#007 – Daycare is HOW much?!/
- January 24, 2018
The Daily Talk Show! Today is Wednesday. Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen here! We talk about what Tommy pays for his Son’s daycare, public vs private schools, happiness, buying things online, trading breastmilk with randoms, sending off a tube of spit to California and buying pills after reading a fake article online.
Tommy’s Mum’s guided meditation – https://insighttimer.com/joannejackett
Send us mail! PO Box 400 Abbotsford VIC 3067
Josh’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/joshjanssen
Tommy’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/tommyjackett
Episode Tags
Why hang on one side? We have seven. Episode Seven. The Daily talk show. We're back. Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm feeling much better
night. I'm feeling so good after the gym. Yeah.
Yesterday you said actually the name of the episode was
he's just joining Tommy's gym. Yeah. Josh joints Tommy's gestures, and I thought I should
add a question mark spoiler alert, he hasn't. But we're on to a new episode. Anything could change. I promise. We're not going to go deep into our, into George's fitness or lack of fitness regimes today,
Bre said it got pretty hated price I call smart. That was getting a bit hated that. Yeah, that's how you and I talk to each other every day. But there is like I have to say tomorrow.
That's why we can get through seven episodes of this podcast and you believe it? It's huge. It is Follow us on? What? Are we on YouTube? Josh Jetson Oh, yeah. And your tummy jacket? Yeah, I haven't thought we were talking about my lack of YouTube videos. Yeah. Talk, momentum, prioritization. momentum. All of this sort of shit. I mean, I feels like yesterday was the day of excuses. But yeah, man doing shifts regarding is
hard. Okay. Creative momentum. We both sit out words for this. Yeah, mine was a combination of words. But yours was, well, yours was I know, bleaching.
And they want to call that
mine was creative momentum. Yeah.
And for me, that is about just realizing that the more you do, and you sort of get into that cadence, the rhythm that she she is so important to be able to keep creating stuff.
Is it like a new year's resolution that you haven't had any creative momentum? Is that why you put the word down now? I think it was because I think creativity is something that
in school, when you're doing like a creative subject, you really think about trying to be creative. But I feel like at some point
that stops being a factor, like enabling that part of the brain where it's like, I'm actually going to try and because creative is a little bit fucking out there. It's a bit it's just, you know what I mean? It's, it's not sort of a standard way of thinking you actually have I have to go into another area of my brain. But I was saying to Bray the other day when walking I said, You know, I think I'll dominate you 12 multimedia like nowadays and she said,
gorilla. And she said like, What do you mean, if you were then now is like you like, and you were young again? I might know like, just right now it's like, of course, you fucking Are you a good you're a perfect vehicle for on what you do for a job, I hope that you'd be able to outperform the 12 so this word you
because you gave me the idea to have a word for the year
Yeah, I like I got that from Dr. Jason Fox, who's like a behavioral psychologist. So tell me this ethos behind the idea is that fucking New Year's resolutions a hard You just have to look at my list of them to say that to them. And by having a word or if you want to cheat and or phrase you're able to really quickly filter things and say, is this part of it? Is this part of the approach that I'm trying to go with? Like a value so you're about to buy new camera? Yeah,
have you put that filter of the creative momentum? Absolutely. I remember when I
was working at invite I second faculties we just got the same fucking story I guess I was there for two and a half years depends on
if you're going to tell the same stories Yes, I want
that values and shit. So that'd be like if the community six a two way succeed and all that sort of thing. And I started thinking like, man that's such a good approach to life as well because what I would do is I'd say okay, what am I prioritizing? What am I values and then I'll just use that as a filter for tea like a forum for my approach to buying shit so for instance it's like the TV if my filter is create more consume less or it move than buying a TV doesn't fucking 15 to that value buying a couch doesn't fit into that value
what's your What was your two words family first family like Pauline Hanson styled know she's she's now or family first is that she's not family first. Anyway, the family first is the that conservative party that believes you guys like
yeah, it was nothing to do that. It's more meaning I the decisions I make. I want them to benefit my family. So even if that's my working life, that's a decision for me. But it's also isn't serving my family can I do this tomorrow is can I do half of this so or could be what I'm buying my spending money on something that's benefiting my family here. I go out and get piston spend 200 bucks on our call. Is that really putting my family first know it's fucking crazy how much you spend on daycare. Hey, man, its
hundred and 30 $140.
And then you get like half of that back. But that's only for a period of time. He's about to go into full time daycare. But so that means that like, if I can have a garden me about my Uber rides, but literally, I could do breakfast, lunch and dinner. Uber AIDS. Yeah. And we'll be in about the same position. You would have a kid that's huge. And this is the other thing too. That's not the fucking reason to not have a kid. Like I think that I've sort of get super practical on those sort of things. I'm like, teenage kid comes you find you find the money and you make it work? Because the family is pretty important. Yes. Like, when you What's the other option? Like? What's the math on it? So I like so the option we're talking dedicated. Yeah. So it's,
it's so be I mean, with me stay at home. Right? So you go into the equation $700 a week. Yeah. would have to outlay. Oh, sorry. So sites, sites, say $2,000 a week you have to pay and then you get 500 bucks back. So you almost get your 50% better off of someone's general salary would be $800 away. Yeah, we would need to find $300, she would have to make $300 a week from working at home and should be the same as is that because you're going to some sort of real Lux. Yeah, there's cheaper ones for sure. This one's a nanny to this one, and they do, what do they do solariums
these things govern now this isn't private companies they have a government
yeah this is this council ran ones and much cheaper but this one's convenient close to Amy's work yeah because what you don't think about is when you're an employee drops the kid off wouldn't know what if unit if the kid gets sick during the day yeah sure like how often does that happen not match but companies don't want you leaving work so we decided to go for the closest one it is expensive by
crisis where you expect it like what what's been the most unexpected cost or unexpected thing of being a parent that's what that's the main because it's it's a huge cost 40 bucks is fact so much money to most people don't even some people don't even own hundred yeah Boxing Day man take home It's insane isn't it and what would be a cheap you could probably do it for 80 or hundred he went el cheapo yeah and
then you get a disk then you get the government read okay so
so it was a hard decision my spending that sort of money he's so happy there and the people they are amazing
so like I would put that first and I feel safe and the people love him you feel safe but like feel safe like you know like a feels safe with a thought that he's in a safe public or private school for him I've been to both yeah and I think public systems so good now yeah it is so you into public yeah I went to probably I'm hundred percent so easy to become school captain in the public school if I have the money I will think about sending to private I went to a $20,000 year private school right yeah my parents fucking waste my parents could have bought more property yeah outside of the family I'm sure which meant we would have been set up for life
yeah My dad has said that right but they decided to share it with when you're having a real like being a sheet of a kid is a you know we could be relaxing hanging out
the pain early I left in the 10 devalue have a do the we're gonna let me get my $20,000 a year but my what I've said to me who didn't go to private my wife she went to Catholic school Christian Christian Schools but I'll saying the people you hang around and the way it opens your mind to say like I was a poor kid and rich school essentially. And I will I'm not from a poor up you've got so many good fucking contacts
or contacts that I have
like, like,
there's nothing wrong with where I went to school. But my point is yet that
you open like I would go to kids parties and I had walking fridges and like in my, what I'm saying is, I look back on that time, and I think he kind of open it didn't see that didn't seem unachievable. Yeah, like, sure, probably won't ever walk in freedom I'll have but I
also saw one with dads who had businesses and like the world was quite a proximity effect to the people that you're around. And I I think that as it from a public school point of view, you'd always say people at private schools are just being fucking spoon fed. And spoon fed was the classic word right there just being spoon fed for their exams, they're going to get to university and they're going to be fucked. Because they're not going to be able to, you know, do anything on their own. But yeah, I don't know. I think that it's
I think we should be encouraging people of all different demographics of you know, socio economic situations to be mixing and in the same schools, because then it'll lift everyone up, then the the person who's at the private school who would be at a private school going on public school can have fucking empathy for the commission. You know, it commission flat so the fucking people doing it really tough. What did you call the
trying to work it out? This is
the difference like, this is my comparison game between a private school and a public school. Yeah, at the public and the private school. We call it the tuck shop. Yeah, I mean, we know when I got to the public school, I call it the tuck shop. And everyone gave me a sheet because I call it the can't a man what a tack sharp
so true. It's like you just said it. You see it now? Yeah,
hundred percent. And you're like, Can I please just have the duck career?
You're only getting fucking cheese, sausage holes and hot dogs? you fucking kidding me? So I probably I would like to send body to public school. Some of
my best mates from public schools. There's no and I went to one and there was great teachers. Yeah, and great. And there was some great kids so it's it's totally different. I think I would potentially send my kid to like a Steiner school or some shit. I looked into that man, I went to five schools. Yeah, it's and we did look into this nostalgia roller. It's
it's more RT Yeah.
But my school was quite good. Like I remember you know a Paavo school Coburg Senior Secondary that because of the socio economic area and stuff, they had all of these grants and they had all IMAX like an amazing program and they all went missing Well, I remember it like I convinced my school to buy as it wasn't like they spent seven Grand i think on a camera and I convinced them that because the school got broken into so much that it should stay at my place
joke so I had like a hazing over live appellate drafting situation, situations. defeat you bet it's true. We've recorded every one of these podcasts in you're comfy about as hard is nice. I mean, but you get a free lunch. And it can be true. But I have to leave my office. And in fact, my day after, so it's good. I'm very great at crafting the world to provide value, it's about providing value is it
and then sucking anything that's probably how it's how it's done. What's on for the rest of your week, we're doing
my I mean, one of those weeks where it's just editing lots of elite needs to be done and, and you know, it's an exchange your time that's all it requires. Because it's not like you don't know how to do it. So then you have to learn as well as the time but it's just like a total I need to factory and what can wait two hours to execute what I needed to how do you manage your time? How do you prioritize got a to do list for the day it's not called to do list. It's called get shit done. I put everything to Google Drive. So I just put the dye in the diet so you can search any diet diet that you've worked say what you did, I created a Radha and then when I've done a dude in bold and I have my calendar. But sometimes you just know like, I do stick to it every day. But then there's shit that you just know you gonna do.
When do you think you're happiest in life?
I think when I'm just doing the creating stuff. Yeah.
And I'm not having when you're not thinking about isn't it so fucking bizarre, because it's so easy. The thing that makes you feel good is the thing that's the progress. It's the thing of like, it's the everything. Yeah, but why the fuck is it so hard?
Well, it's when you attach dollars to it. responsibility to it. deadline, identity, identity, all these things when you attach that stuff. It's it changes, it changes the game, like doing something creative for a client can't stuff it up. Yeah, they are expecting something so much. It changes your approach to a chat changes you like you're not even you're not cool with the process. It's like you breed highly strong and in some cases, not all clients. But Sam, do you like long projects? Short projects?
Definitely not long, lingering mother? Yes. Although there's that long project that potentially will be coming out for me later this year. Yeah, that's amazing. That's many months it will be the longest project on earth for me isn't a
long projects for me just so hard to
what do you say? quantify like just being able to see the value in doing something for a long time. Like it's everything is you could actually hear the flies that buzz past me that fucking fly I guess we can do is we try and open the door. I was just like, it was really annoying. The
can't even remember what I was talking about. There's something about short you talk. So you'd all it takes is the fucking fly. You are very distracted. You're really distracted. Yeah, Yeah, I
do. get distracted. I want to do the other thing I want to do is meditation. Yeah. Have you ever done meditation? You know, my mom's admit? meditation teacher.
She's yoga and meditation guided meditations. Online fact. I'm gonna link that shit. Yeah.
What sort of
it's it's I didn't either she doesn't do tm does she know teams? a product like a 45? Yeah, you need that right. Yeah. So it's like
it's like a you know. inductions. Yeah.
Ed Tech trends tM tM,
Transcendental Meditation. Yeah, so it's like you got a
good Yeah,
I'd like to do it but it just costs a shitload of money there was
it's less than 10 days of fucking child care Bye
well what's your biggest expense in life outside of fact what would it be I think I've gotten real good over the I think I used to spend a lot more money
I'd sort of two and fraud I spent a bit last year I reckon on clothes was a bit not that like maybe two grand which is more than I'd ever spent probably my entire lives of rebrand. Yeah, once every year I get so much shit from people about my Saturdays New York City because if you bought a T shirt that says the same thing on it, maybe you have 10 of them but it says the same thing so people and they see the word so fucking annoying. I'm thinking you know there's this epic site called it ever line that I'm going to buy all my clothes from it's like an ins color mixed with like a thank you water style sort of motto what like social enterprise type of thing. They're out of New York City, but they'll have the recommended retail price and what they're selling for. There's also options to pay
I think I'm like this sale items or something you can pay for just the like the materials then you there's another one for materials and labor and then there's a third one for materials labor and
see that's a sheet you love. Because I couldn't think of anything more boring than looking on a website for claws.
Like I just want to be given clothes and not thinking but I couldn't think of anything more annoying than being in a fucking shopping and having to do it. Okay. Yes, dealing with people but e commerce shit and getting stuff in the mail p o box 400. Abbotsford warrior 3067 good let's talk about the mail for a second episode one night will have about this I was sending something to a man who's got his address wrong fucking post office called me it wasn't registered it just I had my phone number on the back and they said oh we don't have a 29 Venus or we don't have it 2019 You sure you don't make 29 sure enough I've got the fucking thing wrong but they've contacted me but they change it for you yeah because I was saying i was like i think i think that was the address like is for this person Mike yeah that's like are now they are right we
maybe they just clinging on to the fact that they going to be but
isn't that seek it though? I think like if they were always gonna fucking Polish thing is slowing down a lot. snail mail.
I bet packaging and shit like logistics would be fucking put in this curry. Other Curie companies like Yeah, I was sort of website today that offered Uber delivery if you need it quickly. They'll just chuck it in an Uber and send it over to yeah
short but there's there's fuckin proper services that if I was wearing too much do you think on these podcasts just kept the swear if you're thinking about it I can't
so the Uber service though is obviously not a legit Korea soon it will be just yeah one day will be but it was a service I offered yeah so
are already competing with a
next JB high fine shift that will do same day delivery now like within two hours if you spend like 15 bucks at that point you just like paying someone to you love spending money ah yeah I do you don't you I do and
I and not to the extent you do what's the difference Christians and I've yeah I like buying coffee and like just food and just little things like that. I don't do a lot of online shopping like yeah
I don't do a great deal I probably only get what package couple of times a month I know people who are like fucking Wakely do you say cakes on Instagram did a post of how much should he bought from catch of the day he had about seven boxes yeah and he was holding them all and he said I think I've got a problem I think it's a fucking back problem you carrying too much you
know who you're not saying do that dads or moms actually members have man's yeah that's true yeah i mean it's it's easy when you're young and you're got no fucking real expenses what is a kid cost what's the what are the costs of you got to pay for birdie nappies constantly how much they are probably $11 or $49 for 32 bit. You gotta buy, you know, a couple of packets awake. And then you've got formula formula is like $34 comes in like a big Milo teen. And that's what's the
deal about breastfeeding versus where you
only breastfeed for a certain amount of time before the milk dries up. Okay, so. Amy, Bodie, my boy just drank so much. Breast milk? Yeah, and right up until probably some people have been so I can breastfeed until the kids three Yeah, we'd really we hit most Oh, like, I don't know. I don't think it's weird. It's very natural. And I would have been happy for doing it as always the one that's encouraging. I immediate a breastfeeding Joe and saying like, these
are big stigma around that is, it's like a mom's complete herring. Breast milk. The best milk? That's what they actually say,
No, no joke. That's what they say to you. The breast milk the best milk and I Well, I think now can you share milk like that? Oh, yes. Let me tell you this story. I got home and Amy was pumping from a breast the milk and pouring into a bag Ziploc bags and writing on them the date and putting them into the freezer. What are you doing with that auto know someone might want it? What do you mean? Someone might want it? Or I'm on a Facebook group where people will just say they've got milk and other people say, I'll take that. So I am he was on a Facebook group of mothers and put a milk up. Don't charge for whatever you do. You don't charge for it. And she sang this woman's coming over tomorrow night. What do you what do you mean? sock off. So you get this you need to specify. Do you drink milk? This makes sense. But do you fucking trust these ladies smoke and interest friends that I have on Facebook? And this woman came and picked up a couple of bags of I'm choosing like a normal mighty normal. She same? No, I said she was and she said that she got an email a follow up message saying thanks so much. It would be a plus. plus, plus a little guy really love that. He just wasn't doing well with the formula stuff. Thank lifesaver. So she maybe this is more of a natural thing. Like should we be doing community breastfeeding or some shit? Should that be a thing? That is it. That's the modern day community. breastfeeding is the Facebook page offering up breast milk probably makes sense, right? Where it's like fact, if you were I mean, I don't know what will like few hundred years ago or whatever the fuck I'm not jumping on what it is even like. Yeah, would
it would just spend like, yeah, you wouldn't give a shit. I mean, is there any Is there any obviously no fucking genetics and shipping kids in breast
milk? He's pretty sterile. Like was that means there is a gang Dr. Because there's some kind of little infected with something going on. And they say to squirt milk either. From the antibacterial. Yeah, yeah. And so they so so me did that. And
they blew my head off. Yeah,
this is forum but that is what we could could shave kept that for ourself. Yeah,
it was frozen though. She like it would have happened or some shit. He then put it into the mark alive. Or you could slowly doordash in hot water or something. Like in a bottle? Have you tried it? What is the timeline? Have you tried it? What does it taste like? Have you tried it? You answer the question. Yes. And what does it taste like? I'll answer that.
So you assumed I tasted it? Yeah.
Hahaha. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I
thought I feel like it would be so I'm
going to go It tastes like it's like a bit mentally.
Okay, cuz it's got so many nutrients. And she had maybe I wonder how much it affected by like, if she drinks coffee and stuff. Yeah,
it wasn't a regular thing. But I was like, as if I'm not gonna try breast milk. My son's drinking. Yeah,
absolutely. Yeah,
just like a little bit quality because she put it into bottles a lot of the time. And so it's this we kind of mentally taste I guess here's the thing you know, not saying it tastes like this. But blood has that real wine. He
doesn't taste like that. But you taste the blood has like it's rich, full of stuff stuff. And I often do you get blood tests. I haven't had one fees. I was thinking about doing that because I found all this old health now get Dexter scans. And to get body composition. When I did that, I realized actually go to all my things tested, like for our buddy Tim Ferriss talked about get all of these things tested before you start the diet. So I got one before one after this would have been back in 2010. So like, fact, I should do that again. should just go to book an appointment at the doctors get a referral and then get it it's
then you need a doctor to run you through. Exactly what this man Yeah. Why this has gone down. It'd be worth it. But I think you should do it. We should both test out. Yeah, but I know I want I need something to test against. Because I'd have to do it in another six months. Yeah,
I know. I mean, you'd think that ship that I did,
if I can back in 2010. Like it's gonna be pretty irrelevant. You could see Yeah, but I think you could. Yeah, there could be some stuff that you've like long term issues with Indiana, you've always said that I've got like, you think I've got a terrible diet?
Well, it's not a nutrient first diet and nutrient first died, we talk enough about nutrients
it's a society come it's so complex. And it's really hard to understand. Understand it because calories right with calories, you can say away the had too many calories or, you know, just doing a adding or subtracting formula going. But what are the trends Did you I saw this fucking Dakota about the, the infusions that always people are getting, where's all that? Yeah,
the IV infusions. And so just take it's like having a drip in your arm, and they're putting in for hydration, hydration, but also like vitamins. vitamins. Do you take vitamins. Now?
I add, I think I think it'd be cool first, both together, how blood stuff done and just saying where we we sit on it. You can see you can actually send your blood off I've sent I've, I've spent in a tube and sent that off to San Francisco. Some way to unlock it just did I
just get nice for me that it
was I mean, she's my she's got bread.
fucking weird. No. 23 in May. So it would give me genetic It was a genetics time genome test, whatever you call it, what was it for died or for something? No. So it's all for each of predisposed to certain diseases, certain sort, it has sort of a column with all of these different studies where they've applied sort of genetic testing to it. So for instance, I am predisposed to be addicted to heroin. If I was to do heroin or my it by saying up to 99 was invaluable if I was to smoke I would typically be a smoker more or this is heaps of different there'll be able to tell you if you eat chocolate you like it
but yes Josh it turns out you are a fuck which
is interesting but the thing is that they the FDA the the people who are in charge of regulating all of this stuff actually turned off a bunch I think it was around the medical stuff I got in before they did all that so I've got a bunch more details but you can still get it done I'd love to know my testosterone levels I don't think that that won't tell you know
why are you crazy no i don't know i'm hoping it's live so I can just get a little assistance
had what is it well you can get so if your testosterone is low for a mile there's a average and I wanted is the rating but if yours is below average you can get assistance testosterone assistance which is a drug I give you in Brazil we have I mean this is like this is like people saying chili increases in metabolism yeah sure the percentage that increases your metabolism is so
so so minute that it's almost the same ship with fucking red wine dark chocolate always benefits of fact he often yeah
it's the trying to wrap like but he's what I say you can you can't get wrapped up a fold in this you know our meeting chili it's great for you yeah and sure it does it but this million other factors that are going to boost your metabolism or your testosterone for that matter that aren't going to be that that are going to be much more beneficial
so I tell you when I bought
$300 worth of
pills from online now when were you This was 2012 from the States Yeah
Are they definitely be similar legal stuff
yeah well so what happened was it was on social media it was um. Das tinea Cambodia which is some fucking Indonesian fruits which is meant to be the Qf fatness clue again Gastonia Cambodia
I couldn't even I can't even say that since you said to me Cambodia anyway the and the other thing was so I saw this article that said that fracking What's his name? Jackman. Hugh Jackman oh yeah had used gas in Cambodia and test our strong supplement
I was like all these things there's an article and I can't believe how fucking damn I was. I dropped $295 us or I can I feel like that was striking maybe
a piggy bank Yeah, I saw I got all these bottles of this shit. And I looked it up after the fact that like our fact it was a fake article like it was a whole like which we see so much nowadays. It's a fake Men's Health article. So Hugh Jackman hadn't had them at all he was taking actual seriously just he was just fucking in the gym. I saw Hugh Jackman talking about that the other day where it's like steroids and they're talking about what he looks like. Like to get to this point. It is not worth it. Like it's just the amount of time and energy
I agree. I saw Hugh Jackman last summer in Austin bonded and I looked over as like, Who's this look a bit like Hugh Jackman. And he had this like, we'd walk. Yeah. And here's the thing. So I thought he had a weird walk. Yeah. And it was kind of like this limp. Kind of he's on the phone. Right. And then and I went to meet my mate who I was go animate. And he goes,
you see lumpy,
and as he did you say you walk? Yeah, he's like, man, I was thinking that same thing is Wolverine right? Yeah. I mean, he's not overriding realize he was a bit of a he was a bit shy. But to for dude, like him, he has to work and for me, yeah, I'm, I have to work my ass off
to get in good looking shy and sat and that's probably saying like, it's not worth it. But you're paid a million millions of dollars to do it. Exactly. The test is strong. I googled it after we bought it. And the bodybuilding.com I can quote them. They said down the only thing Tesco strong will give you as an erection. So what so I never had it but I will always joking that one day I was gonna open up the Tesco strong, put on some comfy parents and just say what happens
if you had Viagra now? Have you? Yeah,
what happened? I guess
I had like, half appeal. And it just made my head Go read as in your real head. My head. My real head. Like it increases the blood flow. So just made me like my heart rice. And I didn't even put it to good use. It was like I just wanted to try. I was young. I found it. I think it was in my brother's drawer and I stole it off him. He got a sample from somewhere.
It's crazy. Made him I don't take drugs at heart. Like medical like planet all that shit. I don't fucking do it. But yeah, it's annoying. Because you'll be like, you gotta hit like, I'm just taking water. It's like, just take a pen at all. But you don't need to don't do it. Yeah, well, I just especially when I had my back issues. I was just like, I don't want to be like people go on those pain. Things like speed tests. They say that you'd be addicted dependent on
so I just can't do it. There's another episode. Thanks, tj. People can find us yeah, it's it's actually been 35 minutes so thank you for listening to the daily talk show. You can see previous episodes at the daily talk show.com you can get a link there to our iTunes as well so you can subscribe he does
have an Instagram
you have the daily talk show on Instagram we haven't publicized there or it's this whole thing is very fucking hush hush so if you're listening to
us, let us know p o box 400. Abbotsford Victoria 3067 getting seven weeks yeah
you can hit us up online which is much faster which would just be you'd have to use the fucking what we set up a domain oh sorry in a mount we did hard I wasn't it Hi at the daily talk. show.com That's right. Hi at the daily talk. show.com it redirects to me Thanks everyone. Have a great rest of your Wednesday and be careful of the testosterone or Men's Health a fake articles though by bullshit pills online fair.