#088 – The fate of the gate/
- May 17, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday May 17 (Ep 88) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
The last episode of Tommy being in the outback. Today, we chat to him from Longreach airport, the home of QANTAS.
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It's the daily talk show I'm coming. I'm Josh Johnson and this is the show where we unpack what's on our minds ask me questions and have fun every single weekday. Tommy What do you think of the intro?
There was at first I thought a Tim Ferriss he's always talking about packing
Should I fuck the word off unpack I had I thought that he says things like deconstruct the lives oh yeah he says that also what was the other bit about we asked the question about
we talk to people yeah we
talked to people could be good yeah we have conversations conversations
here we have conversations we
connect conversations I'm gonna run
This is the show
this is the chance I have to talk to you at the moment with you being away you might they might be applying the lands I'm literally standing at the airport it's a tiny sample you've ever seen it you can be bought I'm right near the corners Museum which is like yeah I mean just makes money
so expensive to I know I haven't actually
I'm looking at one of the first hangers like the shed for the plane quantify it says on the big sign writing quantify Ltd quantities limited you know
Trevor Trevor long on the way yes it was trolling me for not knowing about quantum and the histories he says I should go to do extension regional radio to get my shit together
like you have to come out here because I did just into regional radio
and so what is that are you know you know what you get scored very quickly doing regional radio is not when you are driving you think you're seeing a cow there's a chance that it's actually not a cow What do you mean well because if they become cows so like they're all like I still don't even know but I got called out what he's talking about cows on the right
well there's all these different heifer and then they there's like a process that they go through that which will get routed on who I stayed without he he knows it all back to front but yeah there's like or boom that calf but both from the same like a bulldozer or you can even say a ball is a mile cow really
won't notice I can plow was a female I don't know anyway I was saying now but it said at a certain stage that we want butcher you've relied on your thought process has really shifted since you've been away like all of a sudden to the table you're bringing a lot of sort of cow castle for us is cat
well I mean outback Australia staying on the cattle farm side you'd hope Oh and I tried to close the loop on Fox's dogs yeah and all I got was that dingoes a classified as they like a protected species
Tuesday night yeah, dingoes are yeah and but what they've done is to get around and the council's in the you know whatever it is pallet ease of classed because they you know so detrimental to livestock and people's businesses. They've actually class some of them as wild dogs, which means you can kill them. So, so
good. I tell you what, living out here you just the perspective that you gain I mean, we're so far from the life that here and it's um, it just gives you such a really interesting insight to what it's like living out here. And just the struggles and you know, like, I think a lot around mate or a lot around eating in a restaurant and how long that process is before and all the people involved. It's, it's crazy. Yeah, he said this last time. So do you want to eat more meat less made? Or you just more mindful of the meat that you do? Wait, what does it actually do? What are you actually gonna chat? I think, you know, I don't think I'm going to stop eating steak. I've got no problem with eating steak for myself. But it's there's a bit of gratitude for the process. We take it really for granted. Yeah, just being able to get a second Oh, what it's a fucking it's it and almost like not not fucking 14.
That's the reality that I go through with Amy and I like it. That's it impacts the other ones cheaper surveying 50, but it's like that is so cheap for the process. And the amount of people that have just didn't always and you know, they leaving the left California like the living and breathing they are occupation,
so mid mid May, which is now like, what is the weather like in Outback Queensland? Is it like, real sunny all the time? Yeah, it's,
it's been super, super Sunny, really hot yesterday. drops down at night. The first night we got here. It was freezing. But it's nice. It's really this is ideal temperature right now. The sun is just like extremely hot when you were in it. Yeah, he's an interesting thing. Rupert, who I stayed with? He said, when he moved to the city. Because from growing up, Eddie Yeah. He said, everyone sees sunlight is like, oh, let's go sit in the sun. And he said, growing up out here. You're always going. Let's go sit in the shade. Where's the shade? Yeah. So hot and so open. And so it's like, you try and get out of the sign up here. And then bond I around trying to get in fact, I'm more like Rupert in that regard. Because that's the big sort of fight the brain iOS have at cafes. Yeah, I'm always on the shy you you pot.
I wanted to close the loop as well. You know, you're talking about the dog and I was a bit of a tangent realized what I was talking about was dogging which is sexual slang. And dogging is in British British English slang term for engaging in sexual acts in public or semi public places, or watching others doing so. So I wasn't completely off the mark. I wasn't some sort of deviant that just sort of takes any word and realizes it it was an official slang word and that's on Wikipedia that's not even urban dictionary.
Interesting. And so my what's
going on what's going on milkman, Melbourne, I've just been if you can believe it obsessing about podcasting a little bit, you know how you can tell
and anyone else out there that follows you on social media can tell because it's I mean, I like your tactics. Yeah, that Yeah,
I can tell I'm just trading just know what's not even a tactic. It's purely like, out of interest. I'm just, I feel like for me to be able to do a good job. I need to be around other people doing a good job. I need to be sort of just on the finger on the pulse with this sort of thing. But I've just, I literally just did a post before we started recording this. It's what's 12 12:30pm
on Thursday here at Yes, I was going through on writing out
how we could potentially do the intros to the show. And yeah, it's that it's that fine line of obsession and like, containing obsession. What I mean, what have you been obsessed with in life, and it hasn't served you or do you think obsession is something that we should stay away from
I think I was talking to Sandy who I'm here with she's a part of that business and making the video for and would I can't remember the single talking about that she said all you know, I used to do that. I said you probably just weren't obsessed he said enough. And I think about video. Yeah, for me, it's probably the one thing I've been obsessed with, which allowed me to persevere through the painful times of learning. You know, we're in the very first years that you're starting to make videos it's like you capacities, stretching and, you know, learning hundreds of new things, how our program works, or camera and all these things are going on. And it's super painful. Yeah. And you have to be in in some if you have to be able to persevere through that and be interested, I think for me, obsession is guiding my level of interest in something. Yeah,
I mean, it's probably not the, the actual definition of obsession. Yeah, but for me, when I'm when I think about obsession, it's Yeah, just think about it a lot is the thing I want to do most and when I'm not doing it, I want to do it. Right. Yeah,
well, I think a lot of people say obsession is a bad thing. And I think it can, it could be bad It could like, but I think that if it's the right obsession, then there's like a lot to gain. So I'm just and it's also partly because I'm on the homestretch with all these projects that I'm working on and once they finish up the main creative project that I'll have is the daily talk show while I'm traveling yeah and just actually hanging out with your girlfriend what braided say that she's like I sort of mentioned I sort of pre warned her with sort of the caveat of like look I'm obsessed at the moment but it's you know I'm not going I will be focusing on the trip as well like I'm not just gonna be like in you know Italy trying to find a good 4g signal to see where I can record to you which I still will do that but I'll just contain the time I guess yeah so what have you been doing today give us a rundown of the day
we've driven an hour and 40 minutes back into the main town of long race and that's the road the road that I filmed the brand snake or the Browns
my podcast
which are my
fucking podcast you haven't be so pissed off if I found out we were building the real daily talk show.com
the real so we we ran over a snake guests that I don't know I really and you
have to stop like to make sure that it's not like hanging around and Whiting we killed
it didn't kill it just
rip it
yeah on the property okay but not not while you're driving I don't think you're allowed to just whip it out on the main road shooter
actually pretty hard to do as well I guess
but we stopped in to put it out of its misery we ran over it says hi I just flew around the road and breaks it's back oh thing
and then yeah that's a killer but that's the Robie drive in and we've just been had some nice lunch it's interesting you wouldn't really get a sense like long range where you know consciousness from it just it feels like a regional town yeah doesn't have done at back vibe that Rupert's probably has back you drive 10 minutes one way to attract the guys for hundreds of kilometers
I have you worked out how we can because even Bray was saying that she saw the photo or the little video that you did of the stands and we'll just like man we've seen stars like that before like show that
that that showed a few more like because of their lenses open what he
did you have had like a long shot her as well. So yeah,
30 seconds. It was open. And but you've literally never seen stuff like this. Unless you are out here. There's no noise. There's no light pollution. Yeah, it's you seeing Milky Way's I saw two shooting stars. It's so fucking quiet. And what's crazy is like you look one way so flat that you can see it just keep going. Yeah, you know, in the distance, all you see is like grass and then blue sky. So there's no trees that are you know, you're showing a line like some directions is tree lines. But out on these properties you see so far that it just turns into sky do you think? Do you
think it would be something like I always think about eventually having not like necessarily holiday home but somewhere where we could go and visit and unwind and sort of get away from the noise? What's your take on a hobby hobby family farms? What's your take on say a seaside versus Outback in regards to relaxation and is a different feeling
yeah really different
I would probably I think money wise if I had the money to buy a place on the water yeah definitely because you know what sort of shift yeah and there's something like being on the age of water so the earth being on the edge of land to the seas like something about going in it's just like refreshing but spending more time out here and like even living in land Shepherd in and go into property that there it's it's fucking unbelievable yet so even the quietness in the bugs and hearing everything, all the sounds and the friction to the I don't know I'm liking it more being coming this far inland. Yeah,
it's definitely Yeah.
Did you get a sense because you said that like Rupert's got something like 100 kilometers worth of land or whatever it is Wait wait wait which is lacking more isn't it I mean I'm not good with math that means it's like anyway he gives the umbrella my ignorance but the the thing that I'm curious about what Hey like he's got so many kilometers of it could you be like Rupert keep giving me a kilometer like how much per kilometer and create your own little Hobby Farm
The problem is getting here but he wouldn't damage that notion woody you would literally be like I wonder what the legalities of that is which is like hey Rupert, Rupert we want to but even just being like look I know we'll give you 10 grand or five grand that's probably a lot of money isn't it for like land out there like how I don't have
this still houses out here that
there's a house it's bought for I think 40 grand yeah and I pay $80 a week rent appointed he pointed one and he's like oh that one
night a week for it back to rent
it bucks rent and what sort of people are they people who are obviously working around the area
towns yeah yeah so in the town because here you've got like small towns and then as soon as you drive out that you're on people's property yet a then moving into 30,000 acres
like what Rupert's got family have yeah so then there's people living on those that that's the job they work to working farm and so the people that live in the city I said into the towns I said what do these people do and they might work in the general store or you know working the Powerball you know a cafe somewhere or in town
but interesting enough the smaller towns this tiny bit dark and I but they still drug affected yeah there's a problem there's a problem out here and this is very far away from the city
city problems or even yeah believe it because you when you think about the the drug epidemic you think of you know bigger sort of country towns yeah like your ships and place like that but you while you're saying is that even in these super super regional allies remote area right
yeah there's still and not just alcohol like ice problems out he is it like homeless it can you be homeless in the outback? I'm sure you could either was homeless people in shipping and living in the book. Yeah, in the bush land. And so I mean we drove we were driving around paddocks last night and there was you know it's literally looks all the same as of May and that robots have been built GPS and he's taking a left here and right they're going through a guide it's so be someone could live in there, but
they surprisingly that they never seen anyone on their own property. Yeah. What about like the indigenous like community is there like, do they have like, traditional I don't know any of the correct language so I feel like it's a minefield in regards to I'm going to caveat all this with if I say something I said the other day I was talking to someone I said is rock instead of Uluru got my head chopped off because I just don't know I don't fucking know these things. So, but I don't know, I've originals. Can you say Aboriginals? Is that the correct terminology? I don't know indigenous Indigenous Australians. He's like Do they have their sort of mobs around? What's the well here
so I said I said to the families they are Aboriginals
whatever you
hit the right word
right What do you don't we're not allowed anymore correct Yeah
that one was that conversation wasn't recorded CDs they still you know are they leaving here is the group's you know is the community here and I said he's a nice a nice ego and this is probably why we're being so fucking delicate with how is Hawking yeah when they try and pulled in here they got to to knock it off and so they got told to stay on and and then you know they went on to the next place and there's Aboriginal communities in the next town like town across and this is you know we're talking probably 100 years ago very very very long time ago when it was you know telling people to stay on the train because of their rice is horrible so so so who's on the train at this point like so you're saying this Australian coming on the train and they're being told don't get fucking don't get off here this is how you get off here this
this isn't your Eric a deli and so but the point of it is you know a couple of hundred kilometers into another area the series these communities that are all throughout it's a bit more up into you know center of Australia me Hulu is rock but also I've been to like annum land up in the north of in an Australia yeah which yeah roof it has worked up in the
land a cool
friends who have worked up there there's someone that's done a Adecco up there as well but you went to a primary school today what's the primary like
I mean it smells exactly like the primary school I mean you know you know primary schools like the all the types the carpet or not at all. Yeah, it's gonna smell the
the cubicle use the fucking isn't that what it's called? Now? What are the things called
portable, portable toilet?
portable? Yeah.
So the poor is
not portable. I didn't see any portable classrooms. You are loved it there was they look like radio studios because they a locks because that's way they do the remote was School of the air when I was a variety and now it's School of internet sites use that term, but it's where they use Skype. And you know, is there like a conferencing program? Yeah, they all the kids log into and the teacher can see the key
will you watch? Did you say this? And
I don't know. I don't know. I saw the setup but there was no classes happening. And so yes, it's it almost looks like a radio station. Maybe
we could have you could have asked to do the daily talk show in there. We could have got IP down the line working that would have been better call it is. Yeah, that's awesome.
And but yeah, just it's just an on premise. Cool. These two is so there's all these like, I call them grey nomads. These
I guess polite lifetime.
These two is twice a day. The two it's a two week program. You come and they get taken around showing the school because the school we went to is like it's the one that is all about the technology and stuff. No, it's about what's the word remote education. Yeah, cool. The name the school is all centered around kids living remote. They come in here every now and then. But the school going on over the you know, the internet to these really remote places within
the internet connection. Really good. Do you do any internet. Sorry join.me. Okay
I've got one of my own one for j your browser
for Julia fine and so that's where the primary so the primary school is in long range Yeah,
it's couple hundred meters from where we are the airport 500 million but the um yeah it's I mean it's it's probably not me to the front not many primary schools that have obey will go into it. Yeah.
How weird and so the what's the the airport like? Is it sort of yeah classic regional town Airport has it got so yeah. what's what's sort of the I guess they're all small planes are there any one
I can't see you probably can't hear this oh hang on. Here we go. There's a little Cessna just like propeller
little way across. There's three that have seen it probably private clients. But my plan that I'm getting out of here on is not here yet. And I'm looking at the shed that is a long range airport and its military that it's a big tin shed
with a big sign on the front that says long reach airport. It's a food court food.
No, there was not Fuqua we went to the Qantas museum and there's a foot we had like a fool schnitzel Sam we do it's like it's very nice you wouldn't yeah
I wouldn't sounds right up my alley
The only rates are the only they're pretty lucky to have this here I mean not lacking it's where quanta started yeah The only reason that they run a flight per day too long range from Brisbane is because Qantas
founded you know this is where a standard so you paid for the flight but was an expensive flight together
you and I could have gone how much was it 1200 bucks return or something like we could have done more for eight years? Nearly 1400 dollars Yeah, return to Melbourne and I think that's a bit of the issue with tourism here is that because it's so expensive like you measure if they subsidize it somehow or Qantas I think that they said that they actually looking into it at the moment about
expense of coming here because I think if you know it'd be worth coming out here if you if you've never explored it would I guess I just need the infrastructure like just think well yeah the schnitzel is a good and all that sort of thing but and visiting the primary schools good but I think that would be a really cool sort of like if they could be a ranch that you could stay on yeah like you run them so you're on a motorbike without a fucking how it affected if the app back my the scowl cracks assign wine the outback Don't worry the goddess beautiful around you when you're doing
and what so what like what year did with a there were a motorbike type of thing to the have four wheelers what was like the setup in regards to getting around
it so big they drive a lot drive along she just a bit more comfortable and quick yeah in the car it's the funniest thing
let me think about so when you when you were driving
in in the cast and the youth around the paddocks there's like rules and it's picked up on a bunch of they found rules it's like you don't go through a guide not close it you've got always close to LA
and this is saying
I'm going to go through
such a saying about Rupert
I need you to quickly say something to the phone you're on the podcast hi roadmap hang on
this is George I Rupert Murdoch's
howdy Tommy saying that there's a great saying he's been telling us the rules of the land one of them always close the fence
so what's what's that when when you're driving through the gate and there's a newbie like may from a city slicker what what's the same the saying is the fate of the gate laws with the count in the front
face of the guys laws with the candy in the front
we need to write that down so we can that can be a thing we can make that our official tag one of the podcast
I asked who came out with that he is now it wasn't Rupert himself was it we could get t shirts made maybe that will be the first daily talk so t shirts real sort of niche audience
so I was the blog in the Frank closing the gap
my time's up
Yeah, yeah, you've got it I'm running out of credit. Yeah, you've got it you've gotta you gotta head off but we've got the Friday episode we are going to be doing that and we're picking you up from the airport so on with with a special guest so that that's going to be fun so that's that's something to look forward towards the daily talk show everyone TJ Enjoy your your flight flight back how many people are going to be in the plane reckon
have a maximum of 38 now they just to two seats on each side. Okay. That's that's exciting. But you get mentors a walkthrough and give the mental side right
spot, Uber.
Uber to catch up.
So everybody