I would love like, I love storms. I was waiting when I saw it. I was like, Yes. Like when I saw that storm was coming. I was like, I'm getting ready for like, I knew that I wouldn't be able to be out on my
balcony because of like lightning and stuff.
Yeah but I was getting I was bracing myself for a really good storm the cafe you don't recommend Jerry's milk bar? Oh yeah in St Kilda where it flooded in St. Kilda. Elwood area years ago when I live there and I did Jerry, I went here I went out with my camera, and I ended up having to help him I was in the cafe water was up to my knees and more like moving Shin is full on, but it's so annoying for people but I think Yeah, anyway, lucky. I mean, it's not a lack of a TIFF. I am gronk, Tiff, Tiff. She's been posting on Instagram about a Tinder profile and other profiles created with her name and photo. Yeah. So if you know what her face looks like, okay, I if you just showed me the photo, I would have known that it was TIFF. It's not TIFF. Tiff didn't set up the the Tinder profile TIFF has never had Tinder and someone has informed her that she has a Tinder profile that says
One's using and she's written through and she said that someone has someone actually got catfished they were catfished came forward saying that being catfished by this account, I think to the person has been catfish to go on a date with
you so nice to me. Show me the history what how did they know that they said they must have obviously known who TIFF what they've gone to her Instagram maybe?
Click through Yeah, I mean I'm not on Tinder now. Can you just get on your phone so we can look and just on Tinder and understand it. Like when it first started, didn't link? It didn't. You couldn't click off. I don't think I don't think you take
it. But you could do like a reverse. I think this is I think I can actually click through. It'll take you to their profile over time. So you get a smorgasbord of photos. We get a sense of the individual you can say like mutual friends. Yeah, I was I've had I might have done that with this thing.
You know saying like, understood and then found it if they didn't know who already Do you know what app that I've just gotten Bumble
Bumble networking
What do you got posta what's Kosta? Nobody Let me guess this is a karaoke some kind of like singing duets and be further off what is it co star when when you see it you know exactly what it is ready? Yeah okay Sammy ko
tally Gemma all the all the papes so this is like a so this is it asks where you were born what time and then like our accountant yeah exactly it was getting over it without new account and he was asking some questions has having to understand the background. It was very good that wasn't loved it
and anyway so I I've got it says here. Your This is my chart today. Hang on. So the app itself
You sign up, you enter all this details in and it pushes you something per day, the night you add friends and tells you how you're going to interact with the friends. And so our friend Lucy from home body, Claudia has it. And she sent a screengrab to Bri, where it's like loose jaw. Lucy, you and Josh have
will help each other in this way.
feeding each other by hand will be like it's
almost like it was I meant to add like what I wasn't sure on is it's like are you meant to just add everyone or is it just something you meant it because to have with your partner because it's a little bit awkward if all of a sudden, so if you're on it, and you've got all your friends on it? Yeah. And then it says our tummy. Currently you are sexually compatible with TIFF. It's slightly uncomfortable. Especially if it's not like
then it's also you being true. It's knowing he'll be
catfishing it's not TIFF a
bit. No. So I thought like that was sort of strange. Okay, and so you into sort of day what it says for me today.
Today, nonconformity
is also a performance,
power in work spirits, spirituality, social life and self trouble with thinking and creativity and sex and love. Today's moon transit is encouraging you to take advantage of creative flow. You're feeling particularly good today. Luck is on your side. I thought I said, you're not going to be creative today.
That's what some be I thought that said a sex I thought is pretty useless that I actually wouldn't go home. But then it came back and said something about creative, creative flow, and I understand it. This is what Lucy it says for Lucy. We go today. Josh Janssen, you give people the gift of your devotion and attention and Lucy green wants to erase the physical boundaries and become a
Hardly a mashed you have similar
similar desires for real connection right now. Being straightforward is another way to play send them a sentimental love letter include a lock of your hair I recognise what you've done is Eric new foot Lucien is your partner like your girlfriend stating where you actually put her loved one where I think they send you some more intimate shit let's see if Gemma accepted me this this as she hasn't brought this one let's see what it says for this app is worse and Madison Avenue
marriages I can understand why she sent Lucy sent it to brain not to me like haha look at it like just try it like almost uncomfortable like hey, she just saying oh the apps trying to set this up.
This is what brain ice it says it for brain I today. Josh Janssen you repress your nervous energy until it becomes a rush of white noise in your body. Briana on the
A hand has fluctuating desires that can make them feel moody. Neither of you are willing to address the actual problem. You're adaptable. You can shift your form. Be careful so that you don't become shapeless. For the love of God. Try not to destroy each other. It is pulling on astrology or numerology. What is this? Missing only? 70? No. Yeah, I can say I mean, it says powered by AI that merges NASA data with the insight of human astrologers. It's just astrology now. NASA. Yeah. And all those grants that were NASA t shirts that don't work at NASA, just because they got to take
over from cotton bomb.
But no, so it's astrology. Have we got crystals book here handy. It was around, can you can you grab it for me?
Oh yeah, yeah. She has a whole section about astrology. And basically, it's
A conversation around how much bullshit is let's say can you just find a poignant piece or question that has been asked that she answers the foreign against for them I just sort of said what do I like on that? I almost feel like I need to remove this app. Like I saw Jamie's yesterday which was like saying something about to stay away from depressants. So she was going on to kill which
the It doesn't make sense because sorry Gemma, but alcohol itself is a depressant, I think to kill and maybe has different qualities but alcohol is alcohol, like alcohol itself, the seven Can you look at that as a priority? It's like saying, have a different protein. Like it's a protein itself, like always a soda killer though, like so alcohol is a depressant. It's a of the drug which is within tequila and they're all so what else but what I wonder is what is the must be? Have you heard that before that tequila not having different so let's look at it up. So tequila is a stimulant, not a depressant But hang on.
How does that work when the drug itself is in is alcohol like it's the the actual substance the chemical cetera which is what I do and the reason I push back on that to kill a thing because it could be a good piece of marketing around to kill a brand if you're depressed Don't worry gotcha and Red Bull.
But I'm here to be stand. I'm here to standing corrected if I in corrected incorrect, incorrect so that I How do you feel about and getting co star so we can all see how we're aligned in bullshit. What do you mean, then it dictates how you treat people like this in a positive way. I'd rather just ask you how you feeling and you tell me honestly, what I know. related to I didn't know I had trouble with thinking and creativity, but related to so how do you says you feel quite good today? Yeah, I do. You do feel quite good. Okay.
Anything on the tequila?
Like why it's why it's not a depressant even though it's still alcohol and alcohol itself is a depressant. Now I'm trying to find the thing that
makes it not a depressant. Yeah. So there's, I'm going to page right now it says it acts as a stimulant. But it's also a depressing because it has ethanol in it, which is a depressant, which is the alcohol pot. And all these alcohol. Yeah, so I'm just trying to find
out more how it was made or something. I mean,
they're pretty happy. It makes it actually. What do you think? A lot on? I was listening to a podcast by Kevin Rose. He has
Rhonda Patrick on. Are you Dr. Rhonda Patrick. And she's based in loves her. Yeah, She's good. She's talking about omega three.
Fish oil. Yeah. It's very complicated, isn't it? Have you listened to it? No, I haven't listened to it yet. But what what
What's complicated about it? different ones doing different things? I mean, these are the main ones at APA and DHS. Yeah.
an API fish API is the one that there's one that like you get more in the fish eggs. Do you ever eat fish eggs? Not too expensive. I mean, that's why most people
use the supplement supplements of it. So apparently, krill oil, there's like, bio availability in these things. And the the normal one, go through a process, but there's a final process they can do, which makes them more bioavailable, which most of them don't have. I don't know. I've just been thinking I want to try to become less inflamed. Yeah. Do you know what I worked out that I could so I can do this. Right. So if you can't say the visuals, I'm not grabbing my. How would you describe that? You're just touching finger finger. You got one hand up.
What do you call that? It's like this. It's stretch that you did at school. It's like stretching it, you're back in your arms, so it locks behind your back. So I can do that right? With one hand up above your head one hand. Yeah. And below. You can do it. Yeah. But then look at this.
Can't do it the other way. So you got tightness and something going on. I can just touch my fingertips, but I can actually, like I said the other way, I can just see what's going on. And so I'm right handed. So I might when my right hand was down low.
You couldn't do in your right hand was down low, right? Yeah. So when my right hand was down low, yeah. Yeah. And so we're right handed all of it. So why is tight that rotator cuff? I don't know something up through the shoulder, shoulder blade, scapula. So I would like to
2020 scapula health.
I think that yeah, I mean that's that's could be a good specific
my goal is to be our top maestro's. So then that's a good day. Yeah, that's probably a better one than scapular straight. Yeah. Well
also lights and so scapular is all about pulling. I need to pull more.
Pull, you pull it up.
Because if you
pulling is the is the scapula project. And so I had a bunch of pain in the scapula region. So I want to do some Yeah, I was thinking of speaking to Darren, Darren's awesome, because he he is our friend who has a
specialised a basketball court advantage, which is a podcast titled core advantage but they work with athletes and an a very mindful of their approach and it's all about preventing injury and is not crazy and you know, trying to be some hero lifting weights gym but they do strength and conditioning and mobility. It's all the technique stuff.
Yeah, Yeah, that'd be
great. He said, Darren said to me, he would come in and give you a sort of a, you know, testing and seeing where you need work and get you going. So that would be good to get darmian Well, the three of us downstairs in the garage get us. You know, some kinda like, testing to see what we need to improve my back's bit fucked downstairs. Really high, low, tight glutes and sore. Yeah, hip flexor and I was even thinking about how we sit during the show that Yeah, yeah, you can't do this forever. My back is definitely like my, when I say back, my lower my lower back as definitely got tighter. Since we're doing this show. From the other studio to this one, just a couple of big babies. Were just oh my god. Did you see
g hop? The Jabba the jihadi an ISIS leader who was 250 kilos. Yes. I did see that.
Today it's put him in the back of a truck because I couldn't do so fat. Yeah. And he's the ISIS later that the thing is he being overweight as a business partner. No, no, definitely not. It's it's like frowned upon to be overweight within that religion I think part of that religion obeying in jihad, Jihad he fucking sucked in fat boy you got caught. It's the only time I'll say that about somebody when they're an ISIS. Hundred and 50 k Dude, look at Lee literally looks like Jabba the Hutt. And so who have they? Have you read that? Where have you read this? I saw it first and I thought was a joke on a UFC ex UFC fighters, Instagram and then I searched it. Well, the good news comes and it was true they caught somebody in Afghanistan or Baghdad or no,
no, it somewhere over in the Middle East. And they did a mission and I mean, he wasn't gone anyway. It literally couldn't get up. And so that and then you
You see a photo someone's taken, obviously on their cell phone looking down from the window, and they've tracked it check them onto the back of a pickup truck like a youth Really?
I mean, we're going to have to deal with that got any more info on him? Yeah, so a SWAT team ran him up in Mosul. Iraq. Yeah. And McDonald's and Dr.
Set up a
sting operation has a second window. He pays right.
Has he got that fat? It was in hiding right like well they
met the way they actually did it was they didn't give him a sweet and sour sauce. So he came back
sweet and sour. So it's funny because Brian I had grilled fish last night it's a bit healthier. omega threes. Yeah, it was
it was it like flooded. Oh son. I don't know it was what type it bit you know as a keyway fish.
Shop up the road at stripe. But
is that classic thing if we get it delivered? And the tartar sauce I forgot the tartar sauce. I'm trying to be more mindful the initial reaction is like, I can't eat it cancelling that. Yeah, I can't like I'd like guys. I can't eat any of this. My money back for that ended up doing I used Olive dip in the fridge. Great. It worked well. Are we healthy that
could be but I'm not. I would like to eat more fish. It could be good to try some of those.
What's it called?
The fish bowls. caviar? Yeah. quite expensive.
What about the salmon? What is it called salmon? Eggs is a word for
I've been salmon eggs for me place I think isn't that hero sir? Yeah, seven Robin Hood that way and so it could mix it up with like a crane shit like that.
Wave Rhonda gets her kid to aid and she puts like a garlic herb cream cheese and puts puts the roll on that. I mean if we're talking food meal prepped 1314 meals yesterday really what?
I did a couple of different ones that Kerry did a Mexican dish with rice.
Like I'm in a big slow cooker or
in a frying pan
it's like a frying pan cooked that's what you do in a pan and like a one night you can do carries maybe you have a cookie carry Yeah, but I've never used it like a frying pan. It's a big enough right? It's not a small one. What shape circle, circle frying pan and it's sort of like yeah, it's kinda is a deep Anyway, I'll let you take something Carrie then you can let me know what sort of like a coconut spring curry bring
your own.
It's a nice chat was at a pace that you bought or
not making the passes like
20 ingredients and that saves me got anyone running through before we finish up
TIFF about the conversation about that toaster app. She says What is this?
And she just came back into the conversation so Did you find anything in that book? Crystal? Yeah, so there's crystal Andrews great book, how to win every argument. So
the thing that I guess the person who's against you in the conversation which is someone trying to say that astrology is real It's good you believe it's absolute bullshit. You should have read my horoscope last month it was accurate It was so me How do you explain that which could you know in this out you read it and you go that's me today I'm feeling good. Yes, that's why take I'm sexually take. You know, I just want to know who I meant to add on this. Well, let's just I mean, I think this might get you to delete it. The Barnum effect the band the theories, the theory is that most people very easily agree with the disagree.
about themselves that are broad general and friends positively without realising the same could apply to almost anyone. Yeah. So, I mean, that's why whose zodiac signs and PT Barnum? Yeah. PT Barnum, the greatest showman? Did you watch that movie not
been paid by him? Yeah. Hugh Jackman and so you're listening to him positively framing something that magicians are into manipulating right? showman politician and businessman. Yeah. So So we, I mean, we need to employ a bit more magician like techniques in our business approach, because it's you. What they're saying is, if it's positive and serves you, and you want it, like that's where you connect with it. I mean, I don't know where it's like, the depressing thing. Stay away from the presence, probably a good piece of advice for much. Don't, don't take something that will make you feel like absolute shit, or a good piece of advice. So that's what you kind of like? Yeah. It's like the advice that are provided to
You and Bree get to confront whatever you're not willing to confront. advice for anyone.
In every any day lane in lady.
Hi. Yeah, it's great. But I mean that the app is probably what was she on about yesterday? Is it she posted her one to my son you would have you talked to every not what he's
not and have the app. I wonder if they ever apologise to being alive. power in sex and love and self trouble with work thinking and creativity and social life? Me they is the most broad.
that you had sex loving self as well. It even said to me the other weird thing is it like it specifically wants to know where you're born. Because it's just trying to get your big data like that, like I put it in the text.
sold it.
It's interesting, complete scam.
Bit Dr. Jason fox is on it.
Yes, the accepted me. Yes.
He leans into it. He's a smart guy. sexual compatibility with Jason Fox right now.
light touch.
Jason Fox. Also I want to understand that let's Jim if you can, I'm sure you've done the research now.
The depressing thing with tequila, I want to understand you had a full full statement. It feels like I'm one step away though.
From letting it dictate your life. I was gonna say like them being with Lucy.
told me I was gonna say like, I'm getting a crystal it get a crystal. I this is the thing I didn't have this app radies zodiac sign. Look at numerology where you're getting into spirituality mall. He cannot compare spirituality in the sense of nothing.
mindfulness and meditation with fucking Google Gaga bullshitty thing as a difference. There's a massive difference. What do you think one's more rooted in science and the other isn't meditation. Mindfulness is more like, scientifically.
NASA data. I said, I said spirituality. Yeah, but I show you a bit your sexuality. I didn't say mindfulness is virtuality. But what's the what's this? What's, how is spirituality, rooted in science?
So, you're know, my just backtracking a bit. You're lumping this stuff into spirituality. When there's a when there's a real so look up the definition of spirituality because I like if I was looking at it and say, if I was to say I'm a spiritual person, doesn't mean that I mean to zodiac sign. No, it does. It means I mean, to understanding at a higher level, something beyond myself and the world we're living in.
I don't know what the answer
What do you say spirituality? Is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things? Yeah, but I think the problem with this kind of stuff is it can easily get lumped in with it. And I don't think it gives spirituality good branding. It doesn't give it a look at Brian dude spirituality, branding exercise, but now I think pretty unspiritual though, that, ya know, it's interesting that I think that like, it's, you, can you if you're detached from all these things, I wonder if you then get to a point of, if spirituality is a very personal thing, and some people are using spirituality as a way of me, I think that probably there's some basics of spirit, look at basics of spirituality, and I think it can you rationalise spirituality, it's something beyond our complete understanding. But I mean, it's a way of like, you're throwing up these things that then make room for this bullshit in the audience, but I don't think there is room for this.
Because how is it generalising and making assertions based on some little details you put in that are spitting out from an AI computer your future your you know like it then you gotta go tarot card readers and the fucking bomb the truth it's like, Come on dude Liberty spirit but I don't know if we're saying spiritualities is truth. I'm not saying truth but I'm just saying it's the BS that they're spinning tarot card readers.
The zodiac signs. Like I don't think I don't think they can be lumped together. I think one can be like, so I don't know what you'd so what's the difference? So what's the where do you draw the line around spirituality then?
The line around spirituality.
You saying to to exclude all that and what what is it? Yeah, I don't know what Yeah, like you could go the exploration of you beyond yourself is all a part of spirituality and then you could go
Daddy's doing that food but a diversion in science I think that's where it probably rooted in science that you're you're looking at something like consciousness you're looking something at something that thought the level of thought and how what it all means for your your time here which is all is that conscious things and is consciousness and spirituality the same thing know that no conscious consciousness is what we are in right now
which is the so this is beyond what we're fucking Skillshare told that I say but so much pushback to that's not spirituality or whatever I don't know if it into spirituality then also saying like is that rooted in science as insane which is science would actually would squash that any of that what I'm saying is elements of science, about consciousness, your mind how it is is more connected to the exploration
I should have self and understanding it so it can inform that exploration. I'm sorry. Now I don't like so I have no idea. I'm like, I don't know, like whether this app science is spirituality. I'm saying there's more information about spirituality, through science to learn about and then this shit, which I don't think can be lumped in with meditation. In the end, we all know that I'm not like the I'd never mentioned this in meditation I've been I'm saying when you say spirituality, and then you go, that's a part of it. And someone says, I'm spiritual because I read my star signs and look at numerology and understand my zodiacs, and all of that shit. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, I think you're Yeah, I think you're
connecting two separate things. So like, yeah, that meditation and like the, the actual
brain like the
damage to the body chemistry, the brain chemistry, all that stuff. I've got no idea. But there isn't like spirituality.
I think he's a little bit more of a broader term which could encompass Yeah, it was individually experience. And so if you're, I think that you can't, the only bit that I wasn't sure on is I don't think that you can say you can speak about spirituality, and then all of a sudden use the debate around rooted in science. Now, as I said, it's not it's not all religion, spirituality is not rooted in science. But there are elements of science that can inform spiritual practices, the give them a bit more validity than something like zodiac signs. And so then if there's like placebo, so so if you use the example of,
you know, this app, and so if it did have a skew towards positivity, if someone was using
That as part of their spiritual journey or their, you know, personal journey, and it had a positive effect, but it was only placebo. Is it? Okay? Is it something that's worth doing since and so I think that's general that like that's giving it the best potential outlook as well as the other outlook it? No but then you're saying that it's like everything is speeding out is positive. And so when there's like read my star sign today might not be all positive. And so then if you're living your life based on these, this information, or what point like you pressing the button that says, I want everything positive, nothing negative, and then that lets me live my life but that's not the reality of these. Yes. It's so generalised and it's an individual at home, writing. The guy that writes the Herald Sun, you know, staff job, you have his job at this point, alternative stances to me. Yeah, well, I mean, sighs
just looked up spirituality and the the questions that come under it. Where do I find my meaning? How do I feel connected? And how should I live? So I mean, which are answered by science and it's not what I was trying to say. Yeah. And and so I mean, I guess if if the app works for you and you use it and it's it has an impact on it then on you then I guess it can help you find meaning. I wonder if you live so I wonder if also like the conversation too. Is it actually real and how does it what is the validity of it? That's not the same. That's not the question but like, so you could say like, within faith, the conversation on did all these things actually like did everything in the Bible did that all happen is a different conversation around spirituality and using it as a I think, I think it's probably closer to a I drink celery juice every morning. And regardless of the science, it makes me feel better
because the
It's like, Okay, what is the truth behind? celery juice juice? Nothing. There's no science is bullshit. It's all fucking bullshit. And so then that's what I'm saying. Like, I don't think it's, it's more closely to I do it and it works for me then is that all good? So? Yeah, but you can still drink your celery juice but it's actually not doing the thing you think it is. So whether it's placebo or not. Yeah, I wonder. I wonder if he can rationalise how you rationalise spirituality. If it's such a personal thing?
Yeah, I think that it can. Yeah, maybe that's like the, the next step to all of that sort of stuff is not understanding or not knowing. And so yeah, no, that's it's such a, it's a statement that then doesn't allow for you to ever look at something like zodiac signs or absolute bullshit. Like it's
a spiritual, spiritually challenged, he's like, but then you can choose to be
exploration of self and what meaning and purpose? And
I think there is two things that have been created that are helpful. And so but then you can always say, Yeah, but if it was helpful someone did that mean that it's not helpful at all? Well, because he didn't just go around in circles. At what point do you go? A
zodiac signs are absolute bullshit. And it's and it's exactly what that was just said it's this guy. You know, it's the you we choose what's positive to serve, we choose what serves us from rating. And so my point is that if it's a mechanism that individuals use, so doing prayer, like praying to a being that is bigger than us, you could say our that's like, like, scientifically impossible, or whatever it is. Does that mean that that practice isn't beneficial to the individual, but then the science would like if you were to I know, I don't know the science for a guy
Whatever. But then you go science behind positive thinking.
And so then serve it. Yeah, but I'm still hungry. If you're relying your life on something like that app or something like the star signs in the Herald Sun, this, you're on a slippery slope. I don't know if you are, I reckon like, I think there is something
there is, I'm always concerned in you, when people are so dogmatic and what, whichever approach they take. So I like I take it with a grain of salt. It's a fun app to go in. For some people, they find a bunch of meaning and it helps them I think you're the you're the anomaly in that because I don't the other option that people are completely
dictated by it. Like there are people that are taken, and they think it's truth and it's like, exactly how they live that should live their life. So they're saying the best I think the best version of using these is your approach. Yeah, and because I think that the other
rooted in science thing, the hard bit is like you're you're not a scientist you don't know, like, science is constantly evolving. And so you don't know like what is rooted in science. Today might be different tomorrow, depending on what information really is gone hard on the root in science, but let me just find the routine science part. There is more scientific, I don't know whether what your information what what, like whatever you say, Now, I can't debate because
I'm just trying to say what I was trying to get across was the practices of other spiritual, other spiritual practices like meditation, like mindfulness, it could be positive, positive self talk, these things are all more proven by science and something like zodiac signs.
And I think that so when I say rooted in science, spirituality, it's not because there's things like and dislike, there's all this meaning and purpose. You could have a sign
explanation for why we're here and what we're meant to be doing. It doesn't necessarily have a real stick to people in their journey and what it actually means and all the things they face. So there's something outside of that explore but if we keep it to something like this app,
and its validity, and it's fucking it's just like
yeah, it's interesting like I think that you have a willing ness to argue things that you know that there's information out there. You don't know the exact information. But you like I know that like some people have said this. So like, I'm going to be pretty like stern on like, Yeah, but then what's the opposite? You just always on the fence? I never know. I never know. So I think there's a willingness to what he's saying being your site like taking rubbish to it. I'll probably get closer to working it out having the real information if you don't think I have any information because I because
Someone will call me out of some will say something, I'll be informed I'll have a conversation versus just say, Look, I don't have enough information. So say, say for with a grain of salt, but what about like the other approach, which is, I feel like how you feel and a lot of ways in regards to this. But then entering into it and exploring it and allowing that truth or reality for a moment to see what it actually does. from a psychological point of view. How do I how does it change? I see what you're saying, but I've always I've read, I've read, I've read star signs over the years and done the exact thing of like, at what point what better this relates to me, they'll throw the other shit out. So like, I see how I've
put it on myself to be interested in reading star signs and numerology and, and getting a bit excited around them and connecting the dots to my life. But then I see how it's so easy to just connect the positivity and the things
that relate to me and even some of the stuff like in numerology, you know, you work out your number based on the calculation of your birth he added together and it gives you a number. I'm like a
nine something, you know, you get your number, right then you have a book that you go and find that number order, and you read it once I hears your negative things, you know, I know I read those and try and connect them to like I see the psychology of using the general nature of it to then connected to my experience on earth. And so that's where I find the issue with that. So my personal experiences were the only reason I'm talking like this, as far as understanding how it's trying to connect these dots and use that thing. And so, and then I'm going, it can't be and so but you're in this, I'm just saying I'm willing to have the conversation if someone thinks that they have like, I mean, read read more of that astrology. I mean, but what but why does the validity of the app meta
It's about what do you mean if the app also you're talking about if the apps valid or not, and and the horoscopes and all that sort of stuff, if it's valid, and if it's, if you've got Joshua's approach of like, Yeah, I just,
I even think people who are fully invested in what is nothing What there's no downside to that? Because it's prompting, like, it's giving your questions and I guess it's sort of like poking it a little bit of emotional intelligence because it's it's getting them to question things that's happening in their life, whether it's like this something that you haven't I say what you mean the creative prompts, isn't it? Like could he could have just been on No, I actually don't think there's, it's negative is such when you are asking yourself these questions that he's prompting you to. So why do you take gimmicks they become such gimmicks and
and for people that probably you know, that do read into it and make shifts in their life based on these apps? What's the other How else do you make choices or decisions in life?
mean, there's plenty of ways I think you're asking is the way to do it through an app. I think there's a bunch of better ways. I think, like the format is just an app, they've just created this thing. This happened. This has been around before an app. But I guess the question becomes, what is your? How do you make decisions in life? And you could argue that all of these things are just that, like we spoke about previously. So now you're
so that we, if we clear on the conversation,
is there truth within these apps is zodiac signs? proven it like all these things, right. So that's where you came from.
Now you're going now you sort of spinning it's a different conversation. So that's where I'm like,
if you're getting prompt, it's it's not to spin it back to for me to believe that it's all real. Decide where I'm at. Yeah, and that's what I'm saying. I believe
But based on what Dr. Jason Fox was saying the other day, can you enter into it and use it as a mechanism to help from a psychological point of view from a from a meeting? Do you think the majority of people that turned to these things the numbers they call to hear people you call call to find out more about your future? Like what you think the people that turn to these the desperate people, the people that aren't in a safe,
secure mindset is you that understands and can rationalise. Do you think the people that get done by them so what's the benefit what's getting done by if it's so spending money on is calling the number one way so but I think like you're also like connecting those two things up, but you're you're also giving it the stance that most people are in your camp of entering into it with this kind of like open mindedness like taking with a grain of salt, because I think there's water bad if we were to look at the person that gets taken down.
down that rabbit hole spending money living their life in
Like being a Catholic, you like using your mom as an example. Has Catholicism served her in her life, but we're not talking about religion. This is not religion, but like bed spirituality, faith, all these types of things. I think it was like moving to religion now. Because I don't think
astrology is religion. And I'm not saying religions, like some real thing, but I'm just saying what you're saying conversation. Yeah, it is because it's like, spirituality and faith safe. We're all going in a world of like, you know, hyper rational lism. And we're all like, we're rationalising everything and putting everything against science and doing all of that.
I think potentially not having any room to move in regards to this other world. I said, I've got no room to move. Well, sorry.
But I think of that, completely discrediting this. Because I'm like, dancies, you can't discredit anything, then we can. This is not a constant like you see where butts heads of going? Well, you can't discredit anything because you don't know. And the other is, what about discouraging things? You're saying like if it's only like what you said before was, it's not rooted inside. But I said to you, like I explained what I was meaning by that. Yeah, I don't play. you're arguing. I'm not attacking you. You're pushing, you're pushing over here on. You can't argue anything. And I'm just saying, I can argue that and I'm not an old my initial been around the science thing. And I don't think I worded it properly was lumping lumping the scene with the spiritual things that are more proven or have stood the test of time and haven't been a manipulation tool.
Yeah, I think like,
like so if you look at faith
spirituality and religion,
you could say that there's a bunch of good stuff around spirituality and faith, which wouldn't be can but the, the organised religion bit can sometimes be a negative part of that whole experience. And so what you're doing is similarly to the debate around religion, you're taking the organised app. And you're saying, I don't like that. But at the same time through the way that you're speaking, you're discrediting the potential benefits of the spirituality or the spiritual experience, or the faith that people get through using these different mechanisms. And so I'm so all I'm saying is no.
Like, I don't know I don't understand the truth. Like I understand these things, understand, but even like we watch, we watch fiction
We watch Netflix for entertainment. We even use these things to potentially understand our own personal narratives. We might watch this thing and go, that really connects with me on this. And so could potentially we be using these as tools? With a little bit like, yeah, I think the way you're going to serve it up makes it sit sensical. But then there's also can you lump this in? Is this your spiritual journey? I mean, is that is it a start of a spiritual journey, then? Okay, yeah, sure. But you're trying to find you're trying to define what a spiritual spiritual journey should be potentially fortunate? How about we just remove it from the spirit? That's what I'm saying? I, I think there is. I think it is problematic. What Yeah, and that's a bit that's not clear. And that seems like it comes I'm sure if you type in the benefits of zodiac signs and your spiritual journey, you'll find great stuff and I'm sure if you type in the negative and
horrible thing you know, like, I'm sure, you'll find
Both ways of understanding. So I wonder, like, I, I haven't gone super hard on like, this is the way that you need to, to live. I haven't said that either. But I think that the way that you're speaking, has implied that these things do not serve an a negative. And I don't think that that's nice that like, I'd that's not what I've been said they just don't i don't think they
think they needed. And so that that's, that's what I'm saying is like you could we could all say that like, religion faith, like if we didn't have all these it looked at all the wars of instead of three.
You gotta meditate or read the zodiac signs to control your life, which one's better? I mean, at that point, when you're defining these things, there is much more evidence of that as supporting meditation like and then so that's where it's like, if you're looking at it as simplified is that you pick one of the two which one's better meditation and like, I don't think you can argue with that. Yeah, I
don't think I've talked about spirit.
reality I didn't talk about meditation, you lump that in with spirituality and meditation is a form of spirituality. And so then lowering the spirit itself like spirituality, is it like a real personal experience? Then you've got to ask, is it productive? To try and
go tool by tool and say, Is this better than this? Because for some people, one thing could be better than another. Like you don't like, I don't like you. Like so.
What you've shown me and said, Hey, man, if I was to pick one and go with what we like, and I and I wanted you, I want your advice, which one would you go with? That's different. That's not what the conversation I think these are things that you're laying out things where it ends ends up, you'd be like, what do you what are you seeking right now? Like, what are the what's the if you had to answer one of the two and the only answer was pick one. What which would you say? Well, I would say that's nice.
Spiritual question, but I think if you were to just answer the question, Well, yeah, I don't like I don't think it makes any sense. If this is what you're doing to what I'm saying, I'm not living up to an A version of that. It's like you can't argue it. Because you don't know. And don't enter into arguing because you it's not your spiritual journey or what is your thoughts on I reckon like your willingness to discredit things or talk negatively about something when you don't actually know. And when we see, but what's wrong with having an opinion? I think there's something dangerous in having a p. o.
Being very quick to discredit something when you don't fully understand or it's, the argument isn't necessarily the world was the opposite. And everyone didn't ever discredit anything and they didn't have an opinion. What happened? Well, I think that you're, I think that people would be listening. What do you think?
thinking right now listening to this, they might completely disagree with me completely disagree that I think that is that it's bullshit. And that's okay.
Like I understand that because if someone wants to have a conversation about it, they can and with me, and so then I can't because because if you're going off the framework that this is bullshit
then but there's also like the other ways it can enter it, which is, is this a mechanism or a tool for someone to create stability in their life? Yes or no? But is it Yeah, then it is.
I because if you approach anything with that you'll find something even if it is fucking some bullshit, like some actual bullshit. So when it does come to saw something that say if we taken away from this and looking at something scientific, and you approached it with that, and the scientific science was celery juice is bullshit and you say I've got benefits of
So you asked those questions, you will land on a keep drinking celery juice. And so negativity around drinking celery juice is the 00 health benefits to drinking itself. There's zero health benefits, but it's a placebo. And I said this is you see what happens, you end up, you end up doing whatever is right for you as an individual. Sure. But the point being that, you know, sold so how the celery juice camp, you know sold by these do this and the celery farmers, maybe big celery farmers, that that is manipulation. So there is a dark side to it. If you inserted my point of saying the salary thing is that if you approach anything with that with no opinion asking those questions, does it serve you and you, you can source the thing that serves that question? And
what's the benefit in looking at it like how I've looked at it from your end, if you were to look at things like that, take with a grain of salt if you find something that
beneficial for you run with it. Like I get it right, I get it. And I am like that with most things. And so when you think I like, Do I have a massive opinion on this? It might seem it. I don't really give a fuck. But and so what's the self awareness?
I think it is you can have an opinion. You can have a stance, you can't like just widens up people disagreeing on things doesn't mean that you can't have conversation. Like you said, No, you can't because you already think is bullshit. No, because I can be changed, my mind can be changed. I'm not rock solid on everything. I think as much as I might say, I think this we have to be able to have conversation to explore this stuff. And so I'm not saying I think it's bullshit. I'm closed off to any conversation. It's not what I'm saying.
I think it's bullshit.
For all the reasons I've talked about. Do I know enough information? Does it make you think about how you think so say using the
always keep it on set, I explained the routines
I didn't understand the my the
maybe watch it was got a lab coat on right now guys, the rooted in science thing I don't think it's it probably was the wrong phrase to use the bit where I was saying about the spiritual practices that probably have more benefits from a proven scientific standpoint are along the lines of meditation, mindfulness, positive thinking affirmation like all these so it's psychology and spirituality the same thing I don't know
and so the thing is that from a scientific so science can answer this I'm just side on the rooted in science so it so exciting that example I know what I'm not saying that maybe you could find some elements of those apps to be proven scientifically by the connections. Spirituality is definitely not a science practice and so I i
what i wonder is if I could
Think about how many decisions in the world are based on like, faith and religion and all that sort of stuff. And then I wonder it's like, Okay, if we're going to be open to these things, where were these other things? modern mechanisms that also potentially are more on that whoo, whoo. When where do they fit in? Yeah.
Because it we're not talking about healing the body with it. And so then you're looking at, you're looking at Reiki or acupuncture or healers. And so there's a there's a different there's, we're not, it's not just generalised. If I don't believe in that, I don't believe in anything. I don't think it's as simple as that.
If you don't believe in zodiac signs, you don't believe in Reiki, like, I don't think. But then if you start saying, if you start talking about the science thing, which I don't know, but I'm not saying that I just told you, I made a distinction of where I was, where I was connecting the science to it and all those things.
is I think there will be more connection to real world proof, then something like this. That's all I'm saying. I wasn't saying that these and like spirituality science, because I don't agree. I don't believe that. So that's why I just don't know when you say those things. And connected Oh, it's quite hard to communicate how I feel because like, I like I haven't.
When you say everything's open to everything, I don't know, so I can't. And so I'm open. Like you're saying you do know, I'm saying I don't agree with that. I have as much information as you and I have my personal experience. And I can also say that I think it's an absolute bullshit. So your shit but and yeah, so bullshit. It always.
So the thing is, it's sad, but what is the actual truth? What, what is the, what is this being used for? That's what I'm like, you know, people use zodiac signs are straight, like so people using it as a way of like, if I think I mentioned that, I think we're back to that because
If you using it as a way of coping sure but I think if you bring it brings
salary does it become an issue? When it is like the manipulation that people will be spending money on this kind of stuff like and trading it is gospel for their life do you? Have you ever do aided by it? Have you ever been Have you ever paid to go to see a movie? That's fiction?
What's the point? So if you if you're gonna go for it, I don't say it is
some kind of self help
giving me the answers for my problems. Like it and then that's where I think you're talking about you. I don't think the people that aren't looking for the answers for their world lives. life's problems. I don't think that's the problem. That's not the area that I mean. I'll read it. I'll be entertained. I will fucking is that connect to me? Yeah, but it still doesn't mean anything. Even if it doesn't suit
What's it? Only time? It's okay. I'm saying April that would be struggling, vulnerable and looking to this stuff and believing it. And what's wrong word? So if you if
the people that believe it and it doesn't serve them and it's like
do they believe it if it doesn't serve them? I think maybe they do if it wasn't as it wasn't the whole psychology
as we say, pay you pull the positive stuff out. I think that part of it, that's what I think people that are probably more in the camp of, I'll do whatever work, you know, I'll, I'll trade it with a grain of salt. I think there's people that aren't treating it with a grain of salt. And you can't discredit that that's not happening. And so it is happening. So someone here and so I don't but I'm not necessarily against you. I'm not against that. If it's if it's serving them at a personal level. That's fine. Sure. Sure. Hope we should get he's an expert. Because I've gotten to get an expert on who was expert in zodiac signs. Well, no, no, I think if I can understand that, they get it.
Talk about a bit that's not what I'm curious is maybe a now Is there someone that's rooted in science that can talk? I don't know. But I think my my point is not my me their benefit when I say My point is that you're so quick to to discredit something without actually properly listening first. And what I'm saying is the reason why I'm doing that, even though I don't necessarily
believe what funny is it or
what I think it's like,
I think that what you're saying is that based on how I approach things, I don't have an opinion. And my thing is, I have an opinion, but I'm also
looking at like, I'm, I'm trying to understand what, where that truth actually fits in. Because if we've discussed like anything in the last two years, it's that the opposite can also be true. And so what I'm trying to do is take the things that I normally believe I've never been religious, I've never done anything like that. I chose
To not be in religious education at school, sat out of our way. But what I'm also saying is like, you know what, like, in a time where there is huge amounts of devastation within the world, there's all this sort of stuff. Science is obviously important to be able to move society forward.
But will science alone be the thing from a mental health point of view? I mean, getting mess right now, I, I think that you sort of looking in thinking it's a negative thing that I have an opinion on something that I might not completely understand. I think that it is a way to learn if you are open minded to learning. And so I'm saying I have an opinion. Do I understand it completely? No. Am I up for learning about this more? Yes, I missed potentially in the way that you deliver. I mean, what what this is is a podcast where we get to talk about stuff
I think it'd be a fucking boring podcast if we just both never had an opinion or never got into these conversations, I don't think we would learn as much. I think you sort of take it all in until you really test it and, and sort of have rock solid thoughts on something. But then also understand that it can change and so and I guess that's the point is like, you don't need to have like, do you need rock solid thoughts on everything? And where is that I think we're doing but I think it's sometimes you can't and I know you have beliefs on shit that you you don't always err. But I understand. But I know what like what nothing negative but I know that I know you said you're thinking in your head but you're more open to just exploring it until you have enough information no so I think everyone is also like to sit with me but so that I believe here but I think like that's like delivering something like I'm hiding something. Now you know what I mean? Anything I think you said you're hiding something because you're listening whether you would have
Have assumptions. And so all I'm saying and sometimes you don't hear them because you're trying to explore I don't. I don't. I don't communicate my assumptions as facts. And I don't aggressively say that, like, I've heard an assumption on this. I'm going to go hard on that.
I do think two or three times, I think I kind of like, what is the filter? Like, what what are these elements? And I think that I do if something doesn't sit right, I'll say, like, I disagree. I think like when we talked about
the Reiki stuff, if you go back to early episodes, you were going hard on the
Reiki, like all of those things, serving people and being great. And so what I find interesting is taking that approach for something like that, and then discrediting something like that you were doing the opposite to you. Yes, I was. I was no I was Yeah, I was pushing us pushing against it to try and undo
Stand. Why am I not doing that? No? Well, because I bet you still had your opinion and belief. And so I say, I didn't say I'm open to it. Yeah, I can say that you've come this. The beauty of our time is you can say something's bullshit. It's just the problem lies when you are never open to ever changing your school of thinking or understanding. Yeah, I think there's also I think there's a lot of people who are saying, is it rooted inside like they listen to a job right? This is the risk the risk is you listen to some Joe Rogan or you listen to something and you've never like, never go to university never do any of that stuff. Like where you learn science, like you got up to you 10 science, which is all your 11th or 10, science, whatever it is, to then be the guy that he's always arguing and using that seems like it's a little bit hard way we don't necessarily like I don't know like when you say rooted in science I'm I actually don't fucking
I don't know all this stuff. I never like, guess they're like I will listen to professionals. I'll listen to what the 98% of scientists are saying about climate change, all that sort of thing. I'm not saying that we should be discrediting science. But I'm just saying that when we're having other conversations around faith,
going to science is the first thing potentially might stop a productive conversation around the complexities of how we are as humans and what we are, then there is an element of that that is denying of science. So so then it's choosing when you agreeing with side, I think it's not optional at that point, like and then also, you just, I think that it comes down to those multiple truths. And so, I mean, I think there is a single truth.
No, I haven't you know, I answered it that there is there a
Things like
gravity that is scientifically proven that you won't argue against, you're not going to argue against gravity. But so there are there are, there are small, specific things that are probably more single truth about
our existence and then you listen to, but no, but then you you're not challenging those, you're not saying Well, I'm open to understanding something different based on that. And so that's where I think that point about the science thing is you're saying I'm open to exploring even when science sort of proves that it's like, all there is other truths. And so that is a slippery slope in some respects, going down that because then it's like, what the fuck do you believe? Well, I think that that's part of and that's why you're so uncomfortable. potentially use that.
If you if you if you growing up wanting there to be one truth, if you're wanting to be liked, and so, if you're wanting to say no, this is like the rational This is
The answer, this is the thing like that there is a real comfort in that and many people do that. So then if you if you grow up, and you see your mom being Catholic and seeing how it served her,
then I think that potentially you could empathise with the idea that even if it doesn't connect with a truth over here, there is another true, you
know, I get what you're saying, but and so I wonder from a mental health point of view, like people who do have faith and do, you know, enter into these different things, for the most part, I think are
happier. And so I do wonder that if we, if we don't have any framework outside of
rational thinking and science and all that sort of thing, would it have anything outside of that, in regards to a spiritual thing if we only look at meditation
As chemicals and all that sort of thing, rather than potentially allowing a more spiritual thing, I think you can do both. I don't think it's one or the other. I think I don't. I definitely don't look at it as one or the other. And so
I think you can have these conversations. I think
people probably don't want to voice their opinion after they feel someone saying you can't like you can't you don't even know you can't have an opinion. I think it's okay to have these conversations with your mates. And so saying like it's bullshit, I'll still say it's bullshit. Yeah, still says bullshit. But I'm open for a conversation rap. And I don't not think I don't think
if there's positivity is in it for you, and is it good to say if you find out someone that you know, is religious? Do you call that out as bullshit if you know that it's bullshit. Do you say that's bullshit?
But then you just saying that I'm a strict atheist. I just
I like and I don't think it's
is I don't think it's as simple as that.
You know, which I've spoken about, which is
parts of the story of the Bible is like, Do people really think that happened parting of the seas, water into water? Like all these things? Based on your understanding? You're going to say that's not possible? Are you going to say that's possible from what you've experienced on this earth, and metaphors.
But people believe it, Josh, and says,
so that's your true. So that's your point is your point is that your concern is that this app people are taking is complete terrific truth. Yeah. And he's and but I think that and so what I'm questioning and the reason why I think that we're not seeing eye to eye on it is because there are multiple truths to everything. And if I don't think there's a comment, there's a conversation, but it's, it doesn't really go anywhere, if that's just your first and only
thought of it goes somewhere, if you are, if you're willing to look at it and going,
Yeah, what would have made a better conversation for you? And I don't think it's making a better conversation, I think asking those should someone let their life be determined by this app? Yes or not.
But I think that that's like, that goes against my
fundamental belief. But no, that's what like that is you're going into the rationalism, questioning. And what I'm saying, what I'm saying is, these are individual spiritual conversations that you can't if you're using a, you're using a tool kit, which isn't designed for spirituality, to try and understand spirituality, and that's where I feel like you're going like getting mixed up with it. And so you're saying, You're not if you're not willing to use that tool kit, I'm saying is because, like, yeah, it's not like if you if you use that tool kit, it won't work.
What do you think?
Finish up.
Yeah, well, I mean, I just I just go back to thinking the whole thing about the truth and, like all the stuff even. I mean I I, personally, personally, my assumption is that Yeah, none of that stuff happened in the Bible, but it doesn't matter what my truth is or the scientific truth, so long as people believe it and find
I guess like comfort and positivity in it doesn't matter. Yeah.
Anyone on Facebook now we had Austin join though saying Happy Monday boys and been saying morning Bronx Morning. Good morning. Yeah, hi, the daily talk show.com I think if you have an opinion, don't be that afraid to say something but also learning yet send us a
an email with any suggestions of people that we could get on
The potentially better exit because obviously we can have a conversation but that's what we don't talk about complex shit and, and so I don't necessarily know what but I think this is how you start and explore and learn is by having a conversation with your mates about shit, you know and understand and where you see it and where your belief system is and also questioning that potential like would you say to that your personal growth over the past two years has been around
initially having this response to parts of life that now you are a little bit more open to the possibilities? I think what I think it's a prime question where you've laid out the answer in the question, it's a leading question. It's a leading question. I think I'm more open to
questioning what I think is
Truth. And I'm more open minded to have conversations with people that aren't in the same thinking of me and empowering other people who aren't have the same thought or thinking process as me to talk about that and be open to talking to other people. So I don't think it's as simple as I was different two years ago, I wasn't open to talking about anything, I just am more understanding of other people have different ways of thinking, well, if it doesn't land in the middle of like, anything, you know, because I don't have an opinion about anything. It's like
throwing words. Yeah. Because you sometimes you don't know. Like, I guess, just to finish off, like if someone has an experience a spiritual experience, through doing some form of ritual, or whatever it is, they have something that happens and and they have an experience. If I haven't had that experience before, that doesn't mean that it's not real. If I can't explain it from a scientific point of view, it doesn't mean that it's not real. And so that's it.
Guess the area that I'm playing in, which is like, just be up for conversation. And if you afraid to talk about your opinion or thoughts on something, doesn't mean bash down the fucking hat like me creating a podcast talking about how bullshit
star signs with never talking to anyone else that disagrees with me that's no, that's not productive. Yeah. But having a conversation with someone who is posing up what if what if conversation is challenging, but I still don't think it gets us anywhere have in terms of like where someone who is of the opposite thought and then seeing how those two conversations play out. So if there was someone here that was completely convinced and was on the other side not saying that maybe they are good, maybe it is good for some people. I think that's when you really see the polarisation of the two sides and you'll then be able to go Which one is it? What do I have maybe a bit more information now. So I'm not having a conversation with somebody who is completely self
In every aspect of the Herald suns star sign guide, and you've been running your life for the last 17 years based on that. I'd like to have that conversation right. All right, so those folks, we should get the guy on this.
Do you know who it is? Yeah, it's a it's he's famous. He's been doing it for years. He or she?
He i think is a bold dude. Anyway, we can Jonathan Cain. Thank you.
All right. stellar talk show said Mr. Guys. Hey, guys.